It feels so good to be home. As soon as he entered the yard of his house, Liang En opened the door of the cage and released the three ravens that had been suffocating inside. Then he stretched and sighed.

Although his body has been strengthened many times, the fatigue on his body after taking a long flight has not changed much, so he naturally wants to take a good rest.

Unfortunately, after turning on the computer and checking his mailbox, he found that he couldn't rest for the time being, especially since he had been going to the United States for more than a month, and he suddenly had a lot of things to deal with that had accumulated on his hands.

The most important email was an invitation letter from China, inviting him to participate in an international seminar on the Maritime Silk Road.

Normally, this kind of seminar would only invite scholars from countries along the Maritime Silk Road. The invitation letter sent to Liang En this time was obviously because of the batch of Chinese cultural relics that Liang En had returned in the United States.

Of course, this is a way for China to show friendship to Liang En, because Liang En is now a scholar in everyone's eyes, and participating in this kind of seminar is obviously a very beneficial thing for scholars.

He was naturally very willing to receive this kind of invitation, because he had never returned to his hometown in this world, so he could take this opportunity to visit his hometown.

So he immediately sat down by the computer and wrote an email seriously and sent it to the other party, and then checked other emails in the mailbox.

The other emails were mainly sent by Count Bossit and Mr. Scoud, mainly saying that the excavation work of the turquoise mine was going well, and the first batch of turquoise had begun to enter the jewelry processing and design process.

However, it is not easy to sell these top-quality turquoises from the Sinai Peninsula at the desired price, so it will take at least three months to hype these things up.

Of course, the other party also expressed in the email that it would be great if Liang En could write a story about this kind of turquoise. After all, everyone is very interested in this kind of adventure story in the wilderness.

If it is simply a popular science article, the publicity effect is probably very average. Liang En quickly searched for information in his mind, But I can add some ancient Egyptian legends about turquoise, and then add some sketch.

Although most of the skills that come with this card [Imhotep (SR)] that I obtained before are not of much use now, there are a lot of stories about ancient Egyptian gods and images of ancient Egyptians that are just right. It can be used at this time.

Soon, he found several stories related to turquoise from these memories, and then determined what he wanted to paint.

For him, since he is a historical scholar, drawing some historical restoration pictures related to turquoise and looking at those ancient stories should play a certain role.

With his current knowledge of ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs, he can completely write those short stories in ancient Egyptian to completely arouse everyone's interest, which can be regarded as a kind of publicity for ancient Egyptian culture.

Of course, these are only long-term plans during this period. For him, the most important job now is to translate the text on the box of bamboo slips worth more than 300,000 US dollars last time.

This thing should be completely repaired first. After entering the underground treasure house and looking at the bamboo slips that were obviously missing some, Liang En immediately started the repair work using cards.

. As he had imagined before, although these bamboo slips seemed to be well preserved, they were actually still missing. So when he determined that the [Repair (N)] card could not be used, he decisively used the [Repair (R)] card. )].

Bamboo, ink, cinnabar, writing brush - it seems that the items required for this repair are not too many and not very complicated. After reading the items required for the repair given in the card, Liang En breathed a sigh of relief.

He had all these things in his room, so Liang En quickly took them out and started casting spells. When the light disappeared, he found that the original jagged bamboo slips had been patched up again, and there were twenty more There are many pieces, the most important of which is the title written in cinnabar in the middle section.

Let me see what is written on this thing - Looking at the densely packed bird and insect inscriptions on the bamboo slips, Liang En used [Cryptotext Cracking (R)] to start deciphering it from scratch.

This kind of deciphering work is very difficult because he does not know the characters of Chu State. Fortunately, the rules passed down from ancient times in today's Chinese language give him some advantages in deciphering in this area.

Each of these 45cm bamboo slips has more than 30 characters written on them. There are now more than 900 bamboo slips with 27,000-28,000 characters in total. Liang En can translate 3 to 4 bamboo slips for every legend point he spends.

In the past, King Wu of the Zhou Dynasty observed that the King of Shang was disrespectful to God and wanted to worship Buyin, so he took the title of emperor to enshrine the name of the God and the God, called Qian Mu, in order to conquer the rebel Shang town and govern the world. As for King Li, King Li The Zhou Dynasty was severely punished, and Qing, Li, Zhu Zheng, and all the people were incapable of killing Juexin——

After translating the corresponding characters one by one according to modern Chinese, Liang En quickly discovered that what was written on the bamboo slips was a history book.

Judging from the translated content on the bamboo slips, he could roughly determine that these bamboo slips should be the history recorded by the Chu people during the Warring States Period.

The history recorded in the bamboo slips started from the early Western Zhou Dynasty when King Wu conquered Zhou, and ended in 278 BC when the capital of Chu State Ying was conquered in the 19th year of King Qingxiang of Chu. It is a chronological history book.

The earliest and most famous chronological history book in China is the Spring and Autumn Annals. People even named an era in history after this book.

Perhaps because writing on bamboo slips is not a particularly simple task, Chinese people in ancient times tended to be very concise when memorizing various characters. It was possible that a few words could even record a very important event in history.

There is nothing strange about recording hundreds of years of history in less than 30,000 words. Taking Spring and Autumn as an example, this history book that records more than 200 years of history only has more than 18,000 words.

Considering that he always has to leave some legendary points to deal with unexpected events, even if he uses the legendary point charging function every day, he can only spare 30 points for translation, which means he translates about 3,000 words a day.

Of course, the number of words translated per day will also increase over time. After all, with gradual learning, he will gradually grasp the meaning of these words, thus speeding up the translation.

So in the following time, Liang En almost never left the house and devoted himself wholeheartedly to the translation of this bamboo slip, while Joan of Arc helped with cooking or cleaning up the house.

Although Joan of Arc's cooking skills are still a bit poor, fortunately there are a lot of instant foods now, so simple processing is not too difficult.

And Joan of Arc is also a very smart person, so while watching videos, she also learned a lot of simple modern cooking techniques.

For example, among the food delivered these days, in addition to some quick-frozen foods, there are also some simple salads, fried chicken breasts, fruit pies and meat pies.

It tastes very good. During the meal that day, Liang En said after taking a bite of the newly made meat pie. At least this tastes similar to the meat pies I buy in town.

As long as you like it. A smile appeared on Jeanne's face. Yesterday I learned from your mother how to make scrambled eggs with tomatoes and fresh ground vegetables. Tonight, you can try my new skills.

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