Rain and Tree now understand the importance of equipment. I said before that equipment can increase strength. Although they believe it, it is not quite clear after all, so they don’t have an intuitive understanding. Now that you see the actual combat demonstration, you will fully understand the importance of equipment. If it wasn't for the protection of my neck before, but now my throat has been cut, just now because the back blade behind my calf hurt my leg, it shows that equipment is very important in battle.

Although the wind was injured, there was nothing serious about it. The wound recovered quickly after only two drops of blood came out. Elemental beings also have blood, but they have a semi-energy nature, so the wound heals quickly. As for rain, she is not afraid of weapon attacks because of her special attributes.

"The dark arrow hurts people." Feng said, staring at me angrily.

"This is not a hidden weapon. If you haven't seen it, it doesn't mean that I use a hidden weapon! Besides, as long as it can hurt people, isn't the hidden weapon the same?"

"Okay, you're right. But you're going to get out soon."

"Well?" I didn't understand what the wind meant, but she immediately explained it with practical actions. Four huge tornadoes suddenly appeared next to the wind, and then they began to spin to grow, gradually increasing the Great Accomplishment four Black Dragon rolls, and then the four tornadoes began to collide in twos and quickly merged into two larger ones. Tornado, after these two big tornadoes collided again, merged into a super tornado.

A tornado is different from a typhoon. Its destructive power depends on its speed, not its volume. The diameter of the grounded part of the tornado in front of us is only about one meter in diameter, but its speed has reached a terrifying level, because as it moves, the rocks on the ground are rapidly cracking and are immediately thrown into the sky. Under the control of the wind, this super tornado quickly rushed towards me, and if it were caught in Divine Immortal, it would not be saved.

I turned around decisively and shouted at gold coin: "Are there any other depth charges?"

"A few more."

"Give it to me."

Gold coin immediately took out the bomb and threw it over. After catching all of them, I set the timer on the bomb at intervals of one second, with the shortest one. It's three seconds, the longest eleven seconds. After the setting was completed, I pressed down the timer with the longest time, and kicked it into the tornado, followed by the second longest start-up time, and kicked it into the tornado again. A bunch of bombs were kicked into the tornado in chronological order by me. Since the longest time is the first to start, their actual explosion time should all be within the same second.

Three seconds after I kicked the last bomb, I just listened to a loud explosion sound. The tornado suddenly exploded from top to bottom. The huge blasting force completely dispersed the airflow and was just sucked up. All of the gravel fell like rain.

Feng took two steps back in shock. "This is impossible! What did you do?"

"Nothing, just dropped two bombs."


"It's just a kind of Something that will burst in an instant." I explained.

"The bomb you just kicked into the whirlwind?"

"Yes, it was a bomb."

"But I feel that the power of the bomb is actually It's not big, why can it destroy my whirlwind?"

Halo! The formidable power of explosives is released in an instant, the total energy is not large, but the destructive power is amazing, but it will take a few months to explain this thing to follow the trend of such ancient monsters, and before that, she has to give her the first half of the science popularization. class.

I cleared my throat with a cough, and then said, "This...actually, the principle of this thing is very complicated, and I can’t say it clearly. Destructive power."

Feng thought for a while and asked: "Do you know why I hit you as soon as I saw you?"

"Why?" This question I really want to know. The rain and trees before were very polite to me, but this wind hits everybody. Besides, I came with rain and wind. Since I can be with her friends, she shouldn't be so hostile to me!

Feng explained: "I was actually in the vicinity when you went to the tree. I just wanted to look for the tree. Didn't expect found you, and found that you were abducting the tree. He Yu is working for you."

It seems that this wind is smarter than the tree, or she has seen the world. Trees are just smart, but they have too little life experience, but this style has really seen the market. She knows a lot of things they don't know, so she is much more complicated in understanding many things than trees and rain. If it is so coherent, I can understand that she will continue to attack as soon as she comes up. She was actually testing my strength, because Shu and Yu had already taken refuge in me, and she knew that she would also receive an invitation, so she wanted to try whether I was worthy of her help. If my strength is bad, she might kill me and persuade the tree and rain to stay. But obviously now she knows that I am not so easy to deal with.

"Since you have heard our previous conversation, let me just point it! Do you think you can accept the conditions I made at that time?"

"Mostly accepted , But I need to add one."

"What do you want to add?"

"You must teach me everything I want to learn, because you seem to know a lot that I don't know Things, and these things are very useful, such as the one you just said to use a small force to destroy a large force, I think it should be used in battle."

"This is no problem. But you The only thing we want to learn is what we know. If we will not, then we can’t teach you."


Describe people doing things cleanly and neatly. Just say that this person is swift and decisive, the girl Feng really has the same personality as the wind, and the decision is extremely decisive.

Wind is different from trees and rain. She has no possessions, even clothes. Feng hadn't worn anything when fighting with me before, but her body had been entwined with a layer of white airflow, so she could not see anything. According to Feng himself, this layer of airflow on her body can not only hide ugliness, but also possesses quite strong defensive power. In my opinion, this is the early form of the storm armor, but the later storm armor is improved to be more suitable for defense.

After taking the wind, we headed towards their fourth friend’s residence. According to the results we asked, the fourth friend’s name is Jinling, and its body is likely to be Metal Element lifeform. According to them, their five good friends are actually gold, wood, water, fire, and wind.

Speaking of which is strange. The five elements mentioned in China’s Five Elements Eight Trigrams should be Metal, Wood, Water, Fire, Earth, but the five of them are gold, wood, water, fire, wind, and there is more wind but less earth. I don’t know how. Going on.

The place where Jin Ling lives is also very far away, and it is also very weird. Originally, the vegetation on this continent is very rich, but as we get closer and closer to the destination, the surrounding plants are getting less and less. I don't know when the dark-brown muddy ground surface was gradually replaced by a crimson semi-sandy land, and later it directly transitioned to a Gobi-like landform. As we got closer and closer to the target, the ground began to change gradually, and the red land began to transform to black again, but that was not the color of the soil, but a whole piece of rock. Green areas appear on the black rocky ground from time to time, but they are not plants, but copper oxides.

gold coin couldn't help but sighed: "It would be great if we could build a mining area here! Look at this mine, it's simply placed in the open air, just dig it directly."

Kristina also couldn’t help saying: “Look over there, large tracts of minerals have naturally condensed. Obviously, the purity is amazing. Such a good mining area is simply high-level materials. What a pity!"

True Red said in confusion: "It is said that there were minerals in ancient times, and they should be in modern times, but I haven't heard of such mines! Can minerals still escape? "

I shook my head and said: "You are right, the mine can really run. This is Desolate Flood Continent, which means that this is the state that Earth has just formed, and heavy metals are still there at this time. The surface, so you can see such a highly concentrated mineral area. However, as time goes by, the crust gradually changes, heavier materials will gather in the center of the Earth, and light things will be squeezed onto the surface. This is The reason why aluminum is almost generally in the current earth’s crust. Although this mineral has never been mined in later generations, it will eventually sink under the earth’s crust and enter the Earth’s core. Of course we can’t mine it!"

Kristina said: "If conditions permit, we should really establish a permanent Transmission Gate in this era. It is really sad that so many good mines are not mining!"

Feng suddenly interjected: "Next Are these stones the mine you are talking about?"

I'm nodded. "You see what we wear, what we hold in our hands, all of these things are smelted by us with a basic combination of minerals. So these unremarkable minerals are actually the basic source of our daily products. On our side, these things are very valuable and very important."

"Is money just the kind of thing you said before to calculate the value of items exchanged by everyone?" Feng asked again. Of the three girls, she has the most problems and the best mind.

gold coin smiled and said to the wind: "Money is a good thing. As long as you have money, you can exchange it with someone for what you want. We call this exchange relationship a business relationship. These are the following Things can be sold for a lot of money in our place, but unfortunately now there are no tools and no one, and I can’t bring them back. I can’t take them back. It’s really maddening to see that I can’t eat them!” (To be continued, if you want to know what’s going on, Please visit WWW.CMFU.COM, there are more chapters, authors are supported, and genuine reading is supported!)

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