"Get on the boat!" I don't know who suddenly yelled such a sentence. The American players floating in the water immediately reacted and quickly climbed onto the boat together. But this is actually not very useful. The destructive power of iron ridge sailfish to battleship is no less than torpedoes. They are real torpedoes alive and very dangerous.

Chuang Wang stood on the corridor outside the bridge and looked at the opposite sea with a telescope. "Oh! It's spectacular! In fact, I always think these little things are much better than torpedoes."

"Do you know? In fact, these things are not only better than torpedoes, they are even better than battleship. Use it." Su Mei said calmly. "But maybe some people don't want to believe it."

"Actually, I think it should be good if we can build a giant whale instead of battleship. The head is hard enough, and there are underwater horns, absolutely It’s a good thing for the yin, but it’s a bit too violent."

In this meeting of Sumei and King Chuang, the American battleship on the opposite side was sinking into the seabed with bubbles, iron ridge sailfish. We do not distinguish between enemy and us. They kill everything except the same kind, and there are only a limited number of things that can deal with them. At present, this is the Mermaid Race in Sea Clan specially driven by infrasound. These iron ridge swordfish are very afraid of this sound, and mermaids are experts in this area, so you can use this method to drive away iron ridge swordfish schools as pioneers.

The battle between the American battleship and the iron ridge sailfish lasted only 20 minutes and ended. The iron ridge sailfish was all killed, but the US fleet has less than 300 ships left, and They were all punched a lot, and it seemed that they were not far from sinking.

The King Chuang turned around and patted the window of the command cabin. "The transmission is concentrated on firepower one by one."

The first officer nodded turned around to pass the order. So Mi hurriedly turned around and got back into the bridge, but King Chuang was still standing on the balcony, covering his ears indifferently. boom. King Chuang shrank with a thunderous muffled sound. "Oh! What a fucking fun!"

Boom. A shell suddenly fell on the side of the main battery of the Storm, and the explosion of flames shocked the King Chuang squatting again. "Cut! The caliber is too small!" There was nothing left on the storm's deck except a circle of burnt marks.

Sumi said to the first officer on the bridge: "Don't worry about the command of the king, lift the anchor, the fleet turns to 490, prepare with the side chain gun, solve the enemy's problems, and have no time to accompany them. I'm playing."

The huge whistle on the top of the Storm made a long and deep sound, and then the surrounding battleship sounded the whistle at the same time, and then the fleet began to slowly turn and accelerate. Standing on the deck, King Chuang found that the naval gun was turning to the side and ran back into the command tower in fright. Just now the battleship group has been facing the enemy. The muzzle was forward when the gun was fired. Now the battleship turned again and the muzzle moved to the side. The Storm has just been reinstalled recently. The 737mm main gun has a terrifying bore pressure. Without shells at a distance of 50 meters, a battleship below 1,000 tons can be overturned directly with the bore pressure. When it rotates to a 30-degree angle At the above, people must not stand on the ship's side, otherwise the person who can shake by sound waves spurts blood.

As soon as Wang Chuang closed the door, he heard a loud noise outside, and he almost fell somersault. "Is there anything wrong? Turn around and say nothing!"

"Sorry, but we don't have time to play!" So Mi took this thing and threw it to King Chuang. "The latest command of the military god, we are going to these ports to perform the task of suppressing the ports."

"Are you not protecting Rock City?"

"Sea Clan's battle The strength is too much beyond imagination, and the American player's fleet seems to have not fully recovered from the last six-nation naval battle. With the addition of the Shanghai Palace, the nation's first naval force did not participate in the war, so Rock City has no need to protect it. Our task shifted to the suppression of the port. The god of war asked us to destroy all the cities on the list along the coastline. These all are the cities where the guild that sent troops to war against us is located. Destroying them can reduce the positive pressure on Rock City. In addition, let us disembark at the position where the red circle is drawn."

"Are you going to disembark?"

"I am not a navy, what am I doing running around at sea with you? "Sumi jumped off her seat. "This time I'm here to experiment with new weapons. Don't you think the ones I brought are furnishings?" Chuang Wang scratched his head and said: "Actually I really want to use them as furnishings!"< /p>

Sumi said blankly: "You adults are really dirty! Thinking about that kind of thing."

"That's physical needs, what is dirty What's the matter?" Wang Chuang argued.

Norraine walked in from the outside: "Chuang Wang, don't bring bad children!"

"My name is health education, it is for her physical health!"


On time the big pot of rice followed Norin in. "Hahahaha! King Chuang, you are treated as a lustful uncle! You dare to make a so-so joke, you really have enough life!"

"che, don’t believe me, you’re down!" King Chuang said to the chief mate: "Start Magic Light Cannon, kill the last ship, and the fleet is at full speed after completion."


Four ships: Storm, Poseidon, Tyrant, and Eternal The hemispherical hatch on the top of the super battleship slowly unfolded to both sides at the same time, and a beautifully shaped crystal turret rose from the hemispherical cover. With a bang, all the turrets rose to the highest level at the same time, the mechanical locking mechanism automatically locked the turret base, and at the same time the upper crystal mechanism began to turn an angle to aim at the last enemy. Suddenly, a red beam shot out from below the crystal turret. The beam entered the interior of the turret. After passing a huge ruby, it was deflected, and then through a huge white diamond, it directly entered the crystal pipe in front and shot towards the battleship in front.

The battleship hit by the beam quickly began to turn red, and the surrounding sea water began to smoke. Then the battleship exploded with a bang, and there were debris flying all over the sea. As soon as the beam stopped, a large number of nozzles immediately sprayed water jets on the turret, but only a spray of water rose up.

Chuangwang sighed: "This large magic launcher is good, but it generates too much heat. If it can shoot continuously, it will be fine!"

"Don't be unsatisfied, Some are good for use. How can other battleships have such decisive weapons? Didn’t you see that the Iron Crusades over here all pointing fingers?” The young Master Sumei taught Chuangwang the same, and then said: "By the way, I suddenly remembered that there are two fast transport ships in the fleet, right?"


"We use that. You go to attack the port and follow you It’s too slow."

"That’s okay. That thing is at the back of the fleet. Go by yourself, I don’t care."

On time, the big pot of rice smiled and waved to King Chuang. Waved: "Go and play with the Americans by yourself. I'm going to accompany those beauties." Chuang Wang snorted unconvinced: "Cut! You can see if you can touch it, you are just acting Court Eunuch's duty."

"haha, you can't eat grapes and say grapes are sour." On time, the big pot of rice left Funabashi with a triumphant smile, and Su Mi and the others followed.

Seeing that they were all gone, King Chuang slapped the armrests of the seats with enthusiasm. "Hmph! I went to the research department if I knew it, who knew that all the beauties were over there!"

Of course he didn’t hear the words of Chuang Wang. He was standing next to Su Mei, beside him. Seven or eight beauties, but the beauties are all busy, only the regular big pot of rice is constantly serving a few beauties with tea and water, it is really the King of Chuang said right! But to be honest, even if you can stand in this position, it's worth it's worth. After all, besides these seven or eight beauties, there is an army of a hundred beauties in front of them, or an army of beauties and magic puppets.

These beauties are actually all magic puppets. According to the description of the second generation reincarnation and the eagle, these things are the magical version of Terminator TX.

The first-generation magic puppet developed by Isinger is slow and silly, with continuous external failures, and has never been put into actual combat.

The second-generation magic puppet actually has two branches, one is the magic motive puppet, and the other should be called the magic image. Magic Motive Puppet is an improved version of the first generation of Magic Puppets. The intelligence has been slightly improved, the movements are much faster, the strength is greater, but the agility is slightly lower, and it consumes a lot of energy. It is very good when used as a siege hammer. As for the golem. That thing can hardly be put into actual combat. The whole is a rock version of the undead. When using it, it has to be commanded by a bunch of wizards. It is similar to whether it has it or not.

The third generation of Isengard’s magic puppet is the one I often carry. The intelligence has not improved much, but it is absolutely first-class in combat. Moreover, even if the external damage is damaged, there is a skeleton-shaped core inside. The battlefield survivability is very good. powerful. There were also three generations of golems produced at the same time as the three generations of golems, but even though they were not low in intelligence, their combat performance could still be ignored.

Finally, recently, our guild's technical strength has been greatly expanded after the addition of a series of NPC characters including Norin. After unifying the advantages of the golem and the golem, we got this kind of thing similar to the Terminator TX-Constructed Magic Guard 1.

Construction Magic Guard 1 all use standard beauties. Imagine a beautiful player from our guild. As a fee for purchasing portrait rights, we sent her a Divine Item armor. According to Somi and Rose, the reason why the battle puppet is made like this is entirely to improve the battle strength. So far, most male players have the idea of ​​having tender, protective feelings for the fairer sex, at least on the surface. Therefore, when a beauty appears in front of you, you will first be stunned, no matter how fast you react, it will take a moment to delay. According to Rose, it's good to get even one point one second. For the magic puppet, this time is enough to kill one person, at least it can take the lead. In addition, the beauty of this model is a kind of petite and cute beauty, so her appearance will make the enemy misjudge her strength, and then achieve the effect of confuse the enemy.

Of course, the appearance is only used to confuse the enemy, the core of these constructed creatures is an out-and-out killing machine. The skeleton of the magic puppet uses the folding skeleton system commonly used by mechanical magic puppets. Once the shell is damaged, you can unfold a pair of hands and feet to take off the shell to continue fighting. However, at this time, its defensive power and attack power will drop to half of the normal value, but the speed will triple, making it almost invisible.

The support system that constructs the Magic Guard 1 is the latest product from the new continent Alchemy Lab-Magic Seal Steel. This thing has no shortcomings except for the weight. The hardness exceeds most steel and the flexibility is better than soft rubber. If you have enough strength, you can use this material as a rope to tie a knot.

The outer shell is different from the internal support system. It is a No. 70 alloy and has a high hardness, even higher than the magic stamp steel. It is not as flexible as the magic stamp steel, but these are just the outer shell. , And the joints are made of other materials. This material is mainly used because it is cheap. After all, it is only a relatively good steel, which can be processed with smelting equipment. Moyin Steel is a gold smelting product, and the cost is too high, and our money can't stand it all with that thing.

There is also a layer of biological skin outside the metal shell that constructs the magic guard. This layer is actually living flesh attached to the metal by magic. It is a real biological cell, so the fidelity is 100%. The defensive power of this layer can be ignored, and it has two effects. One is to pretend to be an ordinary person if necessary. The second is sound insulation to prevent other creatures from hearing the sound of the mechanical movement in the structured devil's body. Although the sound itself is not loud, many devil beasts in the game have very good ears, so it is safer to install a silencer.

As the power source for the construction of the magic guard, it is a new type of magic device. The advantage is that the red-line magic crystal with extremely limited output is no longer needed, but there is a fatal flaw-surprisingly expensive. The materials used in this kind of core are very general, that is, the production method is extremely complicated, the yield is low, and the terrifying is particularly time-consuming. The average core value is more than one hundred thousand crystal coins. We really dare not make too many, otherwise You have to go bankrupt!

In terms of performance, it can be said that the construction of the Magic Guard 1 is very perfect. Its power surpasses any previous golems and golems, and its agility has been improved by leaps and bounds. The defensive power is slightly lower than that of the third-generation golems, but it is not much different. The intelligence is the highest so far. Because of the integration of the golem production technology, its intelligence can even reach the standard of a ten-year-old child, basically there is nothing wrong.

In addition to the basic performances mentioned above, the Constructed Magic Guard 1 also has several special features, one of which is the origin of her Terminator TX nickname, and that is her ability to regenerate. The mechanism that constructs the demon guard is written with a copy demon array, which can absorb magic power to repair the damaged limbs. As long as the core is not broken, other places can be regenerated no matter what the broken body is. Of course, this regeneration takes time, and it does not mean that another leg will grow out immediately after cutting off a leg. Our alchemy has not yet reached that level for the time being.

Because they are humanoid demon puppets, we can't let them just be naked. Even if we want, the model lady won't do it! All of these constructs wear clothes, they are just cooler, and we also equip them with some armors, but all of them are short armors. Anyway, they are just a symbolic defense. Their bodies are stronger than the outer armors. Wearing armor doesn't seem to make much sense. Weapons can be arranged arbitrarily, and they can use whatever the person can use, but the standard equipment is a pair of blade claws, and the auxiliary equipment is two helmets, and occasionally long-range weapons such as bows and arrows are also equipped.

This time Sumei’s mission is to accompany Norin to test these constructs. Although Norin has a strong battle strength, it is a pity that her thoughts are too simple. If she encounters a bad person, she will be abducted. , So must be accompanied by Sumei.

After the Constructor is loaded on the transport ship, the transport ship leaves the fleet and heads for the unloading site, and the fleet heads for the nearest target port.

I stand alone at a High Level on the coast, and the bastard of the military god will use people as mules. After waiting for a long time, I saw two small black spots appearing on the sea, and quickly rushed towards me.

Ye Yue stood up from the rock she was leaning against, and put up the pergola with her hands and said: "Finally, it is here!"

Ling took the staff and said: "We They have killed more than 30 people who passed by. If they don’t come here again, they should change the battlefield!"

Two fast assault troop carriers roared to the shore, without any intention of slowing down. On the beach, the huge crawler system at the bottom of the ship drives the transport ship directly to the coast for more than ten meters before it comes to a complete stop. The steel door on the bow opened with a click and fell forward, and gravel flew across the beach.

The first person to disembark was the big pot of rice. The boy rushed directly to the beach on the side and started to vomit. So Mi ignored him at all and ran over and jumped on top of me. "Purple Moon big brother, how long have you waited?"

"About an hour."

Sumi looked bitterly at her and still retched over there Big pot of rice on time. "It's all to blame for the big pot of rice, it's really bad, a big man can get seasick!"

I heard the big pot of rice standing so far away, and turned around and argued: "Is it okay that seasickness has nothing to do with gender?"

< p>I looked at the big pot of rice with a blue face, and asked in confusion, "Aren't you not seasick? Why do you vomit so badly?"

The big pot of rice came over weakly and said: "You are I don’t know! This broken transport ship didn’t touch the water at all. It jumped from one wave to another, and I can’t stand it like that!"

I knew what was going on."

NS. The rapid assault troop carrier was prepared for beach grabbing. It was so fast that it would fly out of the water and then smash it back into the water, and then it would fly out again. This one is really uncomfortable. It's not that the big pot of rice won't get seasick, it's just that the general shaking is no problem, and it won't work if you encounter this kind of ship that is almost like a roller coaster. But the beauties around him are all right. In addition to Sumei, there are also seven players from the guild, all of whom are big beauties in the experimental area. They are called accompany experiments, but they are actually traveling at public expense.

I smiled and said: "Well, let's remove the Construct Demon first."

Norrain turned around and snapped her fingers. "Disembark and gather."

Boom boom boom boom, the one-hundred-constructed magic guard walked off the transport ship neatly, and then stood neatly next to us in a square formation. All of these one hundred construction magic guards are dressed up, from appearance to clothing, there is no difference at all. They look much neater than the average army. After all, the army is trained to be full of people, and the impossible company looks the same.

"Not bad." I gestured to the players on the transport ship, and the two ships slowly returned to the sea, and then turned around to chase the fleet.

"Where shall we experiment?" Noreen asked.

"Come with me."

The battle location has already been planned, and it is a city in the Rainbow Alliance. This city is very large and is the second headquarters of the Rainbow Alliance. Anyway, if they refused to cooperate first, then they should just do things a little bit, let them know how bad it is to refuse our kindness. In fact, Usina had already regretted her death at this time, but I didn't know it.

It was already midnight when he arrived outside Feihong City with more than a hundred construction magic guards, but the light in the city was quite sufficient. Most of the American players have already fallen asleep at this time, and they will officially start attacking Rock City tomorrow. Today is the last major break, and we specially selected this time to make trouble. For Americans, it is time to go to bed. For us, it is noon. This time in China is noon. So Mei and the little girls are all in good spirits.

I look at the city wall and ask them. "What is the content of the test?"

Sumi said: "There is no content. The main thing is to give a vague instruction, and then watch them play freely, so as to judge their intelligence and various abilities as a whole."


"Then it's much simpler. Let them start."

Somi walked over to the Constructors over there and said: "The mission goal is to attack all those who wear that kind of logo. People, destroy the buildings and items that lead the logo. If they don’t bring that thing, you can ignore them as long as they don’t take the initiative to attack. Okay, let’s go."

The order was just issued. The magic guards that looked the same as the little girl hulled and all rushed out.

"Sure enough, it is much faster than the old model!"

Norraine nodded: "The power has increased by 200%, and the speed is naturally fast. Besides, the magic core used this time is also very special."

"Special?" I suddenly realized something. "You... shouldn't it be the thing you use? That's a contraband!"

"No one knows that it's not a ban!" Su Mi smiled evilly. (To be continued, if you want to know what's going on, please visit WWW.CMFU.COM, there are more chapters, authors are supported, and genuine reading is supported!)

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