I don’t know how to do it in the author area today. I have logged in from one point to now. I am exhausted!


Smashed five cars in a row, each There are two assassins in them, and there is a small box besides the assassin in a car, which should be our goal.

"Ah...how do you open this thing?" The gun god grabbed the lid of the small box with both hands and pulled it vigorously, but the box didn't react at all.

"Is there a lock?" I asked.

The gun god threw the box over. "Then you look for it."

I took the box and studied it for a long time, and finally determined that this thing was either unlocked or locked. Anyway, I couldn't find where the opening was. "If you don't mind, I can cut the box open."

"I only want the soul stone, and the box is useless to me. Just cut it."

After thinking about putting the box on the ground, I turned Eternal into a dagger and pressed it into the box. The eternal sharpness is incomparable, and it easily penetrates into the box, but the problem is that it can't be pulled out!

"Damn, what kind of broken box is this?" I stepped on the box with my feet and pulled the eternal handle with both hands, but I couldn't pull it out. "Wow...!" With too much force, my hand slipped, and I fell from the box by myself, not only did Eternal not pull it out. Instead, it flows into the box.

Yes, yes, it is indeed streaming. Eternity can be liquefied, and now it is liquefying, and it is flowing into the box.

"Don't!" I rushed forward, but didn't touch anything. Eternity completely penetrated into the box, and even the incision slowly healed.

"This thing ate your weapons!" Gun God looked at me with an expression of taking pleasure in other people's misfortune.

Rose and they all gathered around at once, it seems that this box is a big problem. Eternity is a combination of multiple Divine Items, and it has its own Artifact Spirit. Such things can also be forced into the box. It can be imagined how much power is needed. At least the things inside must be able to hold the eternal power, otherwise it is impossible to suck in eternity.

"Return my weapon to me!" I shook the box violently. Just when everyone was about to say something to stop me, the pentagram with a ring on the front of the box suddenly lit up with yellow rays of light, and then my body also instantly added a layer of yellow light, and then the rays of light flashed. The box fell to the ground with a thud, and I was already not in.

The gun god pointed to the small box that looked like a human head with a look of surprise: "Purple Moon...?"

"Go in." Rose added Finished his words.

The people outside were very surprised. I am not much better than them. I just feel that my eyes are dark, and when they light up, they are already in a huge room. The area of ​​this room is approximately equivalent to the area of ​​a standard football field. The walls and ceilings and the ground on all four sides are all of the same material, and even a seam is not found. I am familiar with this material, because the box I was holding just now was made entirely of this material. Having said that, the shape of this place looks like the box just now, but it shouldn't be that big. Of course, maybe it's because I got smaller.

"Wow! Boss, did you come in to save me? I am really touched!" A red ball came flying around, which is my eternity.

"Why did you just do it?"

"I don't know. I just feel a strong suction pull me in, no matter how I resist." Eternal jumped onto the back of my hand and embedded it directly into his groove.

I looked around. There is moderate light in this place, neither glare nor dark, but there is no light source. Although the space is relatively large, the area of ​​a football field is not too small to see the side, and there is nothing in this place, so you can see it all at a glance. If it is special, that is, there are some strange characters on the walls and the ground, and these characters are all printed on the walls and the ground in the form of embossments. I spread my wings and flew up to the ceiling to look at it. There was the same text on it, but none of the words could be understood.

"Where is this?" I was studying the text on the top of the sky, and suddenly there was a voice below, and someone from one after another appeared on the ground.

My wings fell directly beside them. "Why did you come in too?"

"Isn't that thing doing it?" Rose looked around and immediately recognized what this place was. "Isn't this the inside of the thing?"

"It should be, but it's probably not that simple. It's a bit like a hyperspace, a three-dimensional space that exists completely independently, not in proportion to the outside volume. , But it really exists."

"I only care about how to get out." Gunner took out his gun and fired a shot at the wall.

"no!" I yelled a little slower, the gun god has already pulled the trigger. With only one sound, the bullet hit the wall and was immediately bounced back.

"Ah!" The gun god himself was carried a big somersault by the bullet, and a terrifying hole appeared in his shoulder.

Rose touched the wall and said: "This is magic metal. Your gun can't be shot through."

Eternal also made a sound on my arm and said: "Except Nothing can destroy this kind of wall with my demon-devouring weapon."

The gun god looked at me questioningly and asked, "Are you talking?"

I raised my hand. "It's my sword, he's Sword Spirit." I said, turning to Eternal: "You said you are a devouring weapon, do you mean you can eat magic power?"

"Correct Eternally said in a very proud voice: "Originally, I was just Artifact Spirit, but then you merged too many things into my body in one breath, which greatly increased my ability, and at the same time, in order not to Blasted by power, I evolved the Demon-Eater property. Of course, I mainly rely on the attribute of the Destroying Blade, but I eventually evolved into the Demon-Eater Artifact Spirit. Any weapon, as long as it has energy, I It can swallow its power to strengthen itself, so the weapon against me will become more fragile, but I am getting stronger and stronger."

"Then can you suck up the magic here and let Shall we break through here and go out?" Rose asked.

"Impossible." Eternal said: "You should have noticed just now that I and you come in different ways. You are sucked in by teleportation, but I penetrated in. Outside this box There is an absorption array that can suck in nearby things, but I just pierced the box and cut the space directly, so I was forced in by the gravity of the space. In fact, I simply didn't cut to the box, but Cut the space where the box is located. This box is speaking of which is here, but it is not here."

"What's there? I don't understand at all!" Gun God A little white look.

Eternal helplessly said: "Your understanding is too poor, I can't help it. Anyway, I can only tell you that this is not the box you see, and that box does not exist. What you get is only the projection of this space in the real world, or illusion, which will make it easier to understand. In fact, the two spaces are simply unrelated. The box you see is just an exit. The box itself represents a space, it It’s not the same as the space we live in. This space is so big. Although it is small, it is still an Independent Space. It is completely independent of the universe we live in. So I can’t destroy it. I just put Weapon, not the founding god, impossible can be destroyed together with a space."

"What should I do? Can I get out if I hit it hard?" I asked.

"Of course not." Eternal replied: "Although I don't know the principle, I can be sure that the world in this box uses completely different rules."

"Different The rules?"

"Yes. Every space has its own rules. For example, in the space we usually live in, iron is harder than copper. This is a rule, but it is not necessary here. Rules Established by space, each space has its own rules. At present, I only find that this space stipulates that the hardness of the walls around us is infinite, which can be considered as invincible."

"Are we going to stay here forever Staying?" Gun God asked excitedly.

"Please, I'm just a sword good? Don't ask me everything! I'm not an almighty god!"

Rose suddenly said to me: "My husband, yours Can the space door be opened? If not, let’s discuss with the Mother Earth God to borrow from her and turn back?"

I shook my head: "The Phoenix Dragon Space can be opened, but the Earth Gate is fundamentally open. Can’t open."

"That means that the detour is hopeless, right?"


"We can't always be there Wait until the mission time is over here, right?" Gun God asked.

"That was lucky." I added: "The most terrifying situation is that we are still trapped here after the mission time arrives."

"No way? How do you say this? It's just an item in the mission, won't we be imprisoned here for a long time?" The gun god still has illusions.

I shook my head: "I can't wait here anyway, I have to find a way to get out."

"Then you think about it slowly!" The gunman sat down. Come down.

I shook the head helplessly. I walked to the wall to study the text on it, wanting to see what I could gain. First, I summoned all my familiars that can transform into human form, and then let them read the text on the wall. "Who do you know?"

Ling said: "This is an ancient language, and the legend is the text used by High God. Many secret records of Dark God Palace are written in this type of text."


Xiaochun said: "Light God Palace also uses the same text to record confidential documents."

"That means you all know these words?"

"I I don’t know." Xiaochun shook his head and said: "These are the work of the secretary priest. I never touch these things. I simply don’t know."

I quickly turned to Ling, I hope she will not be with Xiaochun The same is troublesome. Fortunately, Ling nodded. "I used to work a little bit at Dark God Palace. Before becoming Goddess, I used to be the manager of Divine Race data, so I am very proficient in these words."

"Then very good, help me quickly Translate You look for the beginning?"

Ling pointed at the top of his head: "When will I find such a large area by myself? You can also help you find it. There will be a special mark at the beginning, like this." Ling drew a magical figure in the air, which had been suspended there because of the magical power he had instilled. This symbol is so simple, I took a look and asked everyone to find it separately. The gun god bastard made up his mind to wait for the time, and simply didn't help.

Many people make things easy to do, and Ziyue soon found the opening tag. Ling ran over and began to read the text in that place. I didn't understand until this time why Ling asked us to find the beginning. If it is ordinary text, even if you start reading from the middle of a paragraph, you can actually understand the meaning. But the way of writing this peculiar writing is completely different from our writing, it is written in circles like ribs. That special symbol is the starting point of the article, and then the word above it is the first word of the article, and the following text will start to wrap around the central standard and write in a circle outwards, and finally finish writing a whole wall When it is still a roughly square. If you don’t know the opening tag, you simply can’t determine where the text begins to turn, so you can’t read it. If you follow our text arrangement habits, it’s even more dead, and the translation must be garbled with no meaning at all.

Ling interpreted for a while and suddenly said: "Master."

"What's wrong?"

"We seem to have grabbed the wrong thing!"

"Snatch the wrong thing?"

"This box is simply not a container for the soul stone. We may have got the goal wrong!"

"This thing Isn’t it the soul stone?"

"En." Ling pointed to the text on the wall and said: "This box is called a claustrophobic cage, and its function is to seal those strong enough to be unable to kill even if caught The enemy. If an enemy is too strong, his soul or body may be Eternal Inextinguishable, and in case the person is very dangerous and cannot be allowed to move outside, then he can be installed inside. In this way, this person It won't threaten people outside. This is equivalent to a permanent seal, and you can only get in."

"Isn't it?" This is over. It's actually packed into such a thing, what if you really can't get out? The elite of our guild are all here, and if you can’t get out, you will lose a lot! "You just said that this is not a box containing soul stones?"

Ling nodded: "This thing is a high level Divine Item that can seal anyone, and its value is much stronger than soul crystals. That’s too much. No one would use such a box to hold soul crystals, right? I guess that army is just to protect this thing. They might just escort the soul crystals by the way."

Rose listened to Ling's words. He also nodded and said: "That's right. The first soul crystal we got was used to purify the water source at the water source. At that time, there were only 30 guards. It can be seen that this thing is far from important enough to need to send one. At the point where Legion came to escort the transportation, otherwise the water source would not have only 30 people. It seems that we have indeed robbed the wrong thing! Ling, can you see if it says how to get out?"

"Going out is actually very simple, as long as there is someone who knows the secret language to operate it outside, even people who don’t know magic can use it."

"But we are all sucked in. Now, who is going to help us out?" The gun god didn't know when he had already appeared by our side. He probably got nervous just when he heard that this place is a permanent seal.

"Is there a way to open this thing from inside?" I asked.

Ling looked at the words on the wall and said: "There is nothing written on it at all."

Rose said: "Even if there is, people won't write it. This is for Where a powerful enemy is sealed, if the method of getting out is written on the wall, anyone who knows the text will be able to get out. So there won’t be any instructions on how to open this place."

< p>"That's what I said!" Gun God looked around helplessly. "No, I have to find a way, I don't want to stay here!"

Suddenly Rose said: "Don't worry, I have an idea that may work."

"What idea "

"The loophole. We take advantage of the system's loopholes. Gold coin."

"Here." Gold coin raised a hand and shouted. "What's the matter?"

"Don't move, it depends on your hand if we can go out!"

"My hand?" Gold coin put his hand down and took a look . "You don't want me to make a hole in this wall? Do you think I am really red?"

Rose pulled the gold coin in front of him, then grabbed her hand, and then pointed her finger Her fingers. "Whether we can go out depends on your ring."

"The ring of love?" I instantly wanted to understand the meaning of the rose. "Do you want Ah Wei to use the space summon ability of the ring of love to get out the gold coin summon?"

The gun god immediately said: "That can only be summon alone!"

< p>"But she has a phoenix and dragon!" Rose said.

Hong Yue said: "But Fenglong Space cannot pretend to be alive?"

I immediately pushed Yeyue out. "It is no longer a living person to become a stone statue."

"Yes!" Everyone cheered together. Fortunately, there are a lot of messy things in our guild, otherwise it would be really troublesome today!

Rose loudly said: "Don't be busy and happy, can you say summon more!"

"Try it and you will know?" I immediately said to gold coin: "Open the ring of love and take a look. If the summon permission status is on, it should be okay."

gold coin looked at it immediately after hearing what I said, and then exclaimed excitedly. "Really. Summon's permission is bright."

"That's good." I said to the others: "Stand up all over there and put away the pets and useless things. I will let Yeyue help you petrify."

Knowing that you can go out, everyone is excited to move. First put away their own demon pets and everything, and then Yeyue petrifies them one by one. Because the other party does not resist, petrochemical is very simple. After a while, everyone except me and gold coin will become sculptures.

gold coin opened her phoenix and dragon space, and then together with the humanoid lucky, I stuffed everyone who turned into sculptures into it. After the completion, Yeyue first gave me to Petrochemical, and then she and Lucky put me in. Although I was petrified, Ling was still there. She has loyalty, and she has my full authority when I can't control the familiar. Let her open my Phoenix Dragon Space and take everyone into it together, so that only gold coin is left in this space.

After gold coin called Ah Wei, he asked Ah Wei to summon her out. After a few seconds, she arrived at Isengard and dumped us all. This time we are leaving the mission early, but the points have been accumulated very exaggerated, even if we leave early, it doesn't matter.

My Fenglong space automatically opened after my sculpture left the gold coin's Fenglong space. After Ling came out from the inside, with Yeyue, he started to return to his normal state for everyone.

"Huh! Didn't expect it really came out!" The gun god yelled as soon as he saw the blue sky above his head. "It seems that some things in your guild are still very useful!"

"What are you talking about?"

"You know to speak big words." I despise the gun god The same: "You are still in that box without us!"

"I wouldn't enter that box without you."

"Why do you want to fight?" "Zhenhong was actually even more fierce than me, so she rushed up and pinched her neck to lift the spear god. The pair of fist arms in this girl's hands was a thousand-jin fist, and the gun god's profession was not a power system, so the pinched face suddenly changed color.

I patted really red to signal her to let her gun go down. In other words, it was just after the cooperation ended. Now killing him seems a little bit mad.

As soon as the gun god landed, he said angrily: "hmph! Sooner or later I will be better than you."

"We won't let you wait too long." I Replied in a pun. Rose, of course, they all know what I mean. As for the divine ability of the gun, it is not my concern.

The location of Isinger’s Duplicate City rewarded by system has been selected. We are about to land him on American territory. When the time comes, the gun god will definitely appear in the rebel team, so I said that I would not let him wait too long. When the time comes, I will let him know that our Frost Rose League is not easy to mess with. (To be continued, if you want to know what's going on, please visit WWW.CMFU.COM, there are more chapters, authors are supported, and genuine reading is supported!)

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