"What did you find?"

"This." Kristina pointed to the ground, and we hurriedly swam over. Sure enough, there was a strange square on the ground under Kristina's feet. There is a rectangular hole on this ground. There are three protruding round faces in the hole, and there are some strange words on each face. However, the strangest thing is that the round surface is still rolling, almost like a wheeled display. Bannon Songlan was released by me and shook his head. The thing on it was simply not dragon text.

The thing kept turning, but nothing happened around us. After a few minutes, the thing stopped suddenly, and the text displayed on the three scrolling axes was exactly the same, but we didn't know what it meant. Since it didn't turn, we couldn't stay by the side forever, so we had to scout around. We finally gave up this search mission after an hour, because we really couldn't find any clues other than those words.

"We can't just wander around here, should we leave first to find some clues?" Gold coin said: "Besides, this is not necessarily the place where the reverse scale is placed, maybe we guessed the wrong place, or here It’s just such a spell room, it’s not an important mission location."

"It's also possible." I thought about it and said, "We should go back first! We are here as chaotic as headless flies. It's useless to hit."

"Well, then!" Zhen Hong took out the Transmission Scroll to expand, but the scroll did not flash. "Strange, why didn't you respond?"

I put away the other pets, leaving only Amana and took the lead to swim through the channel that had always come: "Don’t bother, maybe there is something forbidden to transmit here. Seal." There are a lot of areas where teleportation is prohibited in the game. Real Red didn't think it was any strange, so he put away the scroll and swam with me.

I am not slow to have Anana pulling me, and soon we arrived at the gate when we came. Originally, I was worried that this door would become a trouble for us when I went back. This guy was actually an automatic door, and when someone approached, he opened it by himself. After this door, it was the narrow passage where we came. Everyone continued to swim forward and soon arrived at the place where we started watering. Behind this gate is an area with less water, so I put Aanna away first and walked to the door to take a look. Sure enough, there was an obvious lever on the wall. It seems that this place does not want to seal us inside, all doors have simple opening and closing.

After everyone was ready, I pulled the handle, the gate opened in front of us with a bang, and the water in the passage immediately rushed out from under the door, thanks to the fact that we had inserted the weapon into the wall and fixed ourselves , Otherwise it will definitely be taken out by the current.

We waited for the water to run out before we drew out our weapons, and Christina pulled me. "Purple Moon, have you noticed something wrong?"

"En?" I looked around suspiciously, and then suddenly understood. "Yeah! Why is the water gone?"

"Water?" Gold coin looked down at his feet and said puzzledly: "You opened the door, of course the water will flow out! Is there anything weird? ?"

It's so red that I understand it. "No. This building is in a swamp. When we came in, there was knee-deep water on the ground. Even if the gate is opened now, the water level will drop to the same level as before. How could it all flow out? ??"

Ying Zhenhong said that gold coin also understood. Even if the water flows out here, at least the water level shouldn't follow it down! In the process of questioning our doubts, the gate in front has been fully raised, and the outer passage appeared in front of us.

"This is not the way we came in, right?" Zhen Hong asked when he looked at the passage in front of him.

"I don't think it looks like it." Gold coin took the lead to go out. This place looks the same as the passage when we came in, the same low and narrow, but there is a big difference between them, that is, the preservation. When I entered, the passage was completely covered by bryophytes, and the text on the wall had fallen out, but the wall of the passage in front of me was brand new as if it had just been repaired. The colorful murals and texts on the walls indicate that its construction will never exceed a hundred years.

I went out and touched the top of the thief. "This is not the way we came in."

"How are you sure?" Kristina asked me.

"The passage we came in was soaked in water for tens of thousands of years, and it was already soaked. When we just opened the door, the water in the passage just gushed along the ground and won’t wet the top of the passage. You see Look, the top part is obviously dry. It's not impossible for three to five weeks. How long did we go in? It didn't dry so quickly with fire?"

The red hands are wrapped around me. He said: "If this is not the way we came in, then the way we came in? The room just now has only this one entrance and exit, and the passage is completely straight. If there is a curvature, you can also set up a hidden fork. How to hide the straight passage?"

Kristina said: "There is a possibility that the chamber just now panned as a whole after we entered, but we have been in it and did not feel the vibration. So this is unlikely. But it is a magical world, and this probability cannot be completely ruled out."

"Anyway, let's go out and talk about it!" Gold coin said: "It's too uncomfortable to hold back here. !"

"Agree." Kristina immediately followed the gold coin and walked out, and I had no choice but to follow.

As we move towards the entrance of the passage, the light becomes brighter and brighter, and the rumbling sound of water can be heard vaguely, and it feels like it’s not a great enemy. The silence in Longyuan Forest makes people feel hairy, such a big movement is unreasonable, can't we find out when we come in? Besides, the light is not right! It was very dark in the Longyuan Forest, and now we were still in the passage, but we could already feel the obvious light at the entrance of the cave. This was abnormal.

Gold coin and Kristina, who were walking in front, reached the entrance of the cave first, and then the two stood there motionless. Zhen Hong walked over and pushed the two of them away a bit: "Get out of the way, don't block the entrance of the hole!" After Zhen Hong went out, she also stood at the entrance of the hole, but completely blocked the hole.

I walked behind them and pushed them all aside. "Why are you all standing? Stupid?" I said as I walked out of the tunnel, I was stupid as well. "How is this possible?"

I was actually standing on a mountainside, with the entrance to the passage behind me, and at the foot of the mountain in front was a large area of ​​vibrant grass, while the ground further away suddenly broke off. , Became a downward cliff. Did we run to a high ground?

"What is that?" Zhen Hong suddenly pointed to the distance and asked.

I looked up, and then I was stupid. There is an island floating in the distant sky. Although it is not real, the green thing is indeed an island, but it is still a long way from the ground, and it is completely suspended in the air. But after seeing it, I was even more surprised, because from here, the thing and us should be on the same horizontal line, putting it that way, are we also on a floating island? Or that the terrain here is relatively high?

"Come with me." I yelled summon and jumped out of Ye Ying, and then let Ye Ying fly to a high place. I need to understand the surrounding landscape.

As we rise higher and higher, I am more and more surprised. The place we just walked out turned out to be a floating island. The entire floating island is approximately equivalent to the area of ​​the inner city of Beijing. In the center of it is a small hill. The passageway we walked out of is on the halfway of this mountain. There is a big lake on the other side of the mountain. The water of the lake follows a small river to the edge of the floating island and becomes a waterfall. It cascades down like a silver white ribbon and directly falls into a larger lake below. middle. The sound of the rumbling water we heard in the passage before is the sound of the waterfall. Shiyun flew down three thousand feet, which was an exaggerated metaphor, but the waterfall in front of him was really flew down three thousand zhang, the imposing manner was not much worse than the Milky Way.

The beautiful floating island hangs quietly above the jade green river on the ground, and the mist from the silver white waterfall sets up a rainbow bridge on the lake. It looks really beautiful and suffocating. There are many floating islands like this in the distance, and there are at least five or six within our sight.

In addition to the floating island, the ground here is also very beautiful. Large tracts of playgrounds and forests alternately appear, and rivers with silver light are criss-crossed on various terrains, and the whole hidden land of peace and prosperity. But what about our city?

I activated the star pupils, and I couldn't see a player within my sight. As for the city, let alone the city. There are no traces of civilization nearby, but plants and animals can be seen, a completely natural world without any artificial traces.

Zhenhong took out the Transmission Scroll and tried it, and then said to me: "Purple Moon, we have probably been teleported to something incredible!"

I started it first After sending the ring, it prompts that no Transmission Formation coordinates can be found, which means that there is no open Transmission Formation in the country where I belong. Long Yuanlin is in China. If this is still China, it is impossible to find a Transmission Formation that can be transmitted. It can only be said that this is not in China. But this is not a great enemy, even other countries shouldn’t have Transmission Formation? Or is this a public area? But is there such a beautiful public area on Earth?

I reported the idea of ​​giving it a try and activated the Love Ring. Let alone, it really worked. "Husband." Rose's voice came out. "What's the matter?"

I sent the image I saw to Rose through the ring of love: "We entered the Longyuan Forest, and when we came out, we found that the surroundings became like this, you help I use the ring of love to locate my position."

"No, I can talk to you, and even summon you back, but I can't find your coordinates."

"Coordinates not found?" I looked around in confusion. "Such a large area shouldn't no one knows! Isn't I on Earth?"

Rose's voice said: "Do you forget that the ring of love can't be teleported across the planet? Since I can summon you back, I will explain You are still on Earth. Do you want me to call you back now?"

"Not yet. Kristina and Zhenhong are by my side. What if you call me back?" "

"Then you first think of a solution. If it doesn't work, then go to the Mother of the Earth and bring them into the space gate. Then I summon you back, won't they come back with me?"< /p>

"Well, let's investigate here first, and we will notify you when we need it."

After disconnecting, the four of us started searching this area together, but the result was The more I look, the more confused. Regardless of the size of the plants here, there is no one that we can recognize. Many plants look similar to the plants we often see, but the information is simply not what we have seen. The same goes for plants and animals. After only half an hour, we discovered at least 300 new species, and half of them were large creatures. According to the general rule, there will be more types of small creatures, but most of the creatures we discovered are large creatures, and all of them are new species. That can only mean that all the creatures here, at least most of the creatures we haven’t seen before of.

"I seem to have seen this thing somewhere." Gold coin said with a sword stuck in an aquatic creature there.

I looked at the creature she caught. This thing is almost one foot long, and the body is ash-gray. If you don’t look at the head, it looks like a catfish, but the head of the catfish is flat, like a duck’s beak, but this guy’s head is drop-shaped, and the front is still long. With a human face. Except for the ears, there are many organs on the human face.

"This thing seems to be called a man-faced fish, right?" I took the creature and looked at it. It was dead after being crossed by gold coin, and now it's soft like noodles.

I remembered gold coin as soon as I reminded it. "By the way, I remember. I saw it on the Symboless Heavenly Book. This fish is one of the materials of Puppet Technique."

"Puppet Technique?"

"It is to be a small doll, and then you can use it to manipulate the actions of a player or NPC. But the manipulation effect depends on the Puppet Technique level and the level of the producer and the level of the operator. For example, I am sure for someone like you It can’t be manipulated, but it’s okay to interfere."

"So you know how to Puppet Technique?"

"Of course. Taoist spells are not all just and honorable things. In my opinion, there are more evil spells in Taoism than serious spells."

"Although this fish is a bit ugly, its usefulness is not small, why don't we grab some and go back?" I see Asked gold coin.

"Good idea."

I have always been a wild goose, and since this man-faced fish is an important material, I can't let it go. First open the space door, and then let the evil spirit Knight come out to help replenish the fish, and I ran in to the Mother Earth to discuss borrowing her garden, and asked her to help me open a few large ponds in her garden. Bring some live fish back to breed. It's a one-shot deal to die Ze and Yu. I still attach great importance to sustainable development.

At first, catching fish was a very simple thing, but the evil spirit Knight got into trouble soon after he was busy. The surface of the lake, which was still very calm just now, suddenly rolled up, and suddenly the surface of the water burst, and a big, terrifying fish appeared. This guy's head is at least the size of a three-unit sixth layer building, but the body behind it is very short, and the whole body is not as big as his head. Its head is shaped like a devil fish, but it has a row of tentacles on its forehead, and it is not clear what it is.

"Lake monster?"

Gold coin was surprised: "What the fuck, how come there are giant fish in this place?"

" Do you know this thing?" Kristina asked.

gold coin nodded: "This is Great Desolate Era. It should have been extinct long ago. I didn't expect to see it."

I am not interested in monsters, In my eyes, there are only two cases of usefulness and uselessness. "Gold coin, is there any use value for this thing?"

Gold coin shook his head: "This is a pest. It is completely useless except for meat."

"Can meat be eaten? How does it taste?"

Gold coin said angrily: "You will know if you go and bite it."

"That means it's not very useful Is that right?" I said that I took out the tank summon. Pointing to the strange fish: "Boom it."

A magic crystal shell accurately hit the strange fish. In fact, the guy opened his mouth to pick it up. It probably ate the shell. With a bang, the monster was bombed all split up and in pieces, and flesh and blood were everywhere. I randomly found a piece of meat hanging on the tree, took it back and let Sgoth help to deal with it, not to mention, the taste is absolutely great at Level 1. Skot is a dead spirit in the game and can't eat, but since he has a real body, he has become obsessed with eating, and loves Wu Jiwu and began to fall in love with cooking, and now he has become an army chef in our game.

Although the meat taste is okay, the strange fish is of little use value in general, and the man-faced fish is much more useful. Thanks to the larger space of my Phoenix Dragon and Mother of the Earth’s garden, I usually hope to put some messy tatters in it, as it came in handy today, because I turned out fishing nets and boats in it. I don’t even remember when I put it in!

Although the man-faced fish is a material, it is actually an ominous beast. The battle strength is still a bit, but the level itself is not high, so it is still easy to catch. The number of mermaid fish in this lake is very scary. We didn’t get the net and there were a lot of them. In a short while, we got thousands of them. After filling up a pool, I didn't catch it again, anyway, too much is useless.

Because it is a big fish that pulls the net, it is impossible to distinguish the categories. There are many strange things that are pulled up along with the mermaid. Gold coin actually knew several of these creatures, and then I simply summoned all the demons to study together. Not to mention, most of these species can be recognized by brainstorming. With the confirmation of these species, we began to be more and more surprised, because the things here are all extinct creatures in the Great Desolate era, which means that these things simply shouldn't exist, let alone such a large number of them.

In order to prove that it was not the special circumstances of this lake that a small number of rare species were retained, we flew to several nearby waters to salvage it, and it turned out that all waters have a large number of extinct creatures. .

While we were puzzled, we suddenly heard a weird cry in the sky, which sounded like a dragon roar in three parts and a duck in seven parts. We followed the sound and saw two giant beasts tumbling in the sky and falling down, frightening us to avoid them.

A loud explosion sound, the two rare beasts hit the sand by the lake, and then rolled and fell into the lake. They didn't seem to be hurt at all. They hit again when they hit the water. They hit the lake until they hit, and then rolled all the way into the woods and started biting and scratching at each other.

Pannon Songlan, who was summoned by me, pointed to one of the two monsters tremblingly and said: "no no no ……No way?"

I Bannon Songlan glanced strangely. "Evil? You start to stutter?"

"no no no......" Bannon Songlan slapped her mouth anxiously before returning to normal: "I was scared! This I don’t know which generation of Old Ancestor it is, it’s still there!"

"Old Ancestor? What do you mean?"

Bannon Songlan pointed to one of the monsters. "Look at that creature with full body scales, is it very similar to our giant dragon clan?"

"What you said is true. That guy's body is similar to yours, but The wings on the back are much smaller than the wings of the giant dragon family, and the structure is also different, and the ratio of the neck to the head is not too right. I feel that the neck is too long and the head is also small. The tail seems to be a little shorter and looks more The giant dragon is much uglier."

Fortunately, he came over and asked: "Bannon Songlan, do you know this thing?"

The plague also said: "What did you say Old Ancestor? , Is this thing the enemy of our ancestors?"

Bannon Songlan smiled bitterly: "What enemy! You little fellow forgotten. This creature is called Hajime Ancestral Dragon, which is our Giant Dragon The ancestors of Race."

"What?" In this hand, my four dragon pets are all stupid.

As a fairy dragon, Crystal attaches great importance to the image, she immediately took Bannon Songlan and asked: "How can our ancestors grow so ugly?"

"That's it! Lucky showed off his muscles and said: "You see me so handsome like a jade tree, how could I be the offspring of that kind of thing?"

Bannon Songlan smiled and said: "I didn't lie to you , That is really the ancestor of the giant dragon. Just like the relationship between humans and apes, our giant dragon evolved from the Ancestral Dragon."

This is not just the four dragon pets, even us All stupid. The ancestors of Giant Dragon Race actually looked like this, it's really an anecdote in the world! (To be continued, if you want to know what's going on, please visit WWW.CMFU.COM, there are more chapters, authors are supported, and genuine reading is supported!)

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