Starting My Treasure Hunting In England

Chapter 327 Preparing for the Competition

Regarding the competition, Liang En was actually most worried about Joan being too experienced in actual combat and not being able to control it well, and then using certain techniques that were suitable for actual combat but were illegal during the competition.

However, during the training, Liang Encai discovered that Joan adapted to these rules quickly, and after only five or six rounds, she was able to ensure that every subsequent move was within the scope of the rules.

Actually, there were not only wars in our era, but also many interesting activities. After knowing what Liang En was worried about before, Jeanne smiled.

For example, there were many knightly competitions in our time. At first, blunt swords were used, but later on, various wooden swords were used for safety.

There are no unified regulations for this kind of competition, so the tips of weapons like this must be ground into arcs, and stabbing attacks are not allowed. I have seen restrictions such as this.

“To be honest, the request here is only for reasonable reasons such as competition safety, which is completely acceptable, unlike when we didn’t even allow people with blue badges to participate because the organizers didn’t like such a bad reason.

After lunch, Liang En and the others drove to Dublin to participate in the selection work for the competition. Because the time was close to the competition, those people were practicing in a fighting club. Liang En and the others could just go to the fighting club to meet them and complete the assessment. .

Nice to meet you, Mr. Liang, and Ms. Jeanne. After asking at the front desk, they quickly came to the room, and a bald young man wearing plate armor received them.

I am John, the captain of the Irish All-A Fighting Team. I will be responsible for the rest of the game. Besides me, there are four other members of our team——

The self-proclaimed captain, John, quickly introduced the identities of the participating team members to Liang En. Unlike some professional all-A fighting teams in Eastern Europe, the Irish team is a team purely motivated by love. Because of this, the entire team only has five people. .

And this is why they are willing to accept Liang En and the others when the competition is approaching. This is not only because Liang En's fame has great appeal, but also because of the 20,000 euros in sponsorship fees paid by Joan of Arc.

According to John, the largest sponsorship fee they received before was only 5,000 euros, apart from buying personal equipment.

Of course, this sponsorship fee is not only for Liang En and Joan of Arc, but also for the next year's advertising at the Emerald Thrift Store, Fan Meng's Restaurant, Liang's Farm and Liang's Ranch.

I have to say that although these people look like the Caotai team, they are very serious about their work. For example, there are billboards for these four stores hanging on the site.

This was also reflected in the subsequent tests. Several people competed very seriously with Liang En and the others one on one or even two on two for half an hour.

I have to say that these people are really good. According to Joan of Arc, their fighting skills were considered elite on the battlefield of her time in terms of combat skills alone.

However, because Liang En's body has been strengthened many times and Joan of Arc is wearing the cross today, Liang En and the others have an absolute advantage over these players in terms of skills and strength.

It's still too late for you two to sign up. If you sign up two months in advance, I will definitely let you join our home team to participate in the 5v5 match. After completing the test, John said with regret.

Unfortunately, there is not enough time now, and there is no way for the whole team to run in, so you can only sign up for the individual competition. I have already signed up for you according to your requirements.

Single-player competitions are divided into long pole, long sword, sword and shield fighting and professional competition rules sword and shield. Except for the last event, the remaining competitions are divided into two groups according to gender.

Liang En only signed up to participate in a single long pole competition. After all, he didn't know how to use either a long sword or a sword and shield, so there was no need to do the kind of job of taking the initiative to kill people.

Joan of Arc signed up for the long sword, sword shield and professional competition rules sword shield. For him, operating these weapons is obviously not a difficult thing. With the bonus of the cross, she feels that she should be able to win.

Yes, Joan of Arc wears that cross during competitions. The reason is that she believes that the cross is related to the god she believes in, so out of faith, she does not think that wearing the cross violates the principle of fairness.

Although this sounds a bit weird, it is also a European tradition. Whether it was the Crusades or the colonial era, these Europeans have always done all kinds of evil, but they can always exonerate themselves from the perspective of faith.

In the next period of time, Liang En and Jeanne went to this fighting club every day for pre-match practice and dealt with various matters at the same time.

The most important of these things are two things. One of them is about the previous Sun Cave. The scientific research work on the Sun Cave has finally been completed. Next, it is time to consider business issues.

Another thing is that with the serialization of Grimm's Fairy Tales on the Internet, some publishing houses gradually began to contact him, hoping to obtain authorization.

For the first thing, Liang En chose the National Museum of Scotland as a partner, and then entrusted the specific negotiation content to his lawyer.

After all, this kind of business negotiation is a very professional job, so it is obviously much better for Liang En to entrust this job to professionals than to go into battle naked.

As for the licensing issue of Grimm's Fairy Tales, Liang En decided to wait a little longer after consulting his lawyer and several professionals in this field.

Because now all the people who come to talk are publishers who hope to pick up leaks at low prices, and many of them are even middlemen who hope to make a lot of money by collecting copyrights.

For Liang En, he is not the kind of person who relies on this industry to make a living, so he can just wait for the price and wait for the right publisher to find him.

According to the results of previous consultations with several lawyers, suitable publishers are best those established small and medium-sized publishers, because these publishers have certain strength and at the same time give more profits to authors due to their scale.

In addition to these tasks, he also took the opportunity of compiling a dictionary of ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs to write a new paper from an angle, and helped the Louvre translate several texts on sculptures.

Although these tasks are very routine and simple for him, they can help him constantly improve his reputation and sense of presence, and establish the image of a good scholar.

This is mainly because an important reason why Liang En has so many opportunities and benefits now is because of his status as a scholar, so he will naturally attach great importance to this foundation.

Soon it was two days before the competition day. Liang En and the others gathered together and drove and rolled the ship to the venue of the competition. Fort William in Scotland was preparing to go there in advance to adapt to the venue.

The reason for driving instead of flying is also very simple, because traveling with this pile of equipment is not cheap, and many of these team members do not have much money.

In addition to the team members preparing to participate in the competition, Fan Meng and Pierce also drove a truck to follow them, hoping to use this competition as an opportunity to do business and promote themselves.

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