Kristina smiled and said to us: "The method is really simple, just add magic power like magic crystal."

"White magic crystal is too much. Will it explode after charging?" Noreen asked rhetorically.

"As long as you don't let it explode." Kristina explained: "The explosion of magic crystal can be suppressed in some extreme cases, such as the powerful imprisonment of the magic array."


All of us started to think about what Christina said. The imprisoned demon array can theoretically imprison an explosion, but we have never used it to imprison a magic crystal.

Kristina said seriously: "As long as the magic crystal is confined by confinement magic, it cannot explode. At this time, if you forcefully compress the magic power inside, the excess magic power will have nowhere to vent. It begins to fill the inside of the molecule. At this time, the inert magic silver will be forced to ionize and completely change the internal structure of the magic crystal, thereby greatly increasing the energy holding capacity of the spar."

Nolene finally understood this theory and said seriously: "If we really do this, it is indeed possible to complete the evolution of the magic crystal. Even as long as we continue to input magic power, the magic crystal is likely to evolve all the way to a high level. Eventually it becomes the core guide stone. If that’s the case, it will be too terrifying!"

I shook my head and said: "You two also think so beautifully. I think the explosive power of magic crystal is very strong, I want to be completely It would be very troublesome to imprison this kind of power. You can synthesize a normal white magic crystal into a red patterned magic crystal. It's pretty much the same if you continue to input the magic power and commit suicide."

Norraine nodded: "Indeed. As the level increases, it will become more and more difficult to input magic power. We may not have enough pressure to input magic power. In addition, as the level of spar rises, the explosive power also rises. Our imprisoned demon array may not be able to limit the high level spar Blasting the formidable power."

"I just make a suggestion, and you have to study it slowly." Kristina said and brought a green plant to me. "Look at this."

"What is this?" I took the plant and looked at it, but I didn't know what was so special about it.

Kristina smiled and said: "This is what gold coin asked us to find. Didn't expect really found it. It's called Forgotten Wormwood, which is the mainstay of a powerful hallucinogen. Material. It is said that gold coin has gotten a bottle of finished product during the task, and has brought down a thousand-level high level devil beast, and it is just as easy to use for players."

"Then pick more and go back. Just dig a few for transplantation."

"Yes! We think so too, so we came to you."

"What are you looking for?"

< p>"Because this thing grows with another very annoying thing, I will come to you to find a way."

"What is it for me to go?" I asked as I asked. Followed Kristina and flew up.

Christina didn't answer my question, but I didn't have to ask when I saw the situation there. I saw a plant resembling aloe growing on the ground in that area, but it was much larger in size, almost 20 meters in diameter, and more than 10 meters in height. The leaves of this plant are full of spike-like serrations, which look quite scary. And the Nepenthes we need grows under these plants.

"Boss, you finally came." Several players in the guild ran over carrying Zhenhong and gold coin.

"Damn, what's the matter with you guys?"

The appearance of real red and gold coin shocked me. Both of them are now wrapped in a ball of light Among the green translucent objects, looking at their posture, it seems that the gold coin has fallen down, and the true red is pulling her up, but their posture is frozen, and the two of them are sealed together in this group of things.

Kristina helplessly explained: "That's why you are here. You are optimistic." Kristina said, took a stone and threw it at a plant in the distance. . It didn't matter at first, but when the stones flew close to the giant aloe-like plants, the spikes on the leaves of those plants suddenly all flew out. It turns out that those spikes are just sharp points, they are usually connected to those huge leaves, and they will fly out in danger. And behind these spikes are actually connected to vines, and under the control of the vines, these sharp spikes can stretch and move at will.

The stone that was thrown out was attacked by a dozen spikes at the same time, and was blown back in the air, but it was broken into dozens of small stones.

"This thing is too fierce, right?"

"The fiercer is still behind!" Kristina used magic to transform two Spirit Beasts and rushed towards The flora. This summon creature is condensed by magic and has a time limit, so it can be used to die.

I saw two ghost spirit beasts quickly rushing towards the flora, and the spikes immediately launched a counterattack, but ghosts are not stones, they will dodge. One of the Spirit Beast swiftly cut off a vine behind the spike while avoiding the attack, but the broken vine suddenly turned to the Spirit Beast, and then threw away from the capital. A large mass of green slime. You Spirit Beast couldn't dodge, and was finally hit by the slime, and the whole body was wrapped in it. Just hearing a thump, the Spirit Beast actually made a hard object crashing sound when it landed, and the group of slime had obviously condensed into a hard shell in the air.

Look at the monster wrapped in slime, then look at the real red and gold coin around me. I already know roughly what happened. I knocked on the thing first, and it sounded like plastic, not metal. Pushing it a little, thinking about the weight of the two inside, roughly calculated the weight of the mucus. Obviously, this is a very light organic material.

Turn Eternity into a small dagger, and then I stroked that thing. Fortunately, Eternity can be easily cut in. "Christina."

"What's the matter?"

"Can ordinary weapons destroy this thing?"

"I used a guild suit I tried the sword and can cut it, but it’s very difficult. I can only cut it in a little at a time."

"That means this thing is harder than a rock?"

Follow Norin, who was with us, also came over and knocked on the thing. "The hardness is about the same as that of pig iron. It may be slightly harder. But this thing dries fast enough, and it is good when used as cement. I just don’t know if I’m afraid of fire."

" "Kristina said: "I have tried them all. The external strengthening acid of the fire ice is useless, it can only be smashed hard."

I patted the thing and shouted to the inside:" It's really red, can you hear it?"

"You can hear it." The really red helmet has a mask, so the thing isn't sprayed directly on her face, it's okay to speak.

"Can't you make this thing?"

The really red voice has a sense of helplessness: "Of course I can break away, but gold coin is with me. ! Her set is not armor. If I break away, she must be finished."

"Then wait, I will dig out the gold coin first."

"Then you Hurry up!"

Although this thing is very hard, it is nothing in the face of eternity, but it is more troublesome to get close to the body in the end. After the slime hardened, a lot of it stuck to the equipment and skin. These can't be pulled hard. I can only dig out the area where the gold coin is. As soon as the gold coin was pulled apart, golden rays of light suddenly lit up on the red arms. "Heavenly Dragon divine might — break." A loud explosion sound, the hardened slime on Real Red's body exploded like a bomb, and the people around him covered head and sneaked away like a rat.

"Can't you be gentle?" Kristina complained after removing the mana shield.

"It doesn't hurt people, what's at the worst? By the way, what about gold coin?"

"I can only knock it slowly."

"It can only be done like this!"

Me and Zhen Hong and the others carefully beat and beat on the gold coin. It took a long time to put the gold coin on a few places. Dug it out. I let Zhen Hong hug gold coin's head and stop moving, and then my eternity made some cracks on gold coin's face. "Okay, it's red, you pinch it a little harder. Be careful not to use too much force, I don't want to see gold coin's head burst like a watermelon!"

"I'm the kind of person who doesn't know how serious it is. Is it?" Zhenhong's words let us stare at him with scrutiny eyes, making it clear that she is that kind of person.

The real red hand puts pressure on it, just listening to a click, the layer on the gold coin head broke into many small pieces according to the traces I cut out before, although it still sticks to the skin, but At least able to move.

"Huh! I was suffocated!" Gold coin's mouth was finally able to speak. "You guys think about a way! It's uncomfortable for my body to keep this position! And these things on my face make the skin sore!"

I grabbed one of the cracked mucus The piece was carefully cut. The gold coin suddenly yelled again: "Aiya! It hurts, it hurts, you guys lightly!"

"Just don't move around, it won't hurt you!"

"But it hurts!"

"Who asked you to provoke those weird trees?" Zhen Hong said while helping her get rid of the clumps on her body.

Christina said with a smile: "How does it feel to be made into an amber specimen?"

"Not so much!"

Zhen Hong patted her once. "Push the right hand upwards, it should be able to come out."

Gold coin raised his hand and oh la la, although the right hand was taken out, it was a pity that a lot of fragments were still stuck on the clothes. "When is this going to happen?"

"Don't be so troublesome." The busy ghost leader suddenly appeared behind us. "This slime tree is easy to deal with." He said and pointed to another plant growing under those slime trees. "Did you see that purple grass? Cut it up, mix it up with water and pour it on the mucus, and the mucus will return to a liquid state."

"Damn. So there is a dissolving agent. !" I quickly brought out the dart summon, and then pointed to the purple grass: "Go get some plants back."

The lightning speed of the dart is really useful, as soon as he enters the attack range, he immediately attracts those The saturated attack of the wolftooth vines, but even though the slime and wolftooth thorns fall like raindrops, the darts can jump around in it like a road, and they don't take them seriously. For the darts, the speed of these things is too slow, even his side can't be touched.

Soon Darts ran back with a few purple plants. According to the leader of the busy ghost, he crushed these plants and poured water on the gold coin head. It took only ten seconds. After that, I saw the hard solidified mucus flowing down from the gold coin itself like water, and gold coin hurriedly removed the rest of the body along with it.

"Sure enough, everything has its nemesis!" Kristina picked up the remaining purple plant and asked, "What is this called?"

"Busy grass ." The leader of the busy ghost smiled and said: "Because this is our favorite thing to eat, it is called the busy grass."

"You guys eat this?"

"Yes. Ah!" The leader of the busy ghost said: "We have our own vegetable plot, and we have planted a lot of busy grass, which is much larger than the wild wild grass here, and tastes better."

"This stuff is real. Can you eat it?"

"Only we busy ghosts like to eat, you and I don’t know. Anyway, I heard that devil beast is very afraid of the taste."

"devil beast Afraid of the smell?” Kristina suddenly thought of something, tearing open the leaves of the busy grass on her hand, then squeezed some mucus onto her hand, and then sent it to the front of her nose to sniff. She rushed and took her head away. "What am I talking about! It turned out to be a beast-repellent weed!"

"What is a beast-repellent weed?" We have never heard of this thing.

"Have you used Beast Repellent Incense?"

We shook our heads one by one. In fact, I know what the beast-repellent incense is. It is sold in system stores. It is not a rare thing. In addition to the beast-repellent incense sold in the store, there is also the beast-inducing incense. The effect of this heavy incense is just the opposite. The effect is the same as their name. When you want to fight monsters and level up, you can order an incense to attract monsters, and nearby monsters will automatically gather here, so you don't have to run around looking for monsters to fight. And sometimes some players need to do missions in areas with dense monsters, but don't want to be entangled by monsters, so they light a beast-repellent incense, which can reduce the chance of encountering monsters and make it easier to do missions.

Although the use of these two incense can be said to be very large, but we are all weird here. Norin is a mobile magic puppet, there is no need for leveling at all. Both gold coin and true red are elites cultivated by the guild. They are accompanied during leveling, and most of them are upgraded by missions. The six element lifeforms of Feng and Shui are ancient creatures. Of course, you don't see such high-level goods as Beast Repellent Incense. As for me, it is even more impossible. When the game Early-Stage was not strong, I lost my way and walked into the Black Forest. After that, I changed my name and couldn’t enter the city. When I found the shielding wrist wheel to enter the city, I was already very strong. So I haven't used this stuff either.

Kristina saw us shaking our heads like a rattle, and said helplessly: "It's really a bunch of monsters! The incense of exorcism is naturally the thing to expel monsters. Sometimes I don't want to encounter monsters. You can use it. As for the beast-repellent grass, dry it and grind it into powder and add some ingredients to make it into a beast-repellent incense."

"putting it that way is there in modern times?"

Christina is nodded. "Yes, but the yield is not high, but this kind of plant with fangs and spraying mucus should be extinct."

Norraine suddenly said: "What do you think we transplanted a few plants back? How?"

"Transplant?" Gold coin still has lingering fears, and I don't like this thing very much.

I really agree with Norin's ideas. "It's not bad to transplant some back. This kind of slime is simply the most convenient natural building material, and it can be used as an adhesive. The effect of gold coin has been personally experienced. It is definitely stuck on and can not be dropped. Besides. Since this thing is really real Experts such as red and gold coin can be blocked. Defensive power can be seen. If it is used as a defensive plant, it is good."

"What if it attacks our own people?"

"Use this." The busy ghost leader lifted up the previous busy grass. "Put it together with the kind of psychedelic grass you want to pick and make a paste, and then add some seven-color moonlight flower petals to make a strange smell of water. Sprinkle this water on your body and it won’t I was attacked."

"What is the seven-color moonflower?"

"There are many over there." The leader of the busy ghost pointed to the rear. "But you may not be able to bear the smell."

"Is it unpleasant?"


Gold coin said: "Then you still let us sprinkle on our body?"

"If you guys are for safety, it shouldn't smell a bit bad, right?"Busy Ghost thoughts are actually quite normal, but it is completely useless to talk to women about them. The man's idea is that he would rather stand to die than live on his knees. Women's thinking is that they would rather die beautifully than live ugly. So no matter what the reason is, they will never do if they make themselves unpleasant smells.

Norraine said: "Anyway, let’s take a look first!"


Under the leadership of the leader of the busy ghost It's easy to find those seven-color moonlight flowers, but even if there are no busy ghosts, we probably won't miss this thing because their smell is too strong. When we were a few kilometers away from that place, the leader of the busy ghost refused to approach, but the rest of us only smelled a pungent smell, which was really a headache.

Continuing to advance for a while, the smell became stronger and stronger, and finally I had to put down the helmet mask and use the air filtration system! Zhenhong also put the mask down, and Kristina added bubble technique to herself and gold coin so that she didn't faint before getting there. Norin is nothing, anyway, she is a magic puppet, although she can distinguish smells, but she can shut off smell, anyway, she doesn't need to breathe.

"Wow! So beautiful!" When we finally turned over a small mountain bag, the complexion appeared in our sight immediately. A large area in front of the eyes is almost completely covered by this plant. This flower is only a little taller than a grass, and the flower disc is about the size of a baby's palm. Each flower has seven petals, and indeed a flower has seven colors, but not each petal has one color, but each petal gradually transitions from purple to red from the root to the tip of the petal. Because the color on the petals is soft and excessive, it is not as obvious as a rainbow, so you can say that it is seven colors, but it is also good to say that it is 10,000 colors.

In fact, the most beautiful part of this flower is not its petals, but the flower heart. The center of this flower does not have stamens or the like like ordinary flowers, but has a whole transparent crystal. The long crystal in Huaxin is strange, but there is a crystal in the middle of the crystal in Huaxin. The outer crystals are all transparent. There will be a colored crystal at the core of the crystal, but there is no way to know what color it will grow into. None of the flowers we saw are the same color! If the petals are removed, the center crystal is like a transparent diamond wrapped in a gem of another color. Of course, the beautiful structure will make the girls ecstatic, but the smell of the flower is really a headache!

Before we had time to study the flowers carefully, the leader of the busy ghost suddenly ran over, but there was a bunch of strange things on his head. When he got closer, we discovered that his head was covered with an airbag made of biological aponeurosis. Because the aponeurosis is very thin, you can see the outside even with this. This airbag is very large, and the boss of the busy ghost puts his head in it, which is equivalent to bringing an oxygen cylinder, which is a kind of earthen gas mask!

The leader of the busy ghost jumped up to us, and then smiled and said: "Hehe, our busy ghost clan has no battle strength, but we have a lot of knowledge, so we invent a lot. If you have this thing, you can be here. Activities, and there is no need to smell those strange smells. How about? The smell of these seven-color moonlight flowers is very irritating, right?"

"It is indeed very irritating!" I nodded. "But this flower is really very beautiful."

"It's not a big deal now." The leader of the busy ghost said: "If you wait until dark, you will know what beautiful is."


"It's more beautiful at night? This is already so beautiful, how can I be beautiful?"

"I can't tell you, you can see it when it's dark at night."< /p>

Norrain asked the busy ghost leader beckons with the hand: "Do you know why these flowers have gems?"

"That's not a gem." The busy ghost leader picked it up casually. Flower, and then dig out the gem in the flower's heart. He handed the gem to me and said: "Take it away, please. I am not convenient for this."

I held my breath in doubt and opened the mask, then put the gem in my mouth and tried After a bite, didn't expect really opened it with one bite. Although this thing is also quite hard, it is not too hard to bite. As soon as the thing was bitten open, the green ball in the center suddenly flowed, and all flowed into my mouth along the crack, scared I hurriedly vomited out.

The leader of the busy ghost quickly said: "Don't vomit! Put it in your mouth and taste it, it's very sweet."

When I heard the busy ghost say this, I drank the rest. After going down, it really has a peculiar sweetness, and it is also accompanied by a refreshing fragrance, which is always very delicious. But it's strange to say that when this thing was complete, we thought the center part was also a gem. Didn't expect the core is actually liquid, and the outer layer is the hard shell.

The leader of the busy ghost said: "The thing you bite is actually a seed. If you bury it in the ground, new flowers will grow. In addition to being delicious, this thing can also improve all the attributes in an all-round way. , But the effect is not strong. But if you eat regularly, a little bit can add up to a lot. Anyway, it takes a long time."

When the boss of the busy ghost said so, I mean nothing. I want to bring some back to plant. I really didn't expect this thing to have so many benefits. Except the smell is really unbearable, there seems to be nothing bad.

Now we at least know that this thing is very useful, so although we know that this thing does not taste good, we decided to transplant it in large quantities. After asking the leader of the busy ghost, I learned that the transplantation only needs to collect more seeds. The seed can maintain several decades of life force without contact with an environment suitable for growth, and the transparent hard shell on the outside is enough to protect the inner liquid core.

Call in a large number of ghosts to help gather seeds, and when we are finished, the sky is completely dark. When I was instructing everyone to bring the collected seeds to me, the leader of the busy ghost suddenly ran over and shouted: "Stop, stop. Time is up."

"When is the time?" Looked at him suspiciously.

The busy ghost leader pulled me and ran up the previous hillside, while explaining: "Remember that I told you in the morning that the moonlight flowers at night are beautiful? Now the time is up, you can't miss this Beautiful view."

We were drawn to the hillside where we stood before with doubts. This place is slightly higher than the place where the moonlight flower grows, and the entire flower area can be seen from here, but now the sky is very dark, and what I can see under night vision is only one color, so it looks like this There is no beauty at all. If you stand here during the day, it is indeed a nice view.

The boss of the busy ghost, regardless of our complaints, forced us to stand, and then said: "Don’t blink, this is a rare beauty. Many people in our clan would rather endure the taste. I often see it, and I will regret it if I don’t watch it."

Since the busy ghost leader said so, we had to look at the dark flower area seriously, but we didn’t wait long. The strange sacred scene of time appeared in front of us. (To be continued, if you want to know what's going on, please visit WWW.CMFU.COM, there are more chapters, authors are supported, and genuine reading is supported!)

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