The think tank stood beside the gun god and said: "As long as these things can form a stalemate on the city wall, we can start a formal attack."

" Are you sure?"

Usina said first: "I don't worry about it. Anyway, we are crowded. No matter what the plan is, the final result will be the same."

" Then it’s so decided." The gun god said to the soldiers beside him: "Pass it on, as long as the monsters can stay on the city wall for more than ten minutes, the whole army can start the general attack."

"Understand. "

The monster on the city wall is struggling to climb up, and we are also waiting nervously. Soon the first monster emerged from the edge of the city wall, and the three players facing him pushed the long spear up together, pierced the monster and flew down. The first person to rush to the wall in a siege of this scale must also die the fastest.

As the first monster was picked up and the monster one after another climbed up, the city wall immediately began to ding ding dong dong, and from time to time you could see magic missiles everywhere. The sight of flying. I summon all the pets out, as for the evil spirit Knight and the ring tone Knight, I don't plan to let them out yet. They are my amazing soldiers, and they can be used for a while at the critical moment.

Finally, a monster climbed up in front of me, but the players around me had already swept down the monsters before I took the shot.

When the contact battle lasted for nearly eight minutes, the American players below suddenly became confused, and then a large number of soldiers began to gather in several places in an orderly manner, giving up hundreds of channels, and Behind their position, the earth began to tremble.

"Finally I am willing to move!" I smiled and looked forward. Death is not terrifying, but terrifying is the feeling of waiting for death. I don't care about the counterattack forces of the United States, but they have not been dispatched, but I feel very upset. Now that they have started to act, it is easier to handle.

A flood of troops rushed out of the newly opened valley on the opposite side, but they were no longer disordered and in a mess before, but very orderly phalanxes, and none of them The few troops even carry large-scale offensive weapons.

"Good guys, there are a lot of people! I can have fun this time!" Ye Yue said excitedly.

"Why don't you be responsible for the two together?" I pointed to the opposite mountain, and saw two terrifying creatures appearing on the mountain.

"Damn, what is so big?"

The two monsters that appeared on the top of the mountain looked like close relatives of bears, terrifying strong. But what is really scary is their size, which is simply two moving hills. Fortunately, they are naturally unable to compare the size of this guy, even Hong Yan, who is the guard of our guild town, is two times smaller than them.

"This is not good." Seeing the two monsters rushing down the hillside towards us, they whispered fortunately.

The giant cannon next to me suddenly started to rotate, and quickly locked a monster, but it was a giant cannon elsewhere that fired first. The gun next to me quickly turned a pavilion bay, and then a sirens sounded: "Preparation for bombardment, evasion of irrelevant personnel." Boom. This time I didn’t even bother to count the countdown. The muzzle was angry roar. The shell almost hit the monster's forehead while the flames spewed out.

The formidable power of the giant cannon was so scary that it just turned the spot where the monster bombed. But what was surprising was that this guy actually got up slowly again. He sat on the ground and shook his head. He was obviously dizzy, but he seemed to be fine. The monster suddenly raised his hand and touched his head, then took his paw off, only to find that there was already a blood stain on the paw. He stood up angrily, and after a wild roar, such a person stood up and rushed over. With the height of this thing, he can directly reach the top of the city wall when he stands up.

I hurriedly shouted to the city tree: "Shoot and shoot, don't be in a daze!"

"Oh!" The city tree was scared just now. After all, city trees are also intelligent creatures, and of course they will be surprised to see something that can survive a direct hit by a giant cannon.

The sound of shelling immediately rang out one after another. Although the whole body of the beating was blooming, the monster still roared forward and rushed forward.

"That won't work!" I nervously ordered: "Tell the Eye of Hell, it's time to make a trick."


Twin Cities The eye of hell on the tip of the central spirit gathering tower suddenly opened, and the orange-yellow flame surrounding it suddenly turned purple black, and then a dark golden ray suddenly shot out.

"ao..." The monster on the left screamed and fell to the ground, and one of his legs was gone.

The gun god on the opposite side was startled. "What kind of weapon is this?"

Usina said uncertainly: "It may be the upgrade skill of the Eye of Hell!"

In fact, Usina guessed right. It is not meaningless that the Eye of Hell has been suspended at the top of the Spirit Gathering Tower. What is Ju Ling Pagoda for? Of course it gathers souls. What can so many souls do? Of course it is used as a weapon. These gathered souls will be sent to the eyes of hell in addition to supporting the dark cloud of death that never dissipates over the city. As the number of wars increases, more and more souls will gather, after which the Eye of Hell will escalate. And this one just launched is the soul ray, the ultimate kill skill of the eye of hell, with a maximum range of 1,000 kilometers, how formidable power has just been shown.

The gun god was gasping over there while comforting himself: "It's okay, it's okay, this thing can't be shot continuously."

His voice hasn't fallen yet, and the eyes of hell suddenly once again Shan, another golden light, the other monster fell down without even screaming, because there was a big hole with a diameter of more than 30 meters in the center of his forehead. The monster with no legs howled and supported his body with his front paws and continued to get up and approach the city, but the eyes of hell flashed again. This time, a super-fine ray was fired directly on the ground in front of the monster, and then swiped forward until it suddenly ended behind the monster's tail.

Monster stayed on the spot. After waiting for two or three seconds, he suddenly started spraying blood crazily from the middle of his body. The monster's body split into two halves and crashed to the ground. Many unlucky American players and NPCs.

"Damn, it's stronger than a laser!"

Usina sighed: "Fortunately, that thing can only be shot."

After that, the huge black liquid crystals floating above the two corners of the city wall on the front of Rock City suddenly lit up. There is a black liquid crystal on the four corners of each city wall of the Isinger Twin Cities. This crystal is suspended in the middle of the corners of the city walls of the two cities. Of course, Rock City has inherited this thing. . At this time, only the two black liquid crystals on the front of the outermost city wall are shining. They emit a black ray to each other, and then connect to form a line in the center of the city. After that, the rays spread up and down to form a black curtain wall, as if in A piece of black translucent glass was erected in front of the city.

The eye of hell shined for the fourth time, and the ray hit the black light curtain directly, and then disappeared. The gun god also wanted to laugh at our own magic shield blocking our attack weapons. Who knew that the black curtain wall suddenly flashed, and tens of thousands of tiny golden beams flew out from the front, although it was much smaller than the beam of the Eye of Hell , But the number is scary. Ten thousand beams of light flew around, there was a flurry of jumps on the ground, and the army that had just been lined up to charge immediately was in a mess.

Usina said anxiously: "This is not the way to use people to fill the pit, right? The defense weapons of Rock City kill people too fast, maybe our strength...?"

" No matter how many people are used to fill it, the city must be pulled out." The gun god said very firmly. "Pinot slot, you take someone to rush in. Anyway, find a way to open the city gates, or get us a landing space at the top of the city."

Wear the Pinot slot like a robot immediately nodded: "Look at me."

The light beam scattering of the Eye of Hell was played seven times in a row before it was over, and the gun god almost collapsed. If this thing can run wildly without restriction, they will definitely not be able to rush in. But the kind of attack just now actually consumes soul energy, so it is impossible to shoot continuously. The reason for shooting so many times is actually to frighten the gun god and let him know that we still have a secret weapon to restrain him.

The gun god was indeed frightened by us, but he did not stop the troops. Our lethality is indeed very scary, but he has nearly 100 million troops in his hand. Even if we let us kill, it will be enough for us to toss for a long time. He is not worried that his troops will die. Although he killed many people in ten attacks, except for those two big guys, it was a pity that the gun god didn't care about anything, and the troops were still charging.

"Perhaps we should consider borrowing the power of Divine Race." Usina said.

"For the time being, it is better to use these soldiers to conquer the outer defense before they are on the field," said the gun god.

The think tank objected: "Divine Race’s power is like a pioneer. Using them to break through the outermost defense is the best application method. We should not hide them for too long."

"That depends on the performance of the Pinot tank to decide." Gun God still does not intend to let Divine Race participate in the battle.

We don't know the idea of ​​the gun god here, we just know that we should consume more enemy power while we are now. All the large-scale weapons in Rock City are roaring and attacking outside the city. The casualties of the enemy are also rising at a rate of several thousand people per minute, but this is not enough to affect the balance of power between the two sides. The people on the gun god side are really It's too much!

Standing on the top of the city, I had almost nothing to do. Even though the full-scale offensive started, the enemy could not get on the city wall. It was nothing more than the fact that the people who attacked the troops became denser. The occasional large creatures often require me to coordinate their attacks, but the formidable power of the giant cannon at the head of the city is too large, as long as there is no monster like the giant bear before, it can generally be ignored.

The unilateral massacre lasted for nearly thirteen hours, and there was still no progress until the second day. No, it cannot be said that there is no progress at all, at least I know three things. First, the surplus of our live ammunition is generally as low as 50%, that is, less than half. Second, there are only seven or several million troops left under the gun god, and our guild’s huge weapon group has killed more than 20 million troops in 17 hours. For the first time, I knew that large-scale group warfare weapons were so lethal. The third thing I know is that the city wall of Rock City is less than 200 meters high. It is not that the city wall has been cut down, but that the ground has been raised.

The gun god is a mental disorder. In thirteen hours, he piled a 200-meter-high slope under my city wall with the corpses of 20 million creatures. I don’t know him. Is it because it has brain issues or is it too crowded to run out? Show me here. Anyway, the current Rock City is more hell than hell, and the corpse mountain meat pile outside the city wall is disgusting. Looking at the past, the mountains and the mountains are red, and the blood merges into a river, and then solidifies into a black river bed, and there is fresher left on it. The blood then coagulates again.

Although more than 20 million people of the gun god died, they didn’t do anything. We also lost almost 20,000 people this evening, basically all of them were caused by high level magic and some large-scale magic. Some of the monsters were killed, and some were killed by individual enemies who rushed into the battlefield. Although this is nothing compared to the loss of the enemy, it really makes me feel bad about speaking of which. After all, I don’t have so many people like guns. Fill this pit like a god.

It was early in the morning that I realized that the Gunners were not online all night. This is why the battle has continued for so long and they are still using people to fill the hole. I already understand the meaning of this bastard. He is not fighting, he is fighting my sleep time. This guy thinks that even if I am energetic, I always have time to sleep, so he intends to use continuous attacks to make me afraid to go offline, thus draining my online time. As long as our leaders can't stand it anymore, a city without command will be easy to deal with. However, he probably wouldn't think that I actually don't need to sleep, so even if he kills all the people, it will be in vain. It is impossible for me to consume too much energy and need to go offline to rest.

Although I don't need to sleep, others can't. Hong Yue still can't hold on. They all chose to go offline under my persuasion. Rose leaning on me, standing on the head of the city, looking at the corpses everywhere across the field, and said in a mocking tone: "Other girls are watching the sunrise with their boyfriends, but I want to watch the corpses with you. It's really unfair!"

I shrugged helplessly, and then pointed under the city wall. "What I am more worried about is that if this goes on, the ground should be leveled by them in a while. With the military strength of the gun god, even if the first city wall is really filled, he will still have four or five thousand left. Ten thousand troops, and we only have ten million troops. The inner city wall does not have such an exaggerated defense effect. I am worried...!"

"Then think of other methods, such as undead magic."< /p>

"I tried it a long time ago. The corpses outside are too shattered, so I call does not raise."

"Don't worry, what if the ground city is completely flattened We also have Sky City and Underground City, as well as mobile fortresses. As long as one of the four cities is left, Rock City is not considered to be destroyed, so it is invincible."

"But I don’t want it. The damage is too great. And you know, if the ground city is completely destroyed, the other three will soon be over. Speaking of the four cities, in fact, the ground city is the core, and without it, there will be nothing."

"Then you should work harder. I'll go back to the Spirit Tower to command, and you will be busy here." Rose pushed away and planned to leave after speaking.

"What am I up to?" I asked Rose suspiciously.

Rose head pointed back without turning back. I looked back and saw that a large group of heavy artillery positions appeared on the edge of the mountain in the distance. "It's finally about to start!" The appearance of the heavy artillery group that has been hidden behind by the Gun God at this time only shows that the Gun God intends to move.

Sure enough, as the heavy artillery group appeared, I immediately found several huge silhouettes appearing on the top of the mountain. Although they deliberately lowered their bodies to hide themselves, those big guys were too conspicuous, even if they were hidden in the mountain. You can see it from behind.

The heavy artillery group was the first to show off. The two dozen guns were used to play with us. Now they have four to five hundred guns, and they are bigger than those before. A piece of Fireball appeared on the city wall on our side in an instant, but the gun god didn’t take long. Some gates were opened on the city wall of Rock City again, and more than forty heavy artillery pieces one size smaller were raised. Although this thing is small, its formidable power is not bad, and its range is the same as that of a large heavy artillery. It can completely suppress firepower.

The two sides quickly entered a fierce artillery battle. The gun god has a large number of calibers, and our quasi-firing rate is fast, and no one takes much advantage. If you have to say it is cheap, we may have a little bit here, because our guns are equipped with an automatic defense system. The chassis of these cannons is equipped with a magic shield, which will only be activated when an object with higher than normal speed is approaching from the outside, and can block three attacks for the cannon on which it is located. The American artillery was originally inaccurate, and it was a try one's luck to hit it, so it was difficult to destroy our artillery. Instead, their artillery positions continued to be reimbursed by artillery.

Both sides know that artillery is only a suppressive effect, and that the real battle has to rely on infantry. The giant beasts hiding behind the mountain finally showed their hideous faces and rushed up howling. At first, a huge Three Headed Hound was cut in half by the eye of hell a beam of light, but more monsters rushed up behind it.

The two black liquid crystals in the front corner of Rock City light up again, and a large number of red arcs are entwined on the surface of the crystal. The fastest white giant lion jumped up sharply and was about to fall into the city, but was hit by the red arcs radiating from the crystals on both sides in midair. It twitched in midair for a few seconds and then bounced back. .

Behind the lion is a monster that is half human and half lizard. This creature can stand on its hind limbs. Although the front limbs are covered with scales and only have four fingers, the structure is very similar to that of a human hand. This guy is at least four hundred meters tall, and now our city wall is piled with corpses only two more than a hundred meters, which is not too high for him. He wanted to enter the city as soon as he was flying, but he was suddenly blocked by a light curtain when he was directly above the city wall of the passage. The arc flew around where his head touched the light curtain, but it just couldn't get in. The giant beasts following this monster also rushed up, but they were all blocked without exception. No matter how they smashed them, they couldn't rush in.

Although they can't get in for a while, monsters know that this kind of protective shield is usually supported by energy, and every blow will consume energy. The more the attack, the faster it breaks, so they are all non-stop Hit the light curtain. What we can do is to hurry up and use cannons to solve a few monsters first.

Hong Yan took hundreds of giant dragons and dozens of Qilins standing behind the city wall and waiting. As soon as the protective cover broke, they immediately rushed to block the remaining monsters out of the city.

Just as the large monster attacked the shield, a large group of people wore a mess, but at first glance, it was known that all elite people entered the battlefield. At first glance, these guys are similar to the trash fish they used to consume before, but when you look at it for yourself, you will find that their equipment is all shining rays of light in different colors. As a rule, the more beautiful the equipment, the stronger, the equipment of these guys are all exquisite and very, obviously they are all good things. And the equipment is basically equated with expert. A mentally handicapped man driving a tank is definitely better than a sword saint holding a branch. I have to admit that personal strength often has a lot to do with equipment.

These people rushed to the city wall and immediately used various methods to get to the city wall. Since they are expert, even if they can't fly, this height is generally not a problem.

Among these people, some of them with outstanding equipment have been tightly gathered together. If you look closely, you will find that the two U.S. national weapon holders, the Pinot Slot and the Condor, are here, and Even Usina and the gun god are among them. The squad quickly approached the central city area. The Pinot trough had already rushed through the city once before. It was really impossible to enter the city, so he retreated again. This time it was a real move. He followed his president, Yussi. Na and the others rushed up again.

I had been directing the defensive weapons on the city wall to attack the giant beasts that attacked the shield, but suddenly a large row of silhouettes turned up on the side of the city wall. The protective shield can only intercept large creatures, and basically has no effect on creatures less than five meters in height.

At first sight, I found the gunman who climbed up the city wall. This guy didn't expect to go into battle himself. When the gun was fired, I watched him command from a distance, didn't expect to be in front of me so soon! The gun god is also a dual profession, and has the same profession as a beast trainer like me. As soon as he got on the city wall, he immediately released a group of familiars. Although there is no phoenix dragon, he has space to equip him, not only the familiars he carries, but there are players in it. This opening of the city wall immediately added a large group of people, and more people were running outside, it seems that the volume of the space equipment is not small.

After the gun god opened the equipment, he immediately raised his gun and aimed at me and pulled the trigger. I threw Eternity in front of me like lightning. There was a spark in eternity, and the bullet was bounced off. But before I recovered from the impact brought by the bullet, I saw a two-handed cross sword tumbling towards me. I just lost my balance due to the impact of the bullet. A row of protective shields flashed out of me one after another, but after the sword approached, it automatically opened a row of passages on the protective shield and let it fly in directly.

pu... I staggered back two steps, a sword hilt was inserted obliquely in my right chest, the blade came out from the left back chest, and the dark golden blood dripped down the blade on the ground.

The gun god’s face is full of triumphant smiles. Just as soon as I walked on the city wall, he could hit me hard, which is already a good return for him. As for the person who threw the sword next to him, his face was full of pride, and he was rushing over quickly to pull the sword out and kill me.

However, I am not that easy to die. The upper body that had been leaned back straightened again, and I looked down at the cross sword with only the hilt left in my chest. This thing is really evil, not only neglects the defense of the equipment, but also passes through all the magic protection. I stretched out my hand to hold the hilt and drew it outward. The blade immediately withdrew to about three centimeters. I grabbed the blade again with my hand and pulled it out. With a sudden force, the whole sword was immediately taken out with a scream. on the ground.

Damn it. The two sides of this broken sword are actually full of sawtooths, and when it is pulled out, a large piece of meat is taken away. It is really vicious!

When the gun god sees this good opportunity, he will of course not let it go, and immediately raises the gun to shoot again, but Jingjing has already blocked my extension first, and the bullet hit the shield, and it was blocked. Bounced off.

The guy who threw the sword rushed up to grab her sword, but Lingling jumped out and forced him back with a sword. But he stretched out his hand far away, the sword on the ground shook, and then immediately flew towards him. But just when he was about to get the sword, he didn't know where an arrow flew from, and struck his sword with a ding sound, and flew his sword out of the city wall. The guy hurriedly turned around to pick up his sword, but exposed the spear god. But there are too many enemies all around, and I can't fight in the past.

"Who killed Purple Moon, I will give him a Divine Item." The gun god shouted loudly from behind.

Hearing this reward, all the players rushed up frantically. The NPC guards and players around me immediately went up and stood with them.

The wound on my chest healed quickly under the treatment of Xiaochun and Anna, and the hole in the armor disappeared quickly. The biggest advantage of automatic demobilization equipment is that it can continuously fight. I lifted Eternity and rushed up quickly. Jumping directly through the crowd and falling into a few enemy piles, first kicked the person in front of the gun god a big somersault, and then raised his leg, kicking the guy behind who wanted to sneak attack into Court Eunuch. Right hand turned, eternal oh la la paralyzed on the ground and turned into a whip. I raised my hand and danced a circle, and the eternal whip sword with a sharp edge immediately flew up, leading a circle of people back first.

The gun god’s muzzle aimed at me again, I closed my hand violently, and eternally quickly returned to me and tightened it into a sword shape. Both hands squeezed Eternity hard, the blade was horizontal, and the bullet hit the blade and bounced out obliquely, and an American player who was about to charge forward was thrown out by the volley.

The gun god pulled the wall and loaded it again. As soon as I raised my hand to his head and moved my finger, the Avengers sniped the crossbow and shot out a golden crossbow. when. Pinot Groove suddenly appeared in front of the gun god and blocked the arrow for him, but the shaft of the arrow was still inserted into Pinot Groove's arm half a foot deep. Pinot Slot looked at his arm in surprise. His first game character is the chosen Earth Element race. This race Innate has higher defense than other races, and has a lot of health. It belongs to a natural warrior. Later, the Pinot Slot got a special opportunity. After completing the task, he was promoted to become a puppet clan, which is commonly referred to as a magic puppet, which is regarded as a mechanical lifeform. Now his body is completely made of metal, with a national armor on the outside. How can he not be surprised if such defensive power has been shot so deep?

But what really surprised him was yet to come. The arrow that had just hit his arm suddenly exploded and lifted him more than three meters away with a bang. As a result, the spear god was also brought to the ground, and his arm also opened a huge opening from the outside. You can clearly see the gear and connecting rod structure inside.

Unfortunately, I shot such an arrow just in time, and the condor in the form of a werewolf has already jumped over. This kid has multiple transformation skills, and his melee ability is amazing. There is no rubbish in the national equipment, and this guy's national equipment will not be rubbish. When he got in front of me, he quickly jumped up, and I fell backwards, put my leg on his stomach, and led him over me. I followed a carp and jumped up again, directly The two people in front smashed away and rushed towards the Gunner and Pinot Groove who hadn't gotten up yet. As long as these two people can kill one, it will be a big gain.

What was helpless was a flame knife interrupted my good wishes. Usina stood among us with her staff horizontally, but I didn't mean to retreat in the slightest. She rolled on the spot, and when she bounced, the eternity unfolded again and threw it straight past. A Rainbow Alliance player rushed over to block Yusina, the whip-like eternity entangled his body, Yusina survived. The guy still wanted to struggle, I yanked the hilt back violently, and a red light flashed out and received it back. The guy turned into dozens of pieces of meat and scattered all over the floor.

"Look at the gun." A voice suddenly appeared behind me.

I suddenly turned around and pinched the spear stabbing, and at the same time, Eternal had already penetrated that guy's eyebrows. "Next time you kill someone, don't make a noise." The upper half of the guy's head flew out violently to the side.

"You may not be able to block the sound." The gun god's voice appeared behind me. I turned my head violently and saw that the gun god had already set up a shooting position. What was strange was that there were two people squatting on the ground to help him carry the gun stand. The gun god pulled the trigger with a triumphant smile.

I reacted quickly and set up the shield. With a sound, I only felt a huge impact on my arm, which smashed me out. Gun God's bullet is not ordinary ammunition, the previous bullets weren't so huge might at all.

Several players in the guild behind me tried to catch me, but they were taken to fly out together. Fortunately, there were many people in the back and there was no injury, except that the muscles on my body were numb. The Pinot Slot and the Condor seemed to be ready long ago, and immediately jumped over when I was hit. But as soon as the condor jumped up, it was volleyed out by Yeyue's big tail, but this guy was in midair transformed into a bald eagle and flew up. The Pinot Groove finally fell in front of me, but it would be better to fly out. As soon as he landed, he was surrounded by a group of ringtones, and he immediately had more than N holes on his body, but he is a mechanical life, as long as it doesn’t hurt When it comes to the point, it will not be fatal.

The condor turned into an eagle and flew back, and then turned into a wolf body again to attack us, but was blocked by Yeyue again. At least my familiar was planning to attack the gun god, and it ended up being entangled by more enemies. The city wall is in chaos, and there is no such easy situation as before.

We are fighting with American players, and there are more Americans gradually climbing up the city wall below. The corpse that was thrown down increased the height of the slope of death again. Anyway, there were too many people, and they didn't care if they died ten or twenty million.

With more and more people rushing up, the Americans have begun to separate some people to destroy our defensive facilities, but our counterattack is also relatively strong, they will not be able to What really destroys.

Seeing the situation is getting more and more dangerous, I have to order to activate the hidden device for a long time. I saw the top of the entire city wall suddenly lit up, and when the ground dimmed again, the city wall had become extremely clean. On the top of the city wall, no matter the enemy or our own people, all are gone. Except for the equipment that was originally installed on the city wall, everything that could be seen was gone.

People who climbed up the city wall after the flash thought the scene was weird, but people in the distance could discover the mystery. I saw a large number of people appearing on the original bare city wall in Sky City, which was standing upside down on top of the head. It was clearly those who disappeared from the city wall below. We teleported all the people on the upper part of the city wall to the opposite Sky City.

Only this one teleportation is not finished. Teleportation can't change our situation. It just changes the battlefield to a different position. Next is the key to the yin. I saw the people on our side suddenly flashed again on the city wall, and 90% of them returned to the city wall below to stop the newly climbed enemies, while only 10% were left on it.

The gun god found that the enemies around him suddenly lost more than half, and thought we were planning to abandon the outer city wall. The previous teleportation was too sudden, and Sky City was too similar to the ground city. He did not realize that he was teleported to the sky at first. But when he saw that there were fewer

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