On the third day when Liang En was translating the contents on the bamboo slip step by step, he found two words written in cinnabar on a bamboo slip, and the translated content made his eyes widen.

梼杌! Looking at the two translated words, Liang En showed a shocked look on his face, because in his impression, this was a history book that had disappeared, and even only one was left in history. Book title.

According to Mencius Li Lou Xia: The king's traces disappeared and Poetry died, Poetry died and then Spring and Autumn was written. Jin's Cheng, Chu's 梼杌, Lu's Spring and Autumn, One. Its affairs are Qi Huan and Jin Wen, and its writing is history.

In other words, like the existing history book Spring and Autumn of the State of Lu, each country at that time had its own historians to record the history, and 梼杌 was the name of the history book of the powerful southern state of Chu.

As for the reason why this book is called 梼杌, there are two theories. One of them is that the 梼杌 here refers to one of the four ancient evils. It is believed that the Chu people used 梼杌 as the name of the historical book. Use the ferocity of the 梼杌 to warn the bad guys.

At the same time, Yaozhu also has the ability to predict the future. Using this name as the name of a history book also means to learn about the present through the past.

Another way of saying it is according to the explanation in Shuowen Jiezi that 梼 is a broken piece of wood and 杌 is a tree stump. When the two words are connected, they are a disconnected tree stump. Obviously, 漼杌 means annual rings, which represents the passage of time.

Compared with the previous statement, this statement is obviously more reasonable. At least in the horizontal comparison of the same kind, both Yaozhu and Spring and Autumn refer to the passage of time, which is also consistent with the nature of history books.

Liang En had already made some guesses about the identity of this book when he translated it before. After all, he found a lot of valuable historical materials from those words, such as the establishment of the Three Supervisors and the Republican Ruling in the Zhou Dynasty. The exact meaning, King Zhou Ping's eastward movement, the origin of the Qin people, etc.

However, as the Chu State that dared to publicly shout I am a barbarian in that era, that country located on the edge of the Liyue Cultural Zone also showed a unique aspect in its historical records.

For example, he did not have the Confucian habit of hiding for the venerable, so most of the records in the Central Plains are different in terms of historical records, especially in the perspective of recording historical events.

To give the simplest example, when recording the history of King Ping's eastward migration in the Western Zhou Dynasty, it was pointed out straightforwardly that King Zhou You's younger brother, King Zhou Xie, was the orthodox at that time.

The first paragraph of the record on the bamboo slips is consistent with modern history books, that is, because King Zhou You doted on Bao Si, he deposed the virtuous Queen Shen and the prince Yijiu born to Empress Shen. Queen, Baosi's son Bofu is the crown prince.

As a result, Empress Shen and Prince Yijiu were forced to flee to the State of Shen. It was not until 771 BC that Empress Shen's father, Marquis Shen, joined forces with the State of Zhen and the Quan Rong to attack Haojing. The barbaric Quan Rong slaughtered and looted King You of Zhou and looted Hao. Go to Beijing.

The following records are different from the existing history. According to the records on the bamboo slips, the king and Zhu Zheng appointed Yu Chen, the younger brother of King You, to Guo as King Hui.

In the 20th and 1st year of his reign, Marquis Wen of Jin, Chou Nai, killed King Hui in Guo. In the ninth year of the Zhou Dynasty's death, the kings and princes of the state did not serve the Zhou Dynasty for the first time. The Marquis Wen of Jin rebelled against King Ping in Shao'e and established him in the capital.

If you connect the context, you will find that in 750 BC, King Ping of Zhou colluded with Lu, Jin, Xu, Shen, and Quanrong to attack the Zhou Dynasty.

As for the Jin State, a major prince named Ji, the reason why the Lu State sided with the unorthodox King Ping was to weaken the Zhou family's strength and needed an unpopular and easy-to-control King of Zhou.

In other words, the bamboo slips record that Shenhou Zhenhou Xu Wengong and others established Yijiu as the emperor of Zhou, and the people of Zhou and the princes and nobles established Yuchen as king. King Xie was established by the Zhou Dynasty, while King Ping was established by Shen Guo, who was an enemy of the Zhou Dynasty. Therefore, King Xie of Zhou was the orthodox king.

King Ping of Zhou killed Queen Zhou Xie, donated the Guanzhong Plain, the foundation of the Zhou family, to the Qin State, and led the royal family to move east to Luoyang to seek the protection of the Jin and Guo states. The Zhou royal family never recovered.

Obviously, this is the same as the Spring and Autumn Annals of the Zuo Family: The Twenty-Sixth Year of Duke Zhao: With the king's treacherous orders, the princes replaced him, and established the king's heirs, and used the moved lords. The record is the same thing, but the views are completely opposite.

Although it is basically impossible for modern people to know which of these different history books records the historical truth, it can at least allow everyone to see those histories from a new perspective.

For historical research, the more data sources there are, the closer the researcher can get to the historical reality. If there is only a single source, it will be easily influenced by the recorder’s own views.

Take the history book Spring and Autumn as an example. Although there are two versions of the author of this history book: Confucius and Lu historians, one thing is certain, that is, the author used Weiyan Dayi, or the Chunqiu style of writing, when writing. Writing method.

The biggest feature of this kind of article writing is that the author's ideological tendency is shown in the narrative of the article, rather than expressed through argumentative words.

The Spring and Autumn writing style is based on etiquette and law as the standard, which includes not only not concealing the truth and writing directly according to the facts, but also including the side of cursive writing that taboos for the venerable, relatives, and sages.

But for later historical researchers, these personal and emotional writings may bury part of the historical truth and cause people to have some misunderstandings about ancient history.

Just when he was sure that this book was the long-lost ancient history book of Chu, four cards appeared in his mind at once.

Unexpectedly, among these four cards, there are no low-level N cards, but three R cards with bronze light and one SR card with silver light.

It seems that the gift my hometown gave me this time is of high value. Liang En sighed in a low voice, and then began to count the cards.

Two of the three R cards are common cards, including one [Repair (R)] and one [Appraisal (R)], while the other one is a skill card [Linguist: Ancient Chu Language] (R)]

[Linguist: Ancient Chu Language (R): During the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, although nobles from various countries could communicate in elegant dialects, in fact each country had its own spoken and written language.

Although as a member of the Xia Dynasty, Chu's language and writing also originated from the Western Zhou Dynasty, but due to the emergence of other countries in the Spring and Autumn and Warring States periods, the language and writing gradually took on local characteristics.

Strengthen card (one-time use). By consuming this card, you can master the language and writing skills of a Chu State prince, including the language-related knowledge that the prince needs to learn at that time. 】

Chu language? It feels like the pronunciation difference between ancient Chinese and modern Chinese is too big. If you ask someone who doesn't know it, you might not be able to tell that this pronunciation is actually Chinese.

The first time he saw this card, Liang En immediately used the card to gain this knowledge. However, after sorting out the newly acquired knowledge in his mind, he felt that these ancient languages ​​were a bit strange to recite today.

But after he casually said a few words in this ancient language, he quickly thought of something and immediately took out his cell phone and started searching.

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