Because the main body of the container is a glass bottle, even if the texture of the glass bottle is not particularly good, and the glass itself is not particularly transparent due to long-term oxidation, you can still see what is in the bottle.

This seems to be - rolled up gold foil? After looking up, Liang En confirmed that the bottle contained some gold foil, and there seemed to be some words engraved on the gold foil.

Apparently this was supposed to be some message recorded in gold foil. Since these bottles could not be opened for the time being, Liang En simply removed the silver-coated lids and bottoms of the bottles. As a result, after he cleaned the dirt on the lids, he discovered that there was a relief on the lids.

This relief shows two knights in full armor, holding spears and shields with crosses, riding on a horse, surrounded by a circle of words: Pauperes commilitones Christi Templique Solomonici

This circle of text is Latin, which translated means, Christ and the Poor Knights of Solomon's Temple. The two knights riding on a horse on the badge is also a symbol of poverty.

It’s just that this picture has obvious irony from now on, because the Knights Templar later became the largest financial institution in Europe at that time, and the members of the Knights also successfully got rid of poverty.

It is a pity that these wealth fascinated their eyes and prevented them from choosing to develop their own country like the Knights Hospitaller or the Teutonic Knights.

So much so that in the end they were taken over by the King of France, and the accumulated wealth was used as a wedding dress for others, so that the most powerful knights at that time finally disappeared from history.

Instead, one of the other two knights became the first pioneer of modern Germany, and the other first ruled Malta. Then it was retained until now and has become a well-known charity organization.

Since the sizes of these bottles were very uniform and they were arranged very neatly, Liang En and the others quickly discovered that these two jars contained a total of 156 identical bottles filled with gold foil.

What do you think will be recorded in this? Joan of Arc also took out a bottle and put it in front of her eyes, then looked at the gold foil inside with a curious expression.

It should be some secret files belonging to the Knights Templar. Liang En turned the bottle over in his hand and pointed to the words engraved on the bottom of the bottle.

Look at the map of Solomon's Temple written on the bottom of this bottle. Considering that the Knights Templar's headquarters was on the site of Solomon's Temple in Jerusalem, it is very likely that this is a batch of information within the Knights Templar.

What I am writing is a map of water sources in the Levant. After hearing what Liang En said, Joan turned the bottle in her hand over and cleaned up the debris at the bottom of the bottle, and then read out the text on it. .

Next, Liang En and the others randomly selected a few bottles, and found that these bottles were almost identical. They were all filled with gold foil rolls engraved with text.

It seems that what we dug this time should be the Templar archives. Looking at the two gold-plated jars, Liang En made a rough judgment. At this time, four cards appeared in Liang En's mind. confirmed his inference.

But think about it, the remnants of the Knights Templar were in a bit of a mess when they ran away. It was possible to run away with some core documents, but it was too difficult to run away with a large amount of money.

After all, both paper and parchment are very convenient to carry, and a box can hold a lot of them for traveling. But at that time, the wealth was all gold and silver, so it was definitely difficult to carry it with you.

In particular, the reason why the King of France focused on the Knights Templar had a lot to do with the wealth owned by the Knights. In this case, it was much more difficult to run away with the wealth than to run away with the documents.

Although in terms of economic value, the total weight of these gold foils is not much, and it is not worth much money based on the price of gold. But this information is very useful in reconstructing the history related to the Templars.

In fact, if Liang En hadn't seen one of the cards in the pile of cards he obtained related to this pile of documents, he would have been unable to hold back his curiosity and open these jars to check out the contents.

What should we do next? Should we notify the local archaeological department as usual? After confirming that there were no other things buried around, Joan of Arc raised her head and looked at Liang En and said.

The notice must be given. After all, we are not the kind of cultural relic thieves, but we can notify a little more institutions. In addition to the local archaeological institutions, we can also consider other institutions. Liang En showed a smile.

Although the Knights Templar disappeared completely during the French King's attack, there are now many organizations operating under the banner of descendants of the Templars.

Therefore, in order to prevent some people from interfering with the advancement of archaeological work for their own benefit, Liang En felt that it was necessary to pass on the discovery information as soon as possible.

Fortunately, because those guys who seek profits under the banner of the Templars are often not really well-established organizations, so as long as the news is passed on, these guys probably won't be able to cause any obstacles at all.

So Liang En made a lot of phone calls in one breath, and then sat beside two jars with Joan De and waited, because the other party on the phone told Liang En that support would arrive soon.

Because the size and weight of these things were mentioned on the phone, Liang En felt that the local archaeological institution would probably send one or several vehicles to take away the pile of things.

What I didn't expect was that after waiting for more than half an hour, a helicopter flew from a distance to the previous village and dropped off a team. It then took more than 20 minutes to arrive at where Liang En and the others were.

Congratulations on discovering these records from the Knights Templar. The leader of this group of archaeologists said to Liang En, with a look of gratitude on his face.

After they arrived, they quickly counted the glass containers in the jars, and roughly understood what they had found from the words on the bottom of the containers, which was why they were so excited.

After all, Sweden is located in Northern Europe. In ancient times, only a few places could be inhabited because the latitude was too high and too cold, so those are the only places where human remains can be left.

The area where Liang En and the others are currently located is obviously a bit northerly, and it is also in the mountains, so there are basically not many ancient remnants.

Therefore, this treasure belonging to the Knights Templar is very important, at least it fills the gap in a large area here.

After packing all these things, a person used the radio to call the helicopter just now, and then the helicopter that flew above the hill used the winch on the helicopter door to pull up the boxes and the two archaeologists.

After putting the safety boxes containing the glass bottles with gold foil records inside into the helicopter cabin, everyone hurriedly wrapped the two gold-plated lead jars with various buffer materials and hung them on the helicopter with something like a net bag. On the hardpoint under the belly of the aircraft.

When everything was installed properly, the helicopter quickly took off, then flew towards the east, flying farther and farther, and finally disappeared into the sky.

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