"Are these things really valuable?" Feng asked.

I am nodded. "It's really valuable, but the demand is also great. It's useless for us to carry a little bit with us."

"Then what if I have a way to pack all these things?"

"That's useless." Gold coin said: "Minerals need to be excavated and refined to be useful. We don't have so many people. Besides, even if there are people, it takes a long time to refine. We don't have time to wait here. The mine is finished."

In reality, the fastest mining area will take several years to complete. Even if it is faster in the game, we are not waiting for it. However, you can consider bringing some precious metals back. "Um...Feng, you said there is a way to carry a lot of minerals, do you have room to equip it?"

"I don't have one, but Xiaojin does. She has a rock that can hold a lot of things."


"Stone?" I was stunned, but I immediately understood. The key to space equipment is the magic array, not the external form. There is no such thing as jewelry in this era, so the equipment generally maintains the most basic form.

Christina also suggested: "Let’s go down and take a look? If there are precious metals, it’s okay to bring some back. You don’t have to not bring them at all, right?"

"That's true. Then let's go down and take a look."

After commanding the bird to land on the ground, gold coin quickly rushed to a big rock with golden light, she was still far away and I was there. Shouted from behind. "That's not gold, what are you doing so excited?"

Gold coin said without looking back: "How do you know it's not gold? Look at this golden light, it's definitely pure gold. "

"Have you seen someone with long golden feet?"

"En?" Gold coin froze for a moment, then looked at it carefully, and cried out in surprise. "Damn, why is it a golden tortoise?"

Feng explained: "It is a golden back, a very docile creature, but if you provoke it, it will be very difficult to deal with Yes."

"Is there any value in this thing?" Gold coin asked without giving up.

"It seems to be useless except to eat." Yu said: "I have eaten two before, but the taste is not very good!"

"You this The girl likes to eat stealthily." A voice suddenly appeared above our heads.

"Wind elder sister, why are you here?" Another sweet childish voice also appeared in the same direction.

We looked up and saw two beauties, one big and one small, flying in front of us. Both beauties have long golden hair, but their looks are have nothing common with each other. The big beauty looks like she is about thirty years old, and she always has a seductive smile on her face. The little beauty looks only thirteen-fourteen years old, very cute. The clothes on these two are much better than the three of them. They are some parts made of metal, which can be roughly seen as a kind of armor, but the structure is really unreasonable, not to mention the beauty.

The two beauties flew into us quickly, and then landed in front of us. The little beauty jumped onto Feng's body, and she hung her whole body around her neck, obviously she was very close to her. The big beauty walked in front of me and looked up and down, and then she thought for a while, and then saw that the metal pieces on her body began to squirm like alive, and a few seconds later, a set of things appeared on her body. My dragon suit was almost exactly the same armor, which stunned me and gold coin.

Kristina muttered to herself: "It's really a convenient ability!"

The elementary life in front of me, needless to say, is the metal element life, the control metal should be With her instinct, changing the shape of the metal is a simple matter for her. The armor she wore before was ugly because she didn't know how to design it, but it was much simpler to imitate it after seeing my armor.

"Wow! The things that elder sister wears are so beautiful!" The little beauty suddenly noticed the changes in elder sister, and immediately ran over, and then quickly put her own clothes on It became exactly the same shape as my dragon suit.

"Huh? What's on Yu's elder sister? Why haven't I seen it? It's so beautiful!" The little girl found Yu's new clothes, but they were better than theirs. The things of the times are much more beautiful.

Rain is also a girl after all. As soon as I saw the little girl and found her clothes, she immediately showed off. First, she explained to her what clothes are and what equipment is, and then she started to take the clothes she got with little girl in front of her eyes. Piece by piece display. Although little girl can control metal, it can't do anything else. These clothes are all made of silk or cloth, and there is no way to imitate them.

When the little girl was entangled in the rain and asked about clothes, I asked the information of these two beauties from the tree. Both of them are called Jin, and they are twins. Although it looks like they are almost a generation older, they are actually born at the same time. The reason for elder sister younger sister is for convenience, and the specific method of distinguishing is based on the maturity of appearance. . The big beauty is called Dajin, and the small one is called Jin, all of which belong to the Metal Element aggregate. Even though the skins of the two of them seem to be delicate and delicate, they are actually almost the same as steel plates. Except for the super Divine Weapon such as Eternal, the general weapons may not even leave the mark.

The two little girls over there learned from the rain that I gave the clothes, and immediately ran to me. Xiaojin looked at me and asked, "Elder sister said you want us to fight for you?"

I am nodded. "It's not exactly a fight, it may be something else. In short, help me."

"Well, as long as you promise to provide me with beautiful clothes, we will help you fight."< /p>

"Deal." The people of Great Desolate Era are just talkative. They don't have any moral standards at this time. They basically do things based on personal preferences, so the relative emotional expression is relatively straightforward, and they don't make any twists and turns. .

Here I haven't gotten to know the two of them, but I saw a ball of flame flying over from afar. Feng glanced at it and said with a smile: "It's the inflammation here."

"You guys suddenly gathered together, I thought something was going on!" A body was wrapped in flames, his head The girl with long fiery-red hair fluttering on top fell by our side. She suddenly noticed the clothes on the water. "Huh? What is the water through?" She was about to touch it, but the scared water quickly retreated to the side.

"You can't touch it." Shui said in a panic.

"Why?" The new girl looked confused.

"This clothes is afraid of fire, and it will burn out if you touch it!"

Yan waved her hand immediately after hearing the rain, and the flame on her arm disappeared immediately, revealing a To the arm like a white lotus root. "It's okay now, let me touch it?"

Yu looked at her hand, and then said carefully: "You can touch it, but you must stay away and don’t splash the fire star. On me."

"Don't worry, even the fire star can't control me or flame?" Then she leaned forward and touched it, but she felt very excited when she touched it, and then wanted to look closer , But Yu Yu quickly backed away in fright. The flame temperature on Yan's body was too high, and his clothes had begun to change color. These costumes are not equipment for players, but costumes for entertainment. The defensive power is basically zero, which can't stand the fire.

The wind came over and pulled Yan aside, and then told her about me, didn't expect flame rushed to me and grabbed my arm and said: "I agree to join, but you want Give me that kind of clothes." I smiled and shook my head. Flame immediately said with excitement: "Why not? Haven't you taken them all? Why can't I? I am the best at fighting among our five lives. Why don't you want me?"

"I It’s not that I don’t want you. You mean I can’t give you that kind of clothes.” Seeing that she was excited again, I rushed to precede her and said: “That kind of clothes are scary of fire, and you will burn them when you wear them.”

"It's okay, my level of fire can be cancelled. If you don't believe me, see." The fire on her body was completely wiped out, and as a result, there was a naked beauty in front of me. Fortunately, my blood vessels are strong enough, otherwise it’s time for my brain blood vessels to burst.

I coughed awkwardly twice before I continued: "You should restore your flame first! If you recover, listen to me and explain slowly." I continued watching her obediently rekindling the flame. : "There are many kinds of clothing, such as armor like my body."

"But this is not good-looking. I don't like you." This girl is really straightforward.

"I’m not saying I’m like this, I’m... forget it, let’s take a look at the real thing!" I turned around in a circle, and a whirlwind passed by, I have become a silver moon state. With the colorful robe and golden armor flashing, she unconsciously blocked her eyes with her hand, and then she covered her mouth with her hand in excitement.

Half after Heavenly Fire, Yan reached out and touched me tremblingly, then looked at me excitedly: "Are you the same you just now?"

I laughed . "I know my two bodies don't look alike, but they are indeed me. How about? This thing is very beautiful, right?"

flame nodded desperately: "Well. Do you want to give this to me?"

The sweat on my forehead is falling off, this girl is too simple! "This...I don't wear it properly for you. I just want to know if you like this type of clothing. If you like it, I can have someone customize it for you. The role of the equipment is mainly to assist the battle, but the appearance is actually not. Very important. I can make clothes for you with materials that are not afraid of fire and make sure you like it."

"Very good, I will follow you in the future. What should we do now?"


flame is really a fire-like character, and everything is energetic and bustling! (To be continued, if you want to know what's going on, please visit WWW.CMFU.COM, there are more chapters, authors are supported, and genuine reading is supported!)

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