Starting My Treasure Hunting In England

Chapter 331 Mysterious Files

When Liang En and Jeanne returned to the hotel, they discovered that they were the first ones back. Pierce and Fan Meng were still doing things at the night market, while the Irish contestants were soaking in the bar and had not returned.

You guys came back much earlier than I thought. After opening the door for Liang En and the others, the owner, Grandma Susan, said as she led them to the room. Young people rarely come back so early like you.

There is no way, Jeanne has a competition tomorrow, we must come back early to rest, so that we can maintain the best condition for the competition tomorrow. Liang En said to the old lady who owned the shop with a smile.

However, Liang En did not rest after going upstairs and entering the room. Instead, he took out the wallet, took out the SD card inside, installed it on the card reader, and then inserted it into the open laptop to read.

Do you still need to enter the password? Looking at the dialog box that popped up, Liang En thought for a moment and took out the small piece of paper he had found in the secret room before, and then entered the 15 digits of garbled code mixed with numbers and Greek letters. in the dialog box.

Obviously, the previous owner of this wallet put the password and things together to save trouble. As a result, Liang En was now advantaged, allowing him to open the encrypted file without having to worry.

There are more than 300 photos in the encrypted file, including black and white photos and color photos. Most of the photos are reproductions of some documents, while the remaining small part are photos of some sculptures.

When faced with so much information, Liang En was immediately attracted to those documents, because words often contain the most information.

After a simple sorting, Liang En was surprised to find that these text messages all pointed to one thing - the holy relics hidden by the Knights Templar.

In other words, the guy who sold the so-called Joan of Arc's remains, or the organization behind these guys, is probably trying to find the Templar treasure. Looking at these documents, Liang En fell into thinking.

The issue of the Knights Templar's treasure is almost an urban legend in the Western world, and these things are found in countless novels, movies, and games.

But people's speculations and legends are one thing, and the facts are another. Philip IV obtained a large amount of wealth from the Templar headquarters in Paris, but the so-called treasure was never found.

Considering that the French repeatedly tortured the members of the Knights Templar and gained a lot of wealth after disbanding the Knights Templar, Liang En had always felt that the so-called treasure of the Knights Templar was just a myth.

But now he has new ideas. What made him change his mind were some of the older-looking documents that were reproduced. From those photos, it could be seen that the documents were written on parchment, and they had an ancient history at first glance. .

More importantly, several of the documents bear an ancient imprint, representing one of the most mysterious archives in the world, the Vatican Secret Archives.

According to records, the bookshelves in the Vatican Confidential Archives are 84 kilometers long, and the reference catalog alone contains 35,000 volumes, recording various records since the founding of the Holy See for thousands of years. It can be said to be one of the most important archives in the world.

Although in theory all the documents inside can be read, only the documents dating back to 75 years cannot be made public because they involve various state secrets, but in fact it is difficult to find what you want from so many things. .

Starting in 1881, Pope Leo XIII at the time allowed researchers to view the archives, but the complex viewing process made accessing such archives a very complicated matter.

First of all, journalists, students, and amateur historians are of course not allowed to enter. Only professional historians can obtain a permit, and the permit can only be applied for for six months at a time.

After obtaining permission, scholars who come to the Vatican need to enter the Santa Ana Gate, pass through the Swiss Guards guards, walk through the Belvedere Palace courtyard, and then present their certificates before entering.

Once admitted, the scholars will ask the person in charge for the documents they want. If they want to know which document they want, they must choose the specific file name from a handwritten directory in Italian or Latin and inform the staff. Can.

According to regulations, each person can only obtain three documents per day, and they can only be viewed in the archives. Although computers can be brought in, photography is not allowed.

Therefore, if these photos in Liang En's hands are true, they will definitely cause an uproar once they are made public, because this completely violates the regulations of the Vatican Secret Archives.

And the person who was able to take such a big risk to photograph these documents from the secret archives must have great intentions, otherwise he would not risk offending the Holy See by bringing out this information.

Thanks to the Internet age, Liang En quickly connected to the Internet with another computer, and then compared it with the directory index on the official Vatican website.

However, the comparison results soon shocked Liang En, because in addition to most of the documents that could be found, there were several documents that could not be found at all.

There are only two possibilities for this situation. One possibility is that the content on the documents is forged, and the other possibility is that these documents are truly secret documents, so they have not been made public at all.

Liang En personally prefers the latter possibility, because he really can't think of the meaning of adding some fake products to this place of the other party.

So in the next two days, in addition to cheering for Joan of Arc in the competition, Liang En also tried to enter the stadium and find time to study the information that had been dumped on his mobile phone. Of course, he also wore armor and took three ferries with him. Crow gives Fan Meng and Pierce a platform to attract customers.

Unfortunately, such efficiency was not very high in a noisy arena, so Liang En spent most of his time watching the game except for a small amount of time.

It has to be said that triploidy and professional skills are completely cheating in this kind of competition, so Joan of Arc can basically end the battle within three minutes.

Therefore, at the end of the game, Joan successfully won the championship in the three competitions she participated in, and became a rising star in the all-A combat sports.

Because of this victory, after the last day of the game, everyone decided to go to a bar in the town to celebrate and celebrate the Irish team's breakthrough in the game.

However, something unexpected was that when everyone walked towards the bar in the town that they had previously been optimistic about, they unexpectedly found that the door of the small bar, which is famous for its home-brewed dark beer and draft beer, was closed, and there were three or three drinkers at the door talking. Wearing something.

After realizing that something was wrong, John, as the captain, quickly squeezed into the crowd and asked what happened today. It was not until seven or eight minutes later that he squeezed out of the crowd shaking his head.

What happened? Everyone asked around John. After all, gossip is human nature, so everyone wanted to know what happened here to cause the tavern to be temporarily closed.

Something happened to the nephew of the boss here. He was found dead in ragged clothes in the river on the edge of the town more than an hour ago. John said with a mysterious face. So the boss went to the police station to inquire about the situation.

“According to these people, the deceased was just a guy who abused drugs. The police station’s examination of the body found that it contained a large amount of illegal drugs, so it is most likely that he was high on drugs, ran around, and then fell into the water. Drowned.

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