Divine Race is also divided into types, like Vena, which is a versatile type, and is a very precious type in Divine Race, because generally this kind of Divine Race has a relatively large space for development in the future. Even if it is not very strong now, there will be great development in the future. But that is an individual phenomenon after all. Most Divine Races are a single type of Divine Race. For example, the Tianzhao Great God, who has played with us and don't know how many games, is a typical main battle type Divine Race, personal battle strength one of the very best, not many people can head-to-head with him. The Supreme Taoist of Celestial Court belongs to the logistic Divine Race. The Immortal Pill and equipment he refined can double the strength of the main War God Race, but he doesn't have much battle strength. Even in Divine Race, there is a purely commanding type like Jade Emperor, which has almost no other ability besides being good at overall planning.

Free Goddess is also an ordinary Divine Race. She is actually an auxiliary Divine Race. From the player’s point of view, she is the kind of priest who is responsible for adding status and other assistance. Effect. However, the characteristics of Divine Race are relative to ordinary creatures. Even though Goddess of Freedom is a support god, she is still a Divine Race. The battle strength is still much stronger than ordinary creatures, otherwise she would not run to the front line. But I am not an ordinary creature. I have completed the divine force task set by the system a long time ago. Now the divine force barrier is useless for me, and because of the multiple integration of bloodlines, I am actually a Demi-God clan. Free Goddess, the auxiliary real Divine Race, was melee attacked by the battle-type Demi-God clan, and the result was still quite miserable.

Before the attack, I had activated the wild and violent cohesion attack ability. At the same time, I activated the blood praise skill during the attack. This skill can greatly burn the life force of the enemy and us at the moment of contact in exchange for the opponent’s life force. Impact damage, but this damage is mainly concentrated on the free Goddess, which has little effect on me. After all, this is a skill I released. Anti-damage is already very serious. Impossible all concentrates the anti-damage on me.

Before I landed, my fist hit Liberty Goddess's left cheek directly. Her head was slammed to the right by a huge force, and then she drove her whole body off the ground and rotated seven or eight times in the air before falling to the ground with a thud. There was no more movement at that time.

Everyone was stunned. Free Goddess was knocked down with a punch, and the spirit of the American players was also violently shocked. At this time, it was suitable to take advantage of the victory, but I was also injured, blood praise is not so fun, hurting others and hurting myself, after this fist, I also staggered back a few steps. There was a flash behind me, and a green and vibrant tree suddenly appeared. I hit the trunk directly, but the trunk also expanded to form a hollow tree hole, which made me fall into it like a seat. . The green rays of light suddenly lit up on the trunk, and the blood vessels that burst on my body quickly recovered at a speed visible to naked eye, and even the armor was completely restored.

The Gun God endured the injury and shouted: "Don't let him heal."

When I was about to attack Goddess, the freedom guards were already rushing here. Now Just in time, he rushed up when he heard the gun god's words. However, at the moment they were about to attack me, dozens of vines suddenly shot out from the big tree behind me, each aimed at a guard, and accurately inserted into the other's chest. In almost an instant, the people who were hit all turned into corpses and fell to the ground. Just after these people fell, the green light on my body suddenly shone, and after the green light, I stood up intact.

This Tree of Life is really fierce, and its recovery ability is surprisingly strong. It is more effective than a priest group. It almost died just now, and it is all well now.

The gunman guard was killed, and a whistle was blown immediately. There was a flash in front of me, and seven silhouettes suddenly appeared in front of me. Before I could react, I was blown away by the palm of my hand. The health value I had just recovered was reduced by one-fifth. Another person rushed over to my Tree of Life and gave him a palm, but the Tree of Life suddenly disappeared into the air, causing him to hit the air and almost fell.

A guy with a red Knight gun swipes in front of him with a long spear. "The Seven Martial God is here, do you ants still dare to resist?"

"What shit Seven Martial God?" I got up from the ground and walked out again. "Who are you? I have never heard of Seven Martial God!"

"Bold, dare to slander the great Seven Martial God." The warrior who was speaking suddenly stabbed with his sword, fast. Almost invisible.

Ding. The sword failed to pierce me, but was pinched by a very delicate little hand. The sword-stabbing warrior looked at the owner of the hand in surprise. It was a little girl who looked less than eighteen years old. She was wearing a colorful feather dress. She looked like a little beauty. But what surprised everyone at this time was her strength, not her beauty. Whether this Seven Martial God is really powerful or relatively good at blowing, at least he is not too bad, this little girl can pinch someone's sword with only two fingers, this strength is a bit scary.

After the Martial God reacted, he desperately tried to pull the sword back, only to find that the sword did not move as if it had been inserted into steel. As long as the little girl didn't look at him at all, but turned her face to me. "Are you Purple Moon?"

I looked at her nodded in a daze.

"Who are you? Let go of my sword." The Martial God had to shout out after finding that his sword could not twitch at all.

little girl frowned looked towards him, with a hard hand, she only heard the ding sound of the sword tip being folded off by her, and then flicked it at this guy, only listening to the pu' sound, the guy’s chest appeared A huge blood hole, all the internal organs and blood in it were sprayed out from behind, and the guy behind the splash was all over.

"I hate others to interrupt when I am talking!" The little girl turned and said to me: "I am a close attendant under the seat of Pluto. His Royal Highness and the Court of Monster Race invite you to discuss Important matters."

I pointed to the front: "Look at this...?"

The little girl was reasonable and immediately said: "This battle is less than three days. I will wait for you for three days."

"many thanks." I snapped my fingers back, and an NPC guard ran over immediately. "Take the lady to the guest room of the temple for a temporary stay."

"Yes." The NPC guard immediately made a please gesture and led the little girl away from the battlefield and walked inside.

The little girl hasn’t made two steps yet, another guy in the Seven Martial God immediately called out: "Hurt my brother and want to go?"

The little girl didn’t look back. He shot a feather and inserted it accurately into that guy's forehead, and then blasted that guy's entire head with a bang. The people around were all taken aback, one by one, looking at this little girl who seemed to be harmless to humans and animals, as if looking at the monstrous.

Free Goddess was stunned, and most of the gun gods were seriously injured. The gun god knows that relying solely on elite forces to attack is invalid, so he simply activated the crowd tactics and yelled at the back: "Crash for me, the door is already not in. If you rush in, you will win."

The United States got the order. The NPC and the player rushed to the gate quickly, and I had to return to the Golden Silkworm Fortress again. I alone can't stop so many people. The war machine is more effective against the small soldiers.

As soon as Rose saw me entering the golden silkworm fortress, she immediately walked over and asked: "Who was the girl just now?"

"It is the close attendant of the Great Wheel of Hades."


gold coin asked suspiciously: "Who is the Great Wheel Pluto?"

"I told you, do you know?" I asked back.

Rose smiled and explained to gold coin: "The Great Wheel Pluto also has a mother named Peacock King. The body is a peacock, but it should be regarded as something like Divine Beast. But this Great Wheel Pluto The strength of Tathagata is very exaggerated. In the Buddhism forces, she is not a formal organization, but her strength is actually not much different from that of the Great Tathagata."

"A Tathagata-level expert?" Gold coin was surprised:" How strong is that?"

Rose shook her head: "I don’t know how strong it is, but this little girl just said it was just her maid and guards. You have also seen it. Those two Divine Races were almost killed in seconds. You can think about it, a guard is so powerful, what about Hades himself?"

gold coin thought for a while and said: "I guess she only needs one move. You can let Goddess and the gang of Divine Race be over."

"So this Aiya...!" Rose was about to speak, and the golden silkworm fortress suddenly tilted to the side, almost completely overturned.

"What's the matter?" I held Rose and asked aloud.

The Golden Silkworm Fortress immediately replied: “It’s a heavy artillery, but don’t worry, this artillery shell can’t break my defense.”

Rose cautiously said: “I’m afraid we must activate the Seven Spirits in advance. Dust clock!"

"Why?" Gold coin asked unwillingly.

"Because the gun god has awakened from his blind arrogance, he knows that he can't get anything without sacrificing this city wall, so this city is not his for the time being, he doesn't If you play well, you won’t get anything. Rather than get nothing, it’s better to smash and grab it and then rebuild it."

I nodded and said: "The gun god can think of us like this but we can’t. Anyway, there are a lot of enemies entering the city. Just start it in advance." I took out the leaves of the shadow tree and said: "Notify Hong Yue to start the Seven Spirit Dust Clock."

"Understood."< /p>

Hong Yue nodded seriously in the huge clock room at the half waist of the Juling Tower in Rock City. "Eagle, you can start."


A deep and dull bell ringing suddenly sounded throughout the city, and everyone unconsciously raised their heads and looked at the bell. The source of the sound.

The gun god sat down on the ground, looking at the place where the bell is sounding on the Spirit Ju Ling tower with a face full of disbelief. "This is impossible! Didn't the spy say that the mission was completed? Didn't it...?"

Can't the gun god continue, because a spherical ash-gray light suddenly burst from the waist of the gathering tower. The ball, the ball of light quickly spread to all directions before going out, but the things that entered it showed a completely different effect. The neutral existence, the guild forces and the existence we recognized were all wrapped in the light ball as if nothing had happened, but all the people and large weapons commanded by the gun god all turned into white sand at the moment the light ball passed.

The little peacock sitting in the reception room immediately changed its appearance after the receptionist exited. It was no longer as quiet as before, as if suddenly turned into a curious little sparrow, in the room Jumping around. Look and see, I seem to be curious about everything. But she only watched it for a while, and suddenly felt a terrifying force swept over it quickly, and at that moment she felt the threat of death. But just as she fully supported the protective shield to resist, the energy passed through her body as if she did not exist. The little peacock touched her body up and down in surprise, and after she was sure that she was okay, she still froze for a long time before relieving her energy. Since she was born a lot stronger than others, she felt the fear of death for the first time. This stimulation was really too great.

In contrast, free Goddess is much more miserable. The little peacock was just frightened, but the free Goddess really walked in Gates of Hell. Originally, she was knocked out by me. Just now a few guards took her to leave, didn't expect to see that huge ball of light spread out as soon as she arrived outside the city. Originally, Goddess must die to be free in this state, but she was awakened by this terrifying pressure. After discovering the light curtain, she immediately supported the protective magic. Fortunately, she is an auxiliary Divine Race. The protective power is relatively strong, and the damage radius is almost here, and the formidable power of the Seven Spirit Dust Clock has dropped a lot. It was this series of luck that led the lucky Goddess to withstand the Seven Spirit Dust Bell’s killing attack, but her mana was also violently shocked, spurting blood on the spot, and fainted, and finally the American players outside the destruction radius snatched her. go out.

After recovering from the shock, the little peacock immediately thought of going out to ask about the situation. As soon as he opened the door of the reception room, he ran into me who was about to enter the room. Fortunately, she Also an expert, an somersault landed steadily, but instead I was knocked out and knocked down a pillar in the corridor.

"Ah! I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" Little Peacock found a large group of people standing at the door and knew it was the one who came to see her, but didn't expect the leader to fly away.

"Wow! Miss, are you really strong?" I pushed away the half of the pillar I was pressing on, and then Rose and the others hurriedly pulled it up. "Thanks to me, someone else killed you!"

"Unexpected accident! I was going out to find someone to ask about the powerful mana just now!"

"Oh, what do you mean?" I said while patting the gray on my body: "That is the pure voice of the Seven Lingchen Clock, but don't worry, it only destroys the target we selected, you are Our guests will not be harmed."

The little peacock suddenly remembered what he was doing, and immediately turned into that kind of ice-like expression. "My mother... ah, it's your Royal Highness who wants to see you."

Who are all of us? Leaking the mouth in front of us is like shouting that I am a lamb in front of a group of hungry wolves. Rose quickly gave me a clear look, and I secretly nodded. Su Mi on the other side quickly took my hand, and I squeezed her finger to show that I knew it. It seemed that everyone had discovered it. I didn't expect that this little girl was actually the daughter of Peacock King's mother. This is a great character. However, we are pretending to be confused even if they don't say we are. In any case, we should be as enthusiastic as possible during the reception.

"I don't know why His Royal Highness Dalun Hades wanted to see me this time?" Little Peacock just wanted to say and suddenly stopped again. She glanced at the people behind me. I immediately smiled and said: "Don't worry, what we pay attention to here is a loyalty and unity. There is nothing that can't be said here."

The little peacock immediately said: "Actually, I have nothing to tell you, Dalun. His Royal Highness means to discuss important things with you. I only know what kind of power needs your cooperation to establish a force, I didn’t figure it out, or let them tell you when you arrive!"

I He smiled and said: "Of course this is okay, but the battle is not over yet, anyway, there are still more than two days, the lady will play with us? We have a lot of good things here, such a large-scale war. Haven't you seen it?"

"En." The little peacock's child character appeared again. "There is nothing fun on Spiritual Mountain. Just those mountains and lakes, and the beautiful scenery is tired of seeing! The Arhat gods and Buddhas know how to sit and practice every day. I really don’t know what they do! Still playing, the guy who hit me just now is very interesting, but unfortunately it is too weak!"

I laughed embarrassingly: "That guy is already pretty good, it's my lady, you are too strong!"


"Really? Am I really strong?" When describing others' pride, they often say that people are like proud peacocks. Now it seems that there is some truth to it. When the little peacock was shot by my flattery, he immediately became proud. "When I was in Spiritual Mountain, those guys didn't fight with me. They were so bored to death. I don't know what level I am. I didn't expect me to be so good!"

Peacock is not really powerful, but her identity makes no one from Spiritual Mountain dared to touch her. Dalun Pluto and Dainichi Tathagata are Level 1. This little peacock is the daughter of Dalun Pluto. If there is any problem, it will be troublesome for her mother. And the strength is so strong that he is not afraid of the existence of the Great Wheel of Pluto, and I am not in the mood to fight with a little girl. However, the above analysis is based on the Spiritual Mountain forces. When it comes to our world, her battle strength is definitely the top level existence. Although the United States’ Divine Race forces are the worst in the world, God is God, and being dropped by a little girl in two seconds is a very good explanation. At least I believe that if I were to fight her, unless I used all the familiars and summon creatures, I might be able to draw a tie, and if she wanted to run, I decided to take her.

Rose greeted everyone to enter the reception room and sit down, and then asked the little peacock: "I haven't known what you call it after talking for a long time?"

"Me?" Little The peacock proudly said: "My legal name is immovable, and my title follows my mother with the word Pluto."

Damn, this girl is immovable Pluto! I say so so strong!

The little peacock smiled and said: "My mother wanted me to pipe down, so she didn’t move, but I turned out to be a naughty peacock all over the mountain, so people called me Ling’er. It means smart and cute. I am full of affinity with you, you call me Ling'er too!"

Yes! Fudo Pluto actually has such a cute nickname, but considering this girl's legal name, it's better to be kind to her. Fudo Pluto is not easy to provoke. The key is not her mother's problem with Pluto, but her own problem. This Fudo Pluto is a god who specializes in sealing and suppressing. To put it bluntly, it is the Minister of Public Security and the Bureau of Justice in Divine Race. Attorney General, the kind of power that has so much power. Basically it means that you are guilty and guilty. In addition, besides her title, her own strength is also very strong. The Minister of Public Security of Divine Race is not like the real state leaders. Divine Race has less complicated personnel organization. The Minister of Public Security is the most capable god, and is responsible for catching the most difficult strong men. From this, it can be speculated that her strength is at least much better than those of the illegal Divine Race, or even if she is hard at the backstage, she will not have her turn to be the real power figure.

Rose is also a good diplomat, especially her kind wife and mother-like beauties are the most lethal to little girls. Coquettish beauties may be fine to seduce men, but coaxing children is definitely not as good as a good wife and mother like Rose. Rose directly sat next to Ling'er and took her hand and asked: "What do you usually play at Spiritual Mountain? Would you like me to take you to see our entertainment projects?"

< p>"Okay, okay! It's hard to come by once, it would be a shame not to play with it!" Ling'er's eyes were full of stars looking at the rose, it was like meeting a confidant.

The rose took Ling'er and left immediately, completely when we no longer exist. Ying sighed next to him: "It's terrifying, I was kidnapped so soon! Rose would definitely make a fortune if she changed her career to become a trafficker!" Linger was dragged by Rose to play, and I took other people there. Discuss the next work. There seems to be nothing to worry about in Rock City. The American coalition forces suddenly rushed into the city this time and lost at least tens of millions of troops. Looking at the forces outside, they want to take down Rock City unless there is a miracle. What's more, Goddess was seriously injured this time. In addition, the only powerful figure in Divine Race in the United States was almost half killed. This loss is too great. High level NPCs are non-renewable resources, and they are gone when they die. They can still spend money to make up for them. The powerful Divine Race does not need to be counted on.

However, although the gun god is okay, we can't relax because Vina is still in the hands of others! Although Vina will not disappear because she already has a real physical body, once her body is killed in the game, her identity will be exposed, but if she is no longer online, it will seriously affect the strength of the guild. So we must rescue her.

When we were discussing what to do here, a system hint suddenly sounded above our heads. "The United States of America took the initiative to surrender. Congratulations to the Frost Rose League for completing its territorial mission ahead of schedule. The City of Rock and its surrounding lands are officially included in Chinese territory and enjoy local treatment. Please City Lord to set up boundary markers within three days, otherwise it will be deemed to have given up the right to set boundary markers. Nationwide The united forces paid 120 million crystal coins war compensation to the Frost Rose League, and the funds have been transferred to the guild account. All Frost Rose League players have increased to Level 1 at this level, and all help the Frost Rose League participate in the war outside guilds and no guilds. Players have obtained the current level and half of the EXP. All participating NPCs are promoted to elite NPCs, and their intelligence limits are lifted. Immediately, they can enjoy 72 hours of security protection within the scope of Rock City, and all combat behaviors other than those of competition are prohibited. The announcement ends."

"It's over early?"

"It seems that the gun god still knows how to advance and retreat!" Hong Yue said happily.

I motioned for everyone to be quiet. "Since the defense war is over, we can concentrate our efforts to rescue Vina. Everyone knows how important the Divine Race cultivation will be. I don't need to talk about this, right?"

"You know, but How to save it?" Gold coin asked: "Vina was kidnapped by Divine Race. The other party will definitely hide her in Divine Race's territory. This time the Americans and we are considered to be a big knot. If we move the army to Rescuing people will definitely be blocked. Offense and defense are not the same thing. With Rock City we can block ten by one, and if we go out, we can be one-to-two. It's not bad that we can't save Vina."

Hong Yue nodded and said: "That's right, saving Vina cannot move an army, and it doesn't make sense to go. We can only rescue Vina by means of an elite assault. It is easier to just send an expert to sneak in than an army to attack. It’s a lot of money, and it’s more economical."

Asura purple clothed said: "The most important thing is to determine the location of Vina first. Finding without a goal is not a solution."

< p>"This is not a problem." I said: "Anyway, you can ask the people in the Sea King Palace to help. The process of sneaking may be more troublesome. The other party must know that we will save people, so the defense must be strong. Speaking of sneaking in secretly, it will probably eventually become a forced breakthrough."

"Don't worry too much." Hong Yue said with a smirk: "As long as the rose takes the lovely Linger Eldest Young Lady Please come and help. Why don’t you get in as you want?"

"Let Immovable Pluto help?" Gold coin was surprised: "If you can really move her, it will do anything. Don’t worry, it’s probably useless if Goddess is free to guard Vina personally, as long as she wants to go in, no one can stop her."

"Then it's up to the rose."

After discussing the rescue plan, we roughly determined the repair work of the city. The defensive crystals that the damn spy damaged us also fell down, and we will have to find someone to hang them up. Each of those big guys weighs four to five thousand tons. It doesn't mean that you can repair it. Even if Dragon Clan doesn't go up to one or two hundred, you can't even think of returning it to its original position. It was about one or two o'clock in the morning, American time, that Rose finally came back with Ling'er. The two of them were like good sisters who grew up together.

When Rose saw me from a long distance, she secretly made an OK gesture, and I held back a smile and walked over to say hello. "How did you play in the afternoon?"

Ling'er immediately started talking to me about the things she was playing with when she heard it. Seeing the enthusiasm, it was clear that she had come to us for what she was doing. Thoroughly forgotten! Although her name is very scary, she is actually a little girl who doesn't understand anything at all, and has almost no specialties except being able to play. But in this chaotic world, being able to play means everything, so she has such a high power. Now this little girl has forgotten all the tasks, just like a little child who just came back from the playground, eager to show off the things she played to others, so there is no end of speaking of which. Anyway, everything followed her. She wanted to show off and listened to me. From time to time, she cooperated with two surprises. The coaxing little girl's face was almost blooming!

After finally showing off, I took the opportunity to start abducting her to help us save Vina, but this requires attention to skills. You can’t directly ask her if she is willing to help, or she will stay. Good impression. But now she is not the only one with me. With our good wife beside her, this scene is not difficult to perform.

I pretended to be heavy and sue her first, let her wait for a while, and then pull the rose aside. Rose looked at my eyes, my eyes turned to the side, pointed to Ling'er with her eyes, and then deliberately whispered: "You know, Vina is caught by the free Goddess now, we can't just leave it alone. Vina is very important to us, but Dalun Pluto wants me to meet them again. I really don’t know where to go!"

Rose immediately cooperated with frowned. "Yeah! What can I do? Saving people requires strength. You may not be able to save them if you don't see Pluto! Our guild can all be pointed at Vina, now... hey...!"

Ling'er, who had no thought at all, actually heard them all. Although I lowered my voice, I wanted her to hear it, so the voice just felt small, not really inaudible. This little girl immediately ran over and pulled the rose and asked, "Is that Venus a very important person? Or I will help you to save people? Anyway, there is no rush. It doesn't matter if you save people and go back. "

"How can this be done!" Rose quickly said: "You are only here to invite Purple Moon, and you are not ours. How embarrassed to trouble you! Besides, that free Goddess is not easy to provoke. Yes, you...?" Rose's words were actually deliberately irritating her. Since she is a proud peacock, how can she admit that she is inferior to others? Moreover, she herself is not necessarily worse than the free Goddess.

"I must go. If you don't let me go, you don't treat me as a younger sister."

Damn, Rose is so fierce, it's only a few hours! I recognized the younger sister! Linger's encounter with roses is probably the legendary relationship between being sold and helping people.

Next, Rose and I half-pushed her and refused. Finally, at Linger’s strong request, we let her in. Hong Yue, who was watching from a distance, had already suffocated their smiles and suffered internal injuries. They dared to laugh out loud after we took Ling'er to the lounge, knocking on the floor and hitting the wall one by one, it seemed like something!

After the Sea King Palace took our commission, the speed was very fast. It sent us back information in two hours, and also brought back a message. The person looking for us is Elsa, the president of the Rainbow Alliance, which is Miss Princess Yusina of North American Electric Group. This time, helping the Gun God to prevent our guild from infiltrating the United States can be said to be her major mistake. As soon as the battle ended, she was called downline by several Old Guys at home.

There are so many Crown Prince parties in "Zero" for a reason. These groups need to train successors, and "Zero" is a virtual world. The battle here is not only about martial power, but there is actually a lot of mental competition. For us Crown Prince Princess, running a guild is actually a kind of training for management ability, so each Great Family encourages their children to play this game.

Usina’s decision this time caused her guild to lose a lot in the game. If it were put in reality, it would be the collapse of a group. How could such a major mistake not make the Old Guy angry? ? After being called off the assembly line for a long time, Yusina immediately thought of Vina after she went online. She knows that Vina is important to our guild, and she also knows that I have a very good personal relationship with Vina. Yusina, who received ideological education from the Old Guys, realized that this was a good opportunity to repair our relationship, so she contacted the Sea King Hall, contacted us through the Sea King Hall, and brought Vina’s detention location and general defense situation. Intelligence is regarded as an apology from their guild.

Falling up with the Rainbow Alliance did not do much to our guild. The previous battle was just a reasonable choice made under the circumstances. People are human, but as small as a group of several people, as large as a country, as long as it is a collective, then its sole purpose is to realize the will of the group. This purpose is not necessarily self-interested, but it must be a manifestation of the collective will of the organization. Therefore, an organization has no humanity, they only follow the wild beast law. People often say that there are no eternal friends and eternal enemies between countries. This is also true. Our interests with the Rainbow Alliance are generally not in conflict, at least not directly in conflict, so our cooperation is very necessary. Since the Rainbow Alliance took the initiative to apologize and want to repair the relationship, we will naturally not refuse, but the previous things cannot be assumed to have not happened, at least the face must let us live.

Usina means to help us get Vina out as the 1st step to repair the relationship, and then we will discuss things slowly.

I called Zhenhong, gold coin, and Kristina all, and it should be almost the same with the three of them and one immovable Pluto. It's not good to sneak too many people in secrets. Besides, we have a lot of familiars. I really want someone to pull up a little Legion at any time. But when the list was finally decided, there were more people. Norin had to go with it, and we couldn't help it. Although she is a member of the guild, she has a special status and my words are not completely effective. However, considering her outstanding mechanical lifeform battle strength, bringing it can help us a lot, so in the end I agreed.

Gather the five of them together in the tactical discussion room. The equipment here is better, so you can analyze the combat missions in detail.

As soon as Ling'er entered this room full of crystal walls, she started to run around excitedly, especially the huge crystal platform in the middle of the room, which made her particularly interested. This table is actually a holographic imaging device. In or

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