Although they wanted to have a good rest, they still got into work early the next morning, because Mrs. Nell brought several people over to hand over the items to them.

Thank you so much for donating these computers to the school. If it weren't for you, it would have been a long time before we could add these new teaching aids to the school. While counting, Mrs. Nell held Liang En's hand. hand said.

After all, this school, which is run on the strength of the ethnic group, is in short supply of all kinds of materials, so a small donation like this is very important to them.

After all these things were counted, Liang En and the four of them followed Mrs. Nell to the ranch where they lived last time to rest and discuss recent events.

I plan to contact the auction for the things you brought this time after packing up the gold coins last time. After all, these things were all found in San Francisco. Mrs. Nell said after sitting down in the room.

It's all up to you. After all, we're not very good at this. Liang En asked after smiling. By the way, how are Mr. Nell and their bodies recovering?

Thank you for your concern. My son's wound is healing now, and his clerk has also rescued him. There will be no sequelae, so the situation over there should be good. Mrs. Nell nodded.

There is also good news in the past few days, that is, the police have arrested the murderers through the prisoners we captured and know the reason for the robbery.

After hearing that they now understood the reason for the actions of the group of lawless gangsters, Liang En and the others immediately cheered up, because what they were most puzzled about when they were talking about these things before was how this group of people knew that this place was even connected. It’s a sacred place that even the indigenous people don’t know about.

According to Mrs. Nell, one of the leaders of this criminal gang is a descendant of the American officer who attacked the aboriginal people. During the attack, this officer learned of the existence of the holy land by torturing the prisoners and seizing the loot. .

It's just that this person attacked the Spear Tribe, and it was another group of American troops who attacked the Otter Tribe. Therefore, in order to monopolize the wealth, this officer did not dare to ask other people and had to look for it himself.

But to be honest, it's not an easy thing for a person to find something that he doesn't even know what it looks like without attracting other people's attention.

After all, even the allied tribes don't know these things clearly. For the people of the Spear Tribe, they at most know that the Otter Tribe will draw this information on something with an otter mark, but they definitely don't know what it is.

As a result, the American officer thought he had found a big treasure, but no clues were found throughout his life. In the end, he could only angrily pass it down to future generations in his diary.

Maybe it was inherited by blood, so there were many thieves, robbers or tomb robbers among his descendants. It was also because of this job that the descendant who became the leader of a criminal group learned about the pipe auction.

However, as a cultural relic thief, the other party naturally knew Mr. Nel's identity and family background, so he did not fight for it at the auction. Instead, he chose to find the person responsible for the wet work afterwards and rob it directly.

These people doing wet work are the same people who were trapped in the cave because of the landslide. In recent years, this group of people has dug up multiple cemeteries belonging to the indigenous people and robbed a lot of wealth.

Speaking of this, Mrs. Nell showed an angry expression.

They destroyed sacred cemeteries, desecrated our gods and took away so much of what we used to record history that many tribes are joining forces to hunt for these people.

It's just that this group of people cunningly found our loopholes before each robbery, so before that we only had information about the appearance of less than half of them.

Then it seems we are lucky this time. Liang En raised his eyebrows subconsciously and said. Not only did he catch the bandits who were spying on our holy land, but he also helped others solve a series of cases.

Yes, so this time our harvest is much greater than before. Old Mrs. Nell also showed a smile on her face, At least now, the group of Cherokees in the south must admit that we are stronger than them in this aspect.

Historically, the reason why this group of indigenous people retreated again and again in the face of the European colonists was that apart from being inferior to others in terms of technical conditions, the most important reason was that they were not united.

These indigenous tribes often have great conflicts between tribes and ethnic groups, and some even have blood feuds between generations.

Therefore, the group of European colonists back then could easily drive a wedge between them, and then take advantage of the opportunity to obtain various benefits and rapidly expand on this land.

This led to the fact that when the indigenous people realized that these outsiders would completely take away their homes and kill them, they discovered that the group of outsiders had turned into an invincible behemoth.

Although they are now collectively expelled to the barren West by the Americans, and many of the past hatreds have disappeared, there are still various chains of contempt between tribes and tribes, and between ethnic groups.

However, the capture of the thieves this time made the Otter tribe and even the Gohut Indians feel very proud, because the tribes did not even figure out who the thieves were before, but they caught the thieves.

Yes, we are indeed lucky. Of course, this should also be the blessing of the ancestors' spirits. Liang En said with a smile. Hopefully our luck will continue to be this good.

In the next three days, Liang En made a special trip to the school to hold a brief computer donation ceremony, and at the same time delivered an equally brief speech to encourage everyone to study hard.

Although Liang En always felt that he was just an ordinary person with good luck, in the eyes of others, he was regarded as a young and promising scholar.

Fortunately, although he didn't have much experience in giving speeches before, he had listened to quite a lot of these types of speeches in his previous life, so he was able to cope with it without being embarrassed.

How do you feel? After Liang En came down from the stage, Pierce gently touched Liang En with his elbow and asked. I have never given a speech to everyone before. It must be a great feeling to be admired by everyone.

What worship? Don't be kidding. There were quite a few lectures like this when we were in college. Don't tell me that you listen carefully every time. Liang En said with a smile.

After all, they had just left campus not long ago, so they naturally knew very well what the students' attitudes were when faced with this kind of speech. At least they were fishing for fish in many cases when facing this kind of speech.

That's right. I remember that except for those people or content that I was interested in, I was dozing off or thinking about my own things during most of the speeches. Pierce was stunned for a moment, and then smiled.

After completing the donation, they waited for another two days to arrange the future auction work, and then boarded the plane back to Ireland under the farewell of this group of Aboriginal elders and wizards.

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