As the most widely-audited competition among the major full-A fighting competitions, most of the International Medieval Combat Federation’s events are open to the public, and some major competitions are even held in front of thousands of spectators.

For example, this is the case for the World Championship that Liang En and the others are going to participate in now. The local clubs in each country or region select the national team to hold the competition at an appropriate historical venue.

These events imitate those medieval games, so the competition points are often surrounded by historical attractions and exhibits, as well as selling historical-themed souvenirs, merchandise or food.

Teams participating in the competition are required to move in a medieval-style camp and wear clothing and equipment that are basically medieval.

Of course, operators participating in this event are also required to wear medieval clothing, while visitors are encouraged to wear clothing that is more in line with the surrounding style.

Because they like this kind of activity, and this kind of activity is indeed suitable for their own store, Fan Meng and Pierce naturally brought a bunch of guys this time to show off their skills in the commercial area attached to the competition.

And this is indeed convenient for the Irish participating teams, because it is enough for them to rent a small SUV, and the luggage can be loaded into Pierce and Fan Meng's truck.

Dear Lawrence, you should really change your car. While driving, Pierce said to Liang En through the radio, It's really not appropriate for your status to drive this shabby car.

The car Liang En is driving now is still the same old van he drove when he was living in London after graduating from college. It was a normal car for a newly graduated college student, but it is obviously not suitable now.

Actually, this car is just a means of transportation for me. Liang En replied. Anyway, I don't spend much time at home all year round. Why should I buy a nice car and leave it at home to gather dust?

More importantly, the people I usually interact with don't have any bad thoughts about me because the car I drive is terrible, so there is no need for me to change my car.

Because they needed to walk on a mountain road in the middle, Liang En and the others spent most of the day on the road before reaching their destination: Fort William, a small coastal town in the southern Scottish Highlands.

Although Fort William is small in overall area, it is known as the outdoor activities capital of the UK and the gateway to the west of Scotland. The local rail and road system is well developed, making it a suitable starting point for exploring the Scottish Highlands.

With Ben Nevis, the highest peak in the UK, at its back, Fort William has become the base camp for various activities in the highlands, so along the way they kept seeing vehicles with mountaineering equipment passing by their car.

I swear, I will never go this way next time. After the car drove into a parking lot around the town, Captain John said this and rushed to the bathroom with a few others.

Before, everyone chose this road mainly because of the scenery of the Scottish Highlands on both sides of the road, so we took this opportunity to have a good tour.

Unexpectedly, the mountainous terrain was accompanied by rugged roads. The one-hour drive made several people sitting in the car feel like they were being tortured.

After everyone calmed down, they put the car in the parking lot, then walked towards the town with their luggage. Fortunately, the parking lot was not far from the town, so they entered the town 15 minutes later.

Although this town is very famous, and is even listed in the travel brochure as a tourist town in Scotland after Edinburgh and Glasgow, in fact the town is small in size, with not many people, and the permanent population is even less than 10,000.

However, although this place is small in size, several commercial streets are still very prosperous. There are shops of all kinds, especially those selling travel clothing and various equipment for mountaineering. Many restaurants and shops use the name of Ben Nevis to attract customers.

The competition venue was set in a camping ground outside the town. It was a slightly undulating grassland. Looking from the town, one could see that a series of medieval-style temporary buildings had been erected on it.

According to the rules and regulations, participants in this kind of competition are responsible for their own food and accommodation expenses, so after standing on the street and taking a look at the competition venue, several people dragged heavy boxes and walked towards the hotel they had booked before using the map on their mobile phones.

Although this is a famous tourist city, it is far less prosperous than those big cities. Many young people in the town will go to live in big cities like Glasgow or Edinburgh after finishing school.

As a result, the old people who stay in the town will transform their homes into B\u0026B hotels to entertain those guests and earn some money along the way, making their retirement life a little more comfortable.

B\u0026amp;amp;B hotel is the abbreviation of Bed and breakfast, which is a hotel similar to a B\u0026B. They mainly provide bed and breakfast accommodation, which is a little more expensive than a pure rental, but they have no other facilities and do not include meals other than breakfast.

Liang En and the others rented a relatively large B\u0026B hotel with a courtyard this time. Considering that they needed to stay at the camp throughout the day during the competition, only one breakfast was provided for them. journey.

Considering that the competition was about to take place, we did not arrange any intense training in the two days before the competition. At most, there was only a little bit of ordinary physical training. Apart from that, the rest of the time was free time.

So after putting away their luggage, Fan Meng and Pierce each took their own things to the competition site to prepare for subsequent business activities.

Compared to Liang En and others participating in the competition, Fan Meng and Pierce will be busier because those antique stalls will open one day in advance, that is, tomorrow.

Therefore, people like them who arrived this afternoon were already too late. They could only rush to the venue and start work immediately, trying to get everything done before dark at night.

As for Liang Enze and Joan of Arc, they followed the team to the venue. After all, they were going to compete on the court next, so it was always something they should do to familiarize themselves with the venue in advance.

When they arrived at the venue, they unexpectedly found that there were not many people on the venue. In addition to various tourists, there were also some contestants who came here to watch the venue like them.

The entire field is just a piece of grass, surrounded by wood and ropes. It can be said that it completely imitates the style of the medieval field.

Our biggest opponents are those Russians. Captain John pointed at a group of sturdy men and said, The habits of these people on the field are very barbaric, but in this small-scale field game, this approach is advantageous. Some.

The modern full-armor combat sport was first initiated by the Russians in the early 1990s, so this group of Eastern European Slavs had the say in the game.

After gaining the right to speak, the opponent will naturally formulate game rules that suit them when formulating the rules of the game, and can maximize their physical advantages and fighting style in the game.

So under normal circumstances, this kind of competition is obviously disadvantageous to Asians like Liang En and small people like Joan of Arc, and this is why the group of Russians booed unfriendlyally after seeing Liang En and Joan of Arc.

Don't get excited- After seeing Liang En wanting to step forward, John held him back. This guy is in a group with you personally. You can teach him a lesson when you compete, but don't get excited now.

Because the organizer of the competition is also nearby, if there is a conflict, there is a high risk of being disqualified from the competition.

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