I and flame and the six of them talked about our intentions, and then they started to discuss, and the answer was that they didn’t know the golden Divine Dragon, and even Bi Ling and white jade Qilin have never heard of it either. Divine Beast, the three major protection countries, even if this era is not the top level of existence, but at least it should be a very famous Great Demon geek, but why no one knows it? Is the name wrong?

"You guys think about it again. Have you really heard of it?"

The tree shook his head: "I will remember if I have heard it, this is definitely not what I have heard. His name."

"What about this?" Zhenhong took out a video crystal, showing the video he had seen before.

Feng and the others looked at the huge three-dimensional image projected by the crystal ball in the air in surprise. Although this image is not as powerful as the panoramic video when we watched it, it still perfectly shows the blue Ling that terrifying battle strength. Huo tremblingly asked: "This, this...what is this? Why is it so strong?"

We did not answer her words, because the video of white jade Qilin appeared afterwards. , Scared them all. It was even more remarkable when the golden Divine Dragon appeared in the last segment. This guy is simply the super destruction king, and his battle strength is terrifying.

Daikin looked at the screen and asked us: "Is this really the situation at the battle scene?"

"Roughly yes." I continued, "They should be and Your contemporary Great Demon monsters, but in our place they are called Divine Beast, the real martial power. We need their help now, so we must find them."

"But we really haven't seen them!"

Gold coin suddenly said: "That's not right! China on the video is already above an independent Asia, but now the continent is still Connected together, did we arrive too early?"

We were all stunned by the gold coin saying that. Yes! Before, I just thought that Divine Beast was an ancient powerhouse, but I forgot that there was not only one age in ancient times. According to the video, the continents on Earth have basically formed, and they shouldn't be gathered together. Could it be that we really came before those three guys were born?

Kristina said: "You can't say that, right? According to your Chinese tradition, monsters can only be more powerful when they are older. Even if they are geniuses, they must at least study for many years. Since then, All three of them are Divine Beasts, which at least shows that they are not young. In this way, they should be monsters of the Great Desolate era, and even now they have some reputation, but they are not as famous as in our time."

I thought about it for a while and wanted to ask: "Feng, do you know any monsters here that are more informed?"

"If you want to say that you are well-informed, you must count the busy ghosts. .In this world, there is almost nothing they don’t know."

"Busy ghost? What is it?"

"It's just a very small monster. It's about this tall. "The wind is about one meter taller than you are by your side. "They will be invisible, and there are many in number, especially their race is always unable to sit still and likes to go around busying around, so they are called busy ghosts. If they don't even know, then they definitely don't exist." < /p>

After getting Feng's advice, we went directly to the leader of the busy ghost. Fortunately, the busy ghost has a normal battle strength, so we often sell information in exchange for some benefits. We talked with the leader of the busy ghost, and finally decided to exchange this information with a bunch of exquisite food.

The red-skinned leader of the busy ghost with a horn on his head ate the good things we gave and said: "I have all the three faces you just showed me. I've seen it, but I don't know if it is the three in the picture you gave! I don't think it should be."

"Why?" Kristina asked.

"Because there is too much difference in strength!" The leader of the busy ghost said: "I can know what my people see. Judging from the information they return, these three are indeed very good. And during this period of time, the very difficult to deal with advanced by leaps and bounds is one of the very best in our mana cultivator. But they are too different from the state in the picture you showed me. To reach that level, even with their cultivation speed, it will take at least several thousand years."

"This is okay, as long as the appearance and the name match." We have now determined that we are too It's early, so the three later Divine Beasts will still be a nobody, and they have no reputation at all. The Chinese version of Genesis that we saw at the beginning should be tens of thousands of years after this, and their current strength is generally normal. It would be strange if they were at that level now.

The leader of the busy ghost said: "Since you think it is, then go and confirm it. I will send someone to take you there."

I smiled and said: "Master leader , I have one more thing to discuss with you."

"There is something else? Then tell me." This leader has received so much of our food, he is happy, and of course he is Very polite.

"It’s like this. I have fancy some things and hope to collect them and bring them back. But you have also seen that we are not many people, and there are a lot of things to bring, so I want you to The subordinates helped to gather things up and install them in my space equipment. Of course, I won’t let you work in vain, I can give you benefits."

"Of course it’s no problem. "

The minerals of this era are really tempting to me, and it’s uncomfortable if I don’t take them away, so I immediately hired them to help me mine when I found out there were so many busy ghosts. Thoughts. I have seen the mining area in front of the big and small gold mines before. Most of the minerals have a purity of about 60 to 70%. In modern times, this is simply a super rich ore. We must know that the purity of most mineral deposits in the world is about 30%, and many special mines are even as low as a few percent or even a few thousandths. Besides, the mines in this era are almost all open-pit mines, and the difficulty of mining is almost zero. Mining is simply picking up the ore, and you can just load it directly after breaking it.

After discussing for a long time, we finally exchanged a lot of weird things for 150 million busy ghosts for ten working days of labor. Kristina and I were surprised at this transaction. One was surprised at the population of busy ghosts, and the other was surprised at their hobby. These guys don't want precious metals at all, gold and silver are stones with strange colors to them, and gems are just another kind of stone. In addition to food and drinks, the items we exchanged also had many things like toys or clothing. They even liked some exquisite hand-carved items. Fortunately, due to the strong carrying ability of the Phoenix Dragon, the players in this guild have developed the habit of picking up things randomly. Kristina and I took out all the strange items in our Phoenix Dragon space. There is a hill piled up, even we ourselves find it incredible, and we are still wondering when it was installed in it!

After the transaction was finalized, I first connected Rose’s ring of love, and then asked her to find someone to bring a large number of designated items to the ancient ruins we passed through. Since we can come, at least it means that time can be achieved in that place, so I want to try if we can send something over.

Due to the large transaction volume this time, Ghost King has become particularly enthusiastic. Under his repeated insistence, we had to take him into action. First we arrived at the entrance of the passage where we crossed. After waiting for a while, my love ring lights up. I stretched my hand forward slightly, and the ring of love immediately projected a rose silhouette in front of me. "Husband, what you want is in place."

"Where are you now?"

"I'm in the aisle, but Crystal Chocolate and Noreen brought more than a hundred A member entered that room, and you asked for too many things. Three or two players’ Phoenix Dragons simply can’t fit. Our Phoenix Dragon is not as capable as your Phoenix Dragon Queen!"

"That's good. Did you tell them how to start it?"

"Tell them, but I don't know if I can get to your side."

"I think it should be okay. !"

Rose smiled and said: "It doesn't matter anyway, because there is a great character in it, even if he can't reach your age, he can bring people back to us."


"Who is so amazing?"

"I'll know when I see you. I will tell them to turn on the device immediately. If they arrive, you will let me know." Rose cut off after speaking. Up communications.

Now we can’t do anything but wait. We only waited for a few minutes, when a stream of water suddenly spouted out of the passage in front of us, and we were washed away by the water together without any rush. Kristina got up from the water and said, "I forgot to bring the water over there when the passage was opened!"

Zhen Hong smiled and said: "This at least proves that the transmission was successful. "

True Red is right. Water spraying out at least means that the channel must be opened, and that means they are coming. We were talking about a person coming out of the hole in front, but we were all stunned.

"Green Sir Long?" No one else was the first to step out of the channel, it was Azure Dragon, Ranked 1st among the four Sacred Beasts in China. It's no wonder that Rose said that even if the transmission went wrong, it could bring people back. It turned out that Azure Dragon came with them. Azure Dragon has a seal of time, which can take people across time barriers, and it's trivial to take a few people. And I heard that each of the four Sacred Beasts has a similar trick. If you use them at the same time, you can defy the heavens and change the fate. This defy the heavens and change the fate may not be easy to understand. The translation means that the four of them can be added together to file back the whole server, which is even better than GM. If I can't beat you, I'll go back to the file, and none of the previous ones are counted. But this trick is not too restrictive, can't it be used casually, after all, the formidable power is too big!

"haha, you really are here." Azure Dragon is very polite. "It just so happened that the Jade Emperor said that we should cooperate with you to deal with Buddhism. I still want to discuss with you about specific matters. Didn't expect to hear that you have arrived at the continent of Great Desolate Era, so I came together." said Azure Dragon. The Four looked around for a while, and then said: "So this is Desolate Flood Continent! It's so beautiful!"

"Isn't Blue Sir Long free to shuttle through time barriers? Haven't you seen it?"


Azure Dragon made me laugh. "Do you think crossing the time barrier is through the wall? What's so fun. Accidentally will be involved in time fragments, then it's completely finished. I won't walk through it casually until I have to."

< p>"President, you can really run!" Crystal Chocolate also jumped out of the passage. "I actually came to travel in ancient times and didn't call us. It's really partial."

"Che, who do you think I brought? Have you brought so many thugs out to play?" Zhen Hong 、Gold coin Gakristina, this is the peak battle strength of Frost, there is no reason for them to travel!

Crystal Chocolate didn't agree with me anymore, and ran directly to Christina. "How about here? Isn't it fun?"

"Fun is fun, but it's too dangerous." Kristina was telling the truth. We have been around here for nearly a day, and we have also seen many monsters. According to the intelligence of the leader of the busy ghost, the monsters here are generally divided into two levels. There are a lot of garbage monsters and a lot of experts. Especially some monsters called ominous beasts are no less than the eight-headed guys in Japan. If the average player is watched by them, don't even think about running!

When they were chatting, I first reported to Rose that I was safe, and then I took everyone closer to the mineral concentration point. Calling so many people over this time is for them to mine, and what I asked them to bring is mining equipment.

After arriving at the place, everyone immediately began to take out all the things in their Phoenix and Dragon space, and then quickly assembled the big guys with the help of my giant monster. Norin, the technical director of our guild, came here with me this time. She is a robot doll and alchemist and knows minerals very well. Most of the people who came this time are also from the guild. Supporting professional players are all experts who play alchemy.

This group of people was separated by me. One part is to check whether the various natural resources of this era are worthy of use, and the other part stays to carry out mineral screening and direct the work of busy ghosts. Although there are a large number of busy ghosts, the command is actually very simple. Unlike ordinary workers, busy ghosts are characterized by non-stop movement, so there are no people who are lazy, as long as they pay attention to instruct them how to mine.

Norraine almost couldn't walk when she saw the mineral. It was the first time she saw so many high-purity minerals. Iron ore in many places could almost be regarded as inferior pig iron. You don't even need to beneficiate, just smelt directly. The most outrageous thing is that our people actually found a whole piece of natural nickel ore. You must know that nickel is a rare ore. If the content exceeds 15%, it is considered rich, and there is actually a purity of 99%. The whole piece of nickel ore is simply a miracle.

After our prospecting team was fully deployed, we found more than one hundred useful minerals within a radius of several thousand kilometers. I contacted the rose with the ring of love. After our discussion, we decided Abandon the collection of common mines such as iron and copper. The use of iron is steelmaking. The steel reserves in Steel City are far greater than our consumption standards. It can basically be regarded as unlimited ore, so there is no need to pour iron ore back from here. The method we choose to collect the standard is very simple, that is, this mineral must be a rare mineral, the kind of mineral that is not easy to find in modern times, but is very useful. If this condition is not met, it must be a precious metal such as gold. If the two conditions are not met, then we will never waste time to mine.

The minerals selected in the end are almost all valuable things, and these minerals are natural minerals with high purity. Noreen sighed: "I feel like we are moving the finished product out of someone else's warehouse. It's not like mining at all." Then she handed an amethyst the size of a human head to me. "Look at this."

The boss is staring at me. "Magic crystal? Where did you find it?"

"It's all over there." Noreen said with a weird expression: "Don't you think it's weird? Amethyst is almost the same in modern times. Magic crystal is the same precious mineral, but here it is actually spread on the ground in pieces, and there is no need to polish and carve. It is already a perfect pyramid. If these things really existed on Earth, why would they be in modern times? So rare?"

"It's really weird for you to say that." I also began to feel a little weird. Everyone knows the reason for the sinking of heavy metals, but crystals are not heavy, and they should not sink into the ground, so modern times should not be so lack of amethyst mines. In "Zero", the attribute of amethyst is the enhancement of magic power. It belongs to the best gem of the mage family. Almost all professions that are involved with magic need this thing, but this thing is pitiful. If it can be mined in large quantities in modern times, then it will not be buried by money?

Norraine said suddenly: "Purple Moon. I have an idea that might explain the whereabouts of the amethyst. If it can be confirmed, then I think the manufacturing problem of the magic puppet will be completely solved."

"Tell me."

Norraine didn't answer me directly, but first asked: "Do you know the composition of amethyst?"

"It seems to be more water and potassium silicate, and there are also a small amount of dense silver and copper sulfate. What are you asking this for?"

Norraine still did not answer me, but continued to ask: "You Do you know the composition of magic crystal?" I shook my head, and Noreen continued: "The composition of magic crystal is water, potassium silicate, and a small amount of dense silver and copper sulfate."

"The ingredients are the same?"

"Not exactly the same." Noreen corrected: "The content of copper sulfate in the magic crystal is lower than that of amethyst, and the red-stripe magic crystal that can be recharged is completely free of copper sulfate, and The magic silver in it exists entirely in the form of silver ions. Do you know what this means?"

I continued to shake my head.

"This means that the magic crystal is probably transformed by amethyst."

"To prove that this inference is very simple." I pressed the two ends of the amethyst in my hand with both hands, then Input magic power to the center. Amethyst was originally used as a magic booster, but I didn't want it to emit magic, but blindly poured magic power into it. Obviously, my magic power could not overload such a large crystal, and there was no change when the magic power was exhausted. Hurry up and summon all my pets, and then everyone will join together.

There are two law systems Divine Race Ling and Xiaochun in my Familiar Familiars. Their magical power levels are at the highest level, and their magical powers are much stronger than mine. Following Xiaochun and Ling's shots, the crystal suddenly lit up.

Norraine said excitedly: "Come on, let’s work harder."

Fortunately, she also came over and pressed her hand on the crystal. The magic power of the giant dragon is not low. The crystal It gradually started to become as dazzling as the sun, but the light suddenly extinguished after reaching a certain intensity, accompanied by a clicking sound. The amethyst actually cracked, and then crashed to the ground between our hands, falling into dozens of small crystal blocks.

"Did I have the wrong idea?" Noreen picked up a fragment in confusion, but the thing was no longer a translucent amethyst. The fragment became a kind of black thing, completely opaque and non-reflective, looking like a black hole.

I suddenly thought of a possibility, and quickly picked up a piece of it. "Yeyue, Sha Yezi, Shuangxue, input magic power into this thing, don't be stingy, input all of it."

The three familiars with good magic powers start to input magic power according to my words. Seeing that the color of the black object they were holding on began to fade, and finally began to gradually become transparent. When the thing became completely transparent, I could recognize it. This is a magic crystal, but it is a magic crystal that has no energy at all. This kind of magic crystal seems to be of little use except for lighting, and its practical value is not great.

Norraine looked at the newly completed magic crystal and said: "Do you know any way to ionize the magic silver?"

Red pattern magic crystal and normal white The only difference between magic crystal is that one carries magic silver like an impurity, and the other contains a large amount of ionized active magic silver. If there is a way to ionize the magic silver in a general magic crystal, it basically means that you can make your own red. The magic crystal is patterned.

Kristina, who took people to prospecting everywhere, didn't know when she had returned to us, so she added a sentence after listening to our words. "It's not easy to activate magic silver!"

"Will you?"

Kristina nodded: "The method is actually very simple." (To be continued, If you want to know what is going on, please visit WWW.CMFU.COM, there are more chapters, authors are supported, and genuine reading is supported!)

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