Starting My Treasure Hunting In England

Chapter 348 Unexpected Existence

After more than two hours of flight, the plane landed at Václav Havel International Airport in Prague, the capital of the Czech Republic.

Because they were flying on a private plane, they quickly cleared customs and left the airport. After they left the airport, they quickly took the pre-arranged vehicle and drove all the way to the east city.

According to the plan, they would go to the city to have lunch, put away their luggage, and then take a lunch break. Working hours would start at 3 p.m.

Prague is the capital and largest city of the Czech Republic, located in the country's Central Bohemia region, along the Vltava River basin. The city is located in the center of the European continent and has always played an important role in transportation.

However, although Prague is an important transportation center and the capital of the Czech Republic, with important geographical and economic status, the city's population is not large, and the latest statistics barely exceeded 1 million.

From a historical perspective, this city deserves to be said to have a long history even in the world, because this place has been inhabited since the Neolithic Age.

The city was officially established in the ninth century when Holy Roman Emperor Charles IV established the capital in Prague. It connected the castles and palaces built by successive kings and called it Prague Castle, and built a new city south of the old city. .

Since then, the city has entered a period of rapid development, and even became one of the largest political, economic and cultural centers in Europe until it became part of Austria in the 17th century.

Because of this period of history, Prague has many historic sites, with more than 2,000 nationally protected historical relics, and countless secondary cultural relics.

It is no exaggeration to say that in almost every street and alley in the old city, you can find various forms of buildings since the 13th century.

For example, the famous St. Vitus Church was built in 1344, the Charles Bridge with numerous icons and artistic value on the Vltava River was built in 1357, and the Charles University, the oldest institution of higher learning in Central Europe, was built in 1348. .

Judging from the transportation convenience and historical accumulation of the entire city, it is naturally a good thing to open a museum in this place, so after the lunch break in the afternoon, everyone collectively went to the museum in the old city.

From a tourism perspective, the Old Town can be regarded as the essence of Prague. Although many streets are too narrow and only allow cars and trams to pass in one lane, the medieval-style streets more than make up for these inconveniences.

Liang En's destination was hidden in these streets and alleys. When their car drove to the door of a three-story red brick building less than 500 meters away from the Old Town Square, the car stopped.

Okay, we're here. The local taxi driver said in accented English, This is the folk museum you are looking for.

This folk museum does not look like a very big building. If it were not for the bilingual sign hanging at the door and the specially decorated door, everyone would probably just think of this building as an old aristocratic residence.

Let's go in and take a look. Mr. Scord, who was wearing a baseball cap, said as he pressed the brim of his hat, and then several people walked towards the ticket office together.

The formal conversation will be held tomorrow, but today Liang En and the others decided to come over to see the overall situation without the other party knowing, to avoid any deception from the other party.

This is also a common practice in transactions, especially transactions involving large sums of money and no one can be too cautious.

For this reason, their negotiation with the other party this time only agreed on the time and place of the negotiation. Issues about the itinerary were kept completely confidential, just to find opportunities to check the target location in advance.

Because Liang En and his group were old and young, male and female, and wore uniform baseball caps, the other party directly mistook Liang En and his group as a tourist group here.

So when buying tickets, the fat conductor kept recommending tour guides to them. After the other party's diligent inquiries, everyone decided to hire a tour guide to explain the situation here to them.

After they entered the building and saw the exhibits, they realized that hiring a tour guide to explain them was definitely the right choice, because the exhibits in this museum were just miscellaneous items in the Chinese cultural relics world. Without explanations, few people would be able to understand them all.

The entire museum is classified according to the content of the collection and is divided into multiple exhibition halls, comprehensively displaying various items encountered in the daily life of people in this region from the Middle Ages to the 1970s.

Most of the things collected inside are practical cultural collections from the Middle Ages to modern times. Such as furniture, household utensils, tools, textiles, glassware, ceramics, jewelry, religious items and folk art, etc.

Understand - change - persevere, the life of people in Bohemia for thousands of years. As soon as they entered the door, they saw the theme of the museum's exhibitions written in golden Czech and English on the wall of the entrance.

The layout of the entire venue is also arranged according to this theme. Each area shows the development and changes in a certain aspect from the Middle Ages to modern times.

For example, in one exhibition hall, they saw a series of cultural relics ranging from the most primitive Stone Age stone sickles to the harvesting knives of harvesters in the 1960s. From these agricultural tools that could clearly see the constant changes, they also We can see the context of local agricultural development.

In addition to these physical objects, there are several large sandbox models in the center of the hall on the first floor, showing visitors what the city of Prague looked like at several key points in time.

From these models, everyone can see how the city gradually developed from a riverside castle to what it is today, a pivotal city in Central Europe.

At the beginning, everyone felt that the overall condition of the museum was very good. Although some facilities seemed old, the overall maintenance was pretty good. Considering the location and history of the museum, these minor problems were completely acceptable.

However, when they came to the second floor to view the content about treasures, Liang En found that the situation began to become less optimistic: some of the exhibits disappeared, and the notes on them said they were going to other museums for exhibitions, while other exhibits looked like wrong.

For example, there is a golden necklace on a booth. The sign on the side said that this was a gold and gem-set necklace used by a countess of the Holy Roman Empire in the 17th century.

However, Liang En found many processing problems on this necklace through his observation ability enhanced by the cards, and was able to judge that this thing was most likely made in modern times.

Under normal circumstances, it is not surprising that there are so many fakes in the museum. After all, there are thousands of cultural relics in a museum, and it is normal for someone to occasionally make a few mistakes.

But after discovering several fakes in succession, Liang En began to pay attention to this situation. As a result, he unexpectedly discovered that at least 1/3 of the collection in this treasure house had turned into fakes.

After carefully writing down these things, Liang En discovered that these missing things had one thing in common, that is, whether they were gold and silverware, gemstone jewelry or porcelain, they were all common types in the cultural relics market.

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