"Go up and take advantage of them." Rose called out as soon as she saw the people.

I have to say that Rose’s brains are so good. Our guild’s flying creatures have an absolute advantage, and the airborne operations are very beneficial to us. Those guys above are actually not stupid. They found that when we were out of the city, we must be looking for the Soul Stone, and the Impossible Soul Stone was placed somewhere for no reason, so there must be guards. Once we have a fight with the guards on both sides suffer, they can take the opportunity to kill us together and get a soul stone by their side. They did a good job with this abacus. Unfortunately, first they miscalculated our flight speed. As a result, instead of tracking us on the road, they pulled farther and farther, and finally took 20 minutes away. Secondly, they miscalculated our efficiency. It only took us ten minutes to detect the enemy, and it took only five minutes to settle the guards. We are already preparing to leave when they catch up. As a result, not only did they have no time to pick up the bargain, but instead ran into our team head-on.

A large swarm of flying creatures on our side quickly lifted into the sky. I let the crystal fairy dragon carry Rose and Bingbing on their backs, and the others mounted their long spears and started fighting. My giant dragon and other flying monsters naturally have to join in for fun.

Seeing that there are so many flying units on our shuaa~, the other party immediately realized that there may be a large number of professional trainers on our side, so they immediately released their own demons. Although so far the familiars are still precious and rare things, the opponent is also an elite, there are many magic familiars, and the level is quite high.

The familiars on both sides quickly collided together, and as a result, my familiar quickly showed amazing battle strength. Without the synthetic creatures like long spear, giant dragons are the overlords of the sky, and there are not many creatures that can fight them in the air. After landing, there are war giant beasts and Bimon giant beasts that can fight with giant dragons. Giant dragons in the sky are much stronger than those on the ground.

Luck and the plague bear the brunt. One person hugged a gigantic god Dynames in the air and bit him. Angels pay attention to skills. God Dynames is a kind of energy creature, which is not actually part of Angel Race, but battle strength is stronger than angels. However, giant dragon advocates a rogue style of play, so you don't let it go if you hold it. The giant dragon's four paws and one mouth, plus a tail are weapons. The angel was bitten and wounded immediately after being hugged, and feathers in the sky flew everywhere.

I stood on Asuka's back and rushed to the center of the opposing team. There is a bulb-like archmage standing there, I know this guy must be dangerous and must be killed first. He turned his head and shouted to Bai Ling: "I will open the way for your arrow, and kill the wizard first."

When I heard it, Bai Ling immediately turned around and opened a bow and set a magic arrow with attributes to the string, all around A large number of white light spots appeared in the air quickly and began to converge towards the tip of the arrow, and faster and faster. I rushed to the mage all the way, and the other party also noticed my surprise behavior and immediately blocked my flight path.

Because everyone came to intercept me, a gap was immediately cleared in Bailing's offensive line. Bailing pulled the bow to full open, and then threw his hand abruptly. "Devil blasting arrow." The arrow with a huge ball of light dragged its long tail like a shooting star, and flew towards the archmage at a terrifying speed.

archmage noticed the small sun-like arrow, raised one hand, and a protective light shield appeared in front of him. The arrow slammed into the protective shield, and only heard a bang, the magic arrow disappeared into the air together with the protective shield. But the mage didn't take advantage of it. The huge shock wave flew him far away before being caught by an angel player who drove over.

"I'm okay." The archmage player pushed away the angel player, and then re-suspended and began to chant incantion.

As soon as the player holding the archmage turned around, he saw me rushing up straight, and he immediately drew his sword to block my attack. "You...?" He was very surprised that I was intercepted by so many people and I could still rush up. But he soon noticed that there was me standing in front of each of his companions behind me. "Multiple Avatars?"

"It's multiple phantoms!" I shook this guy away with a sword and flew straight to the archmage. The player wanted to chase me, but a black hole suddenly appeared behind me. Ye Yue jumped out of it, entangled the guy, and the two fell to the ground together.

I jumped up from Asuka's back and spread my wings. "Go pick Yeyue." After leaving the flying bird, I had reached the mage who was floating in the air. This guy immediately turned his wand and threw the magic that had just been prepared at me.

"Here! Where are you throwing?" My silhouette appeared behind the wizard. The mage was surprised to see that his magic passed through the body in front of me. It was clearly an illusion. But I was already behind him, and I didn't even give him time to look back. I made a cross cut and immediately heard that the system hint was added by ten. It was really simple. As soon as the first reminder was over, I heard another ten-plus reminder. It turned out that the guy who was entangled in Yeyue fell to the ground after being petrified and shattered. Petrification does not kill the target, it will return to normal after the recovery time, but if it turns into a rock and is smashed to pieces, it is completely dead.

Asuka caught Yeyue who was falling and flew back to pick me up. Yeyue was sent back to Fenglong Space, and I stepped on the bird and rushed to the people nearby. Really red and they have arrived, and the melee in the air immediately turned sideways. The speed advantage of the mount allows us to decide when to attack the enemy at will, and we are a team with more support classes. Even if the single player battle strength is similar before, after receiving so many support classes, it will definitely be better than the opponent. . It is as it should be by rights that the opponent's speed is too slow to give play to the advantage of the number of people.

Twenty players have added two hundred points to us, and one crystal is two hundred and twenty points. Even if we start to rest now, we probably won’t be eliminated. There were almost no casualties on our side and very few injuries. The best fight against us is on the ground, and we are not afraid of anyone flying up.

Because we don’t explode equipment during the mission, we don’t need to clean up the battlefield and return to the city directly. When I entered the city, I found a large area of ​​blood on the ground. Several soldiers leaned on the side of the road to receive the bandage. Obviously, it was the team that was framed by us. However, if the guards at level 900 are beaten like this, they probably won't be much better. And there are a lot of their portraits posted on the roadside nearby, which seems to be the newly released arrest warrant, and they are playing it now.

I just switched back to Silvermoon Mode just outside the city, took out the address given by Boss and took a look. This seems to be a business card, it says No. 8 Baima Street, and the address is called Wanyou Auction House. This kind of place usually runs some underground transactions, so the boss will really help us contact the business.

I tried my best to put on an innocent smile and asked the passers-by for the address, and I immediately got an enthusiastic response. High charm value is good! If it were not for my resolute rejection, those people who were asked for directions would even show us the way, that enthusiasm is really beyond description.

I found the shop very quickly, and it is quite large from the outside. I was about to go in when there was a sudden flash on the top of the building next to me. I quickly reached out and pinched an arrow. The arrow was only an inch away from Rose's neck. If I take a step slower, Rose will be finished. Rose did not react slowly, and quickly recovered and pointed to the opposite roof: "Guard, there are wanted criminals."

The nearby NPC guards turned their heads and looked towards the roof at the same time, and then hulled and went up. Ten people. These are all 900-level guards, jumping on the roof is just like going up the stairs. The archer didn't recover from the shock of the arrow being taken by me until this time. He turned around and ran out, but more guards on the ground rushed in the direction of his escape. Let him play hide and seek with the guards! We still have business to do.

Entering this Auction House, a guy ran over immediately inside. "Several guests, sorry, today is not the auction day. If you are to commission auction items, please go to the reception desk next door."

I took out the business card that Boss gave me and handed it out: "We were introduced by XXX." Reported the name of the Boss and looked at this guy's reaction. Fortunately, he seemed to understand.

"Oh, so that's how it is. Then everyone, please follow me."

We followed this guy into the back yard, and this guy took us directly A corner on the side of the yard. We smelled a familiar smell from far away.

"Hello? We are here to buy things, why did you take us to the toilet?" Zhenhong asked angrily.

The guy smiled and said: "It's just a blindfold, the door of the special sales area is behind this." He said that he walked in first.

Since it's just a disguise, we can't say anything. Turning into that narrow dead end, at the end is a spear toilet with several compartments. The man walked to the door of the last compartment and knocked on it. There was a rude voice inside. "Someone."

The young man immediately shouted: "I want to buy your pit."

The door opened with a creak and a muscular man leaned against the door. "You brat how many times is this today? I'm not going to make Lao Tzu come up to open the door for you, it's so stinking!"

The guy smiled and said, "I can't decide how many times I open. There are guests, there is no way!" He turned around and said to us: "Please follow me."

Entering the compartment, there is suddenly a door behind. Passing through here is a very narrow alley. After passing by, there is a door. After opening it, you will directly enter a very luxuriously decorated hall. Damn, it's an underground exchange!

A polite line of courtesy from my buddy. "Everyone, please feel free to be objective. I'm going to the front to greet the guests."

I threw him a gold coin, turned around and brought everyone in and walked in. This place is really big enough, at least there are hundreds of people here, but it's not messy. In the middle of the room is a table of people talking about something, and there is a huge signboard on the left and right sides of the room, and a lot of people are gathering under the signboard. When we walked past a few of the tables, we could hear what they all seemed to be trading. It seemed that these people who had already bought and sold were talking about specific prices.

I stretched out two fingers, and then left and right hands pointed to each side. The shadows of Anmaru and Kagequan had already been separated under the signboards on both sides in a flash, and soon ran back.

Kagequan said: "There is the bulletin board for selling news."

Anomaru also said: "I see the bulletin board for buying news here."

Rose said to me: "Let’s go and see if there is any on the sale column. If there is, buy it directly. If not, send a message to the other side."

I nodded and went to the sale column and looked at it. . This thing seems to be a blackboard controlled by magic, and the text on it is made of white crystal powder, and it is constantly changing with the control of the wizard. There are a lot of things for sale, but there is no soul crystal. I don't think it would be so simple to let us buy this thing, so we have to take everyone to announce the acquisition news.

To post the purchase request, just say to the wizard who operates the magic display board, but you have to pay for it and you have to buy a table, because if someone wants to sell it, you will have to find you!

After we paid the money, we sat down at a numbered table. This place has a large table specially prepared for multi-person teams, so twenty people are also seated. Not to mention, someone ran over in a few minutes. "Do you need soul crystals?"

"Do you have them?" I asked immediately.

The youngster shook the head. "The royal family controls this thing very tightly. You can't buy it even in such a black market. But I know where it is, and there is more than one place. If you are willing to give money..." He glanced at me. "I can tell you the location. Ten crystal coins in each location."

The rose immediately rushed in front of me and said: "You go with us. You will be paid one hundred crystal coins for each piece you get. "

"No." The young man immediately said nervously: "There are either guards or monsters in those places. I will not lie to you. There are soul stones in those places, but I don't want to follow you. Take risks."

"Add one hundred crystal coins to each place." Rose is an expert at playing with human nature and directly hits the subject.

"Okay...Okay!" The young man finally fell under the money.

With this living guidepost, our next actions will be much more convenient, and Rose has another meaning for bringing him out. According to the rules of the game, you can only get one of the Soul Stone messages at a time, which means you will never get the positions of multiple stones at the same time. So if this young man tells us all the positions, we may not be able to get the other pieces for various reasons after getting the first piece, or the other pieces are not in the original position for various reasons. Anyway, we are Don't think about finding other crystals by this news. But it's different with this guy. He only tells us one location at a time. Although he knows all the locations, we don’t know the other locations until we get the first piece he said, so that it will not trigger the rules and cause the system to modify the settings and affect our actions. .

You can take advantage of the rules, but you must never defend against it, otherwise you will always suffer.

We left Auction House with the youth, and as soon as we walked out the door, we suddenly heard the system hint saying that we added 10 points. The total score of two hundred and twenty points actually jumped to two hundred and thirty points. Everyone is unfathomable mystery, and I don’t know why they suddenly get extra points.

Rose suddenly opened the mouth and said: "Ten, that means we killed the other team member? But we are all here, no one is doing it.... Could it be that we are framed and killed by an NPC? Bonus points for NPC?"

When Rose said that, I immediately understood: "It's probably like this. Although the rules say that there is no bonus for being killed by an NPC, it is a situation where the two sides are found in a melee. But we are consciously framed each other, which is equivalent to borrowing the power of the NPC, which is different from the state of being discovered. Maybe the system thinks that using intelligence to kill a person with a borrowed knife is also a kind of battle strength!"

"What's the matter with you?" The young man asked in a puzzled manner as we all stopped.

"It's okay." I took the lead out of the gate and climbed onto Ye Ying's back. The young man was pulled onto his bone horse by the ice grazing. This is in the city, and his ghost dragon is too big, so he had to replace it with a bone horse.

Following the instructions of the youth, we started to run to the west city gate. As soon as we got halfway, we heard the extra points prompt one after another. That group of guys were killed six people in a row. Let’s get the points. It jumped to two hundred and ninety minutes. But the framing also ends here. Not far from the city, we saw ten people standing in front of the road, High Level, following us. These are the guys who were framed. A total of seven were hung up before and after. Now there are thirteen people left, but three of them have not been seen, and they are probably hiding somewhere to launch a sneak attack.

Sniffing the ice picked up the young man and threw it to the Bingling behind. "You protect him." As he said, he removed the bone horse and let the ghost dragon out. The youth saw the terrifying giant beasts appearing shiver coldly on our side. If they weren't surrounded by four MMs, they would probably turn around and run away.

Ding. There was a sudden noise behind us before we even started. An assassin jumped out of the ground and threw a dart, but it was blocked by densely packed vines. Bingbing has six vine demon familiars, and they are tightly guarded and have nothing to say.

Assassin found that the sneak attack failed. After falling from the air to the ground, it sank as if it had fallen into water. The dancing angel group of four quickly rushed up, and the MM who rushed to the front jumped up and turned around gracefully in the air, then stretched her legs and raised her hands together. The whole person became a long stick, and then With the help of her high-speed rotation just after the jump, she got up. She saw her plunge into the ground at once, and her legs drove into the ground like a drill with a bang. Less than a meter away from where she entered, the ground suddenly exploded, and the assassin jumped out again.

Another dancing angel took a step forward, turned and shook her leg beautifully, and a pink arc flung out from her feet. Assassin was cut off by arc light as soon as he jumped into the air, and the broken body fell off with a plop. These four girls are really a combination of angels and demons, killing people is like dancing.

When we killed this assassin, we had already brought down three people in front of us. The other party is like us, but the number of people is still small. It's normal for the one after another to be killed. Seeing that the enemy was killed, our points have accumulated to four hundred points, but there are still two people who are unknown.

Qingxin put the ancient zither on the cane of Bingbing summon, pressed his hands on the piano, there was a hum, and there was an explosion in the front, and a big tree was broken by the waist. An assassin fell from the trunk with blood spurting from his mouth. Good guy, I now know why I always say that the more side-line professional, the stronger the battle strength!

Qingxin didn't stop after killing the assassin, but the sound of the piano became soothed and calm, as if playing an ordinary instrument at will. But I know these girls. As long as the music they play is not an auxiliary effect, it must be an attack or a curse, and there will be no completely useless music. Now we don't feel the auxiliary attribute, it must be the other two.

Sure enough, ten seconds later, the piano's sound suddenly changed. With a boom, a large pit with a diameter of more than four meters was exploded on the ground on our left side, and a bunch of human fragments spurted out of the hole. This MM is even scarier than the dancing angel foursome!

"Four hundred and twenty minutes." Rose said: "The two teams we killed are destined to be eliminated. If we meet another team later, we won't fight if we don't fight. Now we will start. Collecting soul stones is the first goal."

"What if others stare at us?" Ming Jing asked.

"Of course I fought back." I said: "Now we are in the advanced mountain."

Under the guidance of the youth, we quickly entered the mountain and got a soul stone, which raised our points. To four hundred and forty points. With the help of this young man, we don't have to go back to the city to find clues, we just look for them one by one. However, the system may restrict our collection behavior. The more soul stones we get, the more difficult the task will be. The first time we were on the mountain spring side, it took only five minutes to level the guards, but when we went to grab the seventh piece, we met hundreds of guards. After 30 minutes of fighting, we also hung up a few demon pets. Get the soul stone. And now we are launching an attack on the eighth soul stone. The battle is unprecedented. Nearly a thousand monsters protect the soul stone in the deepest part of a cave. This ghost place is very narrow, large monsters cannot be summoned, and we lack the overwhelming battle strength, and there is no way of breakthrough defense.

"Woo!" A groan, Hong Yue fell to the ground with a stalagmite on his belly. The monsters here are very smart. They will pull up a few feet of stalagmites on the ground as javelins after passing by. There are sharp stalagmites everywhere in this place. They are all their weapons. You can't guard against it.

"Don't move." Rose held down Hong Yue who was struggling to get up, and then stepped on her shoulders with her feet, holding the stalagmite with her hands and pulling outwards forcefully.

"Ah!" As soon as the stalagmite left his body, Hong Yue called out pitifully and fainted.

The continuous result of the rose was thrown on the large-scale treatment, and the wound quickly merged and recovered. Taking a vial from her body, Rose put it under Hong Yue's nose and shook it. Hong Yue immediately jumped up. "Oh!" A mouthful of blood came out of Hong Yue's mouth.

Rose patted her on the back. "How's it going?"

Hong Yue took a few breaths before saying: "The HP has dropped a little bit, it's weaker!"

Rose quickly lost a few more enhancement techniques. , Hong Yue is better.

Kristina, who has been preparing for magic since the start of the war, suddenly rushed forward to yelled us, who stood hard against the enemy: "I'm ready, you guys will fall."

He immediately shook the enemy in front of him, and then lay down on the ground. Kristina pointed her wand forward: "Meteor Jet!" A small magic array appeared on the tip of her wand, and countless volleyball-sized white light bombs spewed out from it, the density of which was almost continuous. Into one piece. We are holding heads on the ground one by one, as if dozens of heavy machine guns are shooting around, flying sand running stone on the ground, regardless of whether you are a stalagmite or a monster. This kind of magic is sprayed out by Level 1 magic bullets. In fact, the formidable power is not large, but the amount is too much. The monsters are not killed directly, but rather like a magic flood caused by magic bullets. Washed away the same.

The jetting lasted for one minute before it stopped. Kristina slumped to the ground. We climbed up from the ground tremblingly. The surrounding area has turned into a pile of stones, and the stalagmites were all knocked out. Now, the walls and the top of the cave are full of pits, and many places are emitting green smoke. The wall in front is full of red green liquid, which is the residue of the monsters being bombarded.

Zhenhong turned around and gave Kristina a thumbs up. "The name of the first fort is not in vain!"

"Huh! I'm exhausted!" Kristina took a handful of potions and stuffed it into her mouth like a jelly bean. . The first turret is indeed very strong, but it is also expensive. The potion just now is worth at least 30 crystal coins. The PK is okay. No player dares to level up like this, unless he is the son of an oil tycoon.

pa pa pa ……A burst of applause rang behind us, and we turned around in surprise to find a group of people approaching the entrance of the cave, and the leader was actually an acquaintance.

"The gun god?" I didn't dare to move as soon as I stood up, because a gun was placed on Rose's forehead.

"Oh oh oh, don't move. My hands are not very stable." The gun god this bastard was angry with me.

"My hands are not very stable." Shadow Spring's silhouette slowly appeared behind the gun god, and a dagger with red light was hooked on his neck. "Do you want to connect your neck to your head or to your body? If you don't have a good idea, I suggest you keep your neck on your body, so that your head is flat underneath, and you can also put it on the table for decoration. "Yingquan teased the gun god triumphantly.

The gun god smiled awkwardly and slowly raised the gun and hand. We quickly ran to block Rose and the other auxiliary professions behind us. After I confessed a few words, Anmaru ran into the cave. I asked him to get the Soul Stone first.

Shadow Spring forced the Gunslinger to turn around, and then backed up to our main formation, kicking the Gunslinger out for the last time. After the gun god returned to his own team, his people wanted to rush up, but the gun god stopped them. "Hehe! It's just a joke." The gun god looked at the situation deep in the cave, and then said: "Since you have wiped out the monster, we can't do it anymore. Then, let's leave. When we don't Just met."

I asked, "How many points do you have?"

"More than a hundred."

"Then you There is no need to do it." I said to the gun god: "We have eliminated two teams before, they are all out with zero points, this time it is five to three, so as long as you don't have zero points, you can't be eliminated steadily."

"Oh, then it seems that we don't need to fight anymore." The gun god said untrue.

Rose finally understands what I mean. "How about our cooperation?"

"Why should I cooperate with you?" the gun god asked.

Rose glanced at his team. "Now you are destined not to be eliminated. The remaining task is to get more soul stones. But I think you should have also noticed that the defense power of the soul stones is getting stronger and stronger. You only have sixteen people left. , The team is incomplete. With this team you can get at most two Soul Stones. Our team is more complete, and our mounts are faster, which can save time on the road. If we cooperate, the assault speed will increase. We can get a lot of soul stones."

"How to divide the soul stones we got?"

"We will get five of the first nine, and you will get four, only If there is more, it will be divided in half. If the excess quantity is odd, it will be auctioned and the profit will be divided in half."


Me and the gunman In fact, we are both the same person. Both of us are formidable persons, so it is not pleasing to see each other, but at the same time we have to admit that each other's strength is very strong, and we have to cooperate frequently if we can't help it! What a depressed enemy!

After signing the system guarantee agreement, we started to cooperate. The Divine Spear League of the Spear God is the strongest association in the United States. The group of people around him are not easy to deal with. The battle strength is so terrifying. In fact, if the single player battle strength is added together, our side is not as good as the gun god side, mainly because their auxiliary professions are too few, so the team strength is not as good as ours. After the two sides merged, their shortcomings and our shortcomings just concealed each other, and suddenly their strength skyrocketed, and the strength was in a complete mess. The first nine shares that Rose said it took only a short time to get all of them. Rose herself said that she miscalculated, and she knew that this rule would not be used for points. Rose’s method of division is because he thought that we did not have such a high efficiency. Who knew that the merger and strength had risen so much. At this rate, we could get at least more than 20 soul stones at the end, but we only got more. It is almost equal to half-and-half with them! The problem is that we can't return now, let alone be lazy, otherwise the loss will be even greater! The spear god is so happy, because the more he takes, the larger his share is actually.

The Gun God originally brought a lot of auxiliary professions, who knew that he was attacked by another team and killed four auxiliary professions as soon as he came up. As a result, there was no other player who could heal around him, so he was so embarrassed. Now with the assistance of our super nurses, their violent factors can be fully utilized, and I will be willing to go down on the rampage and toughness along the way.

When our guild was allocated thirteen soul stones, the gun god also got his twelve soul stones. This number is far beyond our prediction. Our guild now equals to a total of 21 soul stones, and the gun god has taken a lot before, but I don't know the specific number, it is estimated that there are at least three or more.

When we were moving forward to the next goal together, the gun god was still smiling and counting the soul stones, and he became angry with us. But after reaching the destination, even he was stunned. The young man said that this was the last place he knew, and it was also the most dangerous place. The reason he finally told us was that we didn’t want to come here. We didn’t expect that our battle strength exceeded our budget and we ransacked so much in one breath. gem. He was let away by us at repeated requests. The place was too dangerous, and he refused to follow him. Besides, this is the last place, it's useless to carry him.

Our team currently has only one person killed in the battle, Amaru, and two people were killed after the gun god and us were united. The loss of strength was not much, but we also began to feel guilty when we saw this place. This last place is actually a military camp. The intelligence given to us by the youth is that a soul stone was found in a mining area in a foreign area, and then the king sent an army to escort it back to the capital. Our task now is to get this soul stone out of the magnificent army with thousands of men and horses. Seeing the number of terrifying enemies below, I almost think this is an impossible task.

"It seems that this is the last soul stone we can get." I shook my head helplessly.

The gun god is more pessimistic than me. "I suspect we may not get this one."

Rose smiled and asked: "Are you scared?"

"Am I afraid of someone?" Gun God looked at Rose and asked.

Christina smiled and said: "What are you afraid of? You guys give me amplifying magic, I will try the latest super magic, and help you out. Then you go inside Purple Moon Grab the soul stone, the gun god and sister Bailing are responsible for sniping the enemy around you to help you open the way, and other people help you attract the enemy, as long as we get something, we can flash."

I mean. The wyvern group near the far barracks. "It's not as simple as you think!"

"I have a way." Bingbing said suddenly.

"What way?" Our eyes focused on the past together. (To be continued, if you want to know what's going on, please visit WWW.CMFU.COM, there are more chapters, authors are supported, and genuine reading is supported!)

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