"What sound?" Suddenly I heard some faint sounds, feeling very far away, but also very close, as if all directions were ringing, and I couldn't confirm the location of the sound source at all .

"I heard it too." Kristina said: "It seems to be singing, it sounds beautiful!"

The leader of the busy ghost said triumphantly: "How? Isn’t it wonderful? This colorful moonlight flower also has a name called the Singing Flower, because every time the moon appears, they will sing this beautiful requiem. Isn’t it wonderful?"

"Requiem? You said this is Requiem?" I nervously grabbed the leader of the busy ghost and asked.

"Yes! What's the matter?"

"I know what it is!"

"You know?" Kristina turned her head looked towards me. "Does this kind of flower exist in modern times?"

"Yes. However, this kind of flowers in modern times has been changed a bit, and it is not called by this name."

"There are other names for this flower Is it?" The leader of the busy ghost looked towards me with confusion: "didn't expect in this world and things we don't know about the busy ghost! What is the name of this flower?"

"Demon The flower of the Domain——Moonnight Aimeda."

"This is the Moonnight Aimeida?" Kristina looked at the flowers in front of her again in surprise. "That thing is...but...!"

"I know. The only five thousand level plant monster in the game."

"Five thousand level?"< /p>

I nodded: "I have seen this thing before in the gardens of the Dark God Palace in Europe. They are plants used to block the entrance to hell. Any Spirit Physique will be swallowed up as soon as you get close to this plant. . And once this thing absorbs enough flesh and blood, it will quickly grow the Great Accomplishment into an Imméda tree, and then a fruit will grow on the tree. When the fruit falls to the ground, the tree will quickly wither, and the whole flower will be gone. However. The only remaining fruit is not the seed, but the singing Banshee Aimeida, the real 5,000-level Great Demon monster."

"It sounds very difficult to deal with!"< /p>

"It’s not that it sounds very difficult to deal with, but it’s really very difficult to deal with. It’s just that these things in front of me don’t seem to resemble what I see. These may be ancestors, so a little The difference is that I don’t know if the demon feeding technique can control this kind of plant."

"What is the devil feeding technique?" gold coin curiously asked.

I laughed. "Gold coin?"

"What are you doing?" Gold coin was startled by my smile. "Don't look at me with that kind of eyes, okay? It's scary!"

"I will sacrifice you for an experiment later?"

"What are you doing? "

"Just collect some blood. But wait a while. If this Moonlight Flower is really Moonlight Aimeda, there should be a holy scene that hasn't appeared."

The leader of the busy ghost quickly said: "It seems that you have actually seen it. There is indeed a sacred scene of this moonlight flower that has not appeared, but the time is fast."

We just finished talking, ahead Suddenly, his singing changed a tune. Different from the calm and serene tunes before, the songs now always have a feeling of blood energy surge, the feeling that the whole body is full of energy, and it is about to explode.

True Red sighed: "Sure enough, it is the flower of the devil. It's a seductive tune. I got goosebumps after listening to it!"

The goosebumps are not necessarily due to nausea or Cold, in fact, when people experience some extreme stimulus, they will get goose bumps. Our current feeling is like the feeling of erupting when the sexual desires of men and women reach the critical point. Although it is cool to paralyze on the ground, it is also embarrassing. Blushing and thick neck. There are a large group of people here now, and this kind of feeling appears in this place, except for perverts, everyone will blush!

Fortunately, this tune only lasts for a while and then quickly changes to another melodious tune. Although it still makes people feel emotional, it will not have that embarrassing pleasure. As the tone continued to rise, one of the flowers in the bush suddenly emitted a little rays of light.

This faint rays of light was not very bright, but now it is dark, so the rays of light are also very eye-catching. With the emergence of rays of light, the nearby moonlight flowers began to light up one after another, and quickly spread to the entire flower area. As all the flowers light up, new changes begin to appear in the flowers.

A moonlight flower suddenly moved, adjusted its slightly slanted flower to face the moon, and then the jewel-like seed in the flower's heart suddenly shot out a foot-long beam of light . After the first flower shoots out the beam of light, the other flowers also start to change, but the color of the beam of light emitted by different flowers is different, and the specific color depends entirely on the color of the seed core of the flower center.

As the light beam lights up, the petals gradually increase in brightness. The petals of Seven Colors Flower not only lit up the colored rays of light, it also flickered like a neon light. After flashing for a while, the seeds in the flower's heart suddenly split, and then the liquid in it broke away from the flower body and flew up, each group of liquid exuded the true rays of light like a small bulb. With the flickering of the rays of light, the suspended liquid suddenly turned into the image of translucent flower elves, and then the flower elves began to sing in unison, and the unstoppable singing around suddenly rose by eight. The degree becomes high-pitched.

The leader of the busy ghost smiled and said to me: "How? Isn't it pretty?"

"Pretty is very beautiful, but is it too noisy?" Before the elf When Hua Cong didn't appear, the singing voice had no lyrics, just a nasal tune, and the volume was not loud. But now it's different. Not only did the lyrics appear in the song, but the volume also became a bit shocking.

The leader of the busy ghost said: "The sound is loud because there are too many. There are several dozen li flowers of this kind. Of course it is very noisy for them to sing together. If you want to transplant, you can only plant each place. A few, the singing at night will be as gentle as a lullaby. In fact, you don’t know, the reason why you feel the headache is simply not because these flowers are smelly, but because they are too fragrant. Such dense flower area, such a high concentration of floral fragrance , With the smell of our noses, only the nose is left! If only a dozen trees are planted in one place, it won’t be so smelly."

I shook my head and said: "Tell you a way, even if It doesn’t matter if you have a variety of them. These are wild, so they smell bad. If you want to plant it, just bury some coke under the flowerbed."

"What is coke?"

"It's the kind of thing that wood is blackened with fire."

"Oh, I understand." The busy ghost leader said in confusion: "How do you know this method? Really? Does it work?"

"Don't worry, of course it works." In fact, I also knew this method in the Dark God Palace in Europe. At the time, I just thought this flower smelled very fragrant, so I asked casually.

After chatting with the busy ghost leader for a while, I began to direct everyone to leave. Anyway, a lot of seeds have been collected, enough for transplantation. I held a moonflower in my hand and handed it to gold coin: "Take it."

gold coin looked at me suspiciously. "What are you giving me flowers for?"

I didn't answer her directly, but instead asked: "Do you still have a pet carrying capacity?"

"Also, what's wrong ?"

"Go back and water it with your own blood, there will be surprises."

"Water it with my blood?" Gold coin froze for a moment.

True Hong also came over and asked: "Purple Moon, why do you want gold coin to be watered with blood? Can this flower still recognize the Master?"

I rushed to both of them laughed: "Didn't I ask you to help with the experiment? Now is the time for the experiment. Don't worry, there will be nothing wrong with me."

"Why do I always feel that you want to harm me?"

"I don't believe it." I snatched the flower back. "This one is the best one I have just found for a long time. Don't pull it down." I handed the flower to Zhenhong: "For you."

True Hong shook the head , No answer. "I don't like flowers."

"Dizzy! You two are helpless! Cut, don't want me to do it myself." Then I stopped, and then dug a small hole in the ground. A moonlight flower was put in. The leader of the busy ghost and they all surrounded me when I stopped, to see what I was going to do. I placed the flowers carefully, and then compacted the roots of the flowers with soil. First, let Ling, Xiaochun, Aina and the small dragon girl come out to summon, tell them to remember to add blood to me later, and then took a lot of pills out and swallowed them all in one bite.

gold coin said next to him: "Look, I know it must be dangerous work. You have to call the auxiliary pet first, and you have to take medicine first. If you fight the Tianzhao Great God, I will not I found that you are so nervous."

"Go, I am doing it for your good. Don’t slander me if you don’t appreciate it!" I said, but I kept moving, I added a bunch of support to myself. Magic, and then let Xiaochun and the others help me with assistance, anyway, as long as it is a body-enhancing magic, just throw it away.

Seeing that the state is almost complete, I looked up to the sky and let out a wolf howl: "Beastization!" The body suddenly enlarged, the muscles bulged, the mouth protruded, and it quickly turned into a werewolf form.

The leader of the busy ghost was taken aback, retreated to Zhen Hong and the others and asked: "This is the body of Purple Moon?"

"That's right!" Zhen Hong didn't care too much. Answered.

Confirming that everything is ready, I stretched out my left hand, then turned Eternal into a short hollow tube, and then inserted it into my wrist. The hollow tube is equivalent to a bloodletting channel, and blood comes out as soon as it is inserted into the skin. But I am not going to cut my wrist to commit suicide, so the inner diameter of this pipe is relatively small, and there is a valve to control the flow.

I carefully controlled the pipeline, allowing the blood to flow out very slowly and directly onto the moonflower below. It is still night, and this moonlight flower is also singing and glowing. However, the singing stopped abruptly after my blood dripped on it. At the same time, the colored rays of light on the petals disappeared and replaced by the blazing Soul Fire. It's just that my blood is special, so the flame that burns up is completely dark red, and even a little black. This is caused by the fusion of blood and flowers.

I kept bleeding at this speed, and the blood continued to flow to the petals, but a drop did not fall to the ground. After nearly ten minutes of bleeding, my hands and feet have started to feel weak. After bleeding at this speed, I should have done it as an adult, but the petals were still burning in that self-consciously, no change at all.

"Ling." I called weakly.


"I can't stand anymore!"

Ling Yiting quickly leaned up and held me up, and Xiaochun The other side came over and took my other arm. With the support of the body, it won't fall down anyway, and if it goes on like this, it's really going to die. This damn flower of Demon Domain is really greedy. It sucks 200% of my total health and is still not satisfied. If it hadn’t been for so many auxiliary demon familiars who had been adding blood to me, it would have drained me. .

True Hong asked me with some worry: "Can you do it? You are almost dead! If you put it down like this, you will become the second Buddha! People cut meat and feed eagles, and you bleed and water the flowers. More fierce than the Buddha!"

"What do you know! If you bleed more now, you will be refreshed in the future. This moonlit night, the stronger the power absorbed by Imeda before evolution, the more powerful it will become after evolution. Now let’s release it. The more blood he has, the more fiercer he will be in the future."

"But you are almost hanging up!"

I pointed at the neck accessory hanging on Ling's neck. "I have a guardian collar. If they don't die, I won't die."

Listening to me, Ling said immediately: "Our blood volume has dropped by one-fifth, and if this continues, we probably won't be able to withstand it. It's gone."

"It's okay, aren't you lucky!" I quickly opened the Phoenix Dragon Space and released the other Familiar Familiars to help me provide blood. Anyway, there is a guardian collar. As long as my familiar is not dead, I am immortal.

I increased the bloodletting speed a little bit, and the blood water was sprayed to the petals below like a faucet. As a result, the abhorrent demon flower never refused to come, and sucked as much as possible. The more I put on my head, the more dizzy I was. If it weren't for Ling and Xiaochun to hold me one by one, I would already be lying on the ground.



"Help me see if the petals have changed color?" Ling and Xiaochun did not help me immediately Looking at the petals, one person stretched out a hand and shook it before my eyes. I waited for a long time and didn't respond, so I had to ask again. "Have the petals changed?"

Xiaochun asked distressedly: "Your eyes...?"

"I lost too much blood, I can't see it for the time being. The bottle of Blood Replenishment Pill is over. Help me look at the petals."

Ling stretched his head and took a look, then said: "The color on the petals seems to have faded away, now it’s transparent. It's done."

"Then it will be soon." I took a few deep breaths, then touched the bloodletting tube and opened it a bit bigger, and the blood spurted out faster.

Fortunately, he said in the back: "Boss, take your time! I have been sucked into a weak state, don't let us all hang up!"

"Don't worry, It's almost there."

As I was talking, Ling suddenly exclaimed: "The fire on the petals has gone out, and the color has changed from transparent to black."

"It's done. "I quickly unplugged the bloodletting tube, Xiaochun touched the wound, and the bloodletting hole disappeared immediately. I swallowed two large bottles of rejuvenation medicine, and then Xiaochun and Ling added a bunch of rejuvenation techniques to me, so I still sat on the ground and rested for several minutes before gradually regaining my vision.

The flowers in front of me can no longer be regarded as flowers when my eyes can see things. This guy has now grown into a giant plant more than three meters high, and it continues to grow. Zhenhong All of them looked surprised at the plants in front of them, and even the ghost leader had the same expression. No one had ever seen the advancement of Moonlight Aimeda before, so all of them were very surprised.

"Whh... it almost turned into a corpse! Fortunately, this tree looks very strong, it is worthwhile to waste so much blood."

gold coin asked me in surprise:" What the hell does this thing do? You asked me to pour my blood to grow something like this?"

"This is just a process. You will know when the fruit comes out. Wait for one minute. It should be able to produce results."

"I'm going to see what good things can grow."

The plant in front of me hasn't been a human knee since before. The height of the tree suddenly jumped to more than ten meters before it stopped growing, and immediately after the tree began to smoke, it suddenly burned. The people around the flaming torch were forced to step back several steps. Obviously everyone didn't understand why this thing would burn up in unfathomable mystery.

The flame quickly swallowed the entire plant, and then the rays of light became brighter and brighter, and finally the tree was invisible, and all that could be seen was a cluster of light. When the light group is bright to a certain degree, it suddenly begins to shrink rapidly, and quickly gathers into a human shape. "Chuck...!" A string of silver bell-like laughter came from the light ball, and then a little girl who seemed to be only fourteen or five years old suddenly fell from the light ball in midair, and the light ball also At the same time disappear.

The direction of the little girl's whereabouts was clearly directed at me, but I knew who she was, so I was not afraid, but opened my arms to welcome her. The little girl threw herself into my arms, and she hung her whole body around my neck. "Big brother! big brother!" the little girl cried out with her arms around my neck.

"Big brother?" Both the gold coin and the red chin were about to fall off, only Kristina wanted to understand. "It's not surprising. This girl has completely absorbed the blood of Purple Moon and inherited his genes. It is definitely of direct blood. It doesn't make any difference to call him big brother or father."

I smiled and said little. The girl pulled down from her neck and let her sit on my shoulders, and then said to gold coin: "This is the singing fairy Imeda, and she was born in a pet state, and her loyalty is full. The battle strength is on top. Ten giant dragons."

Gold coin opened her mouth and didn't know what to say. I know she must be regretting not being on herself just now. (To be continued, if you want to know what's going on, please visit WWW.CMFU.COM, there are more chapters, authors are supported, and genuine reading is supported!)

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