Starting My Treasure Hunting In England

Chapter 330 Photos of acquaintances

After controlling the unexpected intruder, Liang En and Jeanne quickly tied him up, and then took the captive and ran into the nearby woods while avoiding the cameras.

What they didn't know was that less than five minutes after they left, several sneaky people entered the parking lot with flashlights and checked the vehicles.

These people checked very carefully, using flashlights to shine on each car for a long time, but in the end they found nothing and could only leave the parking lot in despair.

While these people were busy in the factory with flashlights, Liang Enze and Jeanne hid behind a hillside more than 100 meters away, and then checked the prisoner's belongings.

After putting on rubber gloves, the first thing Liang En checked was the revolver. After a brief inspection, he found that it was the most common Webley 455in revolver in Britain during World War II.

The pistol was generally well maintained. After opening the pistol, Liang En found that there were six bullets in the bullet chamber, five of which were complete, and the sixth bullet had been fired, leaving only an empty bullet case.

After gently smelling the pistol, Liang En not only confirmed once again that the gun was very well maintained and had been oiled not long ago, he also smelled a strong smell of gunpowder smoke from the barrel and empty cartridge case.

Obviously, the sound of gunfire that Liang En and the others heard just now was made by this gun, and because of that shooting, Liang En and Joan of Arc decided to hide in the car to avoid being hit by bullets, and then met this guy.

But then again, because Liang Entu was cheap at the time and bought a relatively well-maintained second-hand van, each door of the van was equipped with independent mechanical locks.

In this case, they did not need to open the cab door when they entered the rear of the car from the side door to sort out their belongings, so the prisoner naturally did not realize that Liang En and the others were in the car when they were picking the lock.

During the further search of this guy, Liang En discovered more details. For example, the dense needle holes on his arms showed that this guy was a drug addict, and the bruises on his body meant that this guy was not a peaceful guy.

In addition, this guy also had a little more than five euros in cash, two keys tied to a rope and an authentic LV wallet.

Obviously, this guy's hands and feet are not clean now. I don't know where he got this wallet from, and this is the most common way for drug addicts to make a living.

Just when Liang En opened the wallet to see if there was any identification inside to find the owner of the wallet, a photo inside the wallet caught his attention.

This photo shows two young people, a boy and a girl. Judging from the intimate poses and expressions on their faces in the photo, it can be seen that they are a couple who are in a good relationship.

However, the reason why this photo attracted Liang En was not because he was fed a mouthful of dog food, but because he always felt that the man in the photo looked familiar, as if he had seen him somewhere before.

Liang En was certain that his enhanced brain should have made no mistakes in this regard. But I just couldn't remember where I had seen this person.

There is only one possibility for this situation, and that is that after his body was strengthened, he may have noticed this person because of something, but because the matter was not important enough, he quickly threw it away. In the back of my mind, only vague memories remained.

Isn't this person the same person who sold my bones before? Just as Liang En was trying to remember the photo, Joan came over and took a look and said. It's the same auction we attended on Christmas Day.

Ah, I remembered it. After being reminded by Joan of Arc, Liang En suddenly remembered where he had seen the male appearance in the photo.

During the previous Christmas, Liang En attended an auction and bought a very good Utz steel scimitar. One of the most impressive things at that auction was the sale of the so-called remains of Joan of Arc.

However, after inspection, they found complete evidence that the bones came from ancient mummies, so they were not added to the auction items.

Afterwards, the organizer learned that the item was dirty, so they wanted to detain the person who was going to sell the item. Unexpectedly, the other party knew about it in advance through some method and ran away.

However, although the other party escaped, the faces of the two men were still captured in the surveillance video of the auction venue, and the man in the photo now looks very similar to one of the two men who escaped at that time.

In particular, the incision on the left side of this guy's face ran from the corner of his mouth to his ear, leaving only half of his earlobe. Therefore, the chance of misidentification in this case can be said to be very slim.

After discovering this, Liang En immediately checked the wallet and found that there were only two coins in the wallet. The cash inside should have been taken away by the addict.

However, after looking through everything inside and out, Liang En discovered that there was a small button underneath a metal piece inside the wallet that he had previously thought was a simple accessory.

With a slight click of the spring, the metal piece popped open, revealing an SD card inside and a small paper roll placed next to the memory card.

It seems that this time things are more troublesome than expected. After seeing the memory card and paper roll, Liang En realized that the situation had obviously changed, and there was probably some kind of trouble behind this thing.

But then again, considering that the owner of this wallet is most likely the guy who sold the so-called remains of Joan of Arc before, so as long as the threat from the other party is not great, Liang En feels that he still needs to get to the bottom of it.

So Liang En and Zhen Dezhende quickly cleaned up a series of traces left by themselves, then stuffed the revolver back into the addict's waist, poured some water on the guy's face, and Jeanne hid around.

Soon, the guy lying on the ground woke up, and then rushed out in one direction without even wondering why he was here.

This guy is a lunatic. Joan looked at the guy who just ran out with a shocked expression on his face, because she couldn't understand this person's behavior that was completely inconsistent with normal people's thinking.

If a normal person had fainted while stealing a car and now woke up in the forest, they would most likely take a look at the situation right now, instead of acting like nothing happened.

What makes people even more creepy is that just after this person ran out for a while, he sang a strange song. He looked like the kind of guy in a horror movie who was possessed by an inexplicable evil.

Obviously, this guy bought a lot of illegal drugs after stealing the money, and then got high all at once. Looking at this guy's performance, Liang En immediately guessed what happened.

But this is a good thing for Liang En. After all, such unique products will irreversibly damage the human brain after use. In addition, when he transferred this guy just now, he also paid attention to cleaning up the traces.

So it is estimated that he is still in some kind of hallucination and has no idea about Liang En's attack on him before. Therefore, even if he is caught by others, others will not know where the wallet has gone from him.

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