My proposal undoubtedly opens up a new direction of thinking. In the past, Huber and others thought about how to combine a stronger and more powerful giant beast, but they never did not expect that biosynthetic technology can also be used on humans. Once this synthesis technology is completed, each player can be synthesized, which is tantamount to adding additional attributes to the players. This advantage is irresistible to any player, and it is absolutely loved by everyone.

At my request, Rose immediately recruited some players from the guild who were willing to participate in the experiment. The reason why NPCs are not used is because they don’t know whether NPCs will be willing or not, and players’ expressive abilities are usually very good. After the experiment, they can express their feelings and opinions. NPCs are not willing to these things. However, the experimental body used by these players is not a normal large size, but a small size. Rose said before the call, the experiment has the probability of failure, and once synthesized, it can never be separated. Therefore, the trumpet has become the best experimental product, especially the Level 20 trumpet. No one will feel distressed about this kind of trumpet. If the synthesis fails, just delete the character and rebuild one. Anyway, if the previous Level 20 is fast, it will be able to rise in three hours.

About ten o'clock in the evening, we had already recruited more than 300 registered players, but I only selected a dozen of them to participate in the experiment, and the others had to line up first. Huber is very surprised that there will be so many volunteers. He is just an NPC and does not understand that trumpets are not worth mentioning for players. Besides, we said in the guild that there are rewards for participating in the experiment, and I posted it. Rewards have always been very valuable, and failure is just to rebuild a trumpet. Compared with the two, it is more cost-effective to participate in the experiment.

It is much more convenient to have volunteers. Experiments and players are very convenient for commanding anything, and a lot of data can be read directly from the attribute list, which is much more accurate than the results of our experiments.

"Little Flower, you can enter the first area." I held the broadcast crystal and called the name of player one. This little flower is only Level 31, male archer, very standard experimental material.

According to Xiaohua’s own ideas and our argument, a dagger was placed in the No. 2 raw material area. We dare not use something too big for the first synthesis, and according to Huber, as long as we have mastered the secrets of the synthesis of non-lifeform and life, when it is really synthesized, it is better to synthesize non-lifeform, and it is better to synthesize than simply use life to merge with each other. It's much simpler. After all, the non-lifeform does not move, so the state is stable and it is not easy to cause accidents.

Harbo activated the magic array, we only heard a scream from Xiao Xiaohua, but the scream jumped from the raw material area No. 1 outside to the finishing area in the center, and waited for the smoke to disperse Hou Xiao Xiao Hua was standing in the middle of the field in confusion. I quickly picked up the broadcast crystal and asked: "Little Flower? Or you?"

The little flower in the crystal display screen waved to the monitoring crystal. "No problem. It doesn't seem to have turned my brain into an iron bump."

"Where's that dagger? Do you feel where the synthesis goes?"

Little flower is bright He took out his left hand, then flipped his wrist, and only heard a piercing sound. A dagger slipped out of his wrist, but the handle was still attached to his wrist. Xiao Xiaohua said to us: "This thing is good for yin people."

Harbo smiled and said: "haha! The experiment was successful! At least I know that this technology can be used for high-end synthesis and is directional. Array can also ensure that the human brain will not be destroyed."

I took the crystal and said: "Little Flower, we have a bigger experiment. Do you dare to do it?"


"It's okay. It scared me a while ago, but it didn't feel much. Anyway, it was a small size, it broke the at worst and deleted it and rebuilt it. There is nothing at worst."

"Okay . Tomorrow I will send you a synthetic beast as a demon pet. Although the intelligence is not high, the battle strength is comparable to a giant dragon."

"Thank you, President." Little Hua almost jumped from the ground. Familiars in "Zero" have always been priceless super luxury goods. A Familiar with the same strength as a giant dragon is simply a super big cake. It is strange if you are not excited!

"Okay, you go to the No. 1 raw material area first. We will have a mix-up this time, hoping to make some good things."

Xiao Xiaohua ran away quickly In the No. 1 raw material area, I discussed with Huber what it is better to put in other experimental areas. After discussing and discussing, I feel that large creatures will seriously affect the player's size, so only small creatures can be used, and not too disgusting creatures.

After half an hour of deliberation, we finally decided on the content of the experiment. The first raw material is Xiaohua, he is the main body of synthesis. Ten kilograms of refined steel was sent into the second area. A giant winged swan was placed in the third area. This creature has a pair of huge wings that are completely disproportionate to the body. We hope to transplant his wings to players. The fourth raw material is the scroll of Zhang Huicheng, hoping to give players the ability to teleport. The fifth raw material is a five-color poisonous python.

After all the raw materials were in place, Harper began to preside over the launch of the array. The array flashed and Xiao Hua reappeared in the central finishing area, but his image has changed a lot. In order to avoid interference during synthesis, players only take off their underwear when entering the raw material area. Xiao Hua was originally wearing only a pair of pants, and her whole body was naked. Now he is still wearing only a pair of pants, we can clearly see the faint azure light shining under his naked skin, and there are a pair of huge wings on his back, just like an angel. However, his wings are more handsome in color, and they are actually colorful, like a peacock.

"Little Flower? Is it okay?"

"Well. I'm still here, it just feels weird."

"Where is it? "Habaugh asked nervously.

Little flower shook the head. "The body is nothing, it just feels like the center of gravity is not well grasped, and the body always feels backwards."

"That is normal. You have more wings on your back, so the center of gravity is relatively backward. When you stand, you can lean forward as much as possible."

"I know this, but I think the body seems to be a little heavier."

"This is also normal The situation. You have more wings on your back, and you also incorporate 10kg of steel. The increase in weight is an inevitable result."

I said to the crystal: "Look at the attribute column, is there some change? "

Little flower disappeared from the place for a while and reappeared: "There is something more in my attribute."

"What's more?"

"One more flight time countdown item, one more durability item and a few additional attributes."

"What's the specific change?"

"Flight time The item display is twenty minutes. As long as I flap my wings, the countdown will start, but as soon as I stop, it will start to count backwards, which means I have to rest for as long as I fly. The extra durable attribute is displayed as one thousand. , But I don’t know what it’s for. In terms of attributes, I have more toxin resistance, and I also have more toxic attributes for individual fluids. In addition, my health and defensive power have all increased a lot more than before, but my agility is It’s getting lower, but it’s not going down much. Oh, yes, I also have an option to send back to the nearest Transmission Formation by myself, but it is limited to one time a day."

Habo turned to me Said: "The body becomes heavier and quickly decreases naturally. As for the increase in life force, it is probably because the three creatures merged into one, so the health points are added together. The defensive power and the extra durability attribute are probably caused by that piece of steel." < /p>

I immediately proposed to go down there and experiment with Xiao Hua in person. A few minutes later, we carried a bunch of equipment to Xiao Hua's side. I asked the experimenter to give me an ordinary weapon, and then asked Xiao Hua to stretch out her hand. "Hold it up." I used the sword to cut Xiao Hua's arm, but it didn't take much effort, I just wanted to try a defensive situation.

Xiao Xiaohua looked nervous with her eyes closed, but the blade hit his arm with a "Dang" sound. Harbo walked over in surprise and knocked on Xiao Hua's chest, and it turned out to be a sound of knocking on the steel plate.

"Good guy, it's all metallized. No wonder you said that the agility is decreased, such a hard muscle, it is good to be able to move."

Xiao Xiaohua also knocked on her chest in surprise. , It turned out to be the sound of steel knocking steel, but it is strange that it is still elastic when pressed by hand. It seems that the steel plate is not on the outside, but under the surface skin.

Harbor took a big hammer and said: "Keep out of the way, let me try whether durability is called defensive power and a layer of attribute is added."

We Seeing that the big hammers all flashed to the side, Xiao Xiaohua watched nervously as Habo wobbled towards this side while holding the hammer that was bigger than him. I simply walked over and took the hammer with one hand. "Let me come!"

Having a big hammer against Xiao Hua's chest was a heavy hammer, and Xiao Hua was knocked away for more than ten meters away before she fell off. He got up, patted his butt and ran back. "It's weird that I didn't receive any damage notification!"

"What? No damage notification?" I was also shocked. There is no damage notification indicating that the health value has not changed. But even if I can't break his defense, at least there is a compulsory blood deduction that reduces a little life, right? How can there be no defense? "Look at the attributes after you go offline."

Xiao Xiaohua took a look at the attributes offline and ran back. "The durability has dropped by more than 600."

"It seems that it is not that there is no response, but that there will be no damage before the durability is lost. Doesn't this mean adding a super protective layer?" Habo exclaimed : "Purple Moon said that it is unimaginable to synthesize humans. It still seems that the president has a vision. If we strengthen our cavalry in this way, the light cavalry can also have the battle strength of the heavy cavalry." /p>

I waited for a while and said to Xiaohua again: "Look at the attributes again to see if the durability has changed."

Xiao Xiaohua immediately nodded offline, and waited for him for a few seconds. It's coming up again. "The durability has increased by three points. It seems that as long as I am online, the durability will automatically reply, but the speed seems to be slower."

I gave him a wound medicine. "Eat it. Wait five minutes and then watch it offline."

After taking the medicine and waiting for five minutes, Xiao Xiaohua went to look at the attribute again, but he came up and said: "An additional four points have been added. "

Harbor immediately said: "It seems that durability is not a loss of life, and the wound medicine has no effect."

I thought about it and said: "Little flower, you first Don't move." After I finished speaking, I picked up the hammer, then activated the repair skills and knocked on Xiao Hua. There is a blacksmith profession in my auxiliary profession. Of course there are skills for repairing equipment. It’s just that I’ve never used repair skills on players before. This thing should be used for repairing equipment. Isn’t repairing people hitting people?

After a random knock, I let Xiaohua go offline and cut the attribute again. After going online, Xiaohua said excitedly: "President, the durability is full!"

"Sure enough So!" Durability is not a Life Attribute, it must be handled in the same way as equipment. "Stand up again, I will use a hammer to polish your durability, and see if it can be restored after the loss, if it is a one-time use, it will be useless!"



I took the hammer and knocked it down with the power of my one third. I didn't exert any effort a few times before. This time Xiao Xiaohua flew out like a cannonball, hitting the wall and bounced off. As soon as he landed, he sprayed a big mouthful of blood, which scared me: "Damn! Forget this is a trumpet!" I am more than 900, this guy is only Level 31, even if the PK mode is not turned on, just Pure shock damage is enough to kill this guy in seconds. Fortunately, I used a hammer with very low damage, and I didn't use my full strength.

Quickly ran over and turned Xiao Hua over. "Sorry, I forgot that you used a trumpet!"

Xiao Xiaohua said while vomiting blood: "Fortunately, I lowered the pain mode, otherwise you have to hurt you to death! Wow! The bones seem to be broken! Who can heal? This is a serious injury, and the health value cannot be automatically restored!" The simulation of "Zero" is very high. The degree of personal injury will determine the speed of injury recovery. If the injury exceeds To a certain extent, the health value will not only not recover, but will continue to decline. This is the serious injury mode, and you will die if you don't save it.

"Don't move." I am an animal trainer, I have a lot of auxiliary magic, and of course I can also heal. A burst of white rays of light flashed past Xiao Xiaohua and no longer vomited blood. "How is it?"

"It's okay! I just don't have the strength to stand up for the time being!"

"Then how about the durability after you offline."

"Okay." Xiao Xiaohua went offline and looked at the attribute and then came back: "Durability is one. It doesn't seem to be a one-time attribute. It should be automatically restored after it is deleted."

"That's good." I thought for a while and asked: "Did you feel the dullness of injury after the durability was knocked out?"

"No, not at all. It's just like a perfect state."

Harbor immediately understood what I meant. The actions of the injured in "Zero" will be affected, the more severe the injury, the greater the impact, which makes the injured more likely to be injured again, and the weaker the more they fight. But if the durability is increased, it will not be the same. No matter how you play before the durability is exhausted, it will be the same as if you are not injured. This greatly reduces the probability of being injured again and gives the player more chances to make mistakes. He was injured and couldn't beat his opponent anymore. Players who are similar in strength now fight each other, and the outcome depends entirely on who gets injured first. After the injury, the action will be affected and the opponent will inevitably be unable to beat the opponent. But with this endurance, players are in full condition before they are actually injured, and the enemy will begin to weaken as long as they are injured once, and this advantage is too big.

A mage in charge of research suddenly said: "I don't know if more steel is more durable?"

"This is a problem." Habo hesitated: " I always feel that durability is not necessarily related to the weight of steel."

"I think so." I agree with Hubble's idea. "In this way. Let's find more people to infiltrate different amounts of steel to see how the effect is?"


Just do it. Let Xiaohua delete the trumpet to re-train, and we called dozens of players to participate in the test. This time we didn't put anything else, just fusion of players and steel, each time the metal weight used have nothing common with each other, from one kg to 20 kg, one kg level, and then record the test results. Soon all the fusions were successful, and everyone got the same durable attributes as Xiaohua, but there were problems in other aspects.

After repeated tests, we have concluded that the penetration of steel should be related to the weight of the main fusion body. The actual penetration of steel cannot be less than 2% of the player's body weight. That is to say, an adult man weighing 70 kg must have no less than 4 kg of steel in one point, otherwise there will be no durable attributes, but this is also It's not that the more the better. After many tests, it has been proved that the penetration amount of steel is between 2% and 3% of the body weight is the most suitable weight, because the durability value has nothing to do with the penetration of the steel weight. No amount of steel added can increase durability. As long as it exceeds 2% of your body weight, even if you add half of your weight and will not increase even a little durability, it will only make your agility drop continuously. When the penetration is between 2% and 3%, not only will it not affect agility, but it can also form a durable attribute, which is the most suitable ratio.

After determining that the durability value has nothing to do with the steel content, we studied how to improve the durability. As a result, we tested it with different metals under the suggestion of a mage, and we really found the reason. . What really determines durability is not the weight of the fusion material, but its own hardness. We tested it with refined steel, pig iron, brass, gold, silver, mithril and crystal, and found a lot of interesting results.

First of all, we found that the higher the hardness of the fusion, the higher the durability. In addition, we also found that substances with magic attributes can actually demonize the player itself, just like making magic weapons. A player merged a large piece of black liquid crystal in our experiment. As a result, any attack by this guy was accompanied by dark element damage. Another player was fused with mercury. As a result, his attack took mercury poison. All the people injured by him would be poisoned, but he himself had no reaction at all.

Although we know that the hardness of synthetic materials can determine the value of durability, we still feel that we can’t use the hardest materials to blend the players because the hardest things are diamonds, and we I really can't afford this money. It is okay to make diamond fusion for individual players, and the whole bank will do it together. I must go bankrupt! The results of repeated experiments proved that the cheapest hard substance I can withstand is glass. This thing has a large output, and is not valuable, and its hardness is higher than that of steel. Pure glass also has the shortcoming of being easy to burst, but you don't have to worry about this at all if you merge with the player, because they don't appear in the form of a whole piece after they are merged.

After confirming that glass is the best fusion, we began to study the fusion ratio of this thing. The fusion ratio of each substance to the player is different. For example, the fusion ratio of steel is perfect as long as it is between 2% and 3% of the body weight, but other substances are not in this ratio. The fusion ratio of glass is very low, as long as it reaches one thousandth of its body weight, it is OK. If it penetrates 2% like steel, it will make the player's movement speed become like a giant stone, walking like a slow motion! One thousandth of the weight of the glass is enough to give a player three thousand points of durability, and the fusion glass can also make all the player's attacks have a piercing effect, which is really an unexpected harvest.

After confirming the synthetic substance of glass, several wizards suggested that we study whether there are any substances that can be combined with special attributes. Although the added durability attribute is very useful, no one thinks it is more beneficial. In the previous fusion experiments, we have found that many substances can bring some good attributes to the player's ordinary attacks, so this time we can specifically study the uses of these special attributes.

A large number of players were called again to participate in the experiment. We soon discovered that in order to make a certain substance show its own attributes, in fact, only a small amount of it needs to be added. And in the process, we even found that if multiple substances are combined, even better performance may appear. As a result, we must overturn the previous research, because if we do more metal fusion, it will inevitably affect the weight ratio. There is nothing wrong with the fusion experiment. If you make a mistake, you will delete the number and replace it. There is no problem if there is less fusion, and the second fusion does not affect the effect. But in case it gets too much, we cut the weight. We are doing experiments right now, and if you really put too much material on the player's large fusion, it will be troublesome. We had no choice but to overthrow it again.

Multi-substance fusion in the human body is not as simple as multi-substance fusion, and the combination of substances and the human body is not simply an alloy theory. The hardness of high manganese steel produced by the combination of manganese and iron is amazing, but its fusion into the human body is completely another effect. We haven't discovered before that the steel that was originally fused at first is already a composite fusion. It is no wonder that the fusion effect of steel has been unstable. After a long time, it was because of the presence of impurities in steel, and the content of impurities in different batches of steel was also unstable, so the synthesis effect also fluctuated up and down.

We have been constantly researching all night, but not only did we fail to find the best mix ratio, but we were even more at a loss! The more we study, the more we find that we know too little and feel that we can't start at all. Any knowledge is like the ocean, and the complexity of alchemy is also terrifying. The frog sitting at the bottom of the well feels that he understands the entire sky, but the person standing outside feels that he cannot understand all of the sky, while the person in the universe feels that he is as small as the dust. This is the gap. We thought that fusion of several metals could simply enhance the player's attributes, but after a whole night, we found that we didn't know how to start! Perhaps the main system has no intention of letting us simply accomplish this integration in a certain way.

Until the sky was completely bright, Hubble finally couldn't help rubbing his eyes and said: "No! I can't hold on!" NPCs also want to rest, they also have their own schedules in the game. , Not a round-the-clock service. Although I don't need to sleep, Habo and the others are all human mages. They were busy all day yesterday, and they didn't sleep that night, all of them were mentally exhausted like a smoker.

I shook my head and said, "Damn! Didn't expect the system to be so complicated!"

Harbor said with a vague accent on the console: "Alchemy is actually a comprehensive study of the entire magic system and all substances. The complexity is certain. Thanks to this machine, our results this evening are more than what we achieved in the previous years." Habo said There was a pause here, but the next voice became smaller and smaller. "We need more materials, more time, more...! Phew..." Snoring sounded ten seconds after the language disappeared. These Old Guy's physical strength has been seriously overdrawn. Now if someone who doesn't know enters the operation area, they will definitely think that someone has been attacked here, and the mages are lying on their jobs in various postures like corpses. As Big Boss, I am very satisfied with the professionalism of the employees, but unfortunately I am a little dizzy! Although I don't need to sleep, the previous research is too responsible, and I will be tired if I overuse my brain.

Called some people in and moved all the archmages to the rest area. I asked everyone to do their own work first, and then returned to Isinger. An announcement was issued to the whole guild through the guild management system, announcing the preliminary results of this alchemy experiment, and allowing players to decide when to accept the transformation. I only limit it to five days to start accepting the transformation requirements of the players in the guild, but I also explained that the modified early attributes may not be the most perfect, but the transformation too late may not be able to play the battle strength. This is the same as the players choosing the familiars. The familiars selected prematurely may be too weak, but it is not a way to wait. Anyway, let them decide for themselves. I can't control whether it is good or bad. At least we will not be better after fusion. It turned out to be the difference.

After publishing the news about the enhancement, I summoned Hong Yue, and the number of places to go with us in the evening has been basically determined. I can't run away for sure, Hong Yue, as the strongest combat mage in the guild and Vice-President, naturally can't run away. The rest of the staff is not simple.

Christina. The title of the first fort in Europe is not for nothing. This girl fires magic bullets faster than machine guns. In the German battle that helped the Iron Crusade establish its dominance, she alone suppressed a hundred divisions for one minute. More than a hundred mages on the opposite side were crushed on the ground by her alone, and no one dared to look up.

Rose. Although rarely shot, Rose has always been the strongest resurrection mage in the guild. A team of twenty people can take care of her as a nurse, and the saved quota can be used to carry the main battle profession. And her super stunt life transfer can resurrect players who have died in battle. This trick is more powerful than cheating in this kind of knock-out competition with a small number of people. Think about how much it would cost the enemy to kill someone like me? What would they think if they found me standing up again after they killed me so hard? Besides, the super female Zhuge, Rose, can help us with some problems. The missions of "Zero" are not comparable to battle strength. If you have a bad brain, you will suffer.

True red, gold coin. Needless to say, these two girls, the power of Guoqi is overwhelming.

Dark pill, shadow spring. The two strongest assassins in the guild, the 20-person combat team belongs to a large establishment, and at least two such professionals are required.

Ragged cloth. The props division of special profession. This guy wasn't very good at the first meeting, but then he didn't know what to do and suddenly his strength skyrocketed. In fact, his profession is a bit like a blaster in special forces, but he also has the ability to make traps and some special props, which can often play some unexpected roles.

Sweeping ice. Ghost Dragon Knight, a powerful main occupation. There are no fancy skills, only one word is strong, a person who speaks entirely on strength.

Purple Moon. What else does my younger sister say, apart from the devil, she and I are basically on the same level.

Bingbing, Bingling, Qingxin, Mingjing. These four are all music departments. After repeated demonstrations, Hong Yue believes that the more partial professions in "Zero", the stronger. The music department cannot play the patriarch battle, but the assistance is more powerful than the priest. They are basically High Level in the priestly and curselinger's physique profession, and can give their own status and harass the enemy. Considering that I have a lot of summon creatures, it is actually more cost-effective to have auxiliary occupations than main combat occupations.

A group of four dancing angels. These quadruplets were confirmed by us to be typical murderous elements, people who are not necessarily useful in fighting, and they are fast and ruthless in multiplayer PK.

Bailing. Don't look at Eagle, who is usually a big man. In fact, he can't beat his wife at all. Braun’s arrow technique has nothing to say, just a standard. In fact, it’s enough for the archer to have this. Besides, she herself is a demon archer, and she has a lot of fancy archery skills, especially the peacock's special archer. One person is equal to a small archer group.

All twenty people gathered. Under my leadership, everyone found a top-level monster area for a short break-in training. The training area we entered is actually a leveling area with the highest monster level in China. Except for non-dedicated leveling points such as the Celestial Court and Demon gathering place, there is probably no place where the monster level is high. The monsters here start at level 800, and there is no ceiling, and you can often see monsters around level 900 appear in groups. When the twenty of us crossed the low-level training area and entered that area, the jaws of the nearby players almost fell off. Several of us in this group are well-known figures. The mount is no lower than 800, and the equipment on the body shines with rays of light, which is clearly the full Divine Item Legion. For the average player, a Divine Item is a miracle. Twenty people with Divine Item all over are gathered together and everyone feels dizzy when they see it.

When we went out and a long distance away, a player gasped in a cold breath: "I read it right, right? Those are Divine Items? Are these people very awesome?"

< p>The player next to him said: "Don't look at who it is, don't you recognize it? The one leading is Frost's boss Purple Moon, and the one next to him is his wife Rose. The red one is the original Goddess League. The president of, the number one mage in China. There are two more national weapon holders in our country. You don’t know them? Although I don’t know the rest, since they came out together, they probably all It is the elite of Frost. All the elites of China are in the Frost Rose League, and all the elites of the Frost Rose Alliance are here. What is the full Divine Item suit?"

The player nodded and said: "Say Yes! But it looks really dazzling! We can also make a set of wear and wear!"

"Fuck you! Another set? If you can get one, you should burn it. High fragrance."

The player slashed the immortal spirit in front of him with an unbalanced mentality. "Really, they have a Divine Item. I... Huh? What is this?" The player who was complaining suddenly found something flashing on the enemy that was chopped down, and the equipment was exploded. He picked it up and looked at it, then jumped three feet high. "Damn, Divine Item Staff! Boom God..." The person next to him covered his mouth. "I don't want to live anymore? The Divine Item flashes quickly, and you dare to shout while holding this thing. Beware of being robbed."

"Then why are they not afraid?"

"Your head Kicked by a donkey? I wanted to snatch it. Who would dare? It only takes a few minutes for us to go up to a thousand children and eight hundred."

"Well, I'll send this back first Besides."

The two ran away noisily, and our team also entered the mountain. Although the high level monster is powerful, the monster in the leveling area is not as smart as the mission monster, and we are all the elite of the elite. The battle strength can only be said to be exaggerated and indescribable. It swept all the monsters all the way. Before the game, I was stunned. Killed a seven-in and seven-out in the mountains, and monsters below the thousandth level couldn't even touch our side.

We returned to Isengard an hour before the second stage Ace Guild Tournament started. We took a break and then discussed some of the problems in the previous cooperation and we started to prepare. Although there is a super nurse like Rose, you

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