Starting My Treasure Hunting In England

Chapter 344 Harvest and Cards

After the helicopter left with the pile of things, the group of archaeologists who arrived by helicopter split into two groups. One group chose to return to the village and then prepared to drive to Stockholm to study these things.

The other group stayed in place to expand the scope and conduct a large-scale search based on the clues given by Liang En and others to see if they could find other valuable things.

These things basically have nothing to do with Liang En. What he needs to do next is to go to Stockholm to deal with the issue of the bonus he received after this treasure hunt.

Sweden's laws on buried objects are very similar to many countries in continental Europe. That is, the buried objects found belong to the discoverer, but finds with historical value will be compulsorily acquired by the state.

It's just that the purchase price is not low. Although the purchase price is definitely much lower than the auction price, it is at least a suitable price.

According to Liang En's judgment, the historical value of his discovery this time is very high, so if there are no big surprises, the money provided by Sweden should be more than two million euros.

Of course, for Liang En, the biggest gain this time was not the money, but the four newly obtained cards. Compared with the previous cards, the cards this time were obviously more valuable.

So on the ship back to Stockholm, Liang En immersed himself in his thoughts while sitting on the cabin sofa to rest, and then checked the newly acquired cards.

As for Joan of Arc, she was sitting on the chair at the door of the cabin used by guests, pretending to look at her mobile phone, but in fact she was standing guard for Liang En.

This time there are two N cards, two R cards and one SR card. The two consumable N cards are all [Legendary Power (N)] and the two R cards are each one. Consume cards [Detection (R)] and Enhancement Cards [Templar Files (R)]

[Templar Archives (R): As one of the most powerful organizations of the year, the Templars naturally have a large number of internal archives, hiding a large number of secrets that are not clear to the modern historical community.

What this card contains are the top secrets belonging to the Knights Templar. Even when the Knights Templar still existed, these secrets could only be mastered by the Grand Master of the Knights Templar and a few people.

Enhancement card (one-time use), consuming this card allows the user to obtain a series of memories about the secrets of the Knights Templar. These memories will be stored in the soul like computer software storage, and can be recalled at any time when needed. 】

That is to say, calling these data is just like querying a computer, which is really amazing. The data may not be of much use to ordinary people, but it is of great use to Liang En.

Not to mention that the topic about the Templars has always been a hot topic among the people. If you write an article on this topic, there will definitely be a large group of viewers willing to read it, and the paper will definitely be published in many important magazines.

Just some of the secret safe houses in these memories can point out a series of possible treasure hiding places for Liang En and others, and provide a direction for the subsequent exploration work.

Although it is estimated that very few of these safe houses belonging to the Knights Templar still exist after a long time, but as long as you find one that is still intact, you should be able to get a big harvest.

So Liang En planned to search for information after this matter was dealt with, and even hired people to go through all these safe houses, and then screen out those places where treasures might be kept.

After putting away this card, Liang En turned his attention to the last one, which was also the most important SR card this time. After focusing on this silver card, he discovered that this card Definitely valuable.

[Seven Arts of Knights (SR): Knights are warriors who serve kings or other officials in the European feudal era. They are also members of the European ruling class. They have obtained this honor by virtue of their martial arts.

As time went by, knights changed from a simple symbol of force and thugs of the nobility to a symbol of the European ruling class. Those ruling classes often also had knighthoods to show off their martial virtues.

After becoming an identity of the real ruling class, knights have also changed from simple warriors to symbols of nobility. As members of the ruling class, knights naturally need to get rid of the image of barbarians in the past.

Therefore, knights have summarized many moral standards and necessary skills to make them different from ordinary people, and then show their unique identity. For example, the so-called seven arts of knights are like this.

Enhanced card (one-time use), effect 1: After using this card, the user will permanently master the legendary seven knightly arts, namely riding, swimming, throwing spears, fencing, hunting, playing chess and reciting poetry.

Effect 2: After using the card, the user will also have talents related to the Seven Arts of Knights, and at the same time strengthen all the skills related to these skills that the user has mastered.

Note that this mastery will include body memory as well as memory in the brain. If the body is strong enough, it can reach the combat power of a top Templar. If the body is not strong enough, please pray that these actions will not cause physical damage. 】

Seeing that there were still a few hours left before arriving at the destination, Liang En immediately used these two enhanced cards, and soon. A large amount of knowledge was poured into his mind.

At the same time, some mysterious forces began to transform his body on a small scale, allowing his body to adjust to a state that could adapt to these skills, especially allowing the body to generate muscle memory.

Liang En opened his eyes more than half an hour later. Different from the big noises caused by the previous similar cards when strengthening his body, the previous strengthening had adjusted his body to the best condition, so this strengthening seemed The clouds are calm and the wind is gentle.

Have you taken care of the matter? Jeanne reacted immediately after hearing the movement in the cabin, turned her head and looked at him and asked.

Yes, it's taken care of. Liang En nodded and said. Nothing happened here, right?

No, everything is normal. Jeanne smiled and said, After all, it only took you half an hour. During this time, the captain was driving the ship in the cab and didn't get off at all.

That's good. Liang En nodded and said, After you go back this time, you don't have to practice your sword skills against those targets and straw men every day. I think I can practice with you now.

Liang En also tried to spar with Joan before, but because Liang En had mastered Japanese swordsmanship and Turkish mace skills before, during the actual sparring, he found that these fighting skills were helpful in the process of getting to know Joan. Not much, taking advantage of the possibility that it will have the opposite effect.

Therefore, under this situation, Joan of Arc and Liang En could only practice their own exercises in the morning to avoid causing unnecessary interference to each other.

Now that Liang En has mastered the traditional swordsmanship of knights, the two of them finally have a common skill that can facilitate their subsequent sparring.

In the following time, Liang En, who had thoroughly understood the harvest, relaxed, and then he and Joan of Arc relaxed to appreciate the beautiful surroundings. Until it got dark, the ship sailed smoothly into the city of Stockholm. district.

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