Stalemate. The US attack has come to a complete standstill. They didn't expect that we would have such a sullen trick. In fact, they didn't know that the trick to throw people after teleportation simply couldn't be used continuously, only occasionally, but the expert who rushed up at the time was killed by 80%, and the loss was indeed huge. Half of these eight adults are players, and can continue to participate in the battle after losing Level 1, but the remaining half of the NPCs are completely finished. The gun god was depressed and didn't know what to do.

The think tank came up with N ideas, but they were rejected. No one wants to believe his plan. The previous plan has failed enough. Anyone who listens to him will probably hang on here. NS.

Compared to the Americans, the situation on our side is much better. Apart from the more wounded, there is not much loss. In addition, Vina, who went out for diplomacy, finally came back, and brought back good news. Vina has reached an agreement with a part of Divine Race, they will not participate in the attack on us, although they will not take the initiative to help us, but they will not attack us, at least it can reduce the intensity and number of hostile forces.

The battle remained still in a strange atmosphere, until the end of the battle, when there were three days left, the army of the gun gods finally took an offensive posture again after making long adjustments. Although long-term adjustments have given them time to drastically modify their strategic posture, they have also given us a lot of time. We used this time to replenish the missing ammunition, and the corpse mountain that had been piled up two more than a hundred meters before the city wall has also been processed. Now there is only one more than a hundred meters left. Anyway, we The city wall is also 300 meters high.

The battle started very calmly. The military command of the gun god was replaced by a white man, and the think tank did not know where he was thrown. In the battle at first, the two sides entered a long-range weapon confrontation state. According to the standards of modern warfare, this should be called artillery fire preparation, but the artillery fire on both sides of us was too fierce. The Americans stubbornly continued the artillery battle for four and a half hours with a terrible battle damage rate. There were craters almost everywhere in the head of Rock City, and the intensity of the artillery bombardment could not even withstand the magic shield. But we didn't suffer. The powerful air force of the Frost Rose Alliance was not good-looking. This time we took the initiative to let them know that our Army Air Forces are not easy to bully. We withdrew the air force after all the artillery we could see were dealt with by the bombing formation, but the loss was not small. There was a small number of Divine Races in the US military team that did a lot of damage to our air units.

After continuous shelling, the All-U.S. Allied Forces began to advance again. This time the vanguard is still trash fish, but only a small part, which seems to be used for attracting firepower. The back is a new type of unit with bright armor. .

"What kind of troop is this?" I was standing on the Spirit Gathering Pagoda and watching the situation outside. Weina holding a copy of the information she just brought back was helping me compare the following force.

"Found it." Vina opened the book and pointed it out to me: "It's the free warrior, the guardian unit of the free Goddess, equivalent to the Templar Knight regiment of the Temple of Light."

"What about the ability?"

"Not quite clear, my data is just some things I collected temporarily, not in detail. But it is certain that those miscellaneous fish can be compared, these Bing is very difficult to deal with, even surpassing Templar Knight."

Rose said without caring: "It’s okay, no matter how great you are, you can’t get on the city wall. In the end, it’s not all you have to use to fill the mass grave. ?"

"I hope so!"

Our method of phase seems to be a little naive. These guys sent by the Gun God are far from simple as they seem. The miscellaneous fish troops were blocked when they rushed to the city wall, they could only yell at the top of the city wall and curse, but because the distance was too far, only some messy buzzing noises could be heard above, and I didn’t know. What is shouting below. But when the free warrior reaches under the city wall, these guys suddenly stretched out a pair of wings from behind and flew up.

"Angel?" I was stunned by these things.

"No." Rose reminded: "Looking at their wings, they are all sticking out of the armor. They are not their own wings, but the magic wings on the equipment, at most they can only fly. For a while."

"You can fly on top of the wall for a while." As I said, I turned the teleportation ring. "I'll go ahead and leave it to you here."

The rays of light flashed, I was already on top of the city wall, and the enemy in front had jumped over the edge of the city wall, and they quickly took it away. The wings fell on the head of the city. The players and NPCs on our side were a little frightened, so many enemies huffed all on top of the wall, which is not a good thing.

I quickly yelled: "Don't be afraid. Line up. Give me the dark temple on top." My voice is connected to the megaphone of the city command system, and I can hear it all over the city wall.

The guild’s consistent style is to prefer not to overrun. Both NPCs and players follow the elite route and do not pursue quantity, only quality. The soldiers who were still a little flustered immediately calmed down as soon as they heard my order. The team immediately stopped. Some warriors wearing black Battle Armor, scarlet cloak and holding long knives quickly walked out of the crowd and stood in a row. oh la la All the warriors raised their long knives neatly.


With a simple command, all the dark temples immediately rushed up at a unified pace, colliding with the free warrior flying up to the city head in front. Our soldiers were a little surprised to see the enemy flying up to the top of the city, but seeing our sanctuary sweep across like melons and vegetables, this group of enemies immediately understood that the enemy was just looking great, but it wasn't really that great.

"What are you doing in a daze that will assist the skill?" I shouted in the amplified audio channel.

Those who were stunned after hearing my prompt also moved quickly. The biggest advantage of the guild immediately appeared, and that was the horrible auxiliary magic system. The leading shrine of the guild is the shrine of chaos and order. Its biggest feature is to allow any power to be superimposed in a state of complete non-conflict. For example, Dark Element auxiliary magic and Light Element auxiliary magic. In other places, only one option can be added. Adding the two elements together will only cancel each other out, but we don’t have to worry about this at all. It can appear in stacks, this is Vina's greatest ability.

The dark temple warrior in the first row of the enemy first lit up with a black dark guardian, and then lit up the attribute-competent light armor, before the opposite free warrior reacted. Coming over, they had another layer of ice armor on them, and then the raging flames of the Aegis of Fire burned on the surface of the ice armor. This is not over yet. After the protection is added, it is the auxiliary magic. The Holy Spirit Youzuo, the sacred magic, actually appeared together with the Dark Element's top sorcery, which is the possession of evil spirits, and it actually took effect at the same time.

The free warrior in front was not as good as the temple warrior. After being hit by so many halos, I didn't know how to fight at all. However, before their suffering is over, they should be cursed after the assistance is added. These unlucky ghosts only saw a gray smoke falling above their heads, and only felt that the magic power had become a sticky thing like cement, using magic and Special skills are extremely exhausting, and I don't know what's going on, there are ghosts in people.

Seeing that the enemy was knocked out by the cursed magic, I immediately commanded: "The Patroller troops, magic support, I will guide."

A group of black and gold-embroidered robes , The corpse holding a white bone staff appeared behind the temple warrior, they quickly raised the staff, and then I flew to the top of the city wall. I have a special system reward attribute that has never been used, and that is magic guidance. There are no more than 20 players and NPCs in this game, and there are only two players except me, one is Hong Yue, and the other is gold coin.

Magic guide attribute is actually the ability to learn and use war magic. War magic is the general term for a bunch of magic. This magic classification includes all the magic systems known before, but the formidable power and range of this magic are N times stronger, and it cannot be used by only one person. To put it simply, this is a super-large magic that gathers the magic power of a group and is used by one person. The starting magic in this magic category has the ability to destroy hundreds of people at the same time. As for the upgrade magic, it can be said to be enough to destroy anything. The terrorist ability of creatures.

However, although this magic is very powerful, it has many restrictions on its use. First of all, this magic does not mean that one person can use it. Each magic requires a corresponding number of mages to provide magic power. Secondly, this kind of magic does not have any system stores or service agencies, and can only be developed in the upgraded building "Magic Research Institute" in the player city. Finally, the special existence of Guide is not very easy to find, only special types of personnel can hope to obtain system rewards. Don’t expect to use war magic if you don’t have one of these three areas.

Asingri of this guild has the world’s greatest Demon law institute, and the research and development of war magic can be said to be the world’s first. Now it's time for the gunmen's troops to try our war magic level.

I saw all the magical energy on the wand of the patrol turned into purple light and flew to my body, and it gathered more and more. I waved back directly in the air. "Hong Yan."

Hong Yan, which was prepared a long time ago, jumped directly onto the city wall, stepping out of the city wall from the top of my head in one step. Just after Hong Yan flew over my head, I pointed to him with eternity: "Assist: Absolute barrier."

War magic is not all attack type, I directly added an auxiliary magic to Hong Yan . Ordinary magic also has an absolute barrier. The effect is that it can resist a part of the attack, and it will be invincible for a short period of time, but it will continue to consume the magic power of the releaser. Generally, it will break if the attack is too strong. But the absolute barrier in war magic is the real invincible barrier. After being blessed, it will be in an absolutely invincible state within ten minutes, ignoring all attacks, and rebounding all types of attacks. It is definitely a metamorphosis-level magic. However, considering that this magic is a war magic that requires three thousand archmage and a guide, it is not too much. It's just that I took a bit of a loophole, because in the original setting, this magic was added to people, but I added it to Hong Yan.

Hong Yan is the epic giant dragon of the giant dragon family. He was once the Captain of the Dragon Clan Dragon Guard before his death. His battle strength is already very scary, plus an invincible state and full attack reflex. It's just a killing machine. After the magic was added, Hong Yan just landed. He would glance at me, and I smiled and gave him a thumbs up: "It's only ten minutes. If you don't kill three or five million, you're sorry." After I said that, I just fell off. This magic is so terrible, it pumped my magic power in one breath, and even the endurance was cleared.

Hong Yan raised the sky with a huge throat, and then immediately plunged into the enemy's position and began to destroy frantically. Anyway, within ten minutes, he was invincible, no defense needed, just kill. The gun god was shocked when he saw it, and hurriedly called: "Send the free Divine Beast and block me."

The gun god didn't expect the freedom Divine Beast has not rushed up yet. Hong Yan rushed back to his command post. Stepping into the artillery position, Hong Yan swept along the ground with his claws. A dozen giant cannons were swept away directly. Then Hong Yan opened his mouth and a mouthful of purple dragon Yan directly melted dozens of cannons in front of him into molten iron. .

Several cannons turned around and fired back at Hongyan, but after the shells hit Hongyan, only a light screen flashed on Hongyan's body. The shells seemed to fly into a space door and then flew out again. , But the direction is reversed. With a bang, the gun that fired was blown into a pile of scrap iron by the shells fired by him. The spear jumped straight and proudly: "You idiots! The guy rebounded and attacked, and he was not allowed to fire back. He kept bombing Rock City. What about the Free Divine Beast? What are you still doing? Come on!"

Two giant mammoths nearly twenty meters tall, one on the left and the other on the right, walked out from both sides, and then quickly rushed towards Hongyan. Hong Yan didn't even look at these two big guys, and continued to destroy the heavy artillery troops there. He knew that these things were the things that threatened the city the most.

The mammoths rushed to the front and back, left and right, and slammed into Hongyan. Under normal circumstances, their impact force was enough to smash the things in the middle, but it is not normal now, Hongyan Nor is it a normal giant dragon. As an Epic Grade giant dragon, Hongyan’s combat capability is conceivable. What's more, he is now a Bone Dragon. The completely crystalized red dragon bone is simply impervious to sword and spear. This will be coupled with an invincible protective shield, and is simply not afraid of any attack. . The two mammoths didn't smash Hongyan apart, but they made themselves dizzy.

Hong Yan bit one of the mammoths without stopping, suddenly used force to pick it up, and then slammed his limbs on the ground, dong dong dong just turned around, and then suddenly Let go, the mammoth was thrown out immediately. The mammoth's huge body is almost like a road roller. After being thrown out, there are basically no people living in the place where it rolled all the way.

The other mammoth was inserted from the right eye by a big tail as soon as he recovered. The Dragon Clan tail can basically be used as a dagger. The bones were so sharp that they easily pierced the mammoth’s eyes, and the tip of the tail pierced directly into the mammoth’s brain. The hapless mammoth crashed to the ground before it even screamed like an earthquake.

Seeing the mammoth fell to the ground, the group of giant beasts who had just rushed to Hongyan's side all stopped. A monster that looked very strong suddenly threw himself on Hong Yan's back from the side and broke his teeth with one bite. Hong Yan rolled on the spot, jumped up again, and kicked the monster that had just pounced on his back with a tail, and then jumped directly into the heavy area behind the mountain.

We can't see his movements when Hong Yan enters the mountain, but he is back soon, with a bunch of monsters behind him. Hong Yan entered the front position and began to rampage. The monsters behind were also big guys. They couldn't take into account the soldiers at their feet about the size of ants. As a result, the chase of these giant beasts could only cause the soldiers below to grow bigger. There were a lot of casualties, and the formation of the charge was messed up.

The ten-minute cooling time soon ended. Hongyan quickly jumped back into the city wall after the shield disappeared. The two monsters who jumped up after him were given away by a dozen super heavy artillery. Boom's volley flew back.

As soon as Hong Yan hit the ground, he turned around and found where I was, and then compared two paws to me. "Approximately two million were killed, but I helped you chaos the enemy's position, and you don't have to worry about those guns."

"You just rushed to the mountain and saw what was there. "It's not that I didn't put the reconnaissance troops outside, Babel Tower and Haotian Mirror are also very good surveillance equipment, but the army of the gun god is surrounded by a cloud of yellow mist, and I can't see anything inside.

Hong Yan nodded: "A very unexpected character, but it is also expected."

"Could it be a free Goddess, right?" I asked jokingly.

"That's right." Hong Yan nodded very seriously.

"Aren't you kidding me?"

"Am I like someone with a sense of humor?" Hong Yan asked rhetorically.

I shook the head. Hong Yan has everything, but he doesn't have a sense of humor. "Well... what does she look like? How many soldiers did she bring? Did she attack you?"

"Looks like you should be familiar with it. Isn't there a Divine Idol in any city? And that? It's exactly the same. As for the soldiers... the following are all her soldiers. There are more than three times as many as these in the fog area, the total is about 30 million, and there are many big guys among them. But she didn't attack me, I don't I know what her abilities are. I think since it is the Guardian God in the region, it won't be too bad, right?"

I nodded, and then said to the ring of love: "I heard it all?"< /p>

Rose’s voice came out: "I heard it. What I am more worried about now is what the Gunners have been hiding behind the free Goddess troops. If it’s just a reserve team, I think it’s a big deal. Pull it out directly, there is really no need to hide it, but even if Hongyan rushed in and saw them, they still remained covered, which is weird."

"Isn't the fog removed yet?" I was surprised. Asked.

"No. We have been watching, but it is still very tightly blocked."

Hong Yue's voice appeared in the ring of love. "Could there be other things Hongyan didn't see in it? They may not be the troops of the free Goddess."

"It is possible." I am not sure:" Although Hong Yan is an epic giant dragon, he is not good at anti-invisibility. If there is a large Illusion Technique or invisible unit, it should not be seen. But the gun god knows that we have people who can break the Illusion Technique, so use a simple fog to get outside Cover a circle."

"That's not a simple mist." Rose said: "The Haotian Mirror's reconnaissance has failed, and that thing has a strong shielding ability. Otherwise, we will send a mosquito to reconnaissance. Go and see?"

"Why did I forget about them! Hurry up and send the mosquitoes out for a full reconnaissance. I want to know what's inside."

The insect we made In the race fortress, the giant mosquito outpost, the mosquito clan, has no attack power, but its reconnaissance ability is indeed very good. The reconnaissance mosquitoes sent from the giant mosquito post can not only transmit sound and image signals simultaneously, but also have the ability to anti-stealth and anti-Illusion Technique interference. Of course, the most important thing is that their size and appearance are enough to mix into any tight defense. The place.

Taking advantage of the opportunity of the enemy's shrinking formation after Hongyan's uproar just now, thousands of scout mosquitoes circled a large circle and quietly flew to the enemy's rear. Although we sent thousands of mosquitoes, the size of these little fellows really couldn't attract the attention of others, so they could easily reach near the fog. In order not to be noticed, we first sent a mosquito in tentatively. A few defensive spells are channeled reconnaissance, and when something passes through, it will automatically feed back information to the person who arranged it. The person who arranges the mist will react if a mosquito enters the mist. It shouldn't be, but if thousands of them enter together, it will definitely arouse suspicion.

This little mosquito entered the mist quietly. There is no mist inside, and it looks normal. As Hongyan said, we soon discovered a lot of free warriors, and even found free Goddess, she was talking to a few people in strange armor. However, what is really worth noting is the thing in the tent behind Liberty Goddess. The scout mosquito flew in easily and landed on the top of the tent. In the tent stood four people, among them a tied woman. When the face of this woman appeared on the screen in front of us, several of us were stunned at the same time, and then I suddenly realized that the trouble was big! (To be continued, if you want to know what's going on, please visit WWW.CMFU.COM, there are more chapters, authors are supported, and genuine reading is supported!)

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