"It's actually very simple." Ziyue said: "If we can use this stone to create a false image, Goddess and Gun God will definitely command troops to rush our city defense system. What if we let them in and activate the Seven Spirit Dust Clock?"

After listening to Ziyue's words, we all started to think seriously. Everyone knows the formidable power of the Qi Lingchen Clock, but the problem is also obvious. All such weapons of mass destruction have a time limit and cannot be used continuously. According to the previous idea, if the enemy captures our outer defense, then we can activate the Seven Spirit Dust Clock to kill a large number of enemy troops, and then regain the outer Defensive Array land. However, there is a problem here, that is, if we can't even defend the perimeter, then it is most likely that there are no people. Even if we rush back, it will not be of much use. Because there is no remaining troops to defend, the enemy will soon rush in again. .

The advantage of Ziyue’s method is that the enemy can rush into the city without destroying the structure of the city, so that we can choose to retreat the troops first, and the enemy will also get wrong information because of the wrong information. And think that the city is bound to be captured. And under this premise, the gun god will not let the troops destroy the city, because once the city is defeated, it is equivalent to his city, now he destroys a little bit, and then he can invest a little less. And at this time, if we activate the Seven Spirit Dust Clock, it will inevitably cause a large number of casualties to the enemy, and then we will regain control of the outer city wall, which is equivalent to returning the front to the previous state, while the US coalition forces will be reduced for no reason. The troops of the army, this is definitely a good calculation for us.

If we don’t use this crystal, we can pretend that the city is broken and attract the enemy to enter, but in that case the enemy will destroy the city’s buildings, even if we rush back to the first city wall after the child, there is no defensive weapon Will still be beaten back. This is the role of crystals. In addition, the biggest drawback of the Qi Lingchen Clock-the time limit, will also be alleviated as a result. This time we used the crystal to trick the enemy in, and then robbed us of the city wall. When we really couldn’t prevent it and we were beaten back to the inner city, it is estimated that the Seven Lingchen Clock could be used again, which is equivalent to letting us The super weapon has one more chance to use, and such a cost-effective thing can't be let go.

Since the decision was made, it was natural to execute it immediately, and we quickly laid out the order. The executive agency of the guild has always been a model of high efficiency, and the preparations were quickly completed. Because the protective crystals in the four corners of the city fell before, the free Goddess already knew that the fake Goddess had begun to do it, but they didn't get the signal at the time, so they just prepared, and didn't really rush up.

Under our careful arrangement, changes occurred in the city immediately. The first reaction was that the cannons on the city wall stopped firing, and then the voice of Vina imitated by Youling sounded over the city. "Attention all warriors, I am Vina, immediately give up the outer city wall and enter the third city wall defense. We need to concentrate our forces."

This voice is what we asked You Ling to say, so that it can confuse the gun. Gods and them, let them think that Youling is stealing our command system to dispatch troops, so that they don't feel weird about our people suddenly retreating back.

At the same time the sound rang, the gun god was excited. The gun god and free Goddess who knew the spy plan all cheered very proudly, because they knew that the last moment was coming soon .

As the army on our side quickly withdrew, the gun god was also commanding the final assault troops to assemble forward, and he knew that they would be used soon. Sure enough, soon, the crystal in their hands that represented the completion of the mission suddenly burst, and at the same time the gate on the city wall outside Rock City began to rise slowly amidst the roar. No way, after all, the city wall is not so easy to rush even if no one is guarding it. Now that the door is open, you can just rush in. With the order of the gun god, a large number of NPCs and players began to swarm into the city wall.

"Are you all here?" I asked left and right, standing on the innermost city wall.

True red nodded: "Everything on the First Layer city wall has arrived."

Gold coin also nodded and said: "The people on the second line of defense have also come back. Waiting for the people of the gun god to come in."

Rose pulled me. "We can't ring the bell immediately after the enemy enters. In that case, we can't actually destroy too many enemies."

"Do you mean to resist symbolically for a while?"

"It is not a symbolic resistance, but a real resistance to the enemy's attack." Rose explained: "The enemy who has just entered the city must rush in in a straight line along the road. How many people can there be? But if we Blocking the gate is not the same. Once the enemy entering the city is blocked by the city wall, they will start to scatter all around, and the follow-up troops will continue to advance into the city, so that the city will soon be full of enemies. The size of the city, entering 20 to 30 million enemies is not a problem, as long as you block, we can eat the troops of the gun god one third in one go, and there is no need to worry about the next battle."

"I will try my best!" I asked Rose: "How long do you estimate that it will take the enemy to fully enter the city?"

"At least two hours." Rose said: "After all, it is tens of millions. Army, although our city gate is very wide, but with such a large amount of traffic, it is not so easy to put them all in."

It’s really red. It’s thinner than the First Layer city wall. There are many inner city walls, and some worry: "We can't stop it for two hours!"

Rose shrugged: "If you can't stop it, it's fine. If it doesn't work, the enemy will attack the spirit gathering. The Seven Spirit Dust Bell was activated before the tower. Anyway, the damage radius of the Seven Spirit Dust Bell can extend to more than three kilometers beyond the city wall, which is enough for us to rush back to control the First Layer city wall."

"So everyone Work hard!" I drew the eternity out, turned to Vader who was standing in the distance and said: "I will hand over to you over the port, I am blocking this side."

Vida knocked With his sword, he turned to me with an OK gesture and took his man to guard the port. Rock City was born out of Isengard, part of the port is in the water, so someone must be defended to prevent people from coming through the water. However, there are ship locks on the water and iron fences under the water, which is not so easy. of.

The gunman's troops quickly crossed two city walls and reached our third city wall. The gunman himself was the head. The third city wall is shorter than the previous two floors and not as thick as the previous two floors. The most important thing is that the gate of this city wall is the thinnest. The First Layer city wall has a Breaking Dragon Stone that is two kilometers thick, and the Second Layer city wall has multi-layer gates, but the Third Layer city wall has only a few layers of gates, and these gates are not too thick, and it is estimated that they will not last long.

The key to defending for two hours is the city gate. As long as the city wall is not blocked by a breakthrough, there is probably no problem. After all, we have shrunk all the troops in the city to this relatively short city wall. The density of personnel is very high, so the enemy wants to capture this place. It's not so easy.

As soon as the gun god rushed to the city, he found me on the top of the city wall, but I put the mask down at this time, and he couldn't see my expression for the time being. At this time he was really proud of one's success, pointing at me and laughing loudly: "Haha, don't you think? It's not just you, Purple Moon who can play with people."

I deliberately pretended to be extremely cold. Then he said to him: "Don't be too proud, even if your spy made me lose two layers of city wall, at least I still have this 3rd city wall, and I still have these 10 million troops, enough to block you."

"Oh? Are you so confident?" The gun god said triumphantly: "I am not arguing with you now. We will speak with facts. Tonight I will have a celebration banquet in your City Lord Hall. Don't be too stingy. It's okay to leave me a few chairs when you retreat? Ah hahahaha... "Dang. The Pinotuo beside the gun god suddenly stretched out his hand to help him block a powerful arrow. The gun god said to me indifferently: "Are you angry? You really can't afford to lose!"

"Don't be proud, be careful that I use the Seven Lingchen Clock to kill all your troops." Gun God knows that we have this thing, because according to You Ling, one of her tasks is to destroy the Qilingchen Clock. Of course, destroying the energy center is also one of the tasks.

The gun god didn’t know that Youling had been arrested. He thought that since Youling had reported that the mission was completed, it meant that both the energy center and the Seven Lingchen Clock had been destroyed. Their mission required at the time. It was only after the destruction of these two main devices that the transmission could be conducted, so he now believes that these things no longer exist. What's more, he found that the equipment in the city had stopped when he came in this way, which naturally strengthened his idea. "Haha, don't hold on to it, I know that your Seven Lingchen Clock has been destroyed. You should go directly to your Isengard! Here I will help you receive it."

" The beauty of thinking." I shot another arrow, but it was still blocked.

The Gun God waved forward: "Sitting on the city, I will sit in the City Lord Hall before dark."

"Kill!" The soldiers behind the Gun God shouted. Rushed up.

The siege war started again, but the situation has become more chaotic than before. This is our own city, and we have to pretend that the power core is destroyed, so we cannot use cannons and other defensive weapons to attack the enemy under the city. The gun god thought that the city was about to be attacked by him, so he already regarded it as his own city in his heart. Therefore, he did not dare to use large weapons. He just found some small formidable power artillery and trebuchets, and was not willing to use heavy weapons. arms.

Without large weapons on either side, the battle becomes a simple human-to-human battle. In each section of the city wall, there are a large number of enemies pulling the rope hanging on the top of the city, or climbing up the ladder, and the flying ones simply fly directly, regardless of the problem of our guild’s many aerial creatures.

The gun god stood in front of the gate and shouted. "Get out of the way for me. Go and call a few Titans over."

In a short while, the gunner's men found a dozen Titans, and they still have a bunch of strange things in their hands. . The first four Titans put the metal parts in their hands on the ground, then took out some small metal rods and began to connect these things, and soon a boxy frame came out. The two Titans behind hung four dragon belts on the frame, and then went back together with the other Titans and ran over carrying a metal cylinder very hard. This metal column may be considered a normal size to Titan, but to us it is simply a huge monster. It looks at least ten meters in diameter and definitely more than 150 meters in length.

A dozen Titans were divided into two teams and stood on both sides of the metal pillars, and then hung the metal pillars on the belt to make a structure like a hammer that strikes a bell. But they obviously didn't intend to hit the clock with this thing, but intended to hit the door with it. A dozen Titans pulled the force back together, and then suddenly changed the force to push forward. The hammer leaned back for a while and then slammed into the front door with the help of gravity and the power of the Titans.

With a boom, the city gate made of pure metal was knocked out of shape, and a large recess was very obvious in the middle. The Titans pulled back again with the counter-shock force, and after pulling the hammer high, they hit the door again with the force of the swing back. With a loud bang, the gate was directly knocked to the ground, and the metal gate, which was two meters thick, was knocked down only twice.

The gun god yelled: "Okay! Carry it in, and continue to smash me."

There are many doors in the city passageway, but it's not bad to go down at this speed. The Titans quickly carried the entire collision machine in, placed it in front of the lower gate and started the collision again, but the result was still two knocks down. After going back and forth several times, they rushed to the last gate in less than half an hour.

This last door is different from the front door, it is much thicker than the front door. This door is also made of metal, and the thinnest part is eight meters thick. There are 20 metal bolts on each side of the door panel, which can be inserted into the ground and wall to fix the door panel. Behind the door panel, there are 16 metal door posts with a square cross-section. Both the front and back of the door panel are engraved with magic enhancement, and there is an attack and rebound magic array in the middle of the door panel, which can counter damage to those who destroy the city gate.

The Titans quickly lifted the siege hammer to the last gate, and then violently pulled it up and hit the city gate as before. When the hammer hit the gate, there was a loud explosion sound, followed by a neat groaning sound. A dozen Titans flew out together, and the siege hammer scattered all over the ground without cracks.

The gun god was nearly killed by flying debris because he was standing too close. He got up and looked at the city gate in surprise. The impact just now caused a slight deformation on the city gate, but it basically did not affect the use of the gate, but the power of the counterattack exploded the city hammer, which surprised the gun god.

"Go and bring another hammer for the city." The gunman commanded.

The Titans quickly got another rush hammer, but just hit it and got the same result as the previous one. The Pinot Groove standing beside the Gun God said to Gun God: "It seems that this door is equipped with a strong resistance demon array, and it can't be smashed like this."

Gun God thought for a while and said: "Look first. See if it only responds to near-direct attacks. Go and push the cannon over."

A city-breaking cannon was pushed into the city passageway. A shot was fired in the urging sound. The effect of this gun is very strong, but not on the door, but on the gun. Almost as soon as the shell hit the gate, the cannon that fired broke up on its own.

"What kind of magic array is this? So perverted?" The gun god was taken aback. Didn't expect the reflection damage can actually take effect from a long distance, and the cannon and the gate were not in direct contact at all, and they were also bombed. NS.

Bino Slot suddenly said: "How about we try explosives?"

"Yes! This is okay." The explosives themselves are attackers, and the explosive power is instantly formidable when they explode. It is released. Even if the magic array can reflect the damage, it only reflects on the explosive. Anyway, the explosive is going to explode, and the reflection is reflected, which is useless at all.

Soon the gun god asked people to find a large amount of explosives, but it took a lot of work to send these things into the city passageway. We saw these people carrying explosives on the top of the city. I was given key attention, and as a result, a lot of explosives exploded on the road before they were sent in. As a result, a large number of American players were accidentally injured.

Although the loss was relatively large, the gun god still sent the explosives to the last city gate. Then he asked his elite soldiers to wait outside the door, rushing in as soon as the door exploded. The gun god personally lit a long fuse, then hid outside the city wall and pressed his ears. A straight line on the front of the city passageway has specially set aside several hundred meters of no-man’s land, because the shock wave after the explosion will be converged into a beam by the city passageway and emitted. People standing on this line will definitely be unlucky.

The flame followed the fuse and rushed towards the explosive pile. Finally, it turned into a loud noise and skyrocketing fire, and the entire city wall shook.

The gun god quickly shouted to the side: "Mage Wind Element, take the cigarette out."

A whirlwind rolled out from the city gate, and the smoke was instantly emptied. The last city gate is not completely drained, but it has basically fallen off the city wall, only connected to the side, which shows that it is still fully reliable.

"Go! Remove the last door for me." The gun screamed.

The dozen or so Titans who had just hit the door rushed forward, followed by densely packed players and NPC troops. The Titans rushed to the big gate to completely tear down the gate that was only a little connected, but when the gate fell, they were stunned.

A golden-bright and dazzling insect is parked on the open space behind the gate. It looks like a cute silkworm baby, but this guy is full of shiny golden shells. You can see that the defensive power is amazing. . Now the golden silkworm was facing the gate, and the countless short legs under it were rapidly moving, pushing the huge body to rush at a completely impossible speed.

Without anyone's order, the Titans quickly posed to block this guy, but the result was in vain. Even for the Titans, this guy is too big. Although this golden silkworm is crawling on the ground, it is still a bit taller than the standing Titan. For the Titans, this guy is simply a small train. With a bang, the four titans in the first shot collided with the golden silkworm and were knocked into the air without any suspense. The titans behind did not play a big role, and they were all pushed back and exited the city passageway.

As soon as the golden silkworm rushed into the city passageway, it caused huge casualties of American players entering the city passageway, but the casualties after it rushed out of the city passageway were even more deadly. A cannon that was attacking the city wall suddenly adjusted its direction and aimed at the golden silkworm. The gunner pulled the cannon cord and with a bang, the shell accurately flew towards the golden silkworm.

When. Everyone heard the metal crash, and the shell was actually bounced out and exploded in midair, which didn't play any role at all. Although it was just a small cannon, the distance between the two sides was less than 20 meters when the cannon was fired. Such a close shooting is useless. This defense is too afraid right?

The gun god is commanding soldiers to besiege this golden monster, but he saw sixteen small holes suddenly opened on the golden silkworm’s head, and a tentacle-like thing protruded from each hole. The tips of these things all have an eye-like sphere, which looks very scary.

Just when the gun gods were wondering what it was, the sharp points of the eyes suddenly emitted red rays at the same time, and all the people who were swept by the red rays were immediately cut in two. The cutting effect of the red ray is terrifying than that of the laser, and there is almost nothing blocking the place where it is scanned.

With such terrifying offensive power and near-invincible defense, hundreds of thousands of elite gunmen were blocked by this golden silkworm. They also lost a large number of personnel. He was so depressed that he almost vomited blood.

I stood inside the golden silkworm proudly watching the spear god who jumped up and down outside and commanded the troops to counterattack. "Norrain, what do you think of our Golden Silkworm Fortress?"

"The defensive power is 100 points, the attack power is 70 points, and the impact speed is 80 points, which means that the endurance is poor."

"We are all transported by air for long distances. We only use ground warfare when we are close. In fact, this is because in our own city, if we are in another city, we can also use other mass destruction. Weapons attack the enemy, but unfortunately they are useless here! I don’t want to blow up my city full of pits."

Norraine said: "I have always wanted to know where the fortress of the insect race is based. What kind of driving? Today seems to be different from my driving method. I have to study it another day."

Rose suddenly interrupted us and pointed to the screen and asked: "I did not read it wrong, did I? Is Goddess free?"

"She came into the city?" (To be continued, if you want to know what's going on, please visit WWW.CMFU.COM, more chapters, support the author, support Genuine reading!)

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