The act of constructing magic guards is indeed very intelligent rays of light. They first raided the city center like lightning. There are even more troops defending the city seal than on the city wall, but they use their powerful battle strength to just cover a companion and rush in. The entire seal battle only took 3 minutes. Only three of the 100-structured magic guards were slightly damaged, and one was damaged by the action-inducing action, but it was still within the scope of self-repair.

After the city’s seal was destroyed, the city was declared disbanded. The NPC defense team belonging to the city automatically disarmed and became a free NPC, while the NPC troops stationed by the Rainbow Alliance lost their sphere of influence in the guild. The attribute bonus inside, of course, the player’s bonus is gone.

Suddenly one third is missing, and the enemy's counterattack has become more chaotic. There is simply no way to stop these impervious to sword and spear constructs. In fact, I know that the reason why the breakthrough is so easy today is mainly because there is no one. The Rainbow Alliance is now struggling to drive us down to the sea, and all the soldiers that can be transferred have been transferred by Usina. Had it not been for the destruction of Rainbow City and Feihong City had become the agency headquarters, it is estimated that even these people would not be able to get together here. But it wouldn't be of much use even if they were put together. Anyway, most of them couldn't defeat the defense of the Constructed Demon, and all they could do was to resist symbolically.

From beginning to end, it was over in only thirty-seven minutes. Feihong City was suppressed, the property was looted by me, and the rest of the city was burnt up. Now we have to keep Rock City and have no time to occupy this place.

Sumi looked at the burning city in the distance, and asked me unsurely: "Will we do this a bit too much?"

Norraine was very puzzled. Looked at Su Mi, then looked at me again. "I really don't understand you people, you have already turned your face, what else can't be too much?"

I smiled and patted Noreen's shoulder. "Haha...keep your purity, you still don't know about these things."

Somi looked at my relaxed expression and asked me in confusion: "You really don't care? Or say Are you sure they won’t make a comparison?"

I asked Su Mi. "Whose Rainbow Alliance belongs to?"

"Of course it belongs to Usina. She is so rich, is it a trivial matter to support a guild?"

"That's not the end Now? Now that you know she is rich, would you care about this city?" So Mi was about to speak and was stopped by me. "Don't get excited. I'm sure. In the first battle of Rock City, we even lose, as long as we can stabilize. The Rainbow Alliance will inevitably fall to our side, and we burn their city, which can only be understood as we are very angry. . Not only will it not make Yusina angry, but it will make her even less confident."

Somi thought about it for a while, and then nodded. "I think I understand."

I smiled and patted her on the head. "Go. Let's go back to Rock City. It's time to fight a tough battle. We are all weakened, and the rest is what we have to face. Let's let the American players know that our Frost Rose League city is not So good."


This It was really bad luck for two days. I was sweating yesterday and caught a cold again after taking a bath! My head! (To be continued, if you want to know what's going on, please visit WWW.CMFU.COM, there are more chapters, authors are supported, and genuine reading is supported!)

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