We explained the meaning of the guide to Yu. Yu was not stupid, and immediately understood the meaning of the guide. "The guide is the one who leads the way according to your requirements, isn't it? It's simple, I grew up here, and there is no place nearby that I don't know. Where do you want to go?"

I pulled the rain Hand very kindly said: "Don't worry about this, you first take us to your residence to see what you have to bring. Anyway, you will live with us in the future, you may not be able to come back here. So, it’s better to bring everything you need."

"Can't come back?" Yu looked at us in surprise. "You can't come back when you talk about it?"

I nodded: "In fact, we also like it very much. The scenery here is beautiful. We also want to come and play often, but the passage seems It’s strange, and it’s not certain whether you can communicate normally. In order to prevent it, it’s better to bring everything with you."


"Yes What's the problem?"

Rain was a little embarrassed and nodded. "I have a few friends here. If I never see them again, I will be very sad. I also want to give them some of these clothes."

Hong and Kristina exchanged glances, Kristina immediately pulled the rain and said, "It's nothing. Let's go to your house and bring the things we want to bring. Then we will visit them and invite them together. Isn’t it OK for us?"

"That’s very good. Let’s go back and pack things first." Yu happily agreed to our request, and then quickly took us to her Cave Mansion to pack things up. NS.

The rainy Cave Mansion is at the bottom of Bibotan. Fortunately, we all have a way to get into the water, so we went down to the bottom of the pool. There were a lot of strange fish in this water area, but the rain here has absolute deterrent power, and all the strange fish consciously stayed away from our neighborhood.

Successfully arrived at the bottom of the pool, and suddenly all around was empty, we actually entered a waterless space. I hadn't seen anything outside just now, but after entering here, I suddenly found a small crystal hut in front of me. This building really makes us shake our heads. It is obviously built with the most beautiful crystals, but it is in a mess. It's like a pile of crystals piled up with a Cave Mansion, and there is also a vertical and horizontal water crystal pillar inside, even walking. It's very inconvenient, you have to keep your head down to avoid the beams, or jump over obstacles.

"I said rain! Why are you built like this?" Gold coin held the root of the water crystal pillar and knocked: "If such a good crystal is carved, it won't be beautiful and dead. "

"Carving?" Yu looked at us in surprise: "How to carve? I can't!"

"Forget it, anyway, you will use it in the future. It’s not anymore, I’ll tell you how to sculpt it later when I have time.” Gold coin turned around: “But since you don’t need this crystal anymore, just give it to me?”

"Do you like crystals?" Yu usually said: "I can make crystals, you can take them if you want!"

"What? You can make crystals?" I asked this time.

"Well. Is it weird?" Yu didn't realize how terrifying his abilities were. "Isn't it a crystal? I usually use this as a means of attack."

"Halo! You are really rich!" Gold coin sighed.

"Have money?" Yu scratched his head suspiciously. "What's the money for? Is it beautiful?"

"This...!" Gold coin shook his head helplessly: "I won't be able to explain it for a while, and you will know it when we are there."

"You better pack your things." I urged the rain.

"Okay." The rain quickly led us to her room, saying that the room is actually a slightly larger space without a door. Rain began to pack up the things she liked, but we found that they were nothing more than turtle shells with special patterns or some tattered strange monster bodies.

"Wait, wait!" I hurriedly stopped the rain. "What are you all about?"

"What I like!" Yu looked at me suspiciously.

"Do you like these things? Are these things beautiful?"

"No!" Yu took those things and showed them to me with a smile. "This black tortoise shell is my bed, and this." Yu took out a black and crooked stick. "This is my weapon, how about it? Very difficult to deal with, right?"

"Weapon?" I took the black thing over, and after looking at it for a long time, I couldn’t figure it out. What the hell. "What kind of weapon is this?"

"Stick!" Yu answered me seriously: "It's very difficult to deal with people with this."

Damn, It's actually a stick. But I can't blame me. Apart from the special material, this thing is almost a tree stick that can be seen everywhere. Of course I can't associate it with the stick in the cold weapon. Even the broken stick must at least be straightened! What the hell is this thing?

I took out Eternal, and then shook it vigorously. Eternal instantly unfolded into a 1.9-meter long stick with spikes on both ends. "See? This is called a stick. Your root is basically a branch!"

"Huh? How do you know that this is a branch?" Yu actually said seriously: "This is what I learned from It’s stolen from World Tree. No one else has it!"

"World Tree?" Kristina suddenly rushed over to grab the rotten branch and looked at it: "You said this is from World Tree. The branch?"

"Yes!" Yu nodded seriously. "At first, I and Feng and the five of them struggled to get a few branches back. Each of the five of us has one, which is very useful!"

"Then World Tree is still there now. ?" Kristina asked.

"Yes, of course." Yu said puzzledly: "Don't you think we are there?"

"That's right." Kristina said to herself Said: "World Tree represents the world, and World Tree passed away world does not exist anymore. Since we are still standing here, it means World Tree is still there."

True red asked Chris in confusion. Dina: "Why haven't we seen World Tree in the normal game space?"

"Because World Tree is not in China, it is normal if you don't know it." Kristina explained: "World Tree is actually It is a task space. Enter from under the tree trunk, and then you will walk into a task space, and then continue to do tasks upwards. As you complete different ways, you will continue to enter different branches at the branch point of the tree trunk. When you reach a certain The apex of a branch will get the corresponding reward, but generally the lower the branch the lower the reward, but there are too many tasks for the branch in the high place, and there are not many people who can complete it. Besides, no one has figured out the correct one. Few people can follow the main direction of the mission requirements. But listening to the news leaked by the NPC near the tree, it seems that as long as you can get to the top of the World Tree, you can get a super treasure, but I don’t know what it is. "

"What you don't know is the most tempting." I said, "Don't think about that. The kind of task is simply not done by people, and you may not reach the top when you enter. Rain, since you have World Tree branches, do you know what is the use of this thing?"

"It can be used to knock people." Rain quickly replied.

"Apart from this?"

"I can quickly restore my strength, holding it, I can continuously use the high level spell without worrying about running out of strength."

"Then I understand." I nodded. "But this thing is too ugly, right?"

"It's good if it works." Kristina handed the branch back to Yudao: "You collect it yourself and wait until we are there. , You can find someone to help you make something like our weapon."

Rain carefully touched my eternally transformed stick: "This can really become Is that so? Your weapons are so beautiful, better-looking than clothes."

A whirlwind flashed around me, and I had switched back to Purple Moon form, and the rain was startled. I quickly calmed her: "Don't be afraid, it's me. I have two looks."

Rain looked at me, then nodded, and then she shook her body and turned into a waterman. The current rain is entirely composed of water, but it still maintains a human shape, but the color has changed to light blue, and it is a little transparent, and the face is not quite clear. "The original shape of the Purple Moon big brother turned out to be like this! Look, my original shape is also very beautiful?"

Halo, after a long period of rain, I used my two numbers as the original shape and transformation of monsters. It's a post-form, but it seems to be similar to this understanding, and it doesn't matter much. But the original form of the rain has caught our attention. Gold coin leaned forward to look at it for a long time, and then carefully reached out and touched Yu's arm. As a result, her finger slid into Yu's arm, and she quickly pulled out her hand in fright. Yu smiled and said: "I am water, and water is me. Don't worry, it doesn't matter to me even if it is chopped up."

"Doesn't that mean you are not afraid of physical damage at all? "

"What kind of damage is physical damage?" Yu looked at gold coin suspiciously: "Anyway, I am not afraid of hitting. As long as I am not hurt by spell, I will be fine."

"This It’s understandable.” I hurriedly said: “You should restore it first and pack up your things before you talk!”

When the rain is packing things, we listened to her to explain the functions and functions of various items. Collection reason, so that we can help her do some screening, like the black turtle bed before, there is simply no need to bring it. The inner core of the black turtle is a bit useful, but the shell is useless, and it is also a waste if you bring it. Can Isinger still lack the bed?

After screening, we found that although the things around Yu look ugly, many of them are extremely precious Heaven and Earth Treasure, and even some of the things that have been extinct in modern times, but they have not undergone tempering and have good performance. It's still very poor. Gold coin and I simply got the information on the origin of these things from Yu's mouth. We will collect some of them and take them back after we find all the people. These are all good things, precious treasures with no market.

After finishing all the things on the rain side, I found that there was a pile the size of a whole house. Fortunately, we all have room for phoenix and dragons, so we just packed it up for the rain. Yu is very interested in Fenglong's spatial ability, but unfortunately she doesn't know how to spatially spell herself. This is the Great Desolate Era. Many of the spells of the later monsters have not been invented in this era. Therefore, the power of rain is very biased. It is scary in terms of mana, but the actual battle strength is not very good. But I believe that as long as we go back and undergo our training, it should quickly become a super battle strength no less than Hongyan, Vina and Guanyin elder sister.

"Okay, now everything is collected, shall we go see your friend?" I said to Yu.

"Well, come with me."

Yu's first friend lived not far away, in the forest near this floating island. This is a rather vast primitive forest. It looks strange because the main plants here are different from our time. We went directly into the forest under the leadership of the rain, and then passed through an underground passage. When we came out from the other end, we found that we had reached the location of a small clearing.

This open space is about the size of a football field. It is roughly circular. There are no plants on the ground. The forest seems to be isolated by some force and stays outside of this area. And this area In the center of, there is a giant plant nearly seventy meters high.

"Small tree." The rain bounced towards the big tree. "Look at my new clothes."

The big tree in front of you suddenly started to glow. When the light dimmed, the big tree was gone, replaced by a slim beautiful girl standing with the big tree growing. s position. This girl looks about the same age as Yu, but unlike Yu's delicate beauty, she looks much more lively and energetic. In addition, this girl’s hair is actually green, unlike rain’s hair which is blue. When we got closer, I realized that her eyes were also green. I paid attention to the rain's eyes. Sure enough, the rain's eyes were blue. It seems that the two of them are simply not monsters, but elemental lifeforms, an ancient and basic life form.

According to the knowledge I have, the lower the level, the more powerful, because they are already basic forms and cannot be destroyed again. The lifeform of the element is the most basic substance. Destroying the element is almost equal to contending with the law of the world, and that is simply impossible.

Yu is very excited to show off her costume to her little sister, and her friend is rays of light full of envy. The girl who was called to be a tree wore only a bunch of leaves. Although it looked much better than the turtle shell outfit she wore before the rain, she still didn't count as clothes.

For our approach, the tree did not show any hostility. After all, we came with the rain. Besides, their lifeform sensing ability is very strong. If we are malicious, she will be a few kilometers away. You can feel it outside.

"Rain, don't you tell us about it?" I walked over and asked.

Yu quickly stopped her bragging behavior and quickly introduced it to us. From Yu's introduction, we understand that the real body of the tree is the big tree just now, and she should actually belong to the Wood Element elemental spirit.

The tree looked at us up and down very seriously, then took a look at Yu's clothes, and then shyly asked, "Can I really get something to wear like this?"

Rain said to the tree the appearance of a person coming by: "This is called clothes, don’t talk about things worn on the body. This thing is very beautiful, and it is very light and comfortable. I feel better than The clothes used to be so much better. No, it’s not right. Before, those simply can’t be called clothes."

I smiled and said, "Miss Tree, there are many of these clothes in our place. We can even follow yours. Customize your figure and preferences. Moreover, the clothes Yu is wearing now are just good-looking. In fact, we have some clothes that can increase your strength. They are not only beautiful, but also practical."

There are clothes that can improve my abilities, and I quickly asked: "Is there any clothes like this? Why don't I know."

I explained with a smile: "These things on us can improve multiple items at the same time. Costumes of ability and beauty are called equipment. Clothes like me are called armors, and clothes like Kristina are called wizard robes. Of course, there are other clothes. These valuable clothes are used by us. Collectively referred to as equipment, their types are very diverse, and their aesthetics are also different. If you like it, you can customize some for you when you come back to us."

"Really?" Excitedly came up, then thought about it and said sorry again: "But I have nothing to exchange with you!"

Not bad, this girl is at least smarter than Yu, knowing that she can't take advantage of others in vain. I deliberately pretended to be very sincere and said: "If I can give you one or two pieces of clothing, the value of the equipment is a thousand or even trillion times the clothing. Besides, many people will want many sets of equipment. I definitely can’t give you so much equipment for nothing. But..." After a pause, I saw the two little girls look anxious, so I continued: "It’s not impossible. Although you have nothing to do with me. Exchange, but you can do things for me!"

"Do things for you? Why do you want us to do things for you?" The tree's brain is really smarter than Yu, because Yu has just already I planned to open my mouth and agreed, but was held back by the tree.

I tried my best to explain gently: "This is actually very simple! I have only one person, but sometimes I have many things to do. I can’t be too busy alone. At this time, I will Need help. Also, I also have my own enemies and enemies. Sometimes the enemy will come to beat me, or I will beat my enemies. At this time, one person is definitely not as good as a group of people. Do you understand this?"

Tree nodded: "Of course I know this. Charlene wanted to bully me before. I killed Charlene with Xiaoyu and others. The crowd is really useful."

"So! Of course I hope that many people will help me, and the more people there are, the safer I will be. Don't you think?"

The rain and the trees are nodded.

"Then, I will use these clothing and equipment as a condition for asking you to help. I will provide you with various personal items, and you will help me fight."

"Personal What are the supplies? I just want beautiful equipment." Yu asked weakly.

"Equipment is just one of the personal items. You actually need a lot of things in your life. For example... first ask, do you eat? Or do you live by absorbing the elements?"< /p>

Yu shook his head: "Of course we have to eat. The light absorption element can only provide the mana needed for battle, but it doesn't matter what the stomach is!"

It seems that the rain and the tree are already high level The elemental life of, the elemental alone can no longer maintain the life form. But since they want to eat, it's easy to handle, at least we have more things to tempt them.

I dragged two bottles of white jade dew blackmailed from Celestial Court from Fenglong Space and handed them to two people. The two of them first brightened their eyes, and then happily hugged the two bottles and said: "Is this for us? It's so beautiful, what is this thing for? Why is it so beautiful?"

! These two girls have never seen high-end colorful porcelain, I just wanted them to taste the white jade inside, but they both held the bottle as treasures. "Eh... Two people, this is just a container for things. I want you to see what's inside. There is a lid on it that can be removed, yes, that's the one that can be opened. There is some liquid in it, you guys. You can drink a little and taste it."

Both girls opened the cap of the bottle cautiously, and then noticed the fragrance of the liquid in the bottle at the same time. Afterwards, they both took a sip carefully, but they couldn’t bear it together. Stayed and drank another big sip, and stopped sorry until the last bottle was tasted.

I said with a smile: "This is just a drink, there are many similar things, and each has a unique taste. Although it may not be delicious, it is often changed when paired. It’s also very good to change the taste. In addition to this drink, we have some delicious ones.” As I said, I took out a braised salamander that had been processed by high level cooking techniques. As a result, I still took out the chopsticks and the two of them were there. Divide the salamander by hand.

Looking at the two of them licking their fingers over there, I proudly said: "The supplies are not just beautiful clothes, they are delicious, and there are so many other things you want to do. I didn’t expect anything I used to. As long as you help me do things, I can provide you with these supplies. What do you think?"

"Do you really eat this every day?" The tree still keeps She was minimally wary, but the way she licked her fingers was really not deterrent.

“Of course we don’t eat this every day.” Looking at the tree with the expression that I knew, I immediately smiled and added: “Because we have tens of thousands of different foods, every meal We usually have four dishes and one soup. Even if the meal is not repeated, it takes several years to try all of them. How can we stare at one thing every day? Besides, most of these tens of thousands of foods refer to meat and needs. We didn't count the cooked vegetables, fruits, and other things that can be eaten without processing. For example, this one." I threw two more fruits to them.

The two little girls immediately grabbed the fruit and ate them, with happy expressions on their faces.

I continued to lobby while the iron was hot: "How is it? It tastes good, right? This is simple fruit, there are many on our side."

The rain had already surrendered, but the tree still wanted She resisted, but she was completely knocked down after I took out jewelry made of various precious materials and various cosmetics. Women love beauty, and elemental creatures are no exception.

After finishing the tree, we ran to their next friend's Cave Mansion. On the way, I asked the tree and rain a lot about Heaven and Earth Treasure. The valuable items of this era are basically in an undeveloped state. Since humans in this era have not yet entered the stage of socialization, various rare items are common in this era, especially the animal and plant resources, which are almost like weeds everywhere. Yes.

The third friend we met with the tree and the rain belt lived far away. It took a lot of time even if we used high-speed monsters like Asuka and Long Spear to fly us. According to the time of our flight and the speed of long spear, we have actually left the Chinese border, but in this era, the continents on Earth have not been separated. The entire Earth is a continent, and it is completely connected together, so We also don't know which country it is in. The topography here is really very different from our time. Our time is a mountainous place, but here it may still be a plain. This is a matter of uncertainty. However, our preliminary judgment is that this is likely to be Antarctica.

Although the area we are currently in is obviously on the equator, and there are large tropical rain forests under our feet, but this area has a tendency to be separated from the rest of the continent, and according to the rough terrain Judging by the direction, this is likely to be Antarctica in later generations, but it is still on the equator at this time, and of course it is not as cold as our time.

I finally found a place, and I saw a floating island suspended in the sky from a long distance. We saw a lot of floating islands along the way. Floating islands in this era are as common as mountain packs, but this one is the highest floating island we have seen. It is almost at the height of the constant temperature layer, if not for rain and rain. The tree knows the road, and we ourselves may fly under it without knowing it.

This floating island is very different from the floating islands we have seen before. Not only is it staying at a higher position, but its structure is also completely different from the previous floating islands. There are no plants and no soil on this floating island, but some white rocks resembling white jade. This white stone can easily mix it with clouds from below, which is one of the reasons why it is so hidden.

There is no rugged terrain on the top of the island, only the central part is slightly higher, which is roughly a flat top. The only feeling here is that the wind is strong. Standing here by our own strength almost feels like being blown away. Even two people have to shout loudly, because the airflow is too fast and the sound waves are difficult to transmit. However, we only walked less than one side and the wind around the meter suddenly disappeared. As a result, several of us almost fell because of the sudden loss of resistance. Yu and Shu seem to have known that there is such a Formation here, and they are not affected at all.

I was just about to talk about the two of them, when I saw the silhouette flashed in front of me, a white silhouette rushed towards me with a bunch of phantoms, and I hurriedly crossed my hands to protect me. I felt a small amount of force in my arm, but it also shocked me and took a step back. The white silhouette quickly retreated by kicking me and flashed out a more than a hundred meters, and then went around in a big circle and came back. The other party suddenly stopped when they arrived in front of me, and then shook my leg. I put my hands in front of me and steadily caught the leg, but the other party broke away again, and then the silhouette suddenly disappeared.

I am not a rookie. As soon as the opponent disappeared, I felt someone approaching behind me. With a whistling sound, I automatically hovered behind me for two and a half months, and stopped the opponent forcibly. I took a wing, and the opponent quickly backed away, but I felt that the tip of the wing was still scratching.

"Wind elder sister, don't fight." Yu and Shu exclaimed anxiously.

silhouette completely ignored the two of them, and suddenly appeared in front of me. I only saw her as a beautiful woman with a pair of shiny silver eyes, but then I only saw her moving away from me quickly. It was not that she was backing up, but that I was kicked into the air. From the very beginning, her speed has been increasing, and it is getting faster and faster. I don’t know why she attacked me, but she didn’t seem to be playing with it, because the foot just now was a killer move, but I blocked it at a critical moment, but the opponent’s strength was too strong, so he kicked me. Fly away.

If you play again, you will die. I put aside the idea of ​​polite and then pawn. For two and a half months, I flew towards her while spinning. The woman waved her hand, and the two wind blades were hitting for two and a half months, but the half moon was too sharp. After cutting the wind blades, they still rushed forward unabated. The woman was a little surprised, but she still flashed out quickly, Ban Yue couldn't catch up with her at all. But Ban Yue is just a bait, distracting her, the real killer move is on my side.

I took out six daggers from behind with both hands and threw them out at the same time. Six daggers stared at a hexagon on the ground. The woman glanced at me and wondered why I threw the dagger so far, but she knew what I was going to do right away. Two dragons' tendons flew out of my hands and shot two daggers respectively, and then I rushed up with the string. Feng didn’t know what I wanted to do, so he just stepped away from me, but I was pulling the dragon's tendons in my hand, rushing to the side of the dagger, hung the wire on the handle of the dagger, and then down a dagger. run. The six-handed dagger was quickly pulled out of a Six Pointed Star Array with a frame. It was too late when the wind noticed. I was comfortable with the magic on the cable, and quickly opened a closed Formation based on the cable. The wind was sealed in one of the Formations, but Ban Yue was still free to shuttle through it. . Formation limits the space where the wind can move, so that Banyue can quickly catch her even if the speed is slow.

After a two-and-a-half month circle, they flew back together. The wind was inevitable in the narrow area. He watched for two and a half months to fly towards her at the same time.

"No." Yu yelled, and got stuck on Feng's neck with two crosses in the middle of the night. It was only a little bit to separate her head from her body, but I stopped her for half a month. Come down.

There were panic and dissatisfaction in Feng's eyes, but he seemed to be more panicked. Half Moon is an elemental weapon. Although it has a strong physical lethality, its real purpose is to cut energy, so even if the elemental creature is cut, it will be done.

"Do you want to continue?" I asked defiantly. This wind is obviously naturally arrogant, and if she doesn't convince her, there is probably no way to subdue her.

"Your Formation is too strange, I have not seen it before, so I was fooled. If I knew at first, I would definitely not let you finish the layout."

"Then Okay." I stood up, Formation disappeared, Long Jinsuo brought the dagger capital back, Ban Yue also left her neck and returned to my back. "Do it again."

Feng's body suddenly disappeared in place, and he appeared in front of me the next second, hitting my throat with a fierce punch. If I hit this one, I would be dizzy, but I was not stupid, and suddenly lowered my head, the lower edge of the mask and the collar of the armor were connected together, blocking the neck. However, Feng's combat experience was not bad. A wind blade came out of my fist and passed through the gap directly before I lowered my head. I was beaten and flew up, fell to the ground and turned over and quickly got up again. Fortunately, the magic dragon suit also has a chain-linked armor around the neck, otherwise I will be in a different place just now.

I just got up and the wind had reached the front. A sweeping kick kicked my calf. I quickly turned my calf and oh la la bounced the back blade behind my calf. "Ah!" Feng kicked the blade and groaned back.

I said to Yu Heshu: "Have you seen it? The equipment is not only beautiful, but also useful when fighting."

※※※※※※※※※※ ※※※※※※※※※※※※※※

The storm is here for everyone. The past few days I have been socializing and I don’t have time to write a book. Today I’m completely idle, and the update will go back to normal afterwards. (To be continued, if you want to know what's going on, please visit WWW.CMFU.COM, there are more chapters, authors are supported, and genuine reading is supported!)

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