The completely liberated Linger no longer has to hide his head and show his tail as before, but we still try to avoid direct contact with the opponent’s main force. Besides, the fight on the top of the head is now a mess, and it’s not clear what happened. What's wrong, before we figure out the situation, we are still not suitable to go out head-to-head.

Take everyone all the way to the pedestal door of the free Goddess sculpture. The secret door here has been closed, but now we don’t worry about it being exposed, so we just took it down. . The hall outside was not as empty as we thought. On the contrary, the room was almost full of people, and there were so many people that there was almost no place to go. There were dozens of corpses lying on the ground, and there were nearly a hundred people fighting with the monster, it was a complete mess.

A guy covered in black mist killed the warrior next to him, and then found us just coming out of the gate, and immediately slashed over with a knife. I stretched out my hand to make everyone back half a step, and raised my foot to the center of the guy with a kick. It feels like it's kicked the entity, and this black fog doesn't seem to be completely illusory. The strength of this foot was not small, and the guy immediately flew out, and ended up taking the other two people over.

"It's so lively!" Vina stood beside me and said: "How do I see these people on the shadow planet?"

"It's not like, simply Yes." I glanced at the situation outside by the way. "It seems that the monster on the red planet is also here. No wonder the fight is so intense."

"Isn't that just right?" Vina said: "While they are fighting, let's fish in troubled waters and take things away. That’s it. I don’t want to be sealed all the time. The feeling of powerlessness is really uncomfortable. My body is soft like noodles."

Ling'er said: "Go out here first, I'll clean up the people here. "

Kristina stopped Ling'er: "I'll come." She took her staff to the ground. "Lightning ring." A circle of white aperture quickly spread out from the center of the staff. When the halo passed under the feet of those people, they all twitched like an electric shock, and this halo was not just a circle. Rather, it continuously spread out in circles, each of which will strengthen its strength on the basis of the previous one. Not only the people fighting around, but also the corpses on the ground trembled. The halo flashed continuously for half a minute, then Kristina lifted the staff, and the halo disappeared immediately. The people in the room all fell neatly, and many of them were still vaping. "It's done."

"You are so fierce!" Ling'er said: "This kind of large-scale magic seems to work well, will you teach me another day?"

"Of course Yes.” Kristina agreed very politely. After all, Pluto’s face is still to be given.

After we cleaned up the enemies here, we quickly walked out of the room. The outside and the inside were similar. We were fighting everywhere, and we were fighting in a mess. The shadow warrior of the shadow planet and the monster of the red planet are not in the same group. It is probably a coincidence that they attacked here at the same time. As a result, both sides not only attacked the troops of Free Goddess at the same time, but they were still fighting each other, so the fight was messed up.

"Vina, which direction is your equipment in?"

"Over there."

"Everyone keep up. Linger, Zhenhong, follow I will open the road together. Behind the palace of Christina and Noreen, gold coin protects Vina and that little girl."


I stretched out my hand: "My pets , It’s time for you to show."

"Have been waiting for a long time!" Lucky was the first to rush out of the Fenglong space. "Let's make the way."

My large destructive power is amazing, and in this environment, it can attack at will, and there is no need to worry about accidental injury. There is simply no one in this area, and all three are enemies. Even the buildings here are not their own, and it doesn't hurt if they are destroyed.

Because there are large-scale monsters opening the way, we don't even have to find the way, and we will dismantle it directly when the building is in the way. The people of the free Goddess are fighting with the people of the two planets in various places, and there is no time to watch us at all, maybe they don't even know that we are out. But there is a saying called enemies on a narrow road, I think it makes sense anyway. When Vina confirmed that the building in front was where her equipment was located, she happened to see Goddess and Gunslinger walking out of the room side by side. Both of us were stunned at the same time, but it only took a second, and everyone reacted quickly.

"Disperse." The gun god yelled, because Kristina's staff was already lit. Kristina, the first fort, should actually be regarded as a free artillery, and fighting on the move is also her strong point. Kristina’s magic has a set series, a total of three magic, as long as you use it in order, there will be no one in front of you. What is activated now is the first magic of this spell-electric ball jet. This magic formidable power is small, but covers a large area, and it starts fast, even faster than magic missiles.

People on the free Goddess side saw the dense electric balls flying over here without even preparing a magic. The gun god screamed and dispersed, but he didn't respond as soon as he heard it. There were still a large number of people hit by the electric ball, but such magic is not fatal, as long as it is not three hundred and below, it is seldom that personnel can directly kill it. However, this magic has a paralyzing effect, and its real use is to buy time for Kristina's second magic. Whether you hide or block, it will waste time.

The free Goddess and the spear gods fell down and swooped. Although not many people were recruited, they still took some time. When they got up and prepared to fight back, they saw that a huge array of monsters had appeared here.

Kristina is holding her staff and pointing to the sky, her hair and dress are all flying. In front of her was suspended a huge colorful magic array with a diameter of more than ten meters, and terrifying electric lights were flashing on it.

Kristina suddenly pointed her staff forward: "All-attribute magic storm." There was a sudden flash on the magic array, a large number of Icicles, electric balls, Fireballs, wind blades, space blades, and darkness. Devouring balls, light missiles, and earthen bullets almost flew out like jets. Looking at the magic of hiding the sky and covering the earth, let alone the players, even the free Goddess is stupid. The magic shield is usually a single-line protection, and generally each kind of magic has special restraint magic, but how to block the whole series of magic? No matter which type of magic protection you have in summon, it will be passed through by the same type of magic in the end, so no matter how you block it, you will be hit. Of course, unstoppable results are more terrifying.

There is almost no reaction time. Goddess and the people around the gun god are completely overwhelmed by the magic flood of hiding the sky and covering the earth. This magic attaches great importance to the large number and long duration, which can fully consume the number of enemies. Generally, the only thing left after this magic is the existence of relatively strong battle strength. This is Kristina’s 2nd move, which suppresses magic on a large scale. The name of the first fort is not fake.

This magic has been sprayed continuously for nearly one minute, let alone people, even the strong house is gone. After finally waiting for the magic to end, I saw that there were still more than 20 light balls on the other side, and there were two or three people in each light ball. The people who were brought by the gun god and Goddess were not ordinary people, and most of them survived by relying on coordinated defense. But Christina is still a 3rd move.

"Thunder trial."

A terrifying bolt of lightning fell from the sky and directly hit the front protective shield. The protective shield was over in an instant, and the three people inside were bombarded. There is no scum left. The first lightning did not end immediately, followed by another one, which slammed directly on the top of the protective cover where the gun god was. There were five mages standing beside the gun god, and the protective shield was not smashed down immediately, but three of them spurted blood and fell, and the protective shield was almost out of sight.

Just as the third lightning was about to fall, the Gunner shot first. Kristina's lightning slammed directly in front of her, and the bullet was burned by the lightning pillar. This attack magic can be used for defense as long as it is used well, but the technical requirements are relatively high.

We are not alone with Kristina. Since Kristina has bought time for us, it is time for us to go. Just as the gun god finished firing the gun, I was already next to the protective cover where he was, and directly stab at a mage with eternity. The mage frowned thickened the protective shield in an attempt to resist my sword, but Eternal suddenly turned into a cloud of smoke, and the sword tip entered the shield without encountering any obstacles at all. As soon as the tip of the sword entered the protective cover, it immediately materialized, and only the section that was in contact with the protective cover was still in a misty state. The mage watched the sword on his neck fall in disbelief.

The gun god has turned his spear head and aimed at me, and his protective shield does not exist without four wizards. I don't have the ability to resist his bullet, let alone being hit by the body. I had already flashed out, the gunman still wanted to track and shoot, but he felt something approaching behind him, so scared he leaned down and rolled out to the side.

The real red punch hit the ground, and all the floor tiles within three meters nearby burst. If it hadn't flashed quickly, the head of the gun god should be cracked now. However, the last mage next to him failed to dodge this attack and was wiped by Real Red, and as a result, he flew out and died. The mage was originally the weakest existence in physical protection, and it was enough to be killed by a physical madman like Real Red who was afraid of warriors.

True Red pulled out his arm and was about to chase, when the Pinot Groove suddenly rushed up from the side and knocked True Red away. Pinot Slot wanted to attack continuously, but I fell from the sky and stood on his shoulders, and a guy almost stomped him on his knees. As soon as Pinotch reached out and grabbed my foot, I jumped off his shoulder with a backflip. Pinotuo turned angrily and rushed up, but Zhenhong rushed up again, and he had to turn around to meet Zhenhong's attack. The fists of the two slammed together, and each side took three steps back. Both sides are national weapons, and all of them are power-type. It seems that no one has taken advantage of it, but in fact, the real red has taken advantage of it. As soon as the Pinot Groove was about to chase me, I suddenly found that my arm was a little awkward. The red fist technique had the power technique in it. Hitting the Cow Behind the Mountain in Chinese kung fu was one of the high-end techniques. The main principle is Use the difference in speed to send the force a certain distance and then explode. The interruption is to make the power explode at the moment of contact, but Hitting the Cow Behind the Mountain sends the strength far away and then explodes. As long as you can master this skill, theoretically, you can directly injure the opponent's internal organs without causing superficial wounds.

As soon as the Pinot Groove retreated, it was discovered that the gears in the robotic arm were cracked, and the entire right arm was almost unable to move.

I suddenly rushed up with the newly deformed Eternity, and Pinotch blocked it with his arm in a panic. In the end, I didn't bump into him, but rushed past him. Pinotuo looked at himself suspiciously, then looked at me, and found that I was holding a strange thing in one hand, and the two things were connected with silk threads, and the interruption of the silk thread was wrapped around him. This is actually the wire saw used to rescue Vina and the little girl in the underground tunnel, but now I have wrapped it around Pinot Trough.

I suddenly tightened the wire, and there was a harsh rubbing sound for eternity. The Pinot Groo screamed and trembled. Sparks splashed all over his body, and the wire was rushing towards his body. Inside. Shenying found that another national weapon holder was attacked, and he immediately came over to help. As a result, he cut a knife on the silk thread with a weapon. Who knew that his knife was cut as soon as he touched him. This is the wire used for cutting, and the hardness is of course much higher than that of a simple broken knife.

The Condor was scared and took a half step back. At the same time, Pinot Groove let out a scream, and then suddenly fell apart, and the whole person scattered oh la la. The condor was taken aback, and quickly backed away, but I had changed the shape of eternity again. The root of eternity is now held in my hand like a sword hilt, but the front is like a whirling blade, with silk thread in the middle. I slammed the condor hard, the whirling blade spun and flew out, and instantly caught up with the condor and wrapped two punches on him, then I slammed the handle, and the condor was in the air before it even screamed. It was cut into several pieces and scattered.

I was proud, and suddenly I felt something stiff on my waist. The gun god's voice appeared behind me: "Go to hell." Boom.

A gunshot accompanied the terrifying impact and threw me away. With a bang, I pretended to pass through a house and flew into the small square opposite, knocking down several talents in a row. Stopped.

"Wow...cough cough..." I stood up with a mouthful of blood, supporting my body, feeling like my waist seemed to be cool and there was no pain at all. When I lowered my head, I realized that a big hole had been blasted into my stomach, and the entire upper and lower parts of the body had even some fleshy skin, and they were almost broken. The gun of the gun god was originally formidable power supreme, and the formidable power at such a short distance was amazing, and it was almost killed by a spike. Fortunately, I have a guardian collar, and the life force of the pet quickly rescued me. But this is only half of his body, if this fight continues, sooner or later it will be finished.

Several American players saw me who was disabled and immediately walked over with a grinning grin. Obviously they recognized me. Just as they were proudly preparing to hit a person when he's down, a flash of lightning flashed across them suddenly. As a result, the heads of several people rolled down together, and then the blood-spattering body took another two steps before falling down. With a blade in its mouth, the dart fell beside me, glaring at the other enemies. The familiars felt it the moment I was injured, but the darts are the fastest, so I arrived first.

Although the darts killed three players in a flash shocked others, the darts were too small to pose a visual threat, so no one was really scared. They still dared to rush up. .

"get lost! Even our boss dare to move and don't want to live anymore?" Fortunately, they finally arrived. Several big guys frightened the enemy all the way. But more giant beasts appeared, and the big scorpion red thorn simply crawled out of the ground, and red's tail spurs looked around randomly.

Ayana and Xiaochun jumped down one after another, Ayana helped me to align my body first, and then the green and white healing lights were lit up at the same time. The muscles and visceral tissues are visible as naked eyes. The speed has grown rapidly.

The little girl with gold coin in a semi-conscious state fell by my side. "It is said that the animal trainer is the most awesome profession, now I finally understand that so many people have been injured to save you, if we are killed by such a sneak attack."

Kristina Also fell down. "Purple Moon is a special case, who is like him when he goes out with twenty or thirty Familiars?"

I want to refute, but I can’t open my mouth. The system judges that I am now in a weak state and can’t move anymore. .

Ling helped me take out a bunch of medicine and poured it down for me, and then fed me a few sips of water. I felt that my body was recovering quickly. I just supported and raised a hand, and a whirlwind rolled over and turned into a silver moon lying on the ground. I jumped up from the ground. "Let’s use this before the body recovers!" Kristina said with envy: "The double number is really convenient!"

"I am Is it good to get back from the mission!" I picked up the staff and asked, "Where is the gun god? I want that kid to get revenge!"

"I was just blown away."

< p>"Flying?"

Gold coin explained: "His Royal Highness Immovable Hades is too fierce. If you let her let go and attack her, she really let go. Just now, she was in a melee. I have been chasing and killing Free Goddess. That free Goddess didn’t care at first, but later found out that he couldn’t beat her, but was chased everywhere. Now I don’t know where he went. The gun god originally wanted to help Free Goddess in a trick, but he was caught I don’t know where to slap the fan. They are monster-level NPCs that our players can play casually."

"What about Vina's equipment?"

" Already in hand." Vina, wearing her own equipment, walked out. "It's a pity that my jewelry is still with Goddess."

"It doesn't matter, let's get it now. You will show the way. Now that you have equipment, you should have some combat ability, right?"

Vina said: "lackey is of course okay, it won't work if you encounter expert. My own strength is sealed, and I can't beat expert by equipment."

"Then you still Don’t come into contact with the enemy, just leave it to us."

"Of course, now I don’t have the strength. It’s time for you to protect me."

Although Ling'er didn't know where she went, but she chased Free Goddess, at least the Free Goddess couldn't cause us trouble. Following Vina’s induction, we quickly found the free Goddess’ room. There was a small box on the table here, which contained a lot of jewelry, a small part of which was Vina’s, and the other part was all magic equipment. , Probably the original equipment of Goddess Freedom, but since we saw it, it didn't make sense to leave it, and pack it all away.

We were about to go out, and suddenly found that the door was pushed open, and the gunman walked in. I rely on, this guy is most likely to take advantage of a crisis for personal gain too, just one step too late. Zhen Hong reacted first and rushed up immediately, but there was no entourage around the gun god, knowing that it was not our opponent, and turned around and ran out. Real Red is not easy to chase too far, so he will come back soon. Linger, who chased Free Goddess, also found us soon, and everyone left the temple together.

When we returned to Rock City, the sky was already bright. Vina and the little girl were sent back to Isengard together, and I passed by with them. There shouldn't be any major problems with their command in Rock City.

In the main temple of Isengard, there are three people lying in Vina's room, and I am one of them. Now I have cut back to the size of Purple Moon, the wound on my body has not fully recovered yet, and I am receiving treatment from Xiaochun and Amina. Ling Zheng held a very thick book there and Ye Yue studied the methods to unlock these seals.

"Are all the materials collected?" I asked Ling.

Ling took the calligraphy and said: "There is still less flame essence and Tianshuilu. Ivorite has already gone to Flame Mountain Valley to get the flame essence. Tianshuilu Guanyin's elder sister has it, and she has just asked her to send it. Come here."

Now Guanyin is following Vinda, who is also Vina’s younger brother. Guanyin will naturally try to confess to the aunt Vina, knowing that she needs Tianshui Lu and immediately delivered it.

I nodded: "When will Iverrit come back?"

"Just now! He is fast, he should be coming soon."

"Already here." Ivorite's voice came in from outside. He took out a red crystal that was burning with flames. "Is it this thing?"

"Yes, yes, yes." Ling took out a small basin: "Put it inside."

Ivrit put the crystal in it. Ling took a pile of liquid from the table next to it and poured it into the basin, and finally produced a basin of blue paste with a strange fishy smell.

"How do I use this?" Vina asked, looking at the disgusting thing with some worry.

Ling took out a brush and dipped some blue paste and said to Vina: "Stretch out your hand, I will show it to you."

"You are not going to Paint on me?"

"You are not a magic array, what do you put on you?" Ling said: "Don't worry, can I harm you?"

"Then No, but you will prank me!"

"Do you want to regain your strength?"

"Of course."

"That Just stretched out her hand."

Vina couldn't help but stretched out her hand in the end. Ling used a writing brush to trace the original Magic Talisman on the golden ring on her wrist, and while still tracing: "This thing can mess up the magic energy, so the magic array will be useless, so you have to follow it. With the description of the incantation, it won't work if you miss any part."

"What if you erase it all?" I asked.

Ling smiled and said: "The easiest way is to throw the two of them directly into the pool and take a bath with this thing, but what does Wiena do?"

Quickly shook his head: "It's better to take aim slowly." As he said, suddenly the golden ring on Vina's hand bounced away with a click. "Come down!" Vina excitedly took the ring off her hand.

Ling took a bunch of writing brushes and said: "Everyone helps, let me describe it all by myself, but I won’t be exhausted?"

I quickly asked everyone to help. Anyway, we have more demon pets. . Everyone traced them together, and quickly removed all the golden rings on Vina and that little girl. Vina was only her power sealed, she regained her power as soon as she opened it, but the little girl was different. According to Vina's description, those rings would draw the power of the sealed person and spread it out along the chain, which would make the sealed person weaker and weaker. This little girl has obviously lived there for a long time. Her power has been consumed too much and has reached the point of dying. If we don't go, she may hang up at any time.

Now the seal is gone, but the weak body can't be recovered right away, and we must find a way to replenish some magic power first. Considering that the faction of this little fellow is still unclear, we did not immediately replenish her magic power. If she does not remember our good and attacks us instead, aren't we making trouble for ourselves?

After thinking for a while, I suddenly thought of a good way. "Vina. Can you sense her level after she has recovered?"

"It should be possible, but it may not be too accurate."

"The error will not be large, right? "

"The error will not be too large, but it will not be too precise."

"Then try it and feel her level."

Vina put her hand on the little girl's forehead and felt it, but her brow wrinkled. I asked her nervously: "How is it? Did you feel anything?"

"No, she is resisting my induction."

Ling guessed what I meant. "Does the master want to turn her into a demon pet?"

I am nodded. "But if you are not sure of her strength, you can only try one's luck. In case she is a trash, it would be a waste of a pet position! But I still plan to try. Free Goddess spends so much effort She will not be sealed for no reason. If she is very weak, she won’t need those things. Let me take a gamble!” Many, support authors, support genuine reading!)

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