"Boss, found a dangerous person." The voice of the big pot of rice appeared in the communication crystal channel.

"Stop calling, I saw it!"

"What should I do now?"

"Is the city full of stands?"


"Not yet!"

"Then continue to fight, must wait until the enemy can no longer flow into the city to activate the Seven Spirit Dust Clock, otherwise the effect will not be achieved."

"I got it."

I know the big pot rice, but I don't know it yet! Free Goddess's name is very loud. The ghost knows how strong she can be. What if she blows up half of my city?

Just thinking that she has already arrived in front of us, the gun Divine Idol ran to her like a savior. "His Royal Highness Goddess, you finally came in. Hurry up and help remove this thing, right? Without this thing in the way, we would have taken the inner city down."

Free Goddess glanced contemptuously at the gun god, and then He raised his hand to the huge golden silkworm fortress. "Absolutely free." A beam of light flew out of her hand, and instantly hit a beam transmitter in the Golden Silkworm Fortress. The thing emitting the beam suddenly flashed a colorful rays of light, and then there was a chirp. Disappeared in the air, as if it had never existed before.

"Damn, is this an attack?"

We didn’t react yet, and immediately came a beam of light, this time directly on the head of the golden silkworm . It was the same situation just now. The hit position flashed colorful rays of light instantly, and then disappeared into the air with a chirp, and there was a big hole in the head of the Golden Silkworm Fortress, which was large enough for an elephant. Big hole in and out.

"Is there anything wrong? What kind of attack power is this?" Noreen was taken aback.

Rose also worried: "This is probably something we can stop, right?"

"No matter what, she can't let her mess around like this again." I am right. Rose said: "Here you come to command, I'll lead the Goddess of freedom."

"Be careful!"

"Don't worry!" I said as I said. He jumped directly out of the big hole, and anyone who was worth it just came out to find a similar beam of light flying towards him. In a hurry, I blocked Eternity in front of me, and the beam of light hit the blade. The eternally hit part suddenly inflated like an inflating balloon, and then it actually wriggled up and down, and the whole sword was irregularly agitated.

"Eternal? What's the matter?" There was no answer to my question. The Eternal Sword Spirit didn't seem to hear me at all, and didn't respond at all. Suddenly, it closed forever and violently, and then turned into a spherical shape and flew up, and then it flew out like a lightning, and slammed into the straight moved towards Free Goddess.

Free Goddess also seemed to be taken aback, hurriedly blocked it with the torch in his hand, and finally hit the torch with a crisp sound and immediately bounced to the side. A guard, Cui, standing next to Freedom Goddess, was knocked out by Eternity, and directly knocked down a group of people. Eternal immediately bounced back after putting down a person, and then turned into a sword shape and returned to my hand.

Free Goddess looked at eternity in surprise. "You...you you...!"

"You ugly old maiden, you almost want my life." A face appeared on the eternal sword hilt, and then directed at freedom Goddess scolded. "This Uncle is a super Divine Weapon that integrates thousands of weapons. Do you think a small disorder can kill me?"

"Chaos?" I looked down in surprise. towards eternity. "You said that the light beam she used is order spell?"

"Yes." Eternally disdainfully said: "What kind of shit is absolutely free, in fact it is messy spell. Everything in this world has Its law and order. When a group of magic elements move according to a certain order, it is called magic, and when a group of molecules are arranged according to a certain law, we call it matter. The ability of free Goddess is to break all the rules and let All individuals are fully liberalized."

I also understand the term eternity. The so-called Goddess of freedom is to destroy all order and allow an object to be completely decomposed from the micro level. Our body, the surrounding air, the hard steel, and the soft cotton cloth, all these are just big molecular groups composed of various molecules. The molecule is combined by various atoms according to a certain rule. For example, the simplest water is composed of hydrogen atoms and oxygen atoms. Everyone knows this. But atoms can still be divided downwards. The real difference between different atoms is the number of protons, neutrons, and electrons in the atom, but free Goddess can make all the laws invalid. Once her spell takes effect, these electrons will no longer revolve around neutrons and protons according to the original rules. After the electrons escape, the protons will lose their stability, and then they will also be dispersed, so that an atom will completely collapse. An object is made up of countless atoms, and if all the atoms collapse, the object will not exist. Just now Free Goddess used this method to make a big hole in our golden silkworm fortress, which has nothing to do with defense, but completely destroyed the material structure.

I suddenly reacted. "Eternal, then why is it okay if you were hit just now?"

"Are you stupid? There are so many weapons in my body, the rules have long been messed up, and her ability to decompose is like mine. There is no way to order state. I am neither matter nor energy, and our composition is not any molecule or atom. I am me, half energy and half matter. I am in an excessive state, and I only follow my own rules, which is why there is no The main reason why weapons can slash me. Strictly speaking, I am not even considered as a substance in this space. I have been in a semi-transition state and not completely in this space. If she uses that trick again, you can use it. I'll stop it, you can be touched by yourself, or you will be disassembled."

"Understood." I looked towards Goddess proudly. "Haha, I'm not afraid of you now. The original attribute is to break the rules. That's right, let you see your nemesis." Behind me, a ring of discipline like a rudder flew out from behind me.

There was a fierce flash on the ring of discipline, and the little fairy’s voice came out from inside: "Discipline—Strong Law!"

Yes, I got the best one again. Of the law. A strong law is to restrain oneself with the strongest precepts, that is, to keep all the rules in one's body constant. For others, this law is almost invalid, but for free Goddess it is simply a natural enemy. Her ability is to break the rules, and the strong law is just to prevent the rules from being broken, then her ability is equivalent to being scrapped.

Free Goddess is different from the gods of other countries. She does not have all-round power and relies on a law of freedom. The strongest law is banned, which is equivalent to losing battle strength. But this is also relative. The strong ruler just now only targets me, and others can't enjoy it, so free Goddess still has a lot of lethal power on others, but it can't hurt me.

Free Goddess also realized the problem and pointed me immediately. "The gun god, stop him."

"Huh?" The gun god was stunned. He called Liberty Goddess to serve as the main battle strength. Now Liberty Goddess actually wants him to help block me. Isn't that kidding?

Liberty Goddess glared at him, then shouted to the guard on the other side: "Don't let him come near me."

I don't care about her the actual situation and just jumped over. , The result was immediately blocked, a dozen free guards rushed up and blocked me in front of them. "I want to hurt Goddess and pass our level first."

"No time to play with you." I turned around and rushed back and shouted: "Rose, help me open the way."

The beam transmitter on top of the silkworm's head flashed, and the guard in front of me immediately poured a piece of it. I directly kicked the body of the guard, which was only half of the body, and rushed over. Free Goddess discovered that his guard was slaughtered by the golden silkworm, and immediately launched a beam of light at the golden silkworm. Scared, I jumped up and blocked the beam. Free Goddess followed two more, all blocked by me. Free Goddess didn't want me to be close to her, so I could only keep emitting beams. I had to bounce around to protect the golden silkworm fortress to block the beams. It was really busy.

The gun god found that I was constantly being forced to move left and right, and immediately realized that this was an opportunity, so he immediately shot me with excitement. I was blocking the beam of Free Goddess in midair, and suddenly I noticed a bullet flying from the side, and the bullet was blocked by the horizontal sword, but I was also shot out. Free Goddess saw the opportunity and immediately launched a large beam of light at the golden silkworm. In desperation, I had no choice but to shoot eternity as a dart.

Free Goddess was taken aback by Eternal, and immediately screamed: "Disorder Formation."

Eternal flies while still shouting: "I told you I have Your own rules, your rules won't affect me." Speaking of eternity, it has already come to the front of the protective Formation, passing through it just like the protective Formation doesn't exist at all.

Binocha found this critical situation and immediately stretched out his arm to block the sword for Goddess, but Eternity is not a simple weapon, he has Artifact Spirit. The Eternal Sword suddenly burst in the air just before hitting the Pinot Slot, turning into countless slender scarlet steel needles. People all around only heard a puff sound as if the human body was continuously hit by submachine gun bullets, Pinot Slot and Free Goddess screamed and flew out. The eternally turned red needle pierced the entire right half of the Pinot Groove and the shoulder and left hand of Goddess Freedom into a hedgehog. The Pinot Groove is better, but the free Goddess is full of blood, and the situation is miserable. Those red steel needles are actually hollow needles, and the middle is simply a bloodletting tank, and some of them hit blood vessels, causing blood to surge outward like a fountain.

A group of American players hurriedly stepped forward to help pull out the needles, only to find that the needles were all cross-shaped inverted claws. With this density, if the needles are pulled out hard, the needles will lose the flesh of Goddess. It's almost gone. But before they could figure out a solution, the needles suddenly melted like ice cubes. The red liquid quickly flows to the ground and gathers into a red sphere.

Bino Slot yelled: "Grab it."

Several players immediately jumped up, but Eternal bounced on the ground and suddenly flew in midair to me. Bian shot back. I stretched out my hand from a long distance, and Eternal became a sword in the air and fell into my hand accurately. As soon as I grasped the hilt of the sword, I immediately raised hand, and the eternal blade immediately scattered and fluttered like a whip. Several players who rushed up were forced to retreat.

Free Goddess struggled to get up. "Don't think that I will only disrupt order, look at my divine force bomb." A ball of light flew out from her fingers, and the target was directed at me.

"The ring of commandments, decompose." The outer ring of the ring of commandments suddenly broke away from the body, and then broke into two halves from the middle. After the two half-rings were separated, a sharp blade was spread out at each end, and then further transformed into a crescent-shaped moon blade and flew around me. The six short sticks on the crystal ball in the center of the ring of commandment suddenly flew to my side and surrounded me, and then each stick stretched up and down to form a hexagon and surrounded me.

The white ball of light directly hit the light curtain between the two sticks and was blocked. The black magic halo under my feet suddenly lit up, and an identical ball of light flew towards the free Goddess. past. This is the basic ability of the black magic halo-magic hair replication.

A mage was about to use a magic shield to help Freedom Goddess block the light ball, Freedom Goddess quickly shouted: "Come a warrior to stop it, this thing will explode when it touches magic!"

< p>divine force bomb is a spell that specializes in blasting magic, so it is the easiest to use warrior to block it. Fortunately, she shouted in time, otherwise everyone around them would have to follow.

I blocked the divine force bomb and rushed towards Goddess. The enemies along the way immediately rushed over to stop me, but they couldn’t get close to me at all. The half-moon flying up and down is not a joke. Who would charge up the whirlwind of blades like meat grinder?

"Your enemy is here." Pinotuo suddenly shouted, and then rushed up. The ding ding dong dong that Ban Yue hit on him sounded like a ring, but this guy was full of steel, and in the end he only made some scratches, which didn't hurt his roots.

After rushing into the defensive range, Binuo Groo immediately slammed his fist and smashed it down at me. This guy is a magic doll, and his power is not so big. Zhenhong is so good that he can fight his fists, but I can't. A little bit of the ground under his feet, the whole person suddenly pulled up more than one meter, and his feet stood accurately on his fists.

Bino was stunned. I stomped on his arm and rushed to his head like a shot. I kicked him in front of the door and kicked him backward. , The whole person turned down. I wanted to jump over to attack Goddess, but I just jumped together and suddenly found that my feet were tight. The Pinot Groove, who was obviously kicked down, actually grabbed my foot. This guy was so powerful that he grabbed my ankle and threw me up and hit the ground. With a bang, I hit the ground and bounced again, but the Pinot Groove didn't mean to let go, so he swung me around in a circle and hit the ground again.

"I'm still relying on you?" I put my hands on the ground, but I didn't have enough strength or slammed into the ground with a bang. If it weren't for the mask's defense, it would probably be broken.

As soon as the Pinot Groo raised his hand and shook me up again, I clenched the teeth, and a whirlwind rolled along my body. After the whirlwind, I had switched to the silver moon state. Pinot Slot was stunned for a while, just now he was holding me in the Purple Moon form, and he didn't know why it suddenly changed. I thrust the sun rod into the ground. "Glorious-sun summon."

The sun in the sky suddenly turned into flames, and an orange red beam suddenly fell directly from the sun into my body, and my body was immediately light flashed. , Pinot trough was shaken back ten steps before it stood still. I turned a beautiful somersault in the air and landed steadily. I pulled out the sun rod and took the handle of the rod and turned it vigorously. Then I pulled it to both sides. The sun rod was actually divided into two sections, with only a gold wire attached to the middle. I have raging flames on my body, and people who are forced by the high temperature keep backing away.

I grabbed the tail of the stick and danced in my hand, and a small sun shined on the head of the disjointed stick. I violently turned my stick around and flicked forward: "Flying a flaming meteor." The little sun flew out with inertia.

Free Goddess instinctively wanted to retreat, and Pinot’s trough crossed his body and stretched out his hand to block it. As soon as he touched his entire arm, it immediately melted into molten iron and flowed to the ground, but my little sun was also Blocked back. My staff crossed, and after the little sun flew back, it clicked and docked again. I danced my staff again and threw the little sun out.

"Shooting the sun divine spear." The sound of the gun god suddenly appeared on the side. At the same time, there was also a gunshot. My little sun was blasted out directly, but it didn’t fly far. Jin Si pulled back, but the flame on it went out.

I inserted the staff to the ground again, and then turned the staff upright, and pointed the jewel on the top of the staff at the gun god: "Sun rays." A golden light shot out, and the gun Divine Wolf flew awkwardly. I dodged my attack when I went out, but that’s how I still burned my pants, and even the people around him suffered. Several people who were full of fire were rolling on the ground. As for the guy who was directly hit early It turned into a burst of green smoke.

"Absolute freedom." Free Goddess saw my body change and immediately wanted to try her trick, but the rays hit me like clay ox entering the sea, and there was no news.

I looked towards Free Goddess with contempt: "Don't bother, I am Sun God now, no energy can hurt me."

"What about physical attacks?" Gun The voice of God suddenly appeared behind me, and his gun hit my head. He pulled the trigger as he finished speaking.

Boom. The bullet went straight through my head, and the gun god rolled to the side with the smell of scorched meat. There is a big hole in my head, but I am recovering quickly at the speed that naked eye can see. Turned to look at the battered and exhausted gun god. "Don't you know that Dao Essence is immortal?"

"Invincible state?" Gun God asked in surprise.

"No, it's just that your destructive power is not enough." I slammed my wand on the head of the gun god, but a player next to me quickly rushed to block my wand, but the brave one The guy instantly turned into a burst of blue smoke. The gun god seized this opportunity to retreat, but seeing that his whole body was severely burned, it was estimated that he was not comfortable.

The golden light on my body suddenly dimmed, and the flames began to go out gradually. It seems that the sun's summon time has come. Of course, such a strong magic hair can't be maintained for a long time, and it can only be used at a critical moment. Fortunately, just this one hit the Pinot Groove and the Spear God severely, and also scared Goddess to freedom.

I turned my staff and thrust it on the ground: "Aura of the sun!" A ring of flames burning golden flames quickly spread out around me, instantly clearing all nearby enemies. There are only a few experts left.

Pull out the staff and point to Goddess of freedom, and the light flashed with jealously: "Firestorm storm." A dense fire of flame knives fired out in the form of shotguns, and they continued to strike. Free Goddess desperately supported a protective shield. I held the staff while firing continuously while walking forward, the free Goddess was forced to retreat continuously. I know that this state can't last too long. I deliberately changed the silver moon's mana to the Purple Moon form. Anyway, I can take the opportunity to consume some of the free Goddess' mana, at least it will save some trouble later.

"Lightning is broken." Another U.S. national weapon holder, the Condor, finally arrived and hit me with a punch. I was thrown sideways by the impact, but he was also vomiting blood and flying out by the dozen or so vengeful magic hairs that flashed on my body at the same time. This set of oath suit is fierce, there are so many revenge magic hairs, and they also happened at the same time.

I completed my transformation in the air, landed firmly in the Purple Moon form, and then directly entered the animalized form, turning eternity into claws attached to my wolf claws and blade claws, and then to freedom Goddess rushed over.

Free Goddess panicked around looking for someone, wanting to see who can help her block her, she is a mage-shaped god, not a warrior like Tianzhao, and can't let me get close. But now she has nothing to do. The gun god was burned like a piece of coal, the condor vomited blood, and Binuo trough lacked an arm. Her guard was cleared out of the safe range by the sun's halo, and it was too late.

I poured a bottle of holy blood down, and then raised to the sky with a wolf howl: "Um...wild and violent!" I rushed to the free Goddess like lightning and slammed it down: "Blood praise!" To be continued, if you want to know what's going on, please visit www.cmfu.com, there are more chapters, authors are supported, and genuine reading is supported!)

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