"Did you put that thing on?" I asked Norin in surprise

Norrain did not know what to do. "What are you talking about?"

"Don't be sloppy with me, you know what I'm talking about! Ok..." I pointed to her and said, "You pretend to be stupid? Then let me remind you. . Artificial cores. You installed artificial cores for these things, right?"

"Don't get excited!" Sumi took my hand and said, "It's not a major event!"

"Not a major event? You two don't know that the artificial core is a contraband? For any Divine Race, the artificial core is something that must be eliminated. You actually said there is no major event?"

Noreen quibbleed: "Am I the first user of the artificial core?"

"Are you the same as them? You are alone, and you are hidden in our guild all day long. We don't Who knows the artificial cores you installed? But what about them? They are fighter machines, no matter how strong they are, they may be damaged in battle. Once Divine Race finds that they are carrying artificial cores, you know what the consequences will be."

The biggest difference between the artificial core and the general core is that it is an unrestricted core and contains soul energy. It can be said: an artificial core is a life seed. This life will evolve and grow, and because it is not limited, it will eventually have a lifeform that surpasses humans, surpasses gods and demons, and surpasses all. Gods and demons are limited lives, but artificial lives are unlimited. Once this thing grows up, its harm to Divine Race will be unlimited.

Jiaha archmage was chased by Divine Race, and the craftsman god of Dwarf Race was forced to seal himself, all because of artificial core technology. Norin is the most perfect artificial core that Jiaha has completed, and since she came to us, we have studied her core and finally imitated the artificial core with less performance. The growth of this kind of core is unstable, and most of them cannot form a complete soul, and will eventually die out, but this already represents the research direction of artificial souls. We cannot assume that their nuclear weapons research is harmless just because a country hasn’t built nuclear weapons. Divine Race is the same. We cannot assume that we are not a threat just because our artificial cores are not fully qualified.

Sumi pulled me and said, "Do you think Purple Moon big brother do you think I am a rash person?"

"I always think you are smart, even your intelligence Obviously surpass peers by many, many, and even most adults are not as smart as you. However, today you did a stupid thing. You said you want to experiment with a new type of magic puppet. At first I thought it was just a technological improvement. Didn't expect you to experiment with artificial cores. I have no objection to your research on that kind of thing, but before that kind of thing is fully successful and has created enough to resist the existence of any High God, please don't let them appear anywhere outside the laboratory."

< p>"You still don't believe us!" Su Mi said angrily: "Norrain, show him."

Norrain reached out and passed a strange metal ball. There are many tubes, which look like an octopus. "What is this?"

"Artificial core."

"Why is it like this?" I have seen the artificial core, and there are beautiful purple rays of light in it. So it's very easy to recognize. For this reason, I am very worried that Divine Race will discover the existence of artificial cores.

Sumi explained: "Actually, you don’t need to worry that much. The artificial core is a very planned thing. Most Divine Races don’t know this thing. If you tell them this is an artificial core, they Ten of them will fight you hard, but as long as you don’t say it, even if you put this thing on your head, they may not recognize it. In addition, the Divine Race who knows the artificial core only knows some fur, they simply don’t know this thing. The real content. They won’t know if they don’t see the obvious artificial soul."

Norraine continued: "So we did this. The magic shell combined with the special magic array can make the artificial soul The core is wrapped in it. This thing can isolate the soul characteristics of the artificial soul. Others will think this is a soulless mechanical core, not an artificial core. Also. This thing actually has a blasting device installed in it. Once the demon guard is captured , Or a fatal injury occurs, then this thing will self-destruct, and it is guaranteed that there will be no scum left."

Sumi took it back and continued: "That’s why I said that as long as you don’t say it, it won’t Someone knows."

"Of course I will not go out to courting death, but you also give me control over the news, forbid anyone to talk about it, and never let one more person know the news. From now on this thing Only you produce it, and after it comes out, it is said to be the core of the new type of machinery."

"Of course." Somei refers to the city wall: "Are we...?"

"Go, Let's see the effect."

There are reasons why the artificial core can make Divine Race eager to destroy nature. Just look at these construction magic guards. A full one hundred construction magic guards rushed into the city at an extremely fast speed. Because now our guild and the Rainbow Alliance have entered a state of war, the NPC guards immediately entered the state of combat as soon as they saw our people, and even the defensive weapons on the city wall were activated. But these things seem to have no effect at all.

Before the defensive weapons were fully activated, the Constructed Demon Guard had already rushed under the city wall. The people in Feihong City only had time to put down the Qianjin gate on the city gate, but the usefulness of this thing is only ...!

The structured magic guard rushes towards the city wall without any reduction in speed. With the impact on the city wall for a few consecutive steps, it almost reaches the top of the wall. Just before the power was about to disappear, the construct magic guard suddenly raised his right hand neatly, and folded his five fingers into a knife-like shape, and then slammed into the city wall. With peng sound, they put their hands into the wall, and with a slight force, their bodies rose again, this time directly on the top of the city wall.

"Block them." Several people from the Rainbow Alliance shouted, and immediately a large group of NPCs and players rushed up.

Hundreds of NPC guards and more than a dozen players appeared in front of a Construct Demon, but the Construct Demon had no fear. They only knew the order. The seemingly weak structured demon guard instead took the initiative to launch an attack. She rushed directly into the crowd, rolled on the spot, dodges the oncoming weapon to the front opponent, and then violently stood up and flew the guy on top. Got out.

The enemy next to him stabbed a shot and was caught. The guy still wanted to pump a gun, only to find that he couldn't move at all. The metal used by the Construct Demon is more important than steel, so the Construct Demon is actually very heavy. With their power, it is impossible to pull the weapon out of their hands.

The Constructor drew hard, and the long spear was taken into her hand instead, and then she swept the steel gun in a sweep. Long spear bends in an instant, but dozens of people fly out in front. Throwing away the unsightly long spear that was already bent, the Constructor suddenly jumped up, and then landed directly in front of a player. Without waiting for any reaction from the other party, she grabbed the guy by the shoulder and lifted him up, and then threw it at the crowd behind. Like bowling, this player knocked down a large group of people.

Before the people gathered again, the Constructor had already jumped off the city wall and entered the city. Players who can fly dared to jump along. Others looked at the height of the city wall and had to run to the nearby stairs.

The structured magic guards fell directly on the roof of a nearby building after a city wall, but instead of standing on the roof, they fell directly into the room. Each of these guys is like a weight, jumping from such a high place, no matter how strong the house is, it won't hold them up!

The Constructor who fell into the room completely ignored the walls of the building, and went straight through the walls of the city. Their target point was actually the center of the city. Suomi and I were floating high in the sky and looking down at the situation. I felt very strange about the performance of the Constructor.

"Sumi. Don’t you think the behavior of these constructs is strange?"

"There is something wrong." Sumei said: "My order is to attack all The people and buildings with the Rainbow Union logo, but they gave up the crowded city wall and rushed all the way to the city center. This seems to be different from my idea!"

Norraine said: "I I know what they are doing."

"You know?"

"Well. Because we all have the same thing beating in our chests. Okay! At least it's similar!"

"Then you tell me what they are doing?"

"Intelligence." Noreen only said two words.

"Understood." So Mi and I both nodded. I am Dragon Clan, my intelligence is much better than that of human beings. So Mei is a natural child prodigy, and his intelligence is not comparable to that of ordinary people. This hint is of course not enough for ordinary people, but it is enough for us.

Norraine means that the Constructor has the intelligence to deal with problems. They knew they were not strong enough to confront the people in this city, so they started to use their brains. The main force in a city is not the player but the NPC. Their goal is to destroy the city seal in the City Lord's Mansion, so that the city NPC will be useless, so they only need to deal with the player. This method can solve a lot of troubles at once, and they do have the ability to implement this kind of plan. City seals are generally located in the city center and are tightly protected. They are unlikely to be destroyed directly in a normal war. However, the personal strength of the Constructed Demon Guard is much stronger than that of the players and general NPCs. It is not a problem for them to penetrate into the enemy, so they are fully capable of directly destroying the seal.

Sumi smiled and said: "Our experiment has been half successful. At least their intelligence has been confirmed."

※※※※※※※※※※※※ ※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※

Yesterday my mother rolled the stairs and sent to the hospital for stitches. I ran five kilometers in the hospital building with various documents. Wild, it's sub-zero temperature I actually sweated my sweater! Fortunately, the doctor said that he did not hurt the bones, so I can finally rest assured! During the update at night, I found that the account could not be accessed. I asked the editor to find out that it was stolen, and only now I got the new password to re-enter! (To be continued, if you want to know what's going on, please visit WWW.CMFU.COM, there are more chapters, authors are supported, and genuine reading is supported!)

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