After a simple and comprehensive training, Ling'er finally left Rock City with us. Each of us summoned our own mounts. Ling'er rode her own dedicated mounts. The nine-color deer is said to be the offspring of white jade Qilin. I don't know if it is true or not. Anyway, it looks full of images. Rock City is now considered as a Chinese territory. If you want to send it to other countries, unless you use the Transnational Transmission Formation, you can’t make it through. The division of Transmission Formation is based on the unit of country and region, without considering the distance factor. Like Rock City and Isengard, the Pacific Ocean between them can still be regarded as domestic transmission, but the American cities that are only 230 kilometers away from Rock City cannot transmit at all.

Our mounts are very fierce guys, and we arrived in Freedom City in less than an hour. I saw people of all kinds coming in and out of Liberty City’s city gate from a long distance, and it seemed that it was quite lively here. Americans and Chinese have different ideologies. If you build a city like this in China, it is estimated that not many people will go to such a place, but in the United States it becomes very attractive.

The six of us just arrived at the city gate and were blocked. A guy who stood still playing with a dagger came to us. There were more than a dozen people behind him, all of whom had the same virtue as this guy, so that I was almost a bad guy on his face!

We have been taught by Somei and others, and we are very experienced in dealing with this situation. Before the other party could speak, I pulled on the reins, and Ye Ying suddenly stood up and kicked the guy who was in the way to the ground. A dozen other people saw that they had been beaten and immediately surrounded them, but this group of people was completely rubbish. Even among ordinary players, the strength was only considered middle and inferior. They encountered the master battle strength of elite guilds like ours. It's just as fragile as tofu.

Kristina gently knocked on the ground with her staff, a white halo instantly rippled, and those who had gathered were all bounced out. When these people got up, they didn't have the arrogance they had before. They stared at us with vicious eyes, but they ran away directly under their feet.

Kristina smiled and said: "It seems that Sumei’s countermeasures are very effective!"

Gold coin is a little worried: "Look at their eyes, shouldn’t you? Will you trouble us after the meeting?"

"There is no way!" I said indifferently: "If they want to find it, let them find it! Anyway, they are not opponents at this level. What we have to worry about is how to break into the secret room without being discovered after entering the Temple of Freedom, and it doesn’t matter if we are discovered later."

Christina said: "Let’s find a place to wait. Let’s take action in the dark? Isn’t it appropriate to sneak in secrets during the day?"

"It makes sense." I said seriously: "First go find a hotel and sit for a while. It's only noon, and Yes!"

Because we have studied the detailed map of this city before, although this is the first time we have come, we know the buildings here very well. Near the restaurant.

To be honest, pubs in the United States have always been more distinctive. As soon as we arrived at the gate, we saw a player flying out of the gate. Before he landed, the window on the second floor of the hotel burst suddenly and another person flew out. After the two people landed, they got up and rushed back to the tavern as if they were okay. Then there was a sound of slamming tables and benches, and three more people flew out, but their faces were all new.

"Can you sit in a place like this?" Kristina asked me with some uncertainty.

"There should be a private room or something like that!"

True Red jumped directly off the mount and said: "Anyway, go in and have a look. I think there should be no harassment if I book a private room. Yes."

"Okay, then!"

Everyone took back their mounts and walked into the store. There must be a sound-absorbing Formation at the gate, as soon as you walked through the gate. I found that the noise in my ears suddenly rose by dozens of decibels. The area of ​​the store is not small, the tables are all set around the wall, and there is an open space in the middle. There are many people standing in the clearing now, but they are not dancing, but fighting. Those people beat each other, and they didn't know exactly where it was. It seemed that everyone was a separate group, and the people around him caught who beat who.

Ling'er frowned said: "It's really barbaric!"

True red laughed: "This is a good way for people with excess energy."

I walked around the center of the battle group along the wall and walked to the opposite counter, where I was picking up a row of people who were noisy and there was no room. I walked directly into the nails of two people, stretched out my hands and pushed them to both sides, and the two people who had been on the counter immediately flew out.

"Boss!" I was loudly roared and totally invalid! The environment in this place is too noisy, and the boss seems to be arguing with people, there is no time to talk to me. I left the counter and walked to the person who was arguing with Boss, grabbed the collar of the guy's clothes, and threw the guy into the melee crowd. I reached out and grabbed Boss by the collar of his clothes and dragged him in front of him: "Is there a box with a pipe down?"

"Do you know who the one you just threw out is?" Boss did not answer. .

I looked back and didn't see the silhouette at all. The kid was thrown into the pile, most likely to be trampled to death by messy feet. "I don't want to know who it is, I just want to know if there is a private room."

"Are you so grumpy?" A voice suddenly appeared on my side.

I didn't even bother to turn my head, so I kicked this guy flying with a side kick. The kick was very windy, and the posture was so handsome that the needle drop suddenly became audible in the field. I am not an idiot. Of course I know that no matter how handsome I am, it is impossible to calm people down, so there must be other reasons. I looked back and saw that the entire tavern was frozen. Those who were fighting with each other actually kept the last knowledge and looked at me, and no one was fighting again.

"Are there flowers on my face?" I made a cold joke.

I moved so much in the sound of the sound. All the scufflers let go of their opponents and stood up, and they all looked at me intently, as if they were going to come up and bite me at any time. The response of the shop boss was even more scary. This guy picked up the cash register on the counter with a magical movement method that was so fast that he couldn’t see clearly, and then he picked up the guy who was in a daze, kicked it to the wall, and then ran over and turned around. The concealed switch, and then the wall suddenly turned over like a pirated version. They were all turned over to the opposite side, leaving us with a bare wall.

"Damn, there is no need to flash so fast, right?" (To be continued, if you want to know what's going on, please visit WWW.CMFU.COM, more chapters, support the author, support genuine reading!)

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