Soon, Liang En found a chapter on his mobile phone that was familiar to Chinese people, and then turned on the recording function of his mobile phone and started reciting it in the Chu language he had just learned.

Emperor Gaoyang is a descendant of Miao. My emperor Kao is called Boyong. He took the title of Zhen from Meng Zuoxi, but Geng Yinwu surrendered——

As Qu Yuan's Li Sao was recited in Chu language by Liang Enzai using the [Poetry Singing (R)] card, a tragic feeling also faintly echoed in the air.

I have to say that compared to reciting this poem in modern Chinese, it is obviously more interesting when reciting it in ancient times, that is, the language of Qu Yuan's era.

After reading the entire Li Sao, he discovered from the recording that although it is not easy for most people to understand the content, a special kind of music can be heard from the cadences and rhythms. The beauty.

It's a pity that the source of this kind of thing cannot be clearly explained, and it cannot be used for academic research. Because there is no other evidence to prove the skills obtained on the cards, this knowledge can only be used for self-entertainment at best.

After all, if you really want to prove this from an academic perspective, you need a lot of evidence, and Liang En can't find any evidence for the pronunciation of the ancient Chu language.

However, although these things are not qualified as academic research due to lack of evidence, this does not mean that Liang En cannot spread these things.

Although the evidence is insufficient, if it is not for academic purposes, then as long as it does not break the law or violate morality, you can say whatever you want. Anyway, there are so many civil sciences in the world, and it doesn't matter if there is one more.

More importantly, unlike most civil sciences that can be easily falsified, the pronunciation restoration of this ancient text is difficult to falsify even if other people do not recognize it.

After all, there were no recording equipment in ancient times, so when faced with the pronunciation of ancient characters, scholars from all walks of life often have their own opinions, and no one can convince anyone.

After taking advantage of this interest and reciting five or six Chu poems in succession, he sat down and drank some water to moisten his throat, and then began to check the new SR card he had obtained previously.

[Zhu Rong (blocked) (SR): An intermediate historical explorer can already master various supernatural powers, and through some secondary professions, those legendary powers in history can be reproduced in reality.

In ancient China, historians were very important, and the records they recorded were the only traces of the existence of many people, events, and even countries.

As the history book of Chu State, Tao Zhu records what happened in this country, which naturally also contains a large number of legends about Chu State.

According to legend, the ancestor of the Chu State was Chongli, the great-great-grandson of Zhuanxu, the grandson of the Yellow Emperor, who was also known as Xia Guan Huozheng Zhurong. Naturally, the information left behind by these legends can be used by historical explorers to make it appear consistent with the legend. strength.

Secondary professional card (permanent), used in conjunction with the main professional card. , and is permanently bound to the user's soul and cannot be released. The power related to it must pass through this card to be able to work. 】

Is it another secondary professional card? But why is it related to fire? As a Chinese, he naturally knows something about the legendary Fire God Zhu Rong.

But what makes him feel strange is that last time the secondary profession of Sun Apostle was related to life and light, and this time Zhu Rong was related to flame and sunshine.

This may be because human civilization comes from the use of fire. After pondering for a while, Liang En suddenly thought. The work I do in searching history is for the continuation of mankind, so it may be more compatible with careers in this area.

Of course, it was impossible for Liang En to know exactly how this card system was arranged for him - at least not yet, but he could always find some clues from the previous things.

Because he had the experience of obtaining a secondary profession before, Liang En quickly focused his attention on this card, but unlike last time, this time Zhu Rong had three branches.

Vulcan Zhurong, Xiaguan Zhurong, Poseidon Zhurong - wait, what's going on with the last one? After reading the ancient Chu language written on the card, Liang En felt a little bit concerned about the three branches revealed above. strangeness.

in his impression. Water and fire should be incompatible existences, so naturally there was something wrong with the last sea god Zhu Rong.

Fortunately, this is the information age, so Liang En immediately opened his mobile phone to search after having doubts, and soon found information in this regard.

According to legend, during the reign of Yao, the floods surged into the sky. Gun found a way to steal soil from heaven and brought it to earth to block the floods. But when the Emperor of Heaven knew that the Xi soil had been stolen, he sent the God of Fire Zhurong to come down to earth, kill Gun at Yushan, and take back the remaining Xi soil.

After doing all this, the Emperor of Heaven ordered Zhu Rong to monitor the water control in the world and let him take charge of the water. Since Zhu Rong is the god of the south, he combines water and fire into one god, and is also the god of the South China Sea.

Even today, Yangcheng, a port city in southern China, has the largest and oldest Nanhai Temple in the country, and the temple worships Zhu Rong, the God of the South China Sea.

In fact, ancient legends are like this. Over a long period of time, the specific circumstances will gradually change and people will add fuel to the fire, so that the legends circulating today have fundamentally changed from the original legends.

To give the simplest example, take the Chinese totem dragon. It was originally the image of a jade pig dragon in the traditional Hongshan culture, but later developed into the current image of a camel-like head, deer-like horns, and rabbit-like eyes. The ears are like a cow, the neck is like a snake, the belly is like a mirage, the scales are like a carp, the claws are like an eagle, and the palms are like a tiger.

The same usage as before for Sun Apostle. This [Zhu Rong (SR)] is also a card that unlocks the upper limit of legendary power step by step. But the difference is that the three options in this card can each choose skills without interfering with each other.

Each route requires one point of legendary points to open the upper limit. At the same time, one point is required for the first skill level and two points for the second level. Each level increases one point from the upper limit of legendary points required for the previous level. This is the same as before. Liang En whispered softly. But there are five skills behind each option.

This may be because Zhu Rong is the God of Fire, so the number of skills corresponds to the Yang number corresponding to the Li hexagram in the Book of Changes, which is the number 5.

After figuring out how to use this card, Liang En began to think about it in his mind. Unlike the Sun Apostle before, this time he didn't even know the clues about the skills before choosing.

It seems we can only rely on guesswork and luck. After repeated inspections, Liang En determined that the next step might rely on luck. He quickly spent 3 legendary points to open these three paths, and then began to make calculations.

But he soon made a decision, that is, choose the first skill for each of the three roads to infer what the conditions of those roads are.

After the upper limit of three legendary points was consumed, a group of flames of different colors lit up from above the three ancient Chu characters marking different routes.

Let me see what these first batch of skills are. While thinking this, Liang En connected his consciousness to the three flames and clearly saw the information contained in them.

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