Starting My Treasure Hunting In England

Chapter 345 Bonus and Investment

Since they had already booked a hotel room in advance, after checking out the boat and settling the bill, they quickly went to the hotel to rest.

Early the next morning, the two of them went to the Swedish National Art Museum. After a brief exchange of pleasantries, Liang En asked directly about the Knights Templar archives, especially what he had obtained during this excavation.

To be honest, what you have found now can be regarded as the most valuable cultural relic discovery in Sweden in centuries. said a deputy director of the museum who came to contact Liang En and the others.

This is especially true for things related to mainland Europe. We basically haven't discovered many historical relics outside of Sweden, and your discovery has filled the gap in this area.

We were lucky this time. We found some information and found it all the way. Liang En smiled and murmured. After all, there is no way to tell others that you can find clues by touching the stone tablet.

After a few exchanges, the two parties got down to the topic. Soon, the deputy director started talking about the remuneration that Liang En could receive this time.

What was said at the beginning was what Liang En had guessed before. For example, although the documents deciphered this time are in the hands of the museum, all the profits related to these documents must be shared with Liang En.

For example, Liang En can share 50% of the money that other scholars need to pay when they want to upgrade these materials, as well as the copyright fees that will be obtained when these materials are compiled into a volume and published in the future.

In addition, Liang En also obtained a license to use the Swedish National Art Museum's collection of materials for free, without having to pay like others.

This permission is valuable to Liang En, because this museum collects a large amount of information about the Vikings, and these materials are valuable to Liang En's research in this area.

In addition to these long-term benefits, Liang En has a short-term benefit of his own, which is 32 million Swedish kronor, which is approximately equivalent to 3 million euros.

This money is indeed a large amount of income for Liang En, but the problem is that if you want to take this income out of Sweden, you need to pay a large amount of tax.

So after leaving the museum with the check, he immediately called and communicated with his lawyer, hoping to find a way to reasonably avoid taxes.

After discussing for a long time, Liang En realized that the best way to avoid taxes was to turn the money into investments in Sweden, which would reduce most of the taxes.

Sorry, I can't provide you with much help in this regard. After saying this, Liang En's lawyer said a little embarrassedly.

You know I am a British lawyer. At most I am familiar with the UK, Ireland or France, and I am not very good at this kind of overseas investment matters. If you are willing, I can provide you with the contact of a reliable lawyer in this area. Way.

I understand, thank you for your help, but I have a business partner in Sweden, so I want to ask him about this first. Liang En said with a smile.

After hanging up the phone, Liang En immediately called Mr. Scold. After all, it could be seen from the previous cooperation that he was indeed a reliable person.

As a family born and raised in Sweden, the Skold family naturally knows how to invest better in Sweden, and can also provide Liang En with valuable advice.

32 million kronor, this number is quite troublesome for investment. After receiving the call and exchanging a few words, Liang En immediately stated his purpose, and after listening to his request, Skold thought about it seriously. After a while and said.

Because according to the situation I have at hand, if I want to invest in some small projects with this amount, I may need to find several projects. And the rate of return will not be too high.

As for the money for big projects, the money is now much lower. If you are just an investor, you probably won't have a high rate of return, and you won't be able to audit the accounts if your shares don't reach a certain level, so the safety of the investment is much worse.

It does sound a bit unfortunate. After Mr. Scood finished telling what he knew, Liang En shook his head helplessly. After all, in this case, Scood was only providing information that he was sure was reliable, so there was no suitable one. The project is also normal.

Actually, I have a project here, which is a 50,000-kilowatt wind power station project with a total investment of 400 million Swedish kronor. Skold said seriously. And if you can come up with 50 million kronor, you can become a major shareholder.

How safe is the investment in this project? Liang En asked after hearing this. As far as I know, Sweden does attach great importance to environmental protection, so there is a market for clean energy. But if we encounter some environmental protection agencies, will it affect the construction?

Liang En generally agrees with Sweden's environmental protection policy. After all, clean energy and environmental protection are a major trend in the world.

But Liang En is more worried about some so-called environmental organizations that have gone completely crazy. There are many such organizations in Northern Europe, especially in Sweden where there have been extremists like environmental girls.

Therefore, Liang En does not want some environmental protection organization to pop up after he invests, saying that there are animals or plants on that land that need to be protected, or that the blades of the wind power station affect the atmospheric circulation.

This project is led by the Swedish National Electric Power Company, so you don't have to worry too much in this regard. Mr. Skold answered immediately after hearing Liang En's question.

Swedish Electric Power Company is the largest state-owned enterprise in Sweden, so there are a lot less nonsense. At least most environmental organizations that rely on the funds provided by the sponsors behind them will not target such companies.

And unlike thermal power plants or nuclear power plants that are easily criticized in this regard, wind power is a recognized green energy source, so the protests itself will be much smaller.

In fact, this project is also a project that he plans to invest in, so he hopes that an acquaintance like Liang En can join in. After all, Liang En's investment is obviously to preserve value and increase the value of assets. Basically, he doesn't care much other than checking accounts.

So after ending the call with Mr. Scold, Liang En entrusted his lawyer to investigate the project. The next day, he learned from the lawyer that there was no problem with the project, but the investment threshold was a bit high.

Fortunately, Liang En's many previous investments had begun to make profits, and the emergency money he had saved before could add up to 2 million euros, so he finally collected enough money and did not need external support.

So in the next week, Liang En was almost entirely busy with investment matters. Fortunately, with the help of a temporary team of lawyers who came from London, he successfully completed the investment.

Now, Liang En successfully owns 12.5% ​​of the shares of this wind power station under construction, if there are no accidents. The power station will be commissioned before this winter.

For Liang En, this means that he will soon be able to obtain income from this investment. Considering that the annual return rate in the previous budget was about 12%, the income of about 600,000 euros a year is indeed a lot of money. income.

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