Because we cannot determine which of the three locations is the correct target, we have to check them one by one. The first target selected was Longyuanlin, the most suspected forest. According to the information we obtained in the library for more than three hours, the probability here is as high as 75%. If it is here, there is no need to check the other two places.

at first we still think the name of this Longyuanlin is very strange, but when we get to the place, we find that the name is really appropriate. The situation of this Longyuan Forest is very similar to the mangrove forest during the flood period. The entire forest is soaked in water, and the water is full of tree roots and vines, which is almost impossible to move a single step. speaking of which This place is still a leveling area. The trees around the forest are very sparse and you can enter by boat. This place is rich in a large Flying Insect, which is a good place for the Fire Element mage to level up.

The four of us took a look at the periphery of the forest, and then compared the instructions on the task scroll. The more we look, the more we feel that this place should be where the reverse scale is. The nearby players hadn’t reacted to us first, but a player suddenly pointed at Zhenhong and shouted: "National equipment. Our country’s national equipment."

"Isn’t that Purple Moon?" An MM Road.

"What an exaggerated equipment!" People sighed along the way.

"Envy!" A little white muttered.

Christina patted me and Zhenhong: "You guys are really famous!"

"Damn, why doesn't anyone remember me?" Gold coin was aside Sighed.

"I don't want to be remembered yet!" Zhenhong looked around and said: "Really, do you think about how to enter this Longyuan Forest?"

I looked back at the dresses of gold coin and Christina, gold coin immediately shouted: "Don't look at me, the Heavenly Venerable suit doesn't touch water at all."

Kristina shook her head : "When it gets damp, it gets damp, and the robe doesn't fail if it gets wet."

True Red said next to it: "We want to remind you of what to wear inside, so it’s OK if your clothes get wet. It's all on her body, don't run out!" Kristina flipped her skirt mischievously. I was trying to avoid it, but I was surprised to find that she was wearing a piece of armor under her skirt. "Hehe, I had thought that there was a lot of water in this place, and I specially covered it with decorative armor without attributes."

"Then it's okay." Zhen Hong pointed to the front: "Christy Na and gold coin will take the boat, Purple Moon and I will push you down below."

"Well, let's do this first, it's best if you don't make yourself tide."

Gold coin You're welcome, and jumped onto a boat directly. Kristina walked up with the gold coin, and Zhen Hong gave the three crystal coins to the NPC next to her, which was regarded as buying the ship. These boats are actually made of tree trunks here, and they are quite crude. It can be rented or bought. We bought the boat because we were going to the depths of the woods. It was not expensive anyway.

After the two of them got on the boat, Zhen Hong and I walked directly into the water, and one of them pushed the boat forward while supporting the hull. Although this place is completely immersed in water, the water actually only reaches the person's chest. Most of the nearby players dipped directly into the water just like us, and only some of the more wealthy and particular players would rent boats.

Actually, the biggest use of the boat here is not to avoid getting wet, but to move faster. The root system of the plants under the water is too dense, and it is very difficult to move when the water is flowing. Zhen Hong and I are basically swimming forward while holding the boat, so we are not afraid of the things below.

"It looks terrifying here." Kristina said while looking at the jungle in front.

True red nodded said: "It looks really gloomy inside."

Although it is still on the periphery of Longyuan Forest, the trees can grow to nearly one meter in diameter. NS. These trees are completely different from the trees we often see. Their trunks are not cracked bark, but covered with a thick layer of moss, and many of the trunks are covered with parasitic plants. The branches above the head are also entangled with each other, and I can’t tell which branch of the tree is. There are a large number of vines attached to it and entangled together. I just feel that the entire sky is tightly covered, completely impenetrable. A little sunshine comes.

At first, it was not bad for us to walk outside the forest. There were a lot of people and few trees. When we got to the depths, things started to go wrong. The vines hang down from the branches that cover the head. They are especially luxuriant due to long periods of no people coming in and out. Some places can even form a curtain-like barrier, which is simply impossible to pass without a knife.

In addition to the lush vegetation, the water in the depths of the forest seems to be getting shallower and shallower. Before, Zhenhong and I could hold the boat to swim, but now we have to drip deep and shallow in the water. It was too troublesome to tow the boat. I simply took Yekage Summon out and let Gold Coin and Kristina ride on it, so that Zhenhong and I would not have to tow the boat. We can relax ourselves.

The plants in this forest are too luxuriant. Speaking of which we all have flying familiars, the only thing we can use is Night Shadow. Other familiars have wings, but the wings in this place can't be spread at all.

We were walking, and suddenly heard the sound of something falling into the water from the side. We turned our heads and saw that it was a fruit falling in the water, floating there. Thinking about it again was wrong, I hurriedly looked up towards the top, and saw a few things on the trunk that seemed to be moving.

"What did you see?" Gold coin asked.

It doesn’t matter if you don’t make a sound, the gold coin mouth, just listen to the hum of the trunk, as if a group of bombers take off and fly up a large group of insects. The huge buzzing sound is caused by their shaking wings. sound.

"Flame jet?" A pillar of flame sprayed out from Kristina's staff. All the insects were burned to charcoal, and they were crackled into the water. As soon as Kristina's staff was collected, she said with emotion: "This is really a paradise for the Fire Element mage to level up!"

"What's wrong? Do you have a lot of experience?" I asked Kristina.

Kristina nodded: "These insects are all 655 Level 10 creatures. Just now I burned hundreds of them. Although they are very powerful, they have no fire resistance at all. As long as it is the Fire Element mage, these insects are almost completely eliminated. In addition, these guys have high EXP. The plants here are all well-hydrated and can be set on fire, and there is no other monster. The flame mage doesn’t even need to bring bodyguards, just one of your own. Anyone can come in to level up."

"You are not quite right." I interrupted Kristina.


I raised the next thing with the eternal tree next to it. Gold coin and Kristina were shocked. I saw a black leech that was nearly half a meter long hanging in the eternity. If it is sucked by this thing, it is estimated that it will become a corpse when it is full. Fortunately, the armors of True Red and I were completely sealed, and Ye Ying brought Kristina and Gold Coin to the surface of the water.

I smiled and said: "The mage does not have bodyguards. If you fall into the water, you will be dead. This thing can suck up the mage."

Kristina was uncomfortable. Twisting: "Let's throw it away! It's disgusting!"

I laughed, eternally suddenly burning black flame, the leech immediately turned into fly ash. Suddenly Zhenhong reached out to his back and took out a dagger and threw it at me. Before I could respond, the dagger flew over my head. As soon as I turned my head, I saw the dagger stuck in the trunk with an ugly-looking polypedum pinned to it. This insect is very similar to centipede, but the size is too much, and there are huge pliers on both ends, and I don't know which side is the head, which is very scary at first glance.

gold coin said uncomfortably: "This place makes my whole body uncomfortable!"

"Ah!" Kristina suddenly bounced like a cramp, and the result was a flash. Xia actually turned over from Ye Ying's back, thanks to my being right there, he reached out and caught her. But she saw her pointing at the gold coin and her hands were shaking. I looked up and saw that there was a colorful spider with a big mouth crawling behind the gold coin.

Gold coin wanted to look back when she found Christina had fallen. I hurriedly shouted: "Don't move." Gold coin didn't dare to move as if it had been frozen. I handed Kristina to Zhenhong, and then stretched Eternal, and the flame of the sword spurted, and the spider immediately turned to ashes. "Alright."

"What the hell is it?" Gold coin asked us in confusion.

"You still don't know." Real Red said as she sent Christina back to Ye Ying's back.

I pulled out the red dagger and returned it to her as I said, "There are still a lot of insects in this place. Wait a minute, I will put some guards out so that you won’t be afraid."

< p>"Well. It should have been released long ago!" Kristina complained.

I spread my wings, and a lot of black feathers fell down, turning into a steel bee in midair and flew buzzingly. More than a thousand iron bees scattered around. These guys are all meat-eating Insects, and their battle strength is very strong. Even monsters with higher levels than them can win by number advantage.

Since the protection of the Iron Wasp, we have never been harassed by the insect again. However, the speed of action is still slow. This haunted place is simply not human, and most of the known actions are inappropriate here. Fortunately, we were lucky and soon found a worthwhile goal. In the jungle, we actually found a large building, which looks a bit like a pyramid, but not exactly like it. Although it is generally a slanted layered structure of the pyramid, each floor of this building is much smaller than the one below, and a total of 5-Layer is at the top.

I sent a large number of pathfinders to fly around this thing, and found that the area of ​​this thing was scary. In addition, the Pathfinder Iron Hornet also helped us find the entrance.

The height of the entrance of this building is only 1.68 meters. Zhen Hong and I both bent down and drilled in. Kristina had to be slightly lower and nodded. Only gold coin could stand and walk straight. Go in. In addition to being short, this passageway is also very narrow, the left and right width is never more than one meter, anyway, I can easily reach the walls on both sides, and it is very difficult for two people to change positions.

The narrow passage is already terribly narrow. What's even worse is that the building is actually soaked in water, but the water in the passage only reaches the thighs, not too deep. However, the depth of the water makes the passage appear shorter, which puts a lot of psychological pressure on people. Fortunately, none of us are claustrophobic, otherwise we have to be crazy.

This passage is made of rocks. I don't know how it was built. There is no wall crack. It was probably built with something similar to cement. There used to be many murals on the wall, but now they are all covered by green moss and look hairy. The passage is quiet to death, only the sound of water from a few of us walking echoes in the passage, which sounds quite weird.

Kristina suddenly asked: "Do you think it's cold under your feet?" The hole is too narrow and the water is not deep, so Kristina and Gold Coin are now walking.

I looked back at Kristina and found her face was so pale. After thinking about it, I immediately understood the reason. "Close your eyes and don't open your eyes no matter what you feel."


"It's for your good anyway."

"Oh!" Kristina finally closed her eyes. I asked her to hold the gold coin, then lifted her skirt, and let the gold coin help to carry it. Squat down and grabbed one of her feet, let her transfer the strength to the other leg, and then lifted her foot out of the water. Fortunately, nothing. I asked her to change her legs again. Sure enough, she saw a leech that was nearly a foot long attached to the back of her leg. Gold coin was so scared that she almost screamed because she was covered by True Red.

"Don't open your eyes." I exhorted again, and then I took Eternal to cut up along her skin, and carefully scraped off the leeches when I reached the leech's mouth. I picked up that leech at once, good fellow, it weighs at least four or five catties. This guy can really suck. The flame flashed in eternity, and the leeches and blood water disappeared together. "Okay, you can open your eyes. Gold coin will help her add a blood recovery technique."

Listening to me asking gold coin to add blood back to her, Kristina quickly checked her blood volume. "Huh? Why did I lose so much blood?"

Gold coin said with some fear: "It's a leech. It sucks like a rolling pin."

"Huh? "Christina was startled.

Gold coin quickly comforted her and said: "Don't worry, it has been burned by Purple Moon."

I said with a smile: "The temperature in the woods is very high. It shouldn’t be too cold even in the water. You just felt cold because you lost too much blood."

"Isn’t it? I didn’t feel the loss of so much blood."


True Red is very expert and said: "Leech’s mouth has secretions with paralytic and anticoagulant effects. The longer you are sucked, the less you will feel. If you come here to practice, you may wait. Finally, I found that when I was sucked blood, I didn't even have the strength to get the leeches off."

Gold coin raised his feet for a long time with worry, for fear that he would also be sucked. Zhenhong said with a smile: "What are you afraid of? With the Heavenly Venerable suit, the water can't touch your skin, and the leeches are even more impossible!"

"Are you afraid of it anyway!"

Christina shook her head and said: "I knew I would get a sealed armor like you!"

I smiled and lifted one leg to the wall next to it When you step on it, shine your leg on the water. "See? The sealed armor is just to prevent bites, not that they are not close to me. There are three leeches crawling outside of my leg armor. They can feel my body temperature, but they can't find the entrance, so they only I can crawl around around my armor."

"It's disgusting, you let it go." Kristina has just been stung by a leech, and now she feels that she is all hairy. I smiled and threw her a small bottle. She looked suspiciously. "What is it?"

"Capsaicin. Although it is more irritating, it can prevent mosquito bites. You can decide whether to apply it or not." I have tried this thing before. It's super spicy, so I didn't have it at first. Just take it out, I guess the girl can't stand it.

Christina carefully poured a point onto her hand, feeling as if she was okay, then wiped a bit on her leg, and tears came down immediately. "Wow! This thing is too exciting, right?"

"The bee oil in the real world is also very exciting. The Insect in the game is larger, so this insect repellent has to be more exciting."


Kristina really took capsaicin all over her legs in a cruel manner, and then followed us on, but her walking posture became very strange and looked so funny.

After continuing to move forward for a while, Kristina asked suddenly: "Is it my illusion or something? How do I feel that the water level is rising?"

I Looking down at the water surface, the water surface that had only reached the thigh was now flush with the lower abdomen. "It's getting deeper, but it doesn't necessarily mean that the water level is rising."

"What do you mean?" Kristina didn't react.

True red said: "Because the passage is inclined, we are walking towards the depths. Of course, we do not rule out the possibility that the water level is indeed rising."

"Anyway You'll know it at the end." I took the helmet and handed it to Kristina. "Bring it on first. This helmet comes with underwater breathing attributes, even if the water fills the channel, it's okay."

As soon as Kristina put the helmet on, we heard a sound behind us. The heavy gate fell, sealing the way we came, and then I saw a row of thick-fingered holes on the top of my head, and the water poured down like a waterfall.

"It seems that we are the central organ."

"Regardless of it, it won't drown us anyway." Kristina said: "At worst, a way out." The water in the channel is rising at a rapid speed, and it seems that the rest of the journey has to be advanced in the water! (To be continued, if you want to know what's going on, please visit WWW.CMFU.COM, there are more chapters, authors are supported, and genuine reading is supported!)

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