Starting My Treasure Hunting In England

Chapter 329 Competition and Accident

The Scottish Highlands are sunny in summer. The mountains in the distance show a slightly darker blue-black color, which contrasts with the green woods and clear lake water nearby.

Because the competition time was tight, there was no opening ceremony. After the organizer representative said a few words, the long pole group competition began.

I wish you good luck! When it was Liang En's turn, he patted Liang En on the shoulder and said, I know you are very powerful, so teach the guy who looked down on you yesterday a profound lesson!

No problem, I will definitely beat that guy until he cries for his mother. Liang En touched the raven on the shelf next to him, then carried his ax onto the field.

After both sides stood on the field, bursts of cheers immediately came from the surrounding auditorium, and then the referee on the stage began to introduce the participating players on the field.

Now it's the Russian team's Flame Knights versus the Irish team's Raven Warriors. The referee shouted hoarsely, I wish you good luck, and now follow my orders, three, two, one - start!

Following the order, Liang En collided heavily with the guy who was at least 20cm taller and stronger than him. At the moment of the collision, both of them were a little surprised at the same time.

The reason why Liang En was surprised was because in this collision, he used a technique from the Viking Berserker. In theory, he should have knocked the opponent to the ground, but the opponent only swayed slightly and regained his footing.

The Flame Knight was surprised because the advantage he was most proud of was the stability of his bottom plate. If it weren't for his poor skills and bad luck, he would have won more than fifth place last year.

But in the collision just now, this guy who was obviously much shorter than himself was able to stumble and almost fall to the ground. It was really a scary thing.

In the full-armor fighting long pole competition, each contestant has his or her own half, and there will be a rope in the middle to separate the two sides, so under normal circumstances everyone will only approach slowly and then test each other with weapons.

The reason why Liang En and the others collided directly just now was purely because both Liang En and the other party felt that they had a great advantage, and then planned to KO the other party, but they did not expect that they were evenly matched.

So in the ensuing battle, the two sides fell into a conventional battle situation where you advanced and we retreated, testing each other with weapons. Fortunately, Liang En, who had strengthened his body, had greater strength and more skillful skills, and finally won the victory.

Looks like big guys can't do it either. After the game, Liang En booed the opponent. He still remembered how this person booed him before, so he could return this contempt to the opponent.

At this time, Liang En's teammates cheered loudly, and at the same time, the overall morale also improved visibly.

After all, there will be a five-on-five game in the afternoon, which is the only country-on-country war that the Irish team can participate in, so a good start like this is obviously good for everyone's morale.

However, in the five-on-five match in the afternoon, the Irish team still failed. This was not because everyone did not work hard, but because they were placed in the death group with seeded players such as the Ukrainian team when they were drawn.

So even though everyone worked very hard during the game, they still lost consecutive games and were eliminated in the end, with no chance of winning the finals.

As for the final of the long pole competition, Liang En only won the runner-up because he was just as unlucky as the Irish team when the draw was made. The team included the champion and third place player of the previous men's long pole competition.

Perhaps because he expressed his contempt for them in the morning, the champion of last year's men's long pole competition started to fight with Liang En during the competition.

As a result, after playing several games with several strong men from the Russian team, although he won all of them, his physical fitness declined and he failed to hold on in the final, and was taken advantage of by his British opponent.

However, when receiving the award at the end, the applause and cheers given to Liang En were the same as those given to the champion, because in the eyes of the audience, Liang En's overall strength should be able to win the championship, and he did not win just because of bad luck. , is also full of honor.

You did a good job this afternoon and did not embarrass our Irish team. After the whole day's game was over, John patted Liang En on the shoulder and said, and then went to the bar with his teammates.

They left with smiles on their faces, because for them, the fact that they had given their all in this tournament and still managed to compete against last year's champions, Ukraine, was enough to get them excited and celebrate. .

Not to mention that Liang En was able to win the runner-up in the single event and won the support of the audience, which was far beyond what they had before the competition. speculation on the outcome of the game.

After the team members left, Liang En and Jeanne did not return to their residence but went to the parking lot. Because they were going to pick up some stuff and put the heavy ax back in the car.

I have to say that Fan Meng and Pierce setting up stalls around the stadium is very good news for Liang En and the others, because it means that Liang En and the others can keep most of their equipment on the field without having to move it around.

It's just that this ax will obviously not be used in the next game, so Liang En and the others plan to put this thing back in the car first, so that they can pack less things when the game is over.

Soon, the two of them arrived in their car and packed their things. As a result, when they were looking for something in the carriage, they suddenly heard gunshots not far away.

After hearing the gunfire, Liang En immediately opened a small safe welded to the side of the car, took out his Glock pistol and loaded it, then turned off the lights in the car and looked through the glass with Joan of Arc. outside.

The reason why the pistol was in the car was because according to the law, although Liang En could carry a concealed pistol with him, except in places with special regulations, such as Fort William.

Therefore, Liang En could only abide by the regulations and separate the pistol and ammunition in a place in the car that complied with safety requirements, and could not take them into the town with him.

Just as Liang En was holding the pistol and looking nervously out of the window, a person rushed in from outside the parking lot in a panic, and then ran towards Liang En and their car.

The other party probably chose to run here because he thought the van driven by Liang En was older and seemed to have ordinary security measures, so it would be more convenient to steal the vehicle.

When the other party pried open the car door, Liang En and Jeanne held their breaths and hid among the debris behind the van, waiting quietly. Because it was dark, the other party obviously didn't notice that there was anyone in the back compartment.

So when he opened the car door and got into the driver's seat, then dropped the pistol on the passenger seat, Joan of Arc grabbed his left arm and forced it to the back of the seat, while fixing the other person's arm. With his other hand, he snatched away the revolver that the other party had just thrown on the passenger seat.

At this time, Liang En strangled the other person's neck with his arms. Under his strength, the man tried to open Liang En's arm with his good hand at first, but he soon stopped struggling. .

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