"Where is the person?" I turned back anxiously and shouted.

Rose looked around in panic. "I don't know!"

I quickly took out the leaves of the city tree. "City tree."


"Immediately close all the main passages in the city, activate the roadside monitor, and find me where Vina is."

"The closure was completed in fifteen seconds, and the surveillance system in the city failed due to an unknown cause and could not be started."

"Damn it!" I said bitterly: "Immediately mobilize the internal guards and give it to me. Look for it."


I didn't expect such a thing to happen. The four guys standing in the tent behind the free Goddess are working together to support a sealed formation, and the very strong woman in the formation who is still struggling is no one else, it is our Goddess Vina. But the problem is that she has already returned, and after I spoke a few words with us, I went to command, and she disappeared. This situation means that there are now two Veenas, but we know that there is only one Veena, so one of them must be fake.

Free Goddess has no reason to make a fake Wiena tied to his camp, so needless to say, the tied one must be real, and this one in our city is a fake. They spent such a great effort to capture Vina, and then sent a fake Vina into our city. Of course it is impossible to visit. We must find out this fake Vina before she can do anything terrible, otherwise our trouble will be serious.

When I was preparing to run out anxiously, the sound of the city tree suddenly rang. "The guards of the central passage just found out that Vina had passed them to the power zone."

"The power zone?" I was taken aback. "Rose, you are in charge of the command, and I will catch that spy."

"I will go with you." Ziyue also chased up.

As soon as I ran out of the room, I felt a sudden shock on the ground, followed by a strange rumbling sound. I turned my head and saw that the lightning entwined on the huge crystals floating on the four corners of the city wall disappeared. Each black liquid crystal weighing two hundred tons crashed to the ground with huge kinetic energy. The crushed city wall was chaotic. Flying, many people have suffered. These crystals were all pointed like olives. They hit the city wall and still couldn't stand firm. They immediately fell crookedly to the side, and rolled directly into the city. As a result, they knocked down a house.

In addition to the falling defensive crystals, there are also many problems in other places. The giant cannon on the top of the city wall just finished a shot, the rotating bomb bay only turned half a block and then suddenly stopped, and the players next to it were stunned.

At the launch position of the energy weapon, some players are operating the magic crystal cannon to shoot, but the cannon that has been concentrated to the high-light state and is at the firing threshold suddenly gets darker and darker, and finally stops, no matter what Those players just don't move anything.

Beside the gates that I requested to be closed, the half-lowered gates stopped in place. The guards next to them thought it was stuck, so they went up and knocked a few times, but there was no response. .

I quickly picked up the leaves of the city tree. "What the hell is going on?...The tree of the city?...The tree of the city? Answer!...Hello?...Quick..." I was about to continue shouting when I suddenly found the leaves in my hand quickly withered and rolled up. This phenomenon only represents one situation-the city tree is dead.

I threw away the yellow leaves angrily, and then took out a black leaf. "Shadow Tree."


"I now officially authorize you to take over the control system of the City Tree."

"Yes. Start contacting the root system... Entangling complete... Life force recovery... The city system starts self-checking."

"Hurry up."

"Completion degree 18%...20%... …38%…72%…97%…100%. The takeover is complete, the city system is 79.3% complete, and some systems are destroyed. Enter the standby state."

"Resume the defense weapons first. Power."

"The power is normal, start to transmit."

There was a click from the huge cannon on the city wall, and the half-turned bomb bay resumed its rotation, with new ammunition. Get in place immediately. The magic crystal cannon lighted up again, and the players quickly operated their weapons and began to fight back.

I said to the tree of shadow: "Immediately close all channels in all important areas, check the monitoring system, and repair it as soon as possible if there is physical damage."

" It’s been sabotaged, and it’s being reconnected... It’s completed."

"Now find me where Goddess Vina is."

"On Channel 33279 in the eighth area. Move to the power core."

"Stop her, that's a spy, and Vina was really caught outside the city. Tell the guards to be careful."



In the underground energy passage——

The red crystal behind a group of patrolling soldiers suddenly lit up. One of the guards immediately walked over to darken the crystal. "Power core guard room, please tell me."

"This is the central control system. I am the tree of shadow. The tree of the city is dead, and now I will take over. A spy disguised as Vina Goddess. Move towards you, intercept, and capture."

"Yes." The guard who was the commander immediately let go of the red crystal. "A spy pretended to be Goddess and came in. He is coming to our side. She must not let her touch the power core and block her. It is best to catch her alive."

"Yes. "The guards on both sides immediately took up their weapons.

Behind the soldiers, a horizontal and vertical two-story gate was suddenly closed, and dozens of safety locks inside the power core were all locked, sealing all access to the inside. The commander walked to the side and opened a door on the side wall, and then patted the red crystal at the door. A pair of red eyes suddenly lit up in the dark room behind this gate, and then only neat footsteps were heard. Hundreds of fully armed steel golems walked out with rumbling footsteps, and they patted neatly. After five rows, they turned around at the same time, facing the only entrance. The core of power is the core area of ​​our guild city. Without this thing, many things in the city will be paralyzed, and the result may be more deadly than the death of the city tree, so the defense here is also strictly scary.

A person with exactly the same length as Vina quickly passed through the passage and entered the room. She was stunned for a moment, and then immediately smiled and said to the soldiers inside: "There is a war outside. At this time, the power core can be There's nothing wrong, I'll go in and check it and open the door."

The steel puppet didn't answer anything, just raised the sword neatly. The fake Goddess immediately realized that her identity had been exposed, but she inadvertently pulled out the staff and pointed forward. "Liuyan explosion." A flame immediately jumped over the guard's head and sprayed towards the gate that was just closed on the opposite side of the passage. Before the flame reached the gate, it was blocked by an invisible force field. Fake Goddess twitched his lips. "The seal is pretty tight!"

"Offensive." The commander in charge of the magic puppet yelled.

All the magic puppets moved at the same time, the middle one rushed up first, the giant sword swept across, but the fake Goddess jumped up and wanted to jump over. But as soon as she flew up, she found that another magic puppet behind the magic puppet had jumped up and blocked her route. Reluctantly, I had to throw a magic in the air and retreated back with the rebound power. The magical doll in the air smashed the magic missiles with one sword, and directly stepped on the magical doll below and flew over and cut it down with a sword, forcing the fake Goddess to retreat again.

The counterfeit Goddess keeps shifting left and right, but can only be forced to retreat continuously. The battle strength of the fourth generation of magic puppets is too strong, and they have learned to cooperate with the battle, and multiple magic puppets jointly attack The effect was very exaggerated, and he forced the fake Goddess back out. Just when she was forced out of the passage, I happened to rush from behind with Ziyue. She looked back at me and then screamed. "Purple Moon, these magic puppets don't know what's wrong. They attacked me. Come and help."

I immediately took out Eternity, pretending to be anxious. "Understood, I will help you now." As I said, I rushed up with my sword.

The fake Goddess suddenly noticed the sound of a sharp edge breaking the wind on the side, and hurried back, but was still brought out by a wound. She glanced at me and knew immediately that I also knew she was a fake. Without hesitation, she flashed to the side immediately, and then she wanted to run.

Ziyue moved a step toward the center of the passage at the door, blocking the entire door behind her. "If you want to run, you must pass my level first."

"Go away." The fake Goddess suddenly used his staff as a hammer and swept it down.

Ziyue raises the sword to block. With only one sound, Ziyue retreated seven or eight steps before falling down, but the fake Goddess took the opportunity to step on the side wall and leaped over. However, she just flew over and suddenly found that her feet were entangled by something. When she lowered her head, she found that it was a robotic hand, and the back of this hand was connected to an old chain, and that end was connected to the arm of a magic puppet. superior. She quickly turned around and cut the chain off the blade-like part of the end of the staff, and then continued to run.

"Ah!" The fake Goddess who didn't run two steps suddenly noticed a pain in her waist, and a golden arrow was nailed to her waist. I was standing in the tunnel raising my hand to face her.

The fake Goddess was so cruel, clenched the teeth on the tail of the arrow, and forced the arrow through in front of her body, but the arrow exploded as soon as she separated. There must be an extra big hole. But even so, she was still thrown back by the shock wave, rolled somersaults on the ground and rolled in front of us.

Zi Yue's sword stabbed at her without the slightest hesitation, but the fake Goddess twisted and bounced from the ground, and Ziyue's sword plunged into the ground.

"The thunder snake dances!" The voice of gold coin suddenly appeared at the end of the passage, white lightning flew over, and the counterfeit Goddess who had just dodged the attack was hit by the lightning and was hit on the spot. Jumped up.

Ziyue simply gave up the sword inserted into the ground and rushed up empty-handed, first with a collision, and then with a violent uppercut. "God." Then he jumped up and punched down. "Ground." After landing, he turned and kicked. "Flurry." The fake Goddess was kicked flying directly.

"Dawei Heavenly Dragon Fist-Thunder." Zhenhong suddenly appeared above the fake Goddess, and slammed her into the ground while she was still flying in midair. A loud explosion sound, the ground failed to withstand the heavy blow of the King of Destruction, and the two fell into the space on the next floor together.

I turned around and stopped the magic puppet and guard who wanted to follow up. "Your task is to guard this place, don't chase it."

Guard Captain nodded, immediately took the magic puppet back to continue guarding the passage, and I jumped out of the pit with Ziyue and gold coin. Zhenhong has already fought against the fake Goddess below. This guy's defensive power is really not high. After taking a deep punch at close range, she can still hit her, but we can clearly see that her movements are not as flexible as before. Obviously, the punches are of no use. nothing.

As soon as the gold coin came down, a series of spells were played continuously, most of which hit, and the fake Goddess that was blown up was staggered. I walked around behind her, and with a wave of my hand, the eternally transformed whip quickly flew out and wrapped her up. I slammed back and pulled her to the ground directly. Zhen Hong jumped up and rode on top of her, hitting her chest with dozens of punches, and slamming her into the ground before stopping.

"Okay, it's really red, don't fight, she is already in a coma." I reminded.

True Red stopped for a while, and saw that the fake Goddess under her body was completely motionless, and her appearance had also changed, probably because the Illusion Technique could not take effect after being unconscious. But compared to her face, her chest deformed more severely. The real red arm is covered with a thousand-jin fist arm, plus various attribute bonuses, a punch is dozens of tons of power, and the fact that it didn’t beat her into a ball of flesh shows that this fake Goddess defensive power is amazing. . But now she looks like she has been killed for most of her life, and it is estimated that if she is not treated, she may really be ruined.

"It looks like it really doesn't work anymore." Zhenhong said after trying her breath.

I went up and pulled her out of the big hole in the ground directly, and then hugged her horizontally. "Go to the Dangerous Biology Laboratory, use the confinement equipment over there to seal her up, and then treat her again. We also need to know what she knows."

"Yes, Vina must be Save it." Ziyue said.

We arrived at the laboratory soon. We used to do alchemy experiments here. Now the personnel and equipment have been moved to the new continent floating island. Only this sealed room has not been dismantled. For the interrogation room. We treated the fake Goddess after she was sealed. Zhen Hong’s just a few strokes were really not light. Almost all of her internal organs were injured, and almost none of her sternum was whole, and the entire chest cavity had collapsed. If it weren’t for her to be a god, she probably died. .

It took a lot of effort for the boss to heal her, and then she woke her up with electric shock stimulation. She was very alert and wanted to jump up as soon as she woke up, but in the end she lay back painfully affected by the wound. But even if she is not injured, she can't run away. She is an ordinary person here, not to mention the chains wrapped around her wrists and waist. She looked around nervously, and soon found us standing next to the bed. Looking at the iron chain in her hand, she finally confirmed her situation, and she lay down helplessly.

"Are you not struggling?"

She looked at me, and then said indifferently: "Is struggling useful?"

"Very well. Since you Understand the current situation, then I think you also know what I am going to do. Can you answer me whether you intend to cooperate with me or not?"

"If you have any questions, just ask! I Knowing that I can't stand the torture, so I don't want to suffer those useless pains. Besides, it's miserable enough now."

I nodded again: "Very good. Now that you understand, it's much simpler. First of all. , Tell me how Vina was caught."

"She is constantly lobbying the Divine Races not to participate in resistance operations. Some Divine Races choose to believe her, but some don’t. You can stand in the U.S., so you still want to help the guild on the U.S. side. When she tried to lobby Goddess for freedom, she was ambushed, and a dozen Divine Race shot her together."

I chose to believe her answer because it is a very reasonable answer. Vina's strength is considered to be in the middle of the Divine Race. If there are more than a dozen Divine Race shots together, it is very easy to catch her.

"Very good. So, tell me who you are?"

"My name is Youling, the shadow Goddess, the goddess of the free Goddess, in fact I am in the Divine Race The lowest exists, only slightly stronger than ordinary creatures."

I nodded: "That's it. You are the least beaten of all Divine Races I have seen."

You Ling laughed: "If I am strong, I won't be just a god."

"Then this ability to change the shape of others is your special ability?"

"Yes. I can achieve the effect of transforming into the other person by fusing the shadows of others, but I can only choose one target at a time. If you want to become other people, you must first cancel the transformation and then touch the shadow of the target. To change."

"What about your combat capability?"

"I have almost no combat capability. I am the god of the auxiliary department, and I have very poor strength. The low-level gods of Goddess, except that the body is stronger than ordinary creatures, and they are stronger and faster. There is nothing else."

"This time it is the free Goddess to let you into our city. Huh?"

"Of course, I am her god. It's normal for her to direct me to do things, right?"

"Then what is her task for you?"


"Look for opportunities to destroy all important facilities in the city. It is best to destroy the defense system and open the city gate."

"Do you have a design structure diagram in the city? "


"Then how did you know that you were going to destroy the city tree?"

"That was an accident." You Ling began to explain. After listening to it, we also felt that it was indeed an accident. At that time, You Ling just happened to enter the room of City Tree, and found out that the tree could actually speak. At first she didn’t expect this to be the core of control, but then because of my conversation with City Tree, she discovered the city. The tree can manage the city, so she went in and used the mana lent to her by the free Goddess to beat the tree of the city into a pile of rotten wood. It was the damage of the city tree that caused the series of problems that followed.

I thought about it for a while and wanted to continue to ask: "You are here alone this time. Is there any signal to communicate with the outside world? If you succeed, how do you notify the outside world?"

< p>"There is a crystal in my armor."

"Is it this?" Rose asked with a green crystal.

"Yes." You Ling said: "That's a pair. Crush it, and the one in Goddess's hands will be broken together, which means the mission is successful."

< p>"You didn't lie to us?" I asked at last.

"Absolutely not."

I am nodded: "That's good. If we find out that you have deceived us, I will let you know what regret is." Leaving this room first.

Everyone walked out of the seal room together, Rose first asked: "Do you want to use this thing to send a false signal, and in turn yin the Americans?"

"There are plans for this , I just can’t think of how to use it to maximize the benefits."

Hong Yue asked uncertainly: "Are you so sure that she is telling the truth?"

< p>"To be honest, I'm really not sure."

"Then what if we crush this thing does not mean the task is completed, but something else?"

"It depends on what happens," Rose said.

Sumi said: "There are many situations. It may be just the opposite. Crushed means failure of the mission. The result is that the free Goddess may kill Vina because she is useless."

"This...!" To be honest, I'm not worried about that. After all, Vina is a physical Dragon Clan member, not a mere NPC. A normal NPC will disappear forever after dying once, but she will not, and will not even drop the level. She is an NPC, there is no problem of death drop, and will not be obliterated.

Ziyue suddenly said: "I thought of a way to make good use of this stone."

"Oh? What method?" (To be continued, if you want to know What's next, please visit WWW.CMFU.COM, there are more chapters, authors are supported, and genuine reading is supported!)

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