This cute little girl currently looks completely harmless, but who knows what her true ability is? Anyway, there are many places for my familiars, so I don't care about wasting one more. Now this little girl happens to be in an extremely weak state, and it is easier to conquer. I cut my finger carefully and a drop of blood dripped on her head, who knew that as soon as the blood touched her forehead, it disappeared in blue smoke.

"Autonomous defense?" I looked back at Vina.

Vina frowned said: "It shouldn't be! You wait." As she said, Vina put both hands on the temples of the little girl. "You try again."

I dropped a drop of blood on it again, and the blood still evaporated as quickly as before, leaving nothing behind.

Vina said: "It turns out that this thing is at work." She suddenly turned the little girl over, and then opened the little girl's skirt, and there was a hairy on her little ass. His big tail was pulling weakly. Vina pushed up the hair on her tail, and we all noticed that there was a metal ring at the base of her tail. This ring is exactly the same as the previous seal ring, except that it is not connected to the chain, so we didn't know that there was a ring here before.

Now that you know the reason, it's easy to handle. After removing this little thing, I dripped blood again on the little girl's forehead. This time, the blood dripped into the sponge instantly. However, after the blood penetrated in, a red V-shaped mark suddenly appeared on the little girl's forehead.

"What is this?" I have received so many magic pets, I have never seen such a mark on anyone's head.

"It's a mark of resistance." Wei Na was experienced and knowledgeable. "She is resisting the demon pet contract. The contract was forced out of the body by her, but it was still completed, so it left such a mark."

"Is there any effect of being forced out of the body? My side has already I can see her attributes."

"Probably there is no impact, but the pet contract will become very loose, and it may not be able to fully command."

"Then just and Is the previous Xiaochun the same?"

When Xiaochun heard it, he immediately protested: "Am I very disobedient?"

"What did you say?"

< p>Ling smiled and said: "Originally, Xiaochun was the most naughty. Now there is one more troublesome. It seems that some of them will be annoying in the future."

I thought for a while and said: "You guys first Give her some magic power, let me take a look at her attribute ability."

After listening to me, Vina and Ling immediately began to help little girl input magic power, and I checked the attribute. The race of this little girl is an orc, but the name is written as the ancestor orc, and I don’t know the difference between this ancestor Beastman Race and ordinary orcs. In terms of specific attributes, the system all gives some progress bars, but there are no specific numbers. By comparing with the value bars of other monsters, it can be roughly judged that this girl belongs to the agile type and the amount of battle strength, and the attack power and speed are very good. High, it might be a good helper in real fights. In terms of special attributes, I haven't found anything. The system actually left me a row to say hello at this position, all the attributes are hidden, and I can't see any of them. After checking it for a long time, I only know that this girl battle strength is not bad.

Close the attribute view, the little girl has woke up, and she is sitting on the bed glanced around. Vina is inputting magic power behind her. She looked over each of us's faces, then looked down at the clothes on her body, and seemed to touch her clothes a few times curiously.

Vina retracted the staff and said: "Well, a part of the basic power has been input, and her self-recovery ability should be able to fully recover soon."

He looked back at Vina, and then suddenly jumped out of the bed and plunged into Vina's arms. The whole person was hung on Vina's neck. Vina was taken aback by her, thinking she was going to attack herself. The little fellow rubbed his head desperately against Vina's cheek, and Vina froze there completely not knowing what to do.

I walked over and joked with Vina: "You really have the glory of maternity! Didn't expect my demon to be the closest to you!"

Vina laughed awkwardly. She wanted to pull the little fellow off, but couldn't pull it anyway. At last she had to grab the little fellow's arm and said: "Come down, I can't hold you anymore!"

didn't expect little fellow to be really obedient, and immediately let go. However, as soon as she landed, she jumped on the super-large bed dedicated to Vina like a monkey, and made her jump up on it like a trampoline, with a string of silver zero laughter in her mouth.

"Huh!" Vina turned around and sat down. "This girl is too energetic!"

Xiaochun said with some worry: "She is so excited before her strength is fully restored, what should I do if her strength is fully restored?"


Ling nodded his head and said, "I think I understand why Goddess, the free, locked her up like that."

I reluctantly walked to the bed and down the girl beckons with the hand : "Kitten, come here." Kitten is her name, because it was directly accepted as a demon pet, so I didn't change her previous name.

The kitten stopped, tilted his head and looked at me, as if thinking about something. Just a few seconds later, a happy smile suddenly appeared on her face, and then she ran to me in two steps, and one body hung on my body and took me back two steps, which also caused it. There was a burst of happy laughter from her.

Fortunately, I still have some strength, so I just held her leg with one hand and let her sit on my arm. She seemed to be satisfied with the position, and she became a lot more stable, but her big eyes were still looking everywhere. After looking at the situation in the room for a long time, she suddenly turned her gaze to me. After watching for a while, she suddenly smiled happily and hugged my head. "Father!"

"Wow!" boomed. I couldn't stand still and fell directly to the ground, and there was a snicker all around.

Ling hurried over and pulled me up. "Are you okay?"

I shook my head to indicate that I was okay, and then took the little hand of the kitten and asked her: "How do you call me father?"

Put a finger on the corner of her mouth, and asked aggrievedly: "Isn't it right?"

"This...should be called the master, not father!"

"Aren't they all the same?" little girl Asked suspiciously.

"Of course it's a lot worse, I... forget it! You can call it what you like!" I can't help it at all. Although this girl is so small, she has learned how to attack with tears and big eyes. , If I object to it again, I guess I will have to change the fountain.

Hearing that I agree with the little girl, she immediately hugged my head and shouted happily: "Father, I want to go out to play!"

"You can play, but you have to be obedient."< /p>

"Well. The kitten is the most obedient."

I said to Vina and the others: "Okay, since the kitten is okay, you first go back to Fenglong Space, I'm going I see Master Peacock Pluto."

"Okay. Call us if you have something." Ling quickly returned to the Phoenix Dragon space with the demons, and Vina stayed to manage the temple affairs.

Leaving the temple to find Ling'er who was still waiting, she was almost too late to wait, she greeted me immediately when she saw me. "Untied?"

I smiled and pulled the kitten out from behind. "Kitten, thank Elder Sister Xie, you can save it, but elder sister's credit is in it."

"En. Thank you Elder Sister Xie." The kitten immediately replied sweetly. "I feel like Elder Sister Xie rescued me."

"It's so cute." Linger touched the little girl's head.

I interrupted them and said: "I'm free now, am I going to see your Highness right away?"

"Oh, I forgot all about it."

Halo! Isn't she in a hurry? I haven't followed her to see the Great Wheel of Pluto!

"Then we...?"

"Leave now."

The kitten grabbed me and asked, "Father, where are we going? I I want to go too."

Ling'er was startled and pointed at me and asked: "What does she call you?"

I shrugged helplessly: "She has to Scream, I can't help it. Anyway, multiple daughters are nothing, don't you think she is cute?"

Ling'er nodded didn't say anything, but took me to see Dalun Pluto. With my Asuka as a means of transportation, the speed on the road is not slow. Ling'er pointed me in the direction, and we soon saw a mountainous area ahead, which seemed to be quite large.

I asked suspiciously: "Why did His Royal Highness Pluto come here? Shouldn’t this neighborhood be the territory of Monster Race?"

"This is waiting for you to see The Great Wheel Pluto will know about it." Linger still had some brains when she was talking about business, and she didn't fully express that kind of child temperament.

"I really don't know what the hell you guys are doing." I shook my head helplessly and let the bird fly forward. The kitten opened wide eyes excitedly around me and glanced around. Probably it hadn't been so high before.

The mountain area ahead is not big, so I wonder how I met here. As the distance approached, I suddenly found that there was a thick fog covering the mountain, and I couldn't see anything. Pat the bird under him: "Be careful to slow down and don't hit anything."

"Understand." The bird's speed gradually slowed down, but we quickly rushed into the fog. It's strange to say. The fog looked thick, but when we entered, we felt that our eyes suddenly lit up, the fog disappeared, and the mountains were gone.

"Is this...?"

Ling'er smiled triumphantly: "The highest level Illusion Technique in the Peacock Illusion Technique-Fantasy Space. A completely fictional mana space , No one can come in except those who are allowed."

"This is made by His Royal Highness the Great Wheel of Hades?"

"Forget it." Ling'er is now again The proud little peacock state was restored: "This is what I arranged with my mother, isn't it amazing?"

"It's amazing. If only I had the ability to create space, it would be great."

"Don't think about it." Linger said: "Even it took us a hundred years of cultivation base to create such a large space, but this is a permanent space and will not disappear."

< p>"That means you don't have to find someone to support it all the time, right?"

"That's what it means!"

"What are you doing with such a large space?"

"Go and ask them." Ling'er pointed forward, and I immediately found a large group of people standing in front of him.

Flying bird slowed down and hovered slowly in front of the other party. Me and the kitten jumped down while Ling'er fell directly behind a beautiful woman. I know a lot of the people on the other side, but I just don't know what they are doing together with so many people.

"You finally arrived." The head of Monster Race Four Great Protector, Shui Xu, came out and said, "We have been waiting for you for a long time. Come, come with us to Heavenly Monster Temple."

< p>I was confused, but I followed Shui Xu and walked into the majestic great hall behind them. I have seen the situation here just now in the sky. This place is a large area of ​​flat land, and it seems that a huge building complex is being built. This great hall is the center of this complex, and it has been completed. The buildings in other places are still under construction, and it will take some time before they are all completed. In fact, even this building is not completely completed. Many parts of it still maintain the original color of the wood, and there is no time to paint, and the plaque on the door is actually not hung, only a hook is left there.

When we entered the great hall, the Great Chakra Pluto waved back, all the irrelevant people in the hall retreated, and there were more than 20 people left, including the four Great Protectors and the spirits. Children, and some people who seem very strong.

Shuixu, who is more familiar with me, came forward. "Okay, now that we have all the things that should be there, let me introduce it first. President Purple Moon everyone knows, so let's introduce the people here." Shui Xu first stretched out his hand and compared the next big round Pluto. Over there: "This is...!"

I reached out and stopped him. "His Royal Highness Pluto, I know."

"That's good." Shui Xu began to introduce again: "This is Heavenly Lion, the co-lord of the lion clan."


I am nodded to him, and the other party is nodded.

Shui Xu introduced the next one. "This is His Royal Highness King Qilin." The person being introduced seemed to be a very handsome young man, but from his eyes, it could be seen that this guy belongs to the kind of guy with a lot of connotation.

Shu Xu continued to introduce the next one: "This is...!"

"His Royal Highness, is that right?" I smiled and bowed with one hand on my chest. "We've seen him more than once." This guy is a small dragon female dad, can I not know him?

Old Guy nodded, his expression is serious, and he doesn't know what it means.

Following Shui Xu, I introduced a lot of people to me. They are all very difficult to deal with guys, but there is a special situation, that is, they are all non-human beings or non-biological cultivation. The expert. For example, like the Great Wheel Pluto, although it is a god who also has a position in Spiritual Mountain, he was a peacock before, not a human being. There are also Dragon King and King Qilin, which are obviously alien. As for the stone Monster King and the like, they are not even creatures. But here is a guy in armor that is worth noting, because Shui Xu said that this guy is Monster King, but I don't know why the guardian who has been inseparable from Monster King hasn't appeared.

After introducing the people present, Shui Xu returned to his position, and a chair was sent behind me. After I sat down, the kitten sat on my lap and glanced around. It seemed that These people are fun. But I told her not to make trouble, so she still behaved relatively peacefully.

"I don’t know if you guys called me here urgently?"

The Great Wheel Pluto spoke first: "I believe that with the intelligence of President Purple Moon, I heard us After these people's names, you should guess something?"

I am nodded without shy.

The Great Wheel Pluto continued: "That's easy. Since everyone knows it well, I'll be straightforward. Those of us want to build Demon Court and fight against Celestial Court. Now we need you. I don’t know if President Purple Moon and your Frost Rose League are willing to help this?"

"I'm just a small guild leader. How can I help with this major event? What's the matter with you?" Damn, I knew it was nothing good to come to me. After a long time, these guys wanted to rebel. Rebellion in human society is a capital crime, and Divine Race is the same. I don't want to die for unknown reasons. It's not what I'm afraid of, but I don't want to put a few big enemies on my back in vain. Of course, if the benefits are enough, that's fine.

The Great Wheel Pluto showed a sneer that was chilling to the bones. "Putting it that way President Purple Moon isn't going to help?"

Shui Xu saw that the atmosphere was a little wrong, and quickly came out to make a round. "President Purple Moon is not unclear! We just have to discuss a better way to come out. President Purple Moon should be able to do something for us. Of course, we will not let President Purple Moon come out. It’s nothing to do with your guild, and we won’t be stingy in remuneration."

I laughed. Shui Xu is much smoother than Dalun Pluto. People who are too strong are often not easy to get along with, because these people are usually guys who don't know how to advance or retreat. The Great Wheel of Pluto is not even afraid of the Great Sun Tathagata, and of course it is even more arrogant and messy to talk to such a little fellow like me. It is estimated that if Linger hadn't stood behind her and pulled, I might have been killed by her.

Divine Dragon King suddenly said: "Purple Moon, we don’t know each other for a while, I know your level. We don’t want your personal battle strength, but your guild. Strength to help us. You must be helpful in this matter. It depends on whether you are willing to contribute."

"Wrong." I resolutely said: "No one knows my strength. Because I don’t know it myself. Besides, does the Dragon King mean that he wants my guild to help you fight the vanguard?"

"Of course I didn’t mean that."

"What do you mean? Bulllied the weak? Do you think that our guilds are so bully?"

Shi Monster King slapped his palm on the armrest of his seat, half The armrest is gone. "Purple Moon. I warn you, don't use us as soft-footed shrimp, we don't care about your strength. I..."

"hahahaha!" I burst into laughter. "A joke, a joke!"

"What are you laughing at?" frowned the Great Wheel Pluto asked me.

"I originally wanted to help you, but now it seems that I am better to be worldly-wise and play safe."

"What do you mean?"< /p>

"It means that you are basically impossible to fight against Celestial Court. Winner is the king, loser is the villain. You can only be Kou, because you lack the basic elements of becoming a king."

"What basic element?" Shi Monster King asked excitedly.


When I heard my words, Ling'er became angry. "You scold us for nothing?"

"It's not scolding you, but just expounding the facts." I got up from my seat. "Fortunately, some of you have worked with Lingren in Celestial Court for a period of time. You didn't learn the good things of others at all, and you learned all the bad habits. Just like this, you want to be independent? Or should you just let someone else go? Eat food, don’t think about the world! Rotten wood cannot be carved!"

I turned around and walked towards the gate as soon as I finished speaking. King Qilin silhouette came in front of me in a flash. "You can't go."

I touched the ring on my hand, the rays of light flashed and I had disappeared in place, and the next second I had appeared in the Transmission Formation of Rock City. Hong Yue was just about to send Isinger back, just in time to see me appear. She was puzzled: "Didn't you just go with Fucked Pluto to see Dalun Pluto? Why are you here?"

"Don't mention it. The whole group of Ah Dou who can't help it, let it go. . If they are still saved, they will come to me again. If they are not saved, they will probably send someone to attack me. But if they do that, I will make them regret it for the rest of their lives."

"Only you Bad." Hong Yue stepped onto the Transmission Formation and pushed me down. "Get out of the way and get out. I'm going to the new continent floating island. The bunch of live treasures you found have recently synthesized several powerful combat creatures. Rose said to take a few back to study if it can be sold."

"Then you go." Watching Hong Yue teleport away, I went to Rose to talk about the money-raising plan after a while, and then I hosted a few American guild players. These Americans are relatively friendly Americans. They want to do business with us, so they came to negotiate with us, just because I had nothing to do, I just let me talk about it.

Someone knocked on the door halfway through when we talked. "Come in."

After the door was pushed open, a player from our guild walked in. He pressed my ear to my ear and whispered: "The rose wants me to tell you not to move Pluto and Shui Xu to Ai Xin Grid."

I'm nodded. "I got it." Turning around and saying to the American players indifferently: "Let’s go ahead."

I didn’t take this news seriously, and I continued to chat with the Americans until after the talk was over. They sent me away and found the rose leisurely. Rose saw me and laughed immediately. "You are really bad enough!"

"Do you still have the same idea as me?"

The kitten climbed on my shoulder and looked at us, and then wondered Asked: "What are you talking about? Why can't I understand?"

Rose smiled and rubbed the little girl's head: "When you grow up, you will understand." Rose said to me again: "When do you plan to let them wait?"

"It depends on how you made them wait."

Rose said proudly: "Am I going to make a mistake? Don't worry, I didn't let people entertain them. They didn't even send water, so I threw him into the broken room and let them wait, and evacuated everyone at the door. Let them wait slowly! "

"Well, yes, you really are my good helper." I hugged the rose and kissed. "Anyway, they're impatient, just work harder, let them wait."

"Purple Moon......!" Ling'er's voice suddenly appeared behind me. Listening to that voice will tell you that she is now. The anger is not small.

I turned around and looked at her indifferently. "Hey, isn't this His Highness Immovable Hades? If you don't plan independent things in your dream space, how come you have time to drop by me here?"

"You know what I'm here for." Ling'er He stared at me madly and said.

"Huh? I know? Why can't I remember?"


"Quite your anger. Quit your anger." Water is empty in time Arrived, and grabbed Ling'er who was about to do it. "Purple Moon, President Purple Moon, I know that those guys upset you today, but they are just like that. Can you look at my face...?"

"Just because I know they have been That’s the way it looks, so I don’t help.” I put away my joke, and said to Shui Xu very seriously: “If they can’t smooth out their edges and corners this time, then they will even build Demon Court. It will inevitably fall worse. In addition, I am not one of yours, everyone is just a cooperative relationship. Usually it’s okay to give you a hand. Can I do this kind of ransacking and extermination?"

" But...!"

"Okay, you go back." I said very seriously: "Even if they ask you to lobby you again, don't come, I won't go back."


I stretched out a finger: "Dead one. As long as one of those guys on the scene die today, then if they still think of me, you will Come find me again. Of course, you have to talk to them before you come. If it's the same as before, I won't help them. If you can't pass this level, they will be nothing."

Ling'er doubts I looked at Shui Xu again: "What are you talking about?"

I looked towards her and said: "Before you understand what we are saying today, you are impossible to have your own Demon Court."


Shui Xu pulled Ling'er and said: "His Royal Highness Untouched Hades, let's go! Don't be embarrassed here!"

"What? I am embarrassed? Where am I? Have you made it clear?" Ling'er's voice gradually faded away, and Shui Xu finally pulled her away.

Rose smiled and looked towards me and said: "You are really cruel!"

I shook the head with a wry smile. "A group of old kids, like a family, think they can build a Demon Court and Celestial Court to fight against each other. They won't understand me unless they hurt them. Let's deal with our affairs first."

Rose quickly changed her mind. "Our business is now mainly focused on Japan and the United States. The battle on the Japanese side has always been a war without small battles, but in general, our Chinese players have a good pioneering spirit. At present, the entire Nine Provinces and Shikoku Island are all occupied by Chinese players. Occupied, the actual control area of ​​the Japanese players is only Honshu Island and Northern Sea Island and some nearby islands. The situation on the US side looks more severe, but in fact, the Americans can’t pull it off, and there is nothing at the worst. In addition, the export of shadow planet and red planet seems to have stabilized. Our guild will take the lead in contacting the guild to set up a defensive circle for all exports in China. As long as there are not too many people, it should be fine."

"What can I do?"

"Your job is to win over the Rainbow Alliance as soon as possible. In the previous battle, the Rainbow Alliance completely fell to the Gunner's side, but they Since they provide us with information to rescue Vina, it means that they already have the idea of ​​repairing the relationship with us. I think sometimes we can't push people too tightly. They make the 1st Step test, should we give something? Corresponding signal?"

"Understood, you don't need to worry about this." I also understand what Rose means, and it is not too troublesome to deal with. "Oh, by the way, will we have anything to buy?"

"There are so many things to buy, what do you mean?" I was about to explain Rose suddenly and said: "Oh, I understand you It means. What a good idea. That way. You can find them to buy some rainbow stones. This thing can be used for decoration, and the hardness is not bad. The most important thing is that only the Rainbow Alliance has rainbow stones. I want to go with Yussi. Let Na use this to repair the relationship."


Vina was arrested, and the Rainbow Alliance provided us with information, making the rescue plan smoothly implemented. Then I have to show a certain friendly attitude, so that they can continue the next step of repair action. And this way of buying things is a good way to repair relationships. Our purchase of items from the Rainbow Alliance shows that we are at least no longer in a hostile relationship. As long as Usina is not too stupid, we should understand what we mean.

Of course I don’t need to contact this matter specifically. Besides, we are still hostile on the surface. If I go to the Rainbow Alliance, it’s hard to say. A smarter player was sent out with a few NPCs to purchase rainbow stones, and I returned to Isengard. Those monsters weren't a reassuring existence no matter how they looked at them. This group of guys used to be under the fence. They didn't know Chai Migui at all. They thought that as long as they were strong they would be able to support a religious force, but that's not the case at all.

Whether it is Celestial Court or Spiritual Mountain, these two forces are religious forces with political colors, and politics is a product of compromise and oppression. The core of politics is interest relations, not martial power. Among the Dalun Pluto and those monsters, only Shui Xu understands what a political relationship is, and the others are reckless heroes. These people want to talk about being a mountain king, I believe, letting them form the Demon Court and Celestial Court to fight against it is impossible to even think about. This is like a bandit, you give him an invincible Legion, let him overthrow the current king and become the king, but in the end he will be overthrown by others, because he simply doesn't know how to govern the country.

Parents treat their children mainly by preaching, telling them that they can’t play with fire and electricity, but these monsters are not my children, so I can’t bother to care about them after preaching so hard. When they were beaten up by the fire, I didn't need to say anything, I would understand.

It's rare for me to return to Isinger to sit in town. For the first time, I sat in the guild for several days in a row to deal with various affairs. The guild has been formed for so long. It seems that this is the first time that I really sat down to deal with guild affairs. Only now I know that Rose and their work are actually quite heavy. The kitten the past few days has been familiar with the environment and has stopped pestering me because she has found a better toy. Jixiangruyi is now a big plush toy for kittens. I mix up all day long and I am happy and clean. This girl is too energetic and I can't stand it.

The peaceful days only lasted for three days before things came. I knew that the monsters were going to cause trouble, and it was here. Erlang Shen came early in the morning, followed by two old men with white beards, and I don't know where Divine Immortal is.

I started to say politely from a long time ago: "How come Big Brother Yang came to me? Isn't it the Jade Emperor who is looking for me again?" People are all familiar with each other. I basically call the NPCs who can speak in Celestial Court as brothers. The big brother elder sister is called diligent, people will always treat you better. It's not strange to be courteous and sweet, not to blame, this is my philosophy of life.

Erlang Shen laughed immediately when he saw me: "You are more accurate than my calculations. You are really right. It is indeed the Jade Emperor who passed you on."

"Then let's leave right away? Don't let the Jade Emperor wait in a hurry."


Follow Erlang Shen to the Celestial Court, and ask by the way: "Big Brother Yang! I don't know if the Jade Emperor is looking for me this time because of the Demon thing? Let me tell you some inside stories, I will be able to answer later!"

Erlang Shen said: "Actually I don’t know much about it. I heard that Demon was doing something in Demon Court and wanted to fight with us in Celestial Court. Recently, several teams of Divine Weapon were attacked in the middle of the road and many people were killed. The King of Tower and his family’s three were attacked. All the boys went out to catch monsters, and they did kill a lot of monsters, but I don’t know why the demons seem to have become so powerful this time. There have been many monsters that have never been before, and we have suffered a bit. The Jade Emperor is 80%. I want to use your relationship to find out what happened. If you know the news in this regard, it will be much more convenient."

I nodded: "Of course I have a bit of news. You also know , Am I an intermediary! Intelligence is of course the key."

"What? Do you really know?" Erlang Shen got excited when he heard it. "Then you quickly reveal something to me first, so I can lead troops to kill some monsters to make a contribution! You don't know, now that the Jade Emperor has let go, there will be a great reward for anyone who can destroy a large number of Demons. After I get promoted, I can take care of you in Celestial Court, right?"

This guy is not stupid, but he is really telling the truth. I nodded and said: "Of course. The big brother is here." I taught Erlang Shen for a while, and he pointed his head straight while listening.

As soon as I entered South Heaven Gate Erlang Shen, he immediately said to me: "That...Purple Moon! You know the road behind this, am I...?"

< p>I immediately understood what he meant, and hurriedly said politely: "It doesn't matter, big brother quickly get rid of the demon, I know the road behind, and I will go by myself. Big brother, please remember what I just said!"

"That's that." Erlang Shen answered as he ran out.

I reluctantly shook my head and turned into the male heaven gate. I nodded and said hello to the Divine Immortal I knew, and soon I reached the edge of the lotus pond. The matter that the Jade Emperor asked me to talk about was not something that could be brought out in the public, so it was not in the Lingxiao Hall, but on the edge of the lotus pond.

When I arrived, the Jade Emperor was explaining something to a group of people. When I saw me there, he speeded up and confessed a few words and waved those people away. I walked to the Jade Emperor and bowed a salute.

Jade Emperor asked suspiciously: "I asked True Lord Erlang to pick you up, why are you alone?"

"The true Lord will send me to the door first. Leaving, it seems to be saying that the front-line war is tight, and he is eager to direct the front-line war. I don’t know if the Jade Emperor called me here, what’s the matter?"

"Don’t pretend to be with me. Now, my news is not yours, what else are you asking me? Come on, how much do you know about this time?"

This Jade Emperor is really smart enough, but I knew he was sure. Someone is sent to watch me, so I don't care. Besides, the intermediary has this advantage. I can contact people of any force at will withou

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