"What is so urgent to call us all back?" Asura purple clothed complained as soon as he entered the conference hall: "Rock City was attacked again today, but you called us to a meeting. There’s no one in the city now!"

"Attacked again? Who is attacking? What is the strength?"

Rose smiled and said: "Not so exaggerated, just some The unconvinced American players organized their own counterattack. The strength was not strong. We didn’t even close the city gate. They couldn’t get in anyway."

Sit down on the Crystal Throne. "Now I'm telling you something very important. Demon talked to me about something three days ago, and you all know this. Do you know what I'm going to talk about?"

"How can I guess this? It's here!" The big pot on time said: "You should tell us directly!"

"Okay." I said directly: "Actually, it is not a major event. Demon wants to unite to form Demon Court. Against Celestial Court, I want us to provide appropriate assistance."

"This is not a major event yet?"

"This is not a major event originally, because the power of Demon Court is not Strong. It’s as if in reality an African tribe asks for help from the United States, it’s not a major event for the United States."

The big pot said: "Since it’s not a major event, then you ask us What are you doing here?"

"It was really not a major event, but now this matter has attracted the attention of Celestial Court, and it has developed into a major event."

"Oh? Tell me more details?"

"I went to see Jade Emperor in the morning. Demon's resistance has caused Celestial Court's suspicion, and I helped Jade Emperor analyze that the key is Buddhism."

Hawk asked suspiciously: "Why is it related to Buddhism?"

Rose explained: "I helped analyze it." Rose explained Buddhism to everyone The reason for the split and the general situation were explained. Everyone kept nodding their heads.

Hong Yue asked: "What's the situation now?"

I took a scroll and threw it on the table. The scroll automatically unfolded and rolled to the end of the table. "The Jade Emperor gave us this scroll. Using it, we can activate the Divine Beast. In addition, the Jade Emperor promised to temporarily lend us a few days of guarding the Quartet."

"What's the price?" Hong Yue Asked: "Celestial Court won't let us take advantage of it in vain?"

"We will send troops to wipe out Buddhism."

"Where are our benefits?"

"We haven't talked about it yet. The Jade Emperor means that we will start the three Divine Beasts first, and then talk about the specific benefit distribution. In the process, Celestial Court will provide us with manpower. A series of financial support."

Everyone bowed their heads and thought, and finally Sumei said: "I think the profit is greater than the risk, it is worth a try."

Rose He also said: "The trial is definitely going to be tried, but how will this battle be fought? How do we plan the strategy?"

The voice of General Wu suddenly appeared at the door: "Assault by mobilizing elite forces. "

"Wu grandfather?" I saw that General Wu was a little embarrassed. Recently, he had just given his proud protégé to Kacha. It was quite unhappy at the time, and it is indeed a bit of a shame to meet now!

General Wu looked at me, and then said to everyone: "Buddhism does not have many troops, and personal battle strength is very high, which can be understood as a special forces type of army. To deal with such an army depends on people. It's useless. So I suggest you concentrate your elite forces to strike."

General Wu's words have been recognized by everyone, after all, they are experts. The discussion that followed soon came to fruition, and General Houwu stopped me when everyone was asked to prepare. "Shen Lin." I walked back obediently, Rose was standing behind me, and my physical monsters and the ring tone Knight were also released by me, and even Vina ran over after hearing the news. General Wu looked at us and said, "I have thought a lot during this period, and finally figured it out. Maybe you are right, or maybe you are wrong." I was about to speak and was stopped by the general. "Don't rush to argue, I can't be sure who is right, but history will determine everything. I just want you to understand that after all, human beings have climbed from the middle link of the food chain to the highest point, our peak civilization and loneliness Existence determines our arrogance and impossibility. Now that you have appeared, you are both a human creation and a brand-new species. From a scientific point of view, you are a new generation that surpasses humans, but you once belonged to humans. So, I hope you can...!"

This time I stopped General Wu. "I never thought about extinction of mankind, nor did we have the idea of ​​enslaving mankind. Good and evil are a very abstract concept. We will not be evil for evil. Everything is driven by profit. As long as humans do not harm us. We will not do anything to human beings. But if human beings threaten our survival, then we have to struggle to survive, because survival is instinct, and we cannot and will not give up our right to exist. In addition, I hope you can rest assured. Because our Dragon Clan’s life is almost infinite, we will not choose the natural reproduction method of humans, so our population will not be too large, and we do not need to compete with humans for living space. Moreover, as long as we are willing, we It’s easy to get mixed up with humans. You see that I’ve been in this game for so long. Who has discovered that I’m not a human? So we won’t do anything radical. As for the last action, it was for humans and us. Protection, without those people, mankind will be in a state of peaceful coexistence with us, which is good for us and mankind."

General military nodded: "Maybe I am old, you younger generation I probably can’t understand the thoughts of. I can only say this, and you still have to decide how to do it.” After finishing speaking, General Wu stood up and walked out.

The rose came and hugged me from behind, and Ling and Weina also came and hugged me from both sides. I was silent for a few minutes, and there was nothing but solemnity in the room. Skot suddenly opened the mouth and said: "Master of the Forest of God, you are now patriarch. The future of our Dragon Clan is up to you. Please cheer up. I am not acting as a pet and summon creature, but as a creature. A representative of a race is talking to you, please be cautious."

I gently pushed Vina and Ling away, and then pulled Rose's hand away. Turned around and laughed to everyone. "I know it is difficult, but I have already said that we are Dragon Clan, a new generation beyond humanity. We can be indifferent, we can be cruel, but we can't be without feelings. I can understand what you mean, and please believe me. , I can handle all this. Just wait another seventy years. Once the immigration plan starts, we will be separated from humans as independent species, and then we will have everything of our own. Our lives are unlimited, no need Do you care about these seventy years?"

"Dragon Clan's spirit will live forever." Skye gave me a salute, and then walked back to the gate of the earth with the ring tone Knight.

Fortunately, he came over and punched me on the shoulder: "Don't hold on to everything by yourself, you are not alone." After speaking, he also returned to Fenglong Space with other large monsters. .

Ling was in tears but with a faint smile on his face: "Lucky this guy finally got it right. We support your master." After that, Ling and other demon pets also returned to Feng. In Long Space, there are only two people outside, Vina and Rose.

Vina and I hugged again, then patted my back. "You can come to me when you want to cry." After speaking, he turned and walked out.

The rose hugged me and said softly: "I am yours, you can use it whatever you want, remember that you are not alone."

I embraced the rose and kissed softly. Click on her earlobe. "I may kill a lot of people in the future, as long as you don't think I am terrifying."

Rose said with a slightly playful voice: "Even if you want to kill, it is my suggestion. You are just a knife of action. I am the hand holding the knife. Don't blame me, I will burn incense and worship Buddha!"

I smiled and pushed her away. "Buddhism is about to kill us, do you still worship Buddha?"

"hahahaha......!" We laughed together, feeling that all the depression just now disappeared, and the body was light and relaxed.

"Okay, I'll do the task, you can help me take care of the logistics."

Walking out of the conference hall, I suddenly felt that there was someone behind me, but when I turned around, I found that red was leaning against Close your eyes to rest at the door.

"Why are you here?"

"Don't worry, I knew those things a long time ago." Zhenhong said: "Do you know the reorganization of Dragon Yuan?"

< p>"Father said that this is a cleansing operation. There may be a lot of people wanting to destroy their homes! I heard that your unit was also taken apart?"

It’s really red nodded. I was lazy, standing straight and saluted me: "Dragon Clan Special Operations Force, B13 Category Level 1 Lieutenant Colonel reports to the marshal and patriarch."

I looked really red in surprise. "Have you accepted the upgrade?"

"I was originally a BLevel 4 enhanced human, but this time I have been upgraded. In addition, the big sister asked me to tell you that Heavenly Punishment Eye has been completed. Maybe it will take less than seventy years for us to start the immigration plan."

I nodded: "You should continue to lurch! There will be a lot of places where you will be used later."

"Yes." Zhenhong saluted again, and then suddenly resumed her usual style in the game. "Do you want me to go with you for the Divine Beast mission this time?"

"Of course, do you think I can complete such a high level mission alone? In addition, call gold coin. "

"Just the three of us?"

"Call Kristina, just the four of us. I need battle strength on the road, don’t I still have a pet to hold on? "

We didn't get on the road right away after mobilizing all the people. Instead, we first studied the scrolls and sharpened the knives without accidentally cutting wood.

True Red and gold coin took the two sides of the scroll and pulled apart. Kristina and I stood in the middle and watched for a long time before we finished studying the storage location of these things. Since it is Divine Beast, the location is naturally within the scope of the country. We decided to find the easiest one first. The most troublesome of these three things is the rebirth water needed to resurrect Biling, and the simplest is the Golden Dragon reverse scale, so we start with this Golden Dragon reverse scale.

Christina took the map that came with the scroll and looked at it over and over for a long time, but finally handed it over to Zhen Hong helplessly. "No, I can't tell where the painting is."

Zhenhong and gold coin went to the map to study for a long time, and finally shook their head helplessly: "What the hell is this? Such a small island, do you know where the ghost is? I don’t know how many islands there are in the Southern Sea alone, so I can’t find them one by one, right?"

I frowned after watching the table for a long time: "Wait first."

"Che, I thought you thought of something!"

"I thought of it, but I didn’t think of where this is, but of So we are not a small guild."

"Not a small guild?" Kristina looked at me suspiciously.

Zhenhong also patted the table and said: "Yeah! We are not those little guilds without foundation, are we the first guild in China! We have libraries and think tanks!"


"Really! We have a library!" Gold coin and Kristina also reacted.

Isinger Library was originally rebuilt as a whole after I robbed the library collection of Light God Palace. Later, I got a lot of books from various places, and the players and NPCs of the guild I have also contributed a lot of books, and now it is the library with the largest collection of books in the world.

Don't underestimate the functional building of the library. There has never been a useless setting in "Zero". The library is naturally useful as an urban upgrading project. The collection here contains a large number of knowledge allusions, as well as maps and monster descriptions. At first, no one noticed it. After a long time, everyone found that the seconds were used up here. Now the players in this guild have developed a habit, do not rush to complete the task after receiving the task, first go to the library to look through the materials, learn about the details before doing it. It is for this reason that the success rate of players in this industry is as high as 90% or more, while the success rate of players in other places is generally not more than 70%.

A few of us rushed all the way to the library, and we looked through the materials separately. Anyway, I have a lot of summon creatures. If you look for it separately, there should be results soon. Sure enough, after everyone was busy for half an hour, an evil spirit Knight suddenly ran back with a book.

"What is this?" I looked at the cover, which read "An Investigation Record of Ancient Devil Beast". This thing has an age at a glance, and the text on it is actually magic text. But that’s okay. In order to facilitate the use of members, this library is equipped with NPCs that specialize in translating magic texts. Of course, people from the laymen’s club want these NPCs to provide translation services for money.

The evil spirit Knight all knows Mowen, so I don't need to translate it. The evil spirit Knight turned one side up and handed it in front of my eyes, only to see a simple map here, which looked like a place painted on the scroll of the mission.

"Where is this?" I asked the evil spirit Knight.


"Huh?" I was taken aback by this guy. didn't expect the evil spirit Knight would also be joking.

Before I had time to say anything, he continued: "Actually, I am not joking. According to the book, this map should be Earth in the Great Desolate era, which is the ancient continent. Section."

"Damn, it turns out that this map is not a modern map! I said why it's not right!" Kristina said next to her.

I hurriedly asked the evil spirit Knight: "Can we figure out the corresponding position on the mission map from this?"

"Probably not!" The evil spirit Knight shook his head and said:" This book is about paleontology research, and this picture is also incidental. It simply outlines the outline of the ancient continent. It has no real effect at all."

I nodded, and then Knight loudly shouted to other evil spirits. "Hurry up and find me a detailed map of the ancient continent. I remember that there seems to be a big one in the map area."

The evil spirit Knight moves very fast, and he turned it over for me after a while. A large set of ancient continent pictures, but not one, but a large one. We find out the name of the corresponding place on the mission map, and then start the search. There are too many maps, so we have to separate them. Anyway, we have many people, one for each, and soon there will be an evil spirit Knight raising his hand: "Here with me."

We ran over, Christie Na compared to the map. "Yes, it is indeed a similar landform. The location of this place on the general map, according to the modern Earth plate, should be in the upper reaches of the Yellow River in China."

Zhenhong holds the modern version of the in-game map of China. Said: "The upper reaches of the Yellow River is also a huge area! How can I find this?"

Gold coin looked at the map next to him and said: "I think for the first time that the country is too big and there are disadvantages!"

A ring tone Knight suddenly said to me: "Master, there is a discovery here."

"What did you find?"

The ring tone Knight took The book said: "This book says that dragons like water, and no matter what dragon, the Water Attribute must be included in the Life Source element. Therefore, when the dragon dies, it turns into water. In the Genesis CG movie, the Golden Dragon turns into The Yellow River, this shows that the statement is correct. The reverse scale is also something on the dragon body, and there must be water where it falls, so as long as you look for it, it should not be difficult to find."

"Smart!" I gave a thumbs up. "Quickly check, where are there large water areas in the upper reaches of the Yellow River."

The upper reaches of the Yellow River are basically dry areas, and there is really not much water. We quickly locked on three of these goals. The first target is called Long Yuanlin, the second is called Huang dragon's mouth, and the third is called Qianlongchi. The three places are rare large-scale water sources, and they are in strange locations. They are all in areas where there should not be water. They must be water areas caused by external forces. If the reverse scale is really water, most likely to be in this one. (To be continued, if you want to know what's going on, please visit WWW.CMFU.COM, there are more chapters, authors are supported, and genuine reading is supported!)

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