After the hotel boss disappeared at a magical speed, the other people in the court also reacted, and there was no one running in the room. There was a gold on the ground that did not know who fell. The coin is still spinning around, and now that is the only sound source in the room.

Crack. Suddenly there was a small sound in the silent room, but it seemed quite noticeable at this time. We turned our faces to discover that the sound was coming from under a pile of rotten wood that looked like a wreck of a table. The pile of wood moved, and then was pushed aside by a hand. A man stood up from below, a sloppy middle-aged warrior to be exact.

"What the hell do you want to live anymore?" After the middle-aged warrior stood up from under the board, he started slapping the dust on his body without any haste. At the same time, a large group of people rushed down the stairs on the side. People, and looking at the logo, it turns out to be a player from the same guild. When I look at this middle age person, I find that he is wearing the embossed badge worn by the senior leaders of the guild.

Although it looks like this guy is very good, but according to the convention here, the more bullish, the less no one dares to move you, the softer you are, the more others bully you. There is nothing to respect the old and cherish the young. good habits. I turned around very arrogantly, supported the table with my hands and sat directly on the target platform. "What are you guys? The consequences of disturbing me are very serious."

The beaten player picked his jaw, and the two thugs immediately rushed over. Zhen Hong moved a step to the right and stood in front of me. The thugs who rushed in front hit him with a punch first. Zhen Hong lightly took the opponent's fist and squeezed it hard, and then pressed the guy to the lower area. On the ground, another thug who passed her easily pulled the guy back. The guy still wanted to resist, and after real hard on his arm, the guy's arm bends down in an instant.

Seeing that he was beaten, the remaining thugs all rushed up. Kristina had a meal on the ground with her staff, and immediately there was a white flame wall in front of us. Looking at this color, it is estimated that the temperature can already make steel. The thugs all stopped, and a guy who had just come down from upstairs pointed with a stick, and a spring of water suddenly sprayed onto the flames, which immediately aroused a white mist.

Kristina looked at the guy angrily, who knew that the other party was even more arrogant. She raised her hand and shot three magic missiles. This zero-level magical lethality varies with the mage’s level, and the launch speed is It is the fastest of all magics, and any mage of any other department will learn it to the top level. Afterwards, it can continue to be used as one's level increases, unlike ordinary low-level magic that is useless in the later stages.

The mage fired three missiles in one breath, indicating that his strength is good, and multiple launches are not simple and fast. However, he was out of luck. Kristina is known as the first fort in Europe, and the release speed of spell is not much worse than that of a machine gun. More than thirty magic missiles appeared almost at the same time. Those three magic missiles were instantly submerged in a flood of magic missiles. The remaining magic missiles flew forward after killing the three missiles, knocking down 13 enemies. Later, he killed the mage on the spot, and his magic shield didn't have time for summon to come out.

The eyes of the middle age person squinted, apparently confirming that we are not easy to deal with. The next second he did something we didn't expect, this guy suddenly pulled out his weapon loudly roared, and then jumped out of the window like lightning and ran away. When he yelled, Zhen Hong posed and prepared to resist his attack. Who knew that this guy suddenly ran away and was stunned at that time.

Before we could react, there was a sound of collision of stones behind us. The door that had just turned around reopened, and Boss walked out from behind. This guy obviously saw the situation where we drove those guys away, probably because he knew that our strength was relatively strong, and his attitude was obviously much more amiable now. But he was not completely relieved, but cautiously said: "That...I'm really sorry, I don't know if several of you can leave the shop right away?"

"What do you mean?"

"Look, I am a small shop. You are strong. I am not afraid of the poisonous snake's help, but we can't! You beat their people. If they come to the door for a while, my small shop It's definitely going to be smashed beyond recognition, so...?"

Ling'er asked me a little embarrassed: "Or let's change the house first?"

Ling'er is a helper , I’m not good enough to offend her, so I can only whisper: "Have you forgotten what you said before you came out? Never show kindness here, just treat yourself as a Great Demon commiting any imaginable misdeed."


I patted her to indicate not to care, and then said to Boss: "Don't tell me, you go to some poisonous snake helper and say, I only need the box , Hurry up and prepare, otherwise you won’t be able to wait for the poisonous snake’s help to demolish your shop."

"Yes, yes...!" Boss hurriedly showed us the way.

We went up to the fifth floor until we were taken into a large private room. Don’t look at the mess in the city and there are graffiti everywhere, but this private room is actually decorated like a Chinese-style building. It's so flavorful when I get up. Boss smiled and said: "This is a private room specially prepared for Eastern guests. The internal environment is more elegant, I hope you like it."

"Not bad. Go for some good dishes and drinks."


"I'll do it right away." Boss quickly turned around and ran to order.

After waiting for more than ten minutes, there was a mess of going upstairs. It sounded quite chaotic, but it soon became quiet again. After a few minutes of silence, a footstep came up slowly, and then we heard a knock on the door. A female said: "The food is here."

I put my finger in front of my mouth and made a silent gesture to Kristina and the others, and then said to the door: "Come in."

The door was slowly opened, and three girls who looked good stood outside, but their costumes were obviously not what waiters should wear. The three girls came in and put all kinds of dishes on the table, then set out drinks and tableware for us, and then they were going to retreat.

"Wait a minute." I stopped them.

The three of them looked at me together and didn't know what I meant.

"Come and sit with us." I deliberately said with a smile.

The girl who took the lead took a surprised look at the people next to me, and then looked at me again. In her opinion, I was the only man in our entire group, and it was really weird that I needed to sit with him. But I didn't plan to let her go, and reached out and pulled her back. "Don't run in a hurry! Come, accompany us to drink some wine."

I winked at Zhenhong and gold coin, these two are not ordinary people, and immediately stood up and pulled one over. , Zhen Hong shut the door smoothly. Gold coin hugged a shorter girl, first touched her cheek, and then moved to her neck and took an exaggerated breath. After inhaling gold coin, he said in a very enjoyable way: "It's still a girl! This skin...this men are not as good as girls!"

True red is more ruthless than gold coin, Sitting directly on the seat, the girl sat down on her lap and brought a drink to the girl's mouth. "Come on, have a drink first."

The girl immediately struggled and refused to drink, her face was so red that she stared at her sternly: "What do you want to do? This Uncle allows you to drink and you can drink, so many things?"

Me and gold coin did the same thing, except that we were picking dishes for the little girl in our arms, and we chose different dishes, and the two little girls refused to touch anything. The three of us struck a look, and then suddenly started at the same time. I squeezed the girl's neck in my arms and pressed my thumb on the cervical spine. With a click, the whole body of the little girl was immediately soft like noodles. He threw her to the ground and kicked her against the wall. True red and gold coin also completed the same action.

"Don't touch it, the vegetables and drinks are poisoned. These three are pioneers, and there are a large group outside."

Kristina sighed: "You gods Oh! Can you find it?"

True red said: "The loud footsteps before is clearly a large group of people coming up, but the sound suddenly disappeared, indicating that they planned to use the counter. When we came in, we only watched. To the Boss and a guy, and both of them are men. If there are girls, they won’t show up without one. Now three out of them are clearly outsiders. Besides, look at their clothes, this is clearly the tight clothes and assassin’s How does the costume of the elf archer look like a hospitality suit? The shoes of the woman in charge of gold coin are still stained with mud. There are floor tiles in the city. The mud on her feet means that she has just returned from outside the city. My waist is bulging. Yes, I clearly hid a dagger. What did the maid bring this thing for? Besides, these three idiots didn’t even remove the guild logo. Are we blind?"

gold coin from The dagger was found on the corpse on the ground and threw it towards the door. The dagger directly hit the hollow pane on the door. There was only a layer of paper pasted there, and the dagger flew out directly, and then I heard a groan outside, followed by the sound of messy footsteps and heavy objects falling to the ground. "The one who eavesdropped outside knows how to expose it, right? Don't you ask someone to rush it?"

The door was kicked open, but the door did not fly in, but after flying a few inches away Suddenly it exploded and turned into countless pieces of wood and flew out, stupefied to block the people who were going to rush in. At this time, the people standing outside the door are all people. There are no one hundred or eighty. This is still limited by the area, and there are probably more downstairs.

"Yeah, finally figured it out?" I sat on my seat and looked at the guy with a dagger in his shoulder proudly at the door. This was the middle age person who ran away before. I continued to mock him with a faint smile: "Is this right? What do you idiots do for crafty plots and machinations? Do you look like a person with enough intelligence to play conspiracies? The high IQ behavior of insidious people is to let It’s better for us to play. You idiot can just work hard."

The middle age person's angry face is blue, or the person next to him shouted, "What are you doing in a daze? !"

The people outside got the order and moved immediately. A large group of people shuaa~ rushed in. As a result, they were suddenly blocked by a wall when they rushed halfway, and the person in the front touched this road. The energy wall trembles immediately, and weakens like an electric shock.

"It's an electrostatic field, where's the wizard?" someone in the team shouted.

A mage yelled from behind: "You guys let me pass!"

"This bunch of idiots!" The person next to the middle age person gave the middle age person to The people around him then came over and commanded. We also killed dozens of people when he was able to educate him. There were people lying beside him, no one stood at all. This guy was sleek and ran off with a wave of his hand.

"What are they going to do?" I asked Noreen, who was looking down at the window.

"We are tying the rope, as if we are planning to tear down the shop."

"It seems we can't sit down here. Shall we go?" Gold coin asked.

Kristina smiled and said: "Or I will kill all the people below?"

"Even if you do it, it will still be the same. Anyway, you have to change places. Yes, but I don’t mind if you kill a few more, so as to save people from making trouble."

"OK." Kristina jumped out of the window excitedly, and we had to jump out too. . As soon as Kristina hit the ground, she pointed her stick at the people of the poisonous snake gang who were about to demolish the house. "Road of Flame." A five-meter-wide Grand Dao of Flame suddenly stretched out from Kristina's toes, and all the people on the road ahead leaped into hiding. However, this magic can be tracked. The flames that extended out actually started to diverge, and then each ran after a target.

The enemy on the other side of the road saw Christina so fiercely that he wanted to rush up for a sneak attack from behind. As a result, the rest of us fell from the sky together. The American ninja who wanted a sneak attack was stepped on by me. I slapped on the ground and stomped him twice to completely fix this guy. Then he turned around and raised his hand to catch a giant sword that was being chopped down. Raised right hand, everyone only saw a strange rubbing sound. A bright line flashed, and then a large group of people suddenly broke in two.

A man with good eyesight pointed at me and shouted: "Be careful of the wire on that guy's hand."

"Is there another one with good eyesight?" I looked at that guy. One glance, and once again raised his hand. The guy dodged and hid behind a giant eagle stone sculpture at the entrance of a store, but I suddenly closed my hand and listened to the peng sound. The stone sculpture exploded with white stone dust, and at the same time he sprayed a lot of blood. , And then he fell apart with the stone sculpture, and it was broken into seven or eight paragraphs. I slowly added a sentence: "Next time remember not to hide behind things, it's useless."

A commanding figure yelled: "Dodge all, get on with heavy armor."


Seven or eight big men rushed up, all of them in heavy plate armor, and they were either giant swords or axes. At first glance, they were powerful warriors. I waved the dragon's tendons like a whip again, around a guy with ease. He reacted quickly and quickly supported it with a shield and heavy sword to block the lasso, but it was useless. I slammed the line up, and the dragon tendon was strangled on the shield and sword. He saw the zipline stop and laughed at me proudly, but I didn't care about him at all. Long Jinsuo suddenly began to vibrate, and saw that Long Jinsuo quickly plunged into his weapon and shield, and then only heard a clank, which turned into pieces of swords and shields and fell to the ground, and he issued it himself. There was a scream, and then there was no sound.

A few other people reacted, and one of them threw the axe in his hand at once. I raised the hand again, and his axe turned into a pile of metal fragments in the air and dropped to the ground.

When. A light sound suddenly appeared in front of me. An arrow was blocked by a ball of mercury. The arrow passed through the mercury and hit the surface of the armor, but it was unable to penetrate, and only a light sound was emitted. Looking up and seeing the archer standing in the distance, I raised my hand to point at him, but he showed a puzzled expression. With a move of my finger, an arrow suddenly appeared on his forehead, and then he fell straight down. He thought I was going to use the dragon's tendons, thinking that this distance should not be reachable, didn't expect I still have the Avengers sniper crossbow.

"haha! Do you think I can't fight if you hide away?"

Kristina turned around and asked me: "You're not done yet? I'm all dead here. That's it!"

I looked back and found that the street was full of people lying all over, and I didn't know how many were accidentally injured. "Damn! You are a mage, your profession is the one with the greatest damage output. Of course I am not as fast as you!"

"Wrong, your animal trainer is the one with the greatest damage output, but you rarely make Come on with the demon." After speaking, Kristina looked at the remaining enemies on my side and said: "Leave this to me." Before I could answer, she raised her staff and waved wildly. The people on the other side immediately understood what was going to be a meteor shower, and suddenly the house collapsed and a large group of people died, even the lively watching was implicated.

"Hey, I remember saying that the house cannot be destroyed, otherwise the city management NPC will come. The freedom here is only for people, and the building cannot be destroyed!"

< p>"Ah? I forgot it for a while! What should I do now?" Kristina asked nervously.

"Hide first."

"Leave this to me." Linger, who has been watching our performance, finally caught the opportunity. I saw her raised hand in the air, a colorful light bomb flew directly into the sky, and then silently exploded in the air. In an instant, countless rainbows were flying in all directions, and light bands of various colors were flying everywhere in the city. Don't talk about seeing people, dizziness when you open your eyes. "Let’s run now!"

The super version of the rainbow jet really works well. We got into the residential area in a blink of an eye. The houses used by these free NPCs are only for newcomers. , Because some small tasks can be taken at that time, after the level is over 400, there is basically no need to come here, because there is no high level task at all.

We sneaked into a residential house. It looked like a house that had been unoccupied for a long time. It was actually empty and there were spider webs everywhere.

"Are we just here waiting until dark?" Zhen Hong asked.

"Well. We will act after dark They look powerful, what if they mobilize their forces to hunt us all over the city? They can’t always hide and hide, right?"

Ling'er said: "This is easy. I use fantasy Just cover it up here. If someone passes by, they will treat it as a wall, and they won’t realize that this is actually a yard."

"Will it be useful for high level characters?"

"Just The free Goddess you said is fine if you don’t turn around nearby."

"Then trouble you."

Peacock Clan’s power is the Illusion Technique, this trick is the same Fox Race is about the same, but Fox Race's specialty is to be charming, but Peacock is sensory, with a different focus. I asked Zhenhong and the other players to go offline and rest, and then come up at night. Linger and Norin, I stayed to see the yard.

Kristina’s guess really came true, and someone came to search an hour later, and Noreen and I were very worried. It's not that I'm afraid that I won't be able to beat them, but I'm worried that they have to change places, and the other party has been so stalking, if it affects our rescue plan, it will be troublesome.

Norraine and I pressed the door carefully to listen to the movement outside, Ling'er smiled and said: "If you want to see it, just climb to the wall to see it. My illusion is absolutely guaranteed. You stand on the wall. It’s okay on the top."

"Are you serious?" Noreen asked disbelievingly: "Are those people just outside the door, so close you won’t be able to see them?"

< p>"Not only invisible, but also inaudible. They can't hear you even standing on the courtyard wall and singing, as long as you don't go outside the wall."

"Then I have to try." Noreen really jumped onto the courtyard wall, then knelt down and looked at the people outside the wall, but those people really didn't respond.

At Noreen’s repeated requests, I also went to the top of the wall. As expected, there was no response at all. I saw a group of people running back and forth dozens of times outside the wall of our broken courtyard, and one of the leaders was still holding a very thick notebook in his hand. The guy scratched his head and said: "Damn it! I clearly remember that it should be the 319th here? Why can't I find it?"

The guy next to me asked: "Will it be? Will the house number on the record be wrong?"

"Impossible." The guy said with certainty: "Here, Old Feng came here the day before. At the time, he chased a little girl, and that girl ran there. In this house, the murderous Laozi found her after looking for it for a while. How could I remember it wrong? Besides, look at this row of houses. The house numbers are all in order. The front one is 318, the back This room is three hundred and twenty. Are you talking about the number three hundred and nineteen?"

The person next to him also scratched his head: "It makes no sense! It is said that the house number is the first Yes, the number book is copied according to the house number. Even if the number is missing and the number is forgotten, there should be no corresponding number on the number book, but there is a number here, so what’s wrong?"

The guy with the book said: "I know it's wrong too! But what's wrong? Where is this ghost house? Even if it is demolished, I will at least leave a piece of land for Lao Tzu, I know the house has been demolished! "

"Why don't you ask the two companies on both sides?"

"Yes!" The guy with the notebook immediately ran to the other two with excitement and asked.

The houses on both sides were opened, and what came out was an old man and a middle-aged woman, both free NPCs. Both were pulled over and asked about the situation. The old man screamed in surprise when he saw the house, and then asked the middle-aged woman. "Mrs. Elima, why are our two families connected together?"

The woman also shook her head and stared her eyes: "Yeah, ha grandfather! There is no one between our two families." Is the house empty? Why is it suddenly gone?"

The old man also said strangely: "That's not right! Even if the house is gone, the ground should be there! Our two houses should have been different. The ones next to each other have now come together. Has the house of one of ours been moved?"

"Isn’t it possible? I’m at home all day today. Can I feel the house moved? Yes. Otherwise, your house moved?"

"No! I am at home today!"

The person who called them out immediately said: "Will it be yesterday that I moved Yes, didn’t you pay attention?"

"That’s even more impossible!" The old man said: "The house in the middle is a vacant house. Sometimes my house is a little broken and there is no place to put it here. In the morning, I I also came over and threw a broken chair. The house was still there at the time!"

"What the fuck!"

The attendant said to the man who took the book: "Forget it. Isn’t it just a house? It’s not such a coincidence that it’s inside, right?"

"That’s true. Let’s check other things! It’s been a long time to find this broken house at night. I can't finish the investigation!"

The searchers left, and the two NPCs left after a strange period of time. This bizarre incident passed. Norin looked at the people outside and laughed happily. Although she is already an old monster with a super long lifespan in terms of human lifespan, her mental age is actually still a child, and of course she finds it very interesting for this kind of thing.

I jumped off the courtyard wall and started to talk to Ling'er about the situation just now, but Ling'er was also proud of himself. The two old monsters, both of which were little girl, chatted hotly, until it got dark. It ends when it's online.

Zhenhong looked at the sky, and then said: "It’s time to act." Support authors, support genuine reading!)

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