The thing that was torn with Hajime Ancestral Dragon looks like a strange creature. If you have to describe it, it looks like a hairy dinosaur. This guy is about the same size as Hajime Ancestral Dragon, but he has a lot more agility, but it is not as strong as Hajime Ancestral Dragon, and it has a pair of wings but no front paws, which makes it a bit disadvantageous for fighting.

The mountains hit by the two guys shook the ground and rolled all the way in front of us. Those small creatures had already run away. Suddenly, Hajime Ancestral Dragon hit the monster with a stubby tail, and the monster was thrown out. As soon as the two giant beasts separated, they began to inhale at the same time, and then opened their mouths at the same time. Hajime Ancestral Dragon's mouth sprayed out a burning fireball, but it was obvious that there was some black material in it, unlike the giant dragon's pure flame. The rare beast here did not eject anything, but Hajime Ancestral Dragon on the opposite side rolled and fell out, as if hit by something, and the ground was not plowed deep. The big ditch.

Although the black liquid sprayed by Hajime Ancestral Dragon was slow, it still hit the rare beast and stuck to the rare beast's body and started to burn. The burned rare beast rolled all over the floor. We look at Hajime Ancestral Dragon over there. After being beaten out, we struggled on the ground trying to stand up, but couldn't get up anyhow, and he was still vomiting blood in his mouth, which was obviously not a minor injury.

"It looks like both sides are injured!" Bannon Songlan said.

"Should we do it?" Gold coin asked.

"Look at the situation first."

The two guys are very strong. Although the injuries are not minor, they struggled to get up together, and then rushed to each other again. With a bang, the two giant beasts collided together. Hajime Ancestral Dragon bit the other rare beast's neck. The rare beast also bit Hajime Ancestral Dragon's neck without the slightest hesitation, and both sides froze. Anyway, it depends on whose anger is longer.

It turns out that the backup system is very important. After being bitten by the neck, Hajime Ancestral Dragon actually stood up all the scales under his chest, and a bright red sieve-like structure appeared under those scales.

"Gills?" Kristina asked.

Pannon Pylan is nodded: "Our Dragon Clan was originally an amphibious crawling creature. Isn’t it strange to have gills?"

Although the gills are strictly speaking, they are aquatic respirators. It is not completely unusable after landing, just that the exchange efficiency is not as good as in the water. The Hajime Ancestral Dragon had an extra gill that could take a small amount of breathing. It was obviously cheaper than the other monster. In the end, when both sides bite the other's trachea, they stunned the monster first.

As soon as the big monster fell down, Ancestral Dragon immediately let go of its mouth and took a few breaths, and then sprayed several mouthfuls of mucus at the monster. The burning mucus completely burned the monster’s head. It became coke, Hajime Ancestral Dragon leaned up and pushed with his paws a few times, and turned around to look at us after confirming that this guy was dead, and then it suddenly opened the head of rare beast. This monster has a big head, but not much brains, probably a type with very low intelligence. Hajime Ancestral Dragon first drank the white brain fluid, then dug out a green crystal from it and swallowed it in one gulp. After finishing all this, it pushed the corpse towards us, then spread its wings and flew into the distance.

"What did it just mean?" Lucky asked, looking at Haji's Ancestral Dragon going away.

"It seems to mean giving us the corpse." Bannon Songlan said: "Hajime Ancestral Dragon is the ancestor of Dragon Clan. His intelligence is not as high as ours, and his behavior is very simple. But after all, It’s the ancestor of our Dragon Clan. He still has some brains. We didn’t have trouble with it in the battle just now, but it’s not sure if we will clean it up when it just finished the fight, so it left the monster corpse, thinking so. We will eat the corpse and ignore it."

"Eat the corpse? Why do we eat the corpse?"

Bannon Songlan knocked for luck. "The era of Ancestral Dragon was all early creatures. The competition for survival was fierce. Most of the killings were for food, leaving a certain amount of spoils of war to escape is actually a manifestation of wisdom."

"Then it Why do you eat the magic crystal and brain?"

"Maybe I can't bear it! Besides, eating that little thing will not affect its escape."

Kristina suddenly said: "I suddenly remembered a question."

"What's the problem?" We looked at her together.

Kristina said: "Think about what happened after we walked out of the secret room. Connect them to analyze. Do you think there is any problem?"

When Stina said that, we all started to think. Gold coin looked at a mermaid on the ground that was jumping, then looked at the strange monster corpse on the opposite side, then looked up at the sky, and finally called out. I got up: "Understood!"

"What do you understand?" Zhen Hong looked at her in confusion and asked.

"I understand what happened to us." Gold coin exclaimed excitedly.

I thought for a while and patted my forehead: "I understand too!"

"What do you understand?" Zhenhong hasn't understood our thoughts yet. .

Christina said: "In fact, the problem is already obvious. The thing we understand is that we seem to be walking into the time tunnel!"

"Time tunnel?"


I added little by little: "The building we entered before was on the ground, and the terrain was still very low, even one third was flooded, but when we came out? It ran halfway up the mountain. And it’s still on a flying floating island. What does this mean?"

"The location has changed." Really red replied.

"Not only the location has changed, but the entire landscape is wrong. Also, did you see the passage when we walked out? It is exactly the same as when we entered, the only difference is it Very new, what does this mean?"

"I'm not sure." Zhenhong also began to understand.

Christina took over for me and continued: "The situation is already obvious. The passage simply has not changed. The passage we entered and exited should be the same passage, but the room sent us to us after we entered. In the age long ago, the passage became brand new."

"So how did that building run from the floating island to the ground? And how did the Longyuan Forest do it? "" Zhen Hong asked.

I speculated: "According to my speculation, the floating island we came down may have fallen, and due to its age, it has long been completely integrated with the surrounding earth into a whole. That Longyuan The reason why the forest is so low is that it was most likely to be smashed out when the floating island fell. In addition, the floating island has lush vegetation and there is a lake next to it. If it does fall, the lake will flood the forest, and the forest will adapt to the flood development. It’s normal to become Long Yuanlin now."

"Speaking of which does make sense." Zhenhong said: "According to your inference, the current situation can be understood. Ben. There should be a lot of extinct human face fish in Great Desolate Era, so it is normal for you to see the human face fish in a lake. There is also the Ancestral Dragon. If this is really Great Desolate Era, the giant dragon family has not evolved yet. Understand."

Christina walked to the corpse and kicked. "According to our deduction, we should be on the ancient continent. If I guessed right, this thing is probably a bird dragon."

"Bird dragon?"

"The intermediate form between dragon and bird can be said to be an over-evolved creature." Kristina touched this guy's fur, and then said: "This hair hasn't evolved into feathers yet, but it has changed a lot. It's soft. You know that hair is the evolution of scales."

"It seems that we were indeed sent to ancient times." Zhenhong said: "The failure of Transmission Scroll is probably due to this reason. But Purple Moon, why is your space door still open?"

"Since you already know that it is a space door, do you have anything else to ask?"

True red Frozen for a moment, and then suddenly understood. The space gate is originally two different spaces connected. Since these two spaces have nothing to do with their relative positions, time has no meaning to their relative positions, so even if we are sent back to Great Desolate Era, the earth gate can still be used. Open.

We analyzed the situation together and we roughly determined that this is the Great Desolate era. As for the reason why we are here, it is probably in that secret room. Kristina had found a scrolling display in the secret room before. At that time, we didn't understand what it was because we couldn't read the text. Now it seems that the thing is showing time. It can be said that the flushed room is basically High Level as a time machine.

Analyzed the situation we are in, and then the results of further discussion made us happy. Apart from Christina, all four of us had the original cutscene video. According to the Chinese version of Genesis, the Golden Dragon became the Yellow River after death, which means that if there is a reverse scale, That should have become part of the Yellow River together with the dragon body. According to this inference, Hyundai does not actually have a Golden Dragon reverse scale, but we got it right. That room sent us to Great Desolate Era, and Golden Dragon is still alive at this time, which means that it can be determined that there is a real Golden Dragon reverse scale in this era. But the question is how do we get it? Are you going to have a fight with Golden Dragon? We are probably not enough for a sneeze, right? (To be continued, if you want to know what's going on, please visit WWW.CMFU.COM, there are more chapters, authors are supported, and genuine reading is supported!)

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