"What would you say would happen if we made a hole in the ground?" Bingbing's words made us all stunned.

"Punch a hole?" The gun god first expressed doubt. "It’s already time for you to dig a hole, so I might as well have some hope."

"Hey, stop discussing, there is movement over there." Hong Yue stopped us and pointed. Reminded us of the barracks in front.

We looked down, and it turned out that there was a movement, but a big movement. The entire barracks moved. Some messengers were going in and out of tents one by one, and then the people inside quickly ran out and started to form the team, seemingly about to set off.

"Are they leaving now?" The Gunmaster asked.

"Probably!" I looked at the barracks below. Many people were dismantling tents, and some were loading the carriage, obviously intending to hurry.

Rose said: "Don’t you think it’s weird? They are still on the road at this time?"

"Could it be that...?"

"It is very possible ." Rose confirmed my thoughts.

The gun god looked at the two of us with a bewildered look: "What are you talking about?"

I looked at the gun god and said, "I still want to Don’t understand? We have attacked so many places with Soul Stones in twelve hours. Even if the king is an idiot, he should know that someone is eyeing this thing. This army has obviously just received the notice, so it plans to rush overnight. Back to the city."

Hong Yue said happily: "I think this is an opportunity. Among the marchers, we are better off."

Rose also nodded and said:" That’s good, but the premise is that we need to know where that thing is."

"That's not simple? See which place is the most heavily guarded?"

Rose pointed down. "What do you mean?"

I saw five extremely heavily guarded carriages appeared in the army below. The decorations and defensive forces of each car are all the same, so let people know them at a glance. One of them must be a car that transports the real soul stone, but it is impossible to determine which one actually is.

"These NPCs are really troublesome!" Hong Yue looked at the bunch of suspicious soldiers helplessly. "Maybe we can consider taking all those things away."

The Gun God objected: "I don't think we have this ability."

I patted the Gun God on the shoulder. "How far is the maximum range of your gun?"

"What are you going to do?" The gun god saw my smile and felt that I had some harboring malicious intentions.

"Just tell me how far you can hit it."

The gun god decided to answer my question after thinking about it. "That depends on your request. Do not shoot anything, just vent the gun, and I can shoot out for a hundred kilometers, but the formidable power may not be able to penetrate even harder paper, and the accuracy may be out of line. One hundred meters. You have to tell me how big the target I need to deal with and what formidable power is needed before I can be sure whether it can be achieved."

"A thousand meters away, hitting people, can it be achieved? "

"As long as the opponent is not super agile, medium is definitely medium, but formidable power... It should be no problem with ordinary people. As for perverts like you... Xuan!"

< p>"Enough." I patted his shoulder hard. "I lend you a guardian long spear. You ride him alone and use the sniper mode to kill the coachmen and horses of those cars."

"If you want to stop the car, hit the axle. Isn’t it faster?"

"You are not necessarily in the middle of everyone, do I dare to let you hit the axle?"

"I said that the person is a combat professional straight, how much carriage can be Fast? At such a steady speed, it’s hard for me to miss it!"

"Well, you are responsible for stopping all those cars for me, and then start attacking the people protecting the cars, the enemy chasing you Just run, anyway, no one is chasing, you will play sniper warfare with them within a continuous range of speed advantage."

"Are you going to let me be the bait?"

" There is a long spear as a mount. As long as you don't fall off, I promise you will be fine. The real danger is whether we are okay? You will lead them away for a while, and I have to take people down to grab them. We are the most dangerous. "

The gun god protested: "How many people can I attract? Does that work?"

"You are riding a long spear down from the sky, and the people who chase you must be Air rider. You just have to attract them away, and I will deal with the others."

"OK. I will help you lead them away, and let me borrow the long spear?"

I lent my guardian long spear to the spear god for temporary use. Anyway, I have a bird to use. Everyone determines the course of action, and then starts to act. The gun god rode the bird in a big circle and circled to the opposite side of the army, and then suddenly rushed down from the sky when the enemy had just started on the road.

The distance is too far to hear the gun god. I can only see one of the cars suddenly tilted, and then the whole car fell to the side. Fortunately, the car body is a whole metal box, so nothing is spilled. come out. However, because of the metal carriage, the weight of the car body increased. After falling to the ground, the soldiers did not raise.

Before the team below had time to react, another car fell down. Go down. The Spear Art of the Gun God is indeed accurate, but it should be accurate to carry this thing out of the soul. The five cars turned over in less than twenty seconds, and the opposing general did not react until this time. A large group of air cavalry hidden in the team flew up, and the gun god this guy tapped three cavalry in a row before starting to escape. The long spear under his feet is the guild guard I use. According to the system setting, the guild guard used by the guild leader is the leader of the guild guard, so the long spear is stronger than the normal long spear. The latter ones are flying. Griffons and bipedal wyvern can't even catch up with ordinary long spears, let alone my king long spear?

Looking at the air cavalry drifting away, I opened the Phoenix Dragon space and released three giant dragons. Xiao San I did not let him out because his flight speed was the slowest among the four dragons. In addition, I released Xiaofeng again, and then switched to Silver Moon mode to release Hong Ling. Three giant dragons, a Phoenix, plus a god fox, these are large enough flying creatures that fly fast. They are the main force for the robbery this time. Under my command, they walked around from a high altitude to the other side of the army waiting for my signal. When they flew to the designated location, I summoned the steel teeth again, then switched back to Purple Moon form to summon Eminis and the tank.

Looking at the preparations, I gave an order, and Gangya immediately stood on the side of the mountain and raised a loud roar to the sky, and the ground was shaking with the sound. Emmenes, who had already replicated the tank form, launched an artillery bombardment with the tank on the position below. There were so many people on the other side, and the two shelling shots actually didn't make much difference, they only disturbed the audiovisual.

Originally, people in the army were completely focused attention and completely stared at the direction of the gun god's escape. Now there was such a big movement behind him, and he immediately turned back. Under the command of the opposing general, the army quickly changed into a Defensive Array type, and until this time, the opposing team hadn't forgotten to divide the force into five parts, so we didn't let us see which one was true. But I'm not worried about this, because I originally planned to serve it all in one pan.

The soldiers of the opposing team just saw the momentum on our side, but they didn't see us rushing over. They were surprised that they suddenly felt a huge wind coming from behind. Fortunately, their five familiars rushed from behind them at a very high speed. Each of the five familiars aimed at a carriage. When passing over the carriage, they caught lightly, and then brought the carriage and the one tied to the front. The horse flew over the soldiers' heads and rushed towards us. Because it happened so suddenly, the other party didn't react at all. By the time they reacted, all five carriages had been taken into the sky. The opposing general wanted to let the mage knock them down first, but unfortunately the distance was already widened, and it was beyond reach. So these generals wanted to let the flying units chase them, but suddenly remembered that the air cavalry had been led away long ago, and the rest were air cavalry used by the communicator.

The poor general can only scold the street angrily, but we can't hear it anymore. We dragged the five carriages all the way without tearing down their seals.

The Gunslinger never ran far, and immediately caught up with us after seeing us succeed, as for the air cavalry. At their speed, it's about the same as eating fart behind!

We dared to land with this car all the way and ran a long way. It is estimated that the other party could not catch up so far. The five carriages were carefully put down, and the familiars were taken back first, and then we gathered next to the carriage together. As soon as the gun god was about to open the box for inspection, I stopped him. First let them drive away the horse that was still hanging on the carriage, and then I turned Eternal into a sledgehammer and slammed it down against the carriage board.

The sound of the steel carriage being knocked by my sledgehammer was really shocking. The gun god didn't know what I meant. In the end, Rose explained it to him for a while before he understood it. Hong Yue smiled and said: "Let's be a villain and save the belly of a villain. Don't deceive, don't be deceived."

It changed its shape, and then turned Eternity back into a sword shape and cut off the top cover of the iron box. Facts have proved that my idea is very correct. As soon as the top cover was obtained, two people rolled out of it. Both of these are experts, and they are confirmed to be the NPC great swordmaster of the 1400 level. They definitely belong to the kind of fierce people who can bring down a group of people by one person. But the cow is also a human being. I was smashed in an iron can just now, and now I am stunned. I was worried that the other party would ambush people in the car before smashing the car, didn't expect really guessed it. (To be continued, if you want to know what's going on, please visit WWW.CMFU.COM, there are more chapters, authors are supported, and genuine reading is supported!)

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