In any case, we are getting closer and closer to the task. After thinking about it for a long time, we decided to go to the floating island that we had come down first, at least to make a mark. We arrived in this era through that room. If we want to go back, we probably have to rely on that room, so the location of this island must be marked first so that we can find it again after we go out and explore.

After letting the pet and the summon creature go to you, Kristina and I flew to the floating island together. Before we came down from the exit side, this time we flew to the location of the lake behind the mountain. In fact, almost half of the area on this island is occupied by this lake, otherwise it would be impossible to make the big waterfall.

After arriving on the lake, I first switched to the state of Silver Moon. Raising the right hand, the ring of flowing water immediately lit up the rays of light of light blue. "In the name of the god of water-Yushui." The feet of the four of us lit up, and a blue magic array was slowly rotating under each of us. After landing on the lake, I stood directly on the water and beckons with the hand to them. "Come down. It's okay, it won't sink."

"Really didn't expect you to have such a practical magic." Zhenhong landed first and stood with me as expected. On the water.

Gold coin and Kristina also landed one after another. Kristina squatted down and touched the surface of the water with her hand. As a result, her finger immediately went into the water. "What's going on?"

I smiled and explained: "This water is still water. My magic just keeps you from sinking, and it doesn't change the attributes of the water. Of course you can stretch out as soon as you touch it. It's in the water."

"It's amazing."

Gold coin said: "Let me see if there are any useful creatures here, maybe I can find good things! "

"Get out of the way." I pushed the gold coin out, and the gold coin flew out. A huge column of water exploded where she had just stood, and the splashing water instantly enveloped us. "Get off, get off soon." I shouted as I stepped back.

"Little demon." Gold coin stretched out his hand, and a snow-white fox landed beside her, and then gold coin turned over and rode up. The fox quickly became large and flew with the gold coin.

"Floating technique." Kristina and Zhenhong were taken flying by a magic.

I ran two steps and opened my wings at the same time and flew up. A huge black figure was following me under the surface of the water below me, and it could actually catch up to my speed. I slapped my wings vigorously a few times, and the whole person immediately rose up. Maybe I realized that I could not reach it by flying high, and the black shadow immediately jumped out of the water. I showed a triumphant smile: "What I'm waiting for is now." I turned around in the air, and the eternity in my hand became a giant sword 30 meters long. "Soul Severing Slash." A red light flashed, and the thing that attacked me turned into two halves completely symmetrical in the air and fell back into the lake. Eternally transformed back to its original form and returned to my hands.

"Damn, what a big fish!" Gold coin flew to my side on a fox.

"Are the things in Great Desolate Era so big?" Kristina asked.

"Should not be? But..." I looked at the blood red on the lake. "There are really a lot of big guys here!"

"Well? What do you mean?" Kristina looked at me suspiciously.

True red patted her, and then pointed to the surface of the lake. Christina looked down and immediately understood what I meant. After the fish was killed by me, a lot of blood came out, and the blood water created a small red area on the lake. At this time, the lake was like boiling, countless huge vortices appeared on the surface of the water, and a large number of black shadows could be seen from above the lake surface.

"Good fellow, so many!" Kristina counted the dark shadows below. "There are about seven largest ones, and hundreds of smaller ones. Although this lake is very large, there shouldn't be so many ferocious fishes, right?"

"Do you know the Demon space?" I asked Chris. Di Na.

Christina shook the head. "I haven't heard of it."

gold coin explained to her: "Chinese Demon is different from European devil beast. Regardless of their strength, their intelligence is generally not bad, while European devil beast is mainly power. Strong, brains are not necessarily good. So Chinese Demon can often research some strange things to serve itself. This Demon space is one of them. Its main functions include camouflage, expansion of space, and defense against foreign enemies. This lake may also be protected by this kind of Formation. It looks so big. In fact, there is another expansion space inside, and the actual area may be quite exaggerated."

"So there are monsters living here? "

"The one I cut just now can be regarded as a monster. You have seen a body length of 30 meters, swimming as fast as I fly, and jumping out of the water more than a hundred meters Is it a fish that bites people? It’s not a monster to blame!"

Suddenly Zhenhong said: "I don’t know if this fish has any value."

"How about catching one? ?" Gold coin asked.

I am nodded. Gold coin immediately took out a tube with a diameter of half a meter and a length of more than one meter from his Phoenix Dragon space. "What's this?"

"Depth charge."

"Do you still bring this thing when you go out?" Kristina was taken aback by gold coin.

Gold coin fiddled with the bomb and said: "This is Crystal Chocolate asked me to help with the experiment. It is said to be amphibious. I am in charge of the experiment on land. Today I just took these fishes. ." Gold coin suddenly let go after speaking, and the bomb fell immediately.

The strange fish gathered below may have been staring at us. As soon as the bomb fell, a more than 30-meter-long fish jumped out of the water and swallowed the bomb.

"Damn! Fortunately, I didn't get close to the water."

After waiting for a few seconds, the surface suddenly lit up, and then the entire surface of the water bulged upwards, and we hurriedly separated. The water column flew straight up to a height of more than a hundred meters before it began to fall. There was chaos under the water. Numerous strange fish were directly stunned, and those far away jumped to the water in shock, and some even jumped onto the shore.

"Good fellow, what kind of thunder is this? The formidable power is too big, right?"

Gold coin was a little afraid and said: "It's all caused by chocolate, don't tell me The bomb has such a big formidable power."

"At least the experimental materials are available." Zhen Hong said, pointing to the big fishes on the lake with a big heartbeat.

"Which one without eyes is making trouble at my door? I am impatient?" A sweet female voice appeared on the lake, but her words were rude enough to resemble a bandit.

A huge whirlpool appeared on the lake, and a woman holding a three-pointed fork rose from the water. This woman is so beautiful that she is not even inferior to the beauty of the demons around me, but her clothes really have an urge to make people want to laugh. Such a beautiful woman actually wore a tortoise shell on her body, and the tortoise shell did not fit well. It looked like she was hiding in a jar, which was really awkward.

We were all stunned by her costume, but the woman didn't shout any more after she surfaced, but stared at us in a daze. The two sides looked at each other like this for more than a minute before reacting at the same time. The woman flew up suddenly, and then quickly flew towards me.

"What kind of bird cultivation do you have?" the woman asked, standing in the air a few meters away from me.

I pointed to myself in surprise and asked: "You ask me?"

"Are there any birds besides you?"

"Do you think I Does it look like a bird?"

Gold coin whispered to me: "Is this woman stupid? Angel Race doesn't even know it."

I still keep the silver The moon form belongs to Angel Race. She actually asked me what kind of bird cultivation I was. She probably regarded me as a monster of bird cultivation! Demon cultivation in China usually leaves behind some characteristics of the race if it is not at home. Like a fox, it will have a big tail, and a snake monster will often have a forked tongue. As for the monsters of avian cultivation, they will naturally have wings.

"I am not a bird."

"Not a bird?" The woman looked at me, and then shook the head: "No matter what you are, the thing you are wearing I like it very much. If you give it to me, I won't care about what happened just now."

Dizzy, it turns out that she has taken a fancy to my equipment, and she knows the goods very well. The equipment used by the gods is the Divine Item, but the gods are also divided into different levels. The oath suit is the top Divine Item of the High God level, which is several levels different from the general Divine Item. Moreover, the vow suit is a full-body combination suit, and the general Divine Item rarely has a complete set. Usually a set of Divine Item will be 30% stronger than a single piece of Divine Item, which belongs to the best of the best. Besides, the vow suit is a full set of Divine Item. In addition to the whole body equipment, it also has a complete set of jewelry. This is also a rare type in the Divine Item suit. It is definitely a handsome equipment. She opened her mouth for such a good thing. I really don't know if she is so strong that she is perverted or she has no brains at all. But I have always been a courtesy first and then a soldier, so I don't care about her for the time being.

"Miss, this is my body protection equipment, what do you want it for? I don’t have self-protection equipment if I give it to you!"

The woman next A word almost didn't make us fall from the sky. She blushed and said: "Those things on you look so good, I haven't seen that. You give me my care about the things you messed up at my door."

Dizzy! Co-authoring this woman simply didn't know what the vow suit was, she saw that the costume was very beautiful. But so is speaking of which. The vow suit is a mage suit. Except for the protection of golden nails on important parts, most of the places are colored brocade, and the outside is covered with translucent thin sha. Even from the perspective of modern people, it is an absolute work of art. Look at this woman's costume again... if she can count as a costume too! Judging by this, she really wanted my equipment because she felt pretty.

She saw that I didn't answer and thought I would not give it. In a hurry, she pointed to gold coin again. "Otherwise, the one on her body will do."

Gold coin hurriedly protected her chest: "Don't think about it, I am a national weapon!"

The woman heard that gold coin didn't do it. It's even more anxious. "Then you two, you can give it to me." She probably realized that we can't deal with it, but she really wants beautiful clothes, so she prefers to want other people's clothes next. Although the true red equipment is a national weapon, this woman just wants beautiful clothes. From this point of view, the True Martial suit is more than masculine and not beautiful. On the contrary, Kristina’s mage robe is more beautiful. The division of the law is big, and the equipment is not much worse.

Of course Zhenhong and Kristina will not give her their own equipment, but we have relaxed because we have understood that this problem is actually easy to solve. There is a kind of equipment in the game called fashion, without any attributes, purely for beauty. Players who are not combat professionals will wear fashions, and girls in combat professionals will generally buy a lot to wear when they are not in war.

The woman became anxious when we all refused, she picked up the three tines. "Are you really not giving it?"

"Wait a minute." I quickly stopped her. Glancing at the three of them.

gold coin smiled quickly and said: "How do you call this lady?"

"I am the Lord Rain of Bibotantan on Lingyun Mountain, you can call me Lord Yutan . But if you are willing to give me the things you wear, I can allow you to call me Yu directly."

Sure enough, he is from Great Desolate Era. The name is so simple, there is no surname, and there is only one word. It is simply a primordial society! I said to her: "In this case, let's call you rain! Because we are going to give you some clothes."

Yu frowned asked: "What are clothes? What are you giving me clothes for? What I want you to wear."

Khan! She didn't even know that the things she wore were called clothes, but it was right to think about it. Language should have evolved gradually with civilization. She probably didn't have such a saying in her time. Watching her put on a tortoise shell, it is obvious that there is no clothes here, otherwise it is not trivial to use a monster that can transform her into a humanoid.

Gold coin they all couldn't help but laugh, and finally I had to explain to her. "These clothes are the things you wear on your body. They can keep you warm and beautiful."

"These clothes you wear are called clothes? Then you said it was true that you gave me clothes? Very good, you are right. Hello, Yu remembered. In the future, someone will come to me if they want to kill you, and I will kill them all for you."

It really is a primordial society! The struggle is so naked, either killing or fighting.

I turned to gold coin and them. "Do you bring beautiful clothes?"

Kristina shook her head: "I never buy those useless clothes."

True Hong also shook the head: "Don't look at me, I don't have that hobby."

Damn, No way! Just finished the promise, if none of us have any clothes, how do we deliver it? It’s good to say not to give it before, but now that it’s a shame after you promised it, it’s a shame that people don’t look for me desperately! Fortunately, the nature of women's love of beauty is still applicable to most women. Kristina and Zhenhong are alternatives and are not considered, but gold coin is a real girl character. She let us land on the shore first, then opened her own phoenix and dragon space, and then pulled out rows of hangers from the inside, which were full of various clothes.

"Damn, you robbed the clothing store?" I was shocked by the collection of gold coin clothing.

"This is what I bought with money, OK?" Gold coin smiled and said to the rain over there: "You can pick whatever you like, it's yours if you like it." Before the rain answered, she jumped again. He came to me and said, "I'll say yes, I'm working for the public, you have to be reimbursed, and both are compensated."

I said why this miser has suddenly become so generous! This abacus was made for a long time. According to her idea, I will pay her two for every item Yu takes. The more Yu takes, the more cost-effective it is. I said angrily: "Look to Awei for the reimbursement."

"Isn't that still my money?" Gold Coin said angrily.

"What is your money?"

"Awei is my husband. His is mine, and mine is mine. The reimbursement can only be reimbursed by outsiders. He claims I don’t care about it. I don’t care. Anyway, I have contributed clothes for the welfare of the guild. You have to reimburse it."

"Okay! But I can only exchange one for one, at most I will give you some more. Facilitation fee."


Yu didn't bother to pay attention to our negotiation. She had been turned upside down by those costume fans, Divine Soul. Although gold coin this girl is very greedy for money, she is absolutely willing to buy clothes and cosmetics. This bunch of clothes are almost all classic styles, and many of them are limited edition clothes, which are definitely works of art. When Yu saw these things, it was like a person who had been eating rice bran suddenly ran into the Manchu Banquet and could not remember anything at all.

I was watching her walking through the racks of clothes, but she suddenly stopped in front of one of the racks, took out a piece of clothing and compared it, immediately stretched out her hand on her waist and pressed it. , The tortoise shell fell directly to the ground with a boom. My eyes followed the tortoise shell to the ground, but when I raised my eyes again, I was taken aback and turned around quickly. There is a vacuum inside this girl, and she becomes naked as soon as the tortoise shell hits the ground.

"Don't be rude!" I'm not a fake and serious. I really don't know what that girl's character is. Don't do it when the time comes. If the time comes, it will be troublesome to blame me.

Fortunately, she doesn't remember anything except the pile of clothes now, we forgot to go beyond the topmost clouds for her a long time ago. I beckons with the hand, really red and they immediately gathered around me. I whispered to them repeatedly, "Go help her choose clothes, and deepen her feelings by the way."

"Understand." Gold coin immediately turned to greet the rain, but Zhenhong and Kristina didn't move at all. The two of them don't know how to match clothes, and it's useless to go.

Although Yu thinks these clothes are very beautiful, she hasn't worn them before after all. She knows these things are worn on her body, but she doesn't know how to put them on. Female clothing is not as uniform as male clothing. Many special clothing are worn in strange ways. Not to mention that Yu is a primordial monster who has never seen clothes. Even male compatriots in modern society may not know how to wear it.

Gold coin explained how to wear various clothes while introducing her to the importance of matching, and made recommendations based on her appearance and figure. Two women chatted about clothing. If you prepare two chairs for them and add some water, they can talk from dawn to dark. Fortunately, gold coin hasn't forgotten the task, but just gave a brief introduction and didn't talk to her in detail.

It's been two hours after the rain has finally chosen clothes. Zhenhong and Kristina and I are grilling dried fish on the grass next to them. The voice of gold coin appeared behind me. "Da da da da... the star comes out on stage."

I turned my head after hearing the sound, scared me, and leaned back, thumped directly to the ground with a plop, but fortunately, I was far away from the fire, otherwise I would Go straight into the fire. I saw a beauty in a green fairy dress standing next to gold coin. This dress was modeled after the Celestial Court fairy. Most of the area was translucent Qingsha, with ribbons wrapped around his arms, which looked very beautiful. dream. Yu was originally a beauty, but the previous "clothing" was too awkward, so she concealed her temperament. Now that this fairy dress is set off, she immediately becomes a fairy.

When we looked up and down like this, Yu began to feel shy, blushing and whispered: "Thank you for sending me such a beautiful dress. Yu remembers your good, but if you have any needs afterwards, please Just call me."

Dizzy! Obviously, they look like fairies, but we have a thief talk, and we are all in cold sweats.

Christina smiled and said: "Just a few clothes, don’t be too polite."

Seeing the rain wants to speak, I rushed to the front and said: "Rain, since you I like beautiful clothes. It’s okay to give you some more. I don’t know if you are willing to go with us. There are a lot of these kinds of clothes where I live. How do you want to wear them. Three hundred and sixty-five days a year, you can Change one set a day, and don’t bring duplicates.” Wow ha ha, the Great Desolate era probably didn’t have the saying that you are fooling me. In this era, most people speak with strength and fight when they meet. . This fits my abduction plan. Although the brain is not good enough, the powerhouse of this era is much better than ours, and it can be used as the main force by digging out some second and third line monsters. I've seen this rain with Star Eyes before. She is a 3,000-level Great Demon monster. I can get a tie with her if she really fights, but she can't kill me.

After listening to my suggestion, Kristina and the others were all suffocating a smile, but Yu didn't know that I was abducting her, and immediately agreed when she heard that there was clothes. I smiled and said: "Then we will be a family from now on, we plan to go around here first, can you help us as a guide?"

"Yes." Yu nodded very hard, and then Naively asked me: "What is a guide?"

All fainted! (To be continued, if you want to know what's going on, please visit WWW.CMFU.COM, there are more chapters, authors are supported, and genuine reading is supported!)

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