"I don't know!" The first officer replied anxiously: "There is no enemy battleship on the sea, and the artillery shells did not come from the direction of the city."

"Can't see?" Jim thought for a while and immediately understood: "Calculate the trajectory immediately, guess the possible target location, and then use artillery to conduct a tentative attack. The battleship of the Frost Rose League has a mirage system, although it cannot be completely invisible, But it is difficult to find at this distance. Let the lookout hand pay attention to the sea surface near the impact point, the splashing water will make them visible."

"Understand." The first officer quickly began to convey the order, on the battleship. The people also quickly implemented it. However, after the projectile trajectory was calculated, the observer did not give the data to the gunner, but re-reported it to the first officer. The first officer said to Jim with some uncertainty after reading it: "Captain..."

"What's wrong? Why didn't you fire the gun?"

"This...!" Passed the result of the ballistic calculation to Jim.

Jim took the piece of paper and looked at it, then suddenly looked up in surprise and looked towards the first officer. "Did you count it wrong? The shell came from one hundred and seventy kilometers away?"

"It has been reviewed twice." The chief officer said helplessly, "Don't talk about the mirage system at this distance. An aircraft carrier is invisible if it is parked there!"

"If we can't see, how did the enemy see it?"

"Report, the enemy's sighting ship was found." Wangshou cried out abruptly.

There is no need for the chief officer to explain. Jim said to himself: "Is the sighting ship? They can actually make this thing!"

The second officer hesitated and said: "The sighting ship needs an instant messaging system and a super-magnification observation mirror. And the triangulation system, this also isn’t this too ridiculous? Does the Frost Rose Alliance have so many confidential technologies?"

Jim calmed down a little bit: "It’s not a confidential technology. I heard that Frost Rose The alliance and the German Iron Crusade have a very good relationship. The Iron Crusade’s large-scale viewing lens technology has been very perfect, and it is not surprising that Frost Rose can buy it. As for the triangulation technology, it is just a pediatric thing. A slide rule and a three-pointer can be done. As for the instant messaging technology, I heard that they have it for a long time. It seems to be a technology based on crystal resonance. I heard that it also integrates the magic array theory, which can not only transmit The sound, even the image can be transmitted."

The first officer immediately said in distress: "Then what should we do? Our cannon can't reach this far, and even if it is enough, we can't aim. Ah!"

Just when the U.S. fleet was extremely distressed, in the Sino-German special mixed fleet 170 kilometers away, Chuang Wang was sitting on the command seat proudly looking at the sailors. We are busy performing system calibration.

The correspondent shouted: "The lead reconnaissance ship reported that the first shot hit the tail deck of the Freedom, with minor damage. Feedback data: coordinate one plus three seconds, coordinate two plus seven seconds, coordinate three shrink by one minute, coordinate four ......"

The second officer listened to the report and ordered: "Each ship allocates targets according to plan, loads high-explosive armor-piercing projectiles, and fires one round."

"Yes. High-explosive A salvo of armor-piercing projectiles."

A large number of battleships with the flags of the Frost Rose League and the Iron Crusade began to turn. The large battleships of the entire fleet spread out horizontally, and the front and rear main guns turned to aim at the distant ones. battleship group.

The second officer ordered again: "The lead ship assists in the correction data."

"Correction, feedback data. Report: The enemy target starts to turn, and all battleship instantaneous needles add six and a half seconds. The effective time is seven seconds. Six, five..."

The second officer immediately ordered: "Put the shells and shoot ahead."

All the battleship’s turrets immediately turned a little bit to the right. The invisible angle, the angle of six seconds is invisible to the human eye. After the rotation was in place, the timekeeper was still counting down three and two, and just as the number of zero was called out, the main guns of all the battleships roared at the same time, and the huge super-caliber guns shot out inverted-conical white smoke rings. The terrifying muzzle flame can often shoot out more than seven meters, and the shell weighing more than half a ton is already dozens of kilometers away.

Jim was still shouting for battleship to turn his head, suddenly there was a terrifying scream in the sky, and the first officer immediately pressed Jim under him. A loud explosion sound, as the flagship Freedom shook violently, and then made a huge metal distortion sound, like a giant beast's unwilling roar, slowly sliding down the sea. Jim survived under the weak protection of the brave NPC chief mate, but the poor first mate was smashed into a pile of rotten meat by glass shards and a piece of flying steel. The poor Liberty is also completely finished. For the blasting armor-piercing projectile that hits directly, the Liberty's armor is too thin!

It was not only the Freedom that was hit, almost one-fifth of the battleships in the fleet were named. The hit rate of the shells was as high as 95%, and there was almost no miss. of. However, almost none of the battleships that have become the target can survive the baptism. Except for the super-armored protection of the Super Sea King, all the targets in this round of attack should not be sunk.

Jim was teleported to the nearby battleship before the battleship was completely sunk. This is the advantage of the magic naval battle. The battleship has Transmission Formation, at least the transfer of personnel is faster. Jim, who boarded the backup command ship Kamandra, yelled in anger: "All the battleships have completed half-spins and then speed up the impact. After getting closer, they will fight back with all their strength. Fast destroyer, please go and kill the sighting ship. ."

This is the only chance. Even the battleship of our guild is impossible to do this kind of over-the-horizon attack without a sighting ship. There is no radar in the age of magic, and it is impossible to attack if you can't see the enemy at this distance. But we have lead reconnaissance ships. These specially modified little fellows are actually super high-speed hydrofoils. They can often run faster than torpedoes, and no battleship can catch up with them. Every time our guild’s fleet makes an over-the-horizon attack, it needs them to perform reconnaissance in the middle. This fleet calculates the relative position of itself and the lead ship, and then the lead ship calculates the relative position of itself and the enemy, so that we can Through simple trigonometric calculations, we can infer the relative position of the enemy and ourselves, and conduct out-of-sight attacks. If this is not the case, the lead ship can also directly visually report the impact point and assist the main fleet to correct the data.

Of course, the Americans can also roughly think of the role of the lead ship, but as mentioned before, it is impossible to build the lead ship without the three technologies such as instant messaging. The speed of transmitting coordinates by semaphore is too slow. And the distance is too close.

At this time, the order was received, and the two fast destroyers in the US fleet immediately accelerated to leave their team and rushed towards the lead ship. But the lead ship is not a cumbersome capital ship. Apart from the huge observation lens above the head and the dozen or so sets of crystal communicators in the ship, this guy has nothing installed. It is a thorough reconnaissance ship. The only thing it has to do after encountering an enemy is to run.

It is precisely based on the design idea of ​​the lead ship that runs when you see people, our guild lead ship is equipped with a super jet thruster, the output power of which is the same level as our capital ship. This propeller almost occupies more than 90% of the cabin space of the lead ship, but the powerful output power of this thing can provide this hydrofoil with a displacement less than three thousandths of the capital ship more than the fastest torpedo. To be three times faster, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is flying on the water.

The American fast destroyers just want to be faster for capital ships, and they are not at the same level as our super lead ships. The lead ship drew a half arc on the sea surface at a terrifying speed, and then began to rush toward the side of the destroyer. The artillery on the destroyer immediately began to turn, but found that the rotation speed of the turret could not keep up with the enemy's moving speed. There was no way. aim. The lead ship dashed provocatively from the middle of the two destroyers with a picture of S, and then rushed into the distance again in a big circle. The most recent shell of the destroyer and the main fleet only landed on the sea more than a hundred meters behind it. For a ship of this level, it has to take out the lead calculation of the plane to make a hit, but it likes to run S, and there is no way to calculate the lead.

Failure to sink the lead ship means that it cannot prevent our long-range artillery. The only thing the American battleship can do is to rush forward against the artillery fire. However, as the distance approaches, the number of shells gradually increases, and the hit rate also tends to rise sharply. Originally, the distance was long, and only the main guns on the battleships could reach the range. Now that even the second battleships began to participate in the battle after getting closer, the firepower naturally became denser. However, even so, the Americans still stubbornly rushed to our fleet with gunfire.

Jim looked at the fleet of only two-thirds left on the nearby sea, his anger was suffocated and he didn't know where to go. Fortunately, we could already see our battleship in front of him, and he could finally give an order. It fought back. "First officer, send the order to fire, and concentrate the firepower on the biggest ship in the middle."


The King Chuang is watching the American battleship in front rush towards Ben at full speed. Suddenly, a water column more than 20 meters high flew up with a boom over 30 meters in front of the battleship.

"Hey, did you play far away?" Chuang Wang said with a smile.

Sumi is sitting next to King Chuang. She is holding a telescope and looking at the American battleship on the opposite side. "The Americans are technological powerhouses in reality, which at least shows that they are very creative, and it is normal to improve the guns with longer range. But... don't you plan to let Sea Clan attack? Is it about to hit our ship's strings? Our battleship is sideways. The American shells are much more powerful than the Japanese battleship. I'm not sure this armor can stop it!"

"That Okay." King Chuang said to the chief mate: "Send a signal for the aquarium to dispatch."


The chief mate just turned around and issued the order, the Storm’s ship was not outboard. At two meters, a large water column suddenly rose, causing the entire ship to sway. But this is the limit, and there are not many opportunities for Americans to shoot at will.

Jim was watching the explosion that had missed the near ammunition triumphantly, thinking that the next shot should land on the opponent's ship. However, his idea was interrupted before it came true. Jim’s newly changed flag seemed to have hit something, and suddenly stopped. The huge inertia threw him out of his seat. The people in the bridge also fell to the ground in embarrassment. The worst second officer unexpectedly Turned over from the console to the opposite side, it seemed that he didn't fall lightly.

Before the people on the boat recovered, Jim suddenly noticed a water column rising outside the left string. At first he thought it was an enemy shell, but as the water splashed down, the water column actually appeared inside the water column. A tentacle with a huge sucker. No one in the melee warfare doesn't know this thing, except for the black devil octopus or the red thorn squid that can grow this kind of super sucker in the sea, no matter which one it is, it is not easy to deal with.

As soon as the crew got up from the ground, the battleship trembled again and then shook violently. Many people who had just gotten up fell again. Jim commanded loudly: "Throw depth charges."

"Yes." The first officer climbed to the side of the microphone to convey the order, and soon the crew rushed out of the cabin and took the depth charges from the ship with difficulty. Throw it on the edge. At such a close distance, the depth-water bomb would probably injure his ship, but now it’s better to be caught by the big monster and be affected by the bomb than to be shaken to pieces.

One by one, depth charges like petrol barrels rolled off the side of the ship, but before they exploded, Jim suddenly found them flying out of the sea. Several huge bombs flew directly into the air, and then exploded in the air with a bang. Oh la la, all the glass on the battleship tower burst at the same time. There is no tempered glass in the game. The fragments of the glass on the ship exploded and the fragments flew randomly, and several crew members who were near the window fell to the ground.

Jim grabbed his bleeding ears and climbed up from the ground and rushed directly to the microphone to order: "Stay steady, and use side-string small-caliber weapons to help each other near the ships and blow up those tentacles."

The distance between the battleships of the US fleet is more than a hundred meters. The smallest caliber artillery can accurately hit the tentacles entwined on the ship at this distance, but Jim has forgotten one thing. Whether it is an octopus or a squid, the tentacles are reproducible to them. Attacking the tentacles has no advantage except making them more brutal.

After exploding a few tentacles, these hapless guys really annoyed the sea monsters. Jim saw that the battleship on his side sank first and then suddenly jumped out. The water surface was turned over by more than a dozen tentacles in the air, and then smashed back to the surface again. Then the tail section of the battleship suddenly tilted up, and then the entire bow plunged into the sea, and finally the entire ship quickly disappeared. On the sea, there was a huge vortex.

After the first ship was killed, a frigate on the side planned to accelerate charge ahead, but was suddenly lifted out of the water. Jim watched as the middle section of the small frigate of more than 1,000 tons was forcibly squashed by two thick tentacles, and then a dozen tentacles dragged the two ends of the ship and pushed upwards. The battleship was immediately squashed from the squashed middle section. Folded in half, then disappeared entirely on the sea.

The frigate was crushed mainly because the armor was too thin. Large battleships were impossible to be folded into iron balls like frigates. However, although the monsters can't fold up the large battleship, they can turn the battleship over and deform some parts of the battleship. Some monsters even invented the technique of using two ships to smash each other. The underwater thruster designed by humans is actually a very inefficient way of propulsion. The poor power of battleship is completely negligible in front of these big monsters. No matter how you turn the rudder or increase the force, those battleships can only be pushed around at will, and there is no way at all.

Jim watched painfully his fleet being dizzy by the monsters, and suddenly shouted fiercely: "summon underwater devil beast, go down and fight."

In "Zero" Some of the players often practice leveling at sea, of course, there are many people who have special water monsters, and most of these people are in the fleet. Upon hearing the order, many players on the boat jumped into the sea immediately, and some devil beasts also followed into the water.

This trick is much better than the previous method. The monsters immediately let go of a battleship, but the surging water shows that they are not idle.

The American player Kirby jumped into the sea in a posture comparable to a diver. His profession is an aquarium warrior, the underwater battle strength is quite high, and he is the land battle Captain of the sea monster battleship. However, he was not lucky today. As soon as he jumped into the water, he immediately found a creature with a mushroom-shaped translucent umbrella cover and eight tentacles in front of him.

"Oh fuck! It's the Lightning King jellyfish!" Kirby almost instinctively turned and escaped, but he only swam less than five meters before suddenly felt a terrifying current flowing through him. The body made every hair of his body stand up, and it felt like I didn't know how to describe it. Fortunately, someone blocked him just now. The two players who jumped down after him happened to fall between him and the jellyfish, and were turned into a pile of black matter and became addicted to the seabed.

Kirby swims forward desperately without turning his head back. Although this transparent Lightning Overlord jellyfish is only an 800-level monster, this guy is an underwater creature, and it’s better than 900 in the water. Terrifying all terrestrial creatures. Kirby, who had swam desperately for a certain distance, suddenly stopped. It was not that he thought it was far enough, but that he saw something more scary. A giant octopus like an island is passing in front of him at terrifying speed. This is definitely not the dark octopus that often attacks ships, the dark octopus I usually see is not as big as this guy's tentacles! What made him even more frightened was that as soon as the terrifying super octopus passed by, he found a red lightning king jellyfish approaching him on the opposite side. The color of the Lightning Lord jellyfish represents the level. Although red is not the most terrible type, the transparent color of the low-level ligature is already very dangerous, so red can't get close.

Swimming out of the water at almost the world record speed, Kirby quickly found the battleship and climbed up. He rushed all the way to the bridge where Jim was, shouting: "Captain. Let's retreat!"

"Why?" Jim looked at Kirby's water and knew that this guy had just got out of the sea. Come up. "Is there something underneath?"

"The situation? The situation is big! The sea is full of Lightning Overlord jellyfish, I can't get down at all! And those tentacles, it's simply not the Black Devil octopus and the red thorn Squid, I haven't seen that thing, but it must be some kind of octopus, five to six times the size of the Dark Devil octopus."

"What?" Jim asked in shock: "Then you have Didn’t see their tentacles?"


"Are there cell particles in those tentacles that keep flashing in various colors?"

Kirby thought for a while and said: "I didn't pay much attention, but their tentacles do seem to be changing color."

"That's right. These are giant octopuses, the legendary ocean guards. , Originally guarding the Seven Sea God Temple. Some players used to take over related tasks, but in the end they were killed by a giant octopus, probably these things."

Kirby said: "These monsters do not attack The enemy over there specifically attacked us. It is clear that Sea Clan is helping them. We can't do it like this!"

"Do you think we can still run away now?" Jim asked helplessly.

Kirby has no sound anymore. Sea Clan has an absolute advantage in the water. Although they may not be able to catch up with the speed boats of hydrofoil, the battleship is definitely not able to run them. Since there are so many octopuses here, there must be no hope of running.

The two people were sighing helplessly, and the first officer suddenly shouted: "There is movement on the sea."

The two looked up at the sea, but only a few thousand sides were seen. Dorsal fin erected on the sea. Jim called out immediately. "Oops. It's an iron ridge swordfish!" This iron ridge swordfish is an aquatic devil beast with a body cultivator. It has three obvious characteristics. The first is that these guys swim very fast. Even if they are not the first, few things can catch them in the sea. The second is that these guys' dorsal fins and spine are all hard and scary, and they can easily cut the bottom compartment of the battleship, even the steel battleship. The third major feature is the most annoying feature, that is, these guys are extremely cruel, even if they are not hungry, they will actively attack any non-like creatures nearby.

Sure enough, the underwater octopuses and jellyfish all ran away. Players on the American battleship thought that they had won, and they all surfaced to cheer and congratulate, but suddenly they found a bunch of verticals. The dorsal fin on the water was immediately silly. (To be continued, if you want to know what's going on, please visit WWW.CMFU.COM, there are more chapters, authors are supported, and genuine reading is supported!)

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