Have you found the Templar treasure? Seeing the excited expression on Liang En's face, Joan of Arc immediately walked over and asked.

I don't know if it's a Templar treasure, but I can probably guess where the cross indicates. Liang En said with a smile.

Look at the direction where the sword tip of the warrior on this cross is pointing. If I guessed correctly, when the cross was erected at this place, the sword tip should be pointing to the location of the treasure.

However, after careful comparison, Liang En and the others discovered that if the cross was still standing in place, the tip of the sword in the warrior's hand should be pointing halfway up a mountain hundreds of meters away from the valley.

Considering that climbing mountains at night was not a good idea, the two of them returned to the small village and stayed for one night. They did not continue the trip that they had not completed the previous day until they had breakfast the next morning.

Fortunately, although the road was a bit rugged and the mountain was covered with trees and various plants, the hillside was not too steep, so the two of them soon climbed to their destination seventy or eighty meters above the ground.

I think we are looking in the wrong place. I guess if the information on the wall is true, these things are probably nearby. Liang En said with his hands on his knees, bending over and panting.

Yes, I really didn't expect that there was a platform hidden in this place. Joan of Arc said while sitting on the ground and leaning against a tree. The angles of the trees on the mountain and the surrounding rocks are just perfect. You can't see the platform unless you climb up.

This platform is not too big, it looks like it is only 8~9 square meters at most, and on the side close to the mountain, a stone suddenly appears there.

The reason why this stone feels a bit abrupt is because the surrounding mountains are all covered with soil or plants, and only this stone stands bare.

Carrying more than 20 kilograms of mountaineering bags while climbing was physically exhausting, so even though they knew the target was right in front of them, Liang En and Jeanne rested for more than ten minutes before continuing to work.

Sure enough, there is something wrong with this stone. After simply cleaning the dust on the stone, Liang En and the others quickly found a palm-sized cross carved on the stone, which was similar to the cross in the cave at the foot of the mountain. The same Templar cross.

Where do you think these things will be? After the break, Jeanne and Liang En each took out a metal detector and started detecting it.

It will be troublesome if that thing is buried deep. The reason why she said this was because the metal detector they rented this time was only a common type, so if the thing underneath was buried too deep, it would be difficult to find it. s things.

It won't be too deep. Liang En said with a smile. You see, this platform is not large, and the road up is not easy to walk. Therefore, if people in the past did not have helicopters, they could only spread out here, that is, five or six people.

Considering that neither the Templars nor the early Freemasons had invented the steam engine, it is impossible for seven or eight people to dig too deep in this place.

What's more important is that this mountain is different from the pure stone mountain in the quarry opposite. It is made of a mixture of stone and soil. Considering the local precipitation, it is easy for the cave to collapse if it is dug too deep.

Just when Liang Enzheng was talking, an alarm sounded in his earphones. After raising his head, he found that his current position was exactly about half a meter in front of the cross.

After confirming the location, Liang En and Jeanne began digging quickly. After only seven or eight minutes, they saw a touch of gold emerging from the soil at the bottom of the shallow pit of about 40cm.

After realizing that they were getting closer to their target, Liang En and Jeanne immediately replaced the engineering shovels in their hands with two wooden shovels used for cooking, and then started digging bit by bit.

This is a very meticulous job, because cultural relics often become fragile underground due to various corrosions, so you must be careful after determining the target.

However, the speed of digging was naturally greatly reduced. Even if Liang En and Jeanne worked hard to dig, it was not until one or two o'clock in the afternoon that the two of them finally dug out the contents of the pit. .

This seems to be a golden jar. Looking at the two golden containers at the bottom of the pit, which were as high as a person's waist and covered with lids, Jeanne looked curious. Are the Knights Templar so rich?

As far as I know, the Knights Templar do have money, but this container is not made of gold. Liang En stepped forward to check it, and then pointed to a scratch on it.

Because the mountain here is made of soil and stone, such a large jar will inevitably be bumped if it is buried, so naturally there are a few scratches on the jar that are not shallow.

Looking through these scratches, one can see that the gold color is only a thin layer on the outside, while the inside is a gray metal. It is obvious that these two jars are made of lead, with a layer of gold plated on the outside.

This practice is a common practice in Europe. For example, in many palaces and squares in Europe, there are some golden statues in the fountains, which are actually gold-plated lead statues.

However, this jar is obviously not one of those exquisitely crafted handicrafts. At least the jar as a whole looks very rough and is completely a practical utensil.

This incongruity on the jars naturally aroused Liang En's interest. After careful observation, he found that both jars were not sealed, so he and Joan opened the lids of the jars.

After all, if this is a sealed container, they still need to consider whether the sealed container will affect the contents once it is opened, but if this unsealed container is opened, there is no need to worry so much.

Because if the contents inside can be saved at this time, it will not affect the situation if opened, and the perishable things will rot long ago if they are not sealed.

When they opened the lid, they found that there was no seal between the lid and the jar body, so the two people easily opened the lid and looked into the jar while blocking the sun with their bodies.

Let me take a look. After noticing Liang En's surprised, surprised and puzzled expression, Joan of Arc moved forward curiously, only to see that the jar was filled with containers the size of thermos cups one after another, and there were a lot of already-used containers wrapped around the outside. Carbonized rotten rope.

These ropes should be used to protect the containers and prevent them from being broken or deformed due to collision. After cleaning off part of the ropes and taking out one of the containers, Liang En finally saw the original appearance of these things.

This is a glass container the size of a thermos cup. On the outside is a silver frame that has become black due to long-term oxidation, and inside the container is a shiny golden object.

Gold! After weighing it in his hands, Liang En immediately understood what was in this container. It seems that this may indeed be a Templar treasure.

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