Marilyn finally said it after thinking for a long time. "Actually, we were talking about the forces that cracked down on Filendil, and... and...!"

"And out of my intervention, right?"

Marilyn was surprised Looked at me, then nodded lowered his head very sorry.

I don’t care: “Actually, you don’t have to feel guilty. As an independent force, you and us really have nothing to talk about, but emotions are two-way. You’d better Understand. Give up feelings, then our relationship is a double-edged sword, which can help you push us back, and can also be used by us to hack you. But if you accept this feeling, then it can become a glue. Glue us together."

Marilyn wanted to speak, but I stopped it immediately. "No need to explain, I know everything. As the lord of one force, it is necessary to maintain your integrity, so I don't blame you. But from the perspective of your respective forces, you have indeed abandoned our ally."


I still didn't let Marilyn speak. "There is nothing to deny. The Frost Rose League is not a guide dog, we are Guide. We have paid the price for helping you up, and it is time to recover the cost."

"Huh?" Marilyn was stunned. She didn't understand what I meant by saying this.

I looked at her panicked face with an evil smile. "I know why I was in the Dark God Palace just now, why I know your thoughts but still want to help you get out of Titans's mouth? Because you are our food, I don't allow him to eat our food. Now, it's meal time I thought it was going to be a long time later, now it seems that it can start early."

"What did you do?" Marilyn finally realized that the situation was not great enemy.

"How many of the original believers of the light were there? 2 billion, right?" (including NPC here)

nodded by Marilyn Machinery.

I continued: "Then how many believers do you have after your split?"

"About 1.3 billion."

"Well then!" I began to calculate: "You have a total of 2 billion believers. This number is roughly stable. No matter how hard you work in history, whether there have been changes, then it is unlikely that there will be a sudden change in the number of people?"

Marilyn is nodded.

"Very good. The Light God Palace sent a vanguard to attack our guild for your separatist war. As a result, tens of millions of people were killed and captured, which led to a crisis of faith. There were about 100 million believers themselves. Leaving the Light God Palace. With your civil war, the total number of believers now will not exceed 1.6 billion. Can you accept this number?" Marilyn again nodded to confirm.

"Okay! 1.6 billion believers, you have 1.3 billion, so does Ferindier only have 300 million believers?"

Marlyn finally noticed the problem. Three hundred million is clearly not in line with reality. Even if there are not as many followers as her, Ferindier's believers are at least around one billion, but the total number of believers will become too much. "What's going on? I know you must know."

"Of course I know, because this is the result of our guild's work."

"You help us pull believers "Marilyn almost didn't believe the conclusion she had said.

"hahahaha! Marilyn, you are so innocent and cute! I really don’t understand why you haven’t been blacked after sitting in this dirty position for so long, or you’re just How about pretending to be innocent?" I remained calm and composed while handling pressing affairs and looked at Marilyn until a clear look appeared on her face. "It seems that you want to understand, don't you?"

"You planted a hand in our temple?"

My expression suddenly became cold and uncomfortable. "I said earlier that the Frost Rose League is not a charity. We are a primordial capital group. It is our way of behavior that we can eat everything close to us autonomously. In our eyes, only what we can eat now and what we cannot eat for the time being. Yes, there is nothing you can’t eat, do you understand?"


"Don’t say I’m dark, this is a team benefit, not a personal issue. I want to live Don’t touch these dirty things if you’re calm and cool. Now that you step into our circle, don’t keep that poor arrogance anymore, it just makes you more disgusting!"

"I... !"

"Now it is too late for you to do anything. In this month, our guild spent 600 million crystal coins to thoroughly cleanse your forces. Now there is one third among your followers. They are all our people, and the people I put in are people with battle strength, even ordinary poor people are the most aggressive. So your remaining 2/3/2021 believers are unlikely to defeat us By the way, my target is not just you. There are many of our people around Filindil, but they are not as powerful as yours."

" !"

"Want to know how I did it? It’s actually very simple. Both of you are fighting each other, and your strength will always grow, right? So you will expand wildly after the war. Strength. Although this kind of expansion quickly supplemented the strength, the problem has also come. You can’t screen such a large group of people one by one. This is a loophole. We can directly install personnel within you, and once these people are in you After gaining internal status, we can in turn put more spies in. Because we are based on mass spy delivery, new spies can continue to push our high level spies up by recommendation, so that our high level Level spies can get higher positions, and in this way, high level spies can draw more ordinary spies into your temple. Using this mutual support method, we quickly control most of the interior of the temple. The key department. Do you really think that the temple is still yours?"


"I was so excited, we spent 600 million crystal coins to do this , There is a hill on top of it! High level spies are all elites cultivated by our guild. Low-level spies are new believers who are bought with money, martial power and faith within your sphere of influence. Oh, yes, forgot to tell you. . The reason these people are willing to act as spies is because they are actually believers in the Temple of Chaos and Order."

"Temple of Chaos and Order?" Marilyn almost cried out: "It's you who do it." The Guardian God temple that will meet?"

"Correct." I smiled Said: "The thing of the temple is to first invest in the faith, and then recover the benefits from the believers. We smashed so much money down, and as a result, hundreds of millions of believers came out. They helped us hold you completely in our hands, and we have more believers. Then use your believers to attack the Dark God Palace. Of course, those who die are your true believers of light. When both the light believers and the dark believers have suffered heavy losses, the one third of us who is silent within you will tear off the disguise, and at this time the Light God Palace no longer exists, and replaced by a new temple of chaos and order. As for the miserably consumed Dark God Palace, isn't it just squashed and rounded with me? "

"You are more like a demon than Titans!" Marilyn coldly said.

"Maybe! But I prefer people to call me a demon with angel feathers. "

"You...! Marilyn suddenly remembered something as soon as she finished speaking. "Wait, why are you telling me this?" Are you afraid that I will reveal your tactics? "

"You can try. "I stretched out my hand to pat Marilyn's shoulder, but she slapped my hand angrily. I smiled and retracted my hand and said: "The vital parts of Light God Palace are all in my hands, that Goddess is not the throne, you sit with others Sitting is the same, as long as there is an angel with feathers sitting on it. There is no shortage of fallen angels in my hand, and I sit with my wings white. So you'd better understand where you are now, and don't talk to me in an even tone, so as not to upset me. Now I just ask you to go out as a prostitute to pick up guests, and you can only smile and serve the people I designate. If you understand, just be honest. If you behave well, I will let you continue to be Goddess. If you do not behave well, I will not mind opening a Goddess brothel in an area where brothels are allowed in Japan, so that those inferior races who have acknowledged allegiance under you will know theirs. What is the taste of Goddess. "

Marilyn looked at me tremblingly, trying to fight back, but couldn't say a word.

"This is your choice. "I said sadly: "How can I say it!" We are indeed demons, because we like to tempt others to sin. But we are also angels because we never force others to make mistakes. We just gave the opportunity to make mistakes. It was you yourself who went to the evil side, not that I pushed you over. If you didn't fight for power and caused heavy losses to the light forces, I would have been impossible to plant so many people inside you no matter what. After that, there is another chance that I originally hoped that you could cooperate with us and become a powerful ally. As long as everything you do is normal, I will not activate those spies. They will serve you like true believers and become your support. This also means that I help you improve your strength. But you betrayed us and wanted to get rid of us. You didn't get a good grasp of both opportunities. Even the third time, just now, I gave you one last chance. I hope you can tell the truth and want to talk about feelings with you, but unfortunately you cut off our last trust. You lied to me. What you are talking about with Ditans is not to get rid of our guild and merge the forces of Felendil, but to unite with the forces of Felendil to destroy our guild. You betrayed us again and again, which made us very sad. Since you don't throw away love, righteousness, and grace, then I won't talk about it. Let's follow the normal procedures! "

"no!" Marilyn suddenly threw herself in front of me, holding my leg and crying: "Please, give me another chance. I promise...! "

I kicked Marilyn back to the seat. "Take away your guarantee, that thing is not as good as a fart." Your guarantee is worthless! I am a person of affection. The six hundred million dollars spent helped me get a large number of believers, and they would bring back about seven or eight billion in return, so that I would have a profit of one or two billion. However, that is because of the existence of your friend. Now you are no longer a friend. According to our guild's usual style, what you spend out is ten times the amount of money back. I will squeeze the Light God Palace completely, and after the profit of 6 billion crystal coins is recovered, Light God Palace will completely disappear in this world. "

"You can't do this. "Marlyn tried to jump up again, but I kicked it out. This time she tried a little harder, and she flew directly out of the car.

All the hooters in the team turned their heads around. , But miraculously, none of them moved or said anything. I walked down from the carriage and kicked Marilyn who had just gotten up again. "You are not as good as your younger sister, even though you are older than you Small, but she is a hundred times smarter than you. Do you know why I know you are in the Dark God Palace? Your younger sister Yuna told me. "

Marilyn did not listen to me at all, but hurriedly called the people around her. "What are you doing standing there?" Come and kill him for me. "

The Templar Knight who was accompanying came over. I looked back at them and said, "Go back, don't pretend." It's time! "

The Templar Knights saluted me immediately, then returned to their position and let me beat their Goddess. After seeing Marilyn’s surprised eyes, I laughed. "Shocked, isn’t it? ? That's right. these all are my people. Your younger sister Yuna is also ours. She had been to Isinger before, in the name of helping you, but in fact it was after a close conversation with us. She knows that you are not a person who can keep your promise, but she doesn't want to lose your elder sister, so she signed an agreement with us. "

"She betrayed me? Marilyn yelled angrily.

I went up and slapped her, slapped her with blood. "You crazy woman!" You don't have feelings for Black Widow. Yuna used her to make a deal with us. She will become our highest level spy at Light God Palace, and the task is to notify us to stop you when you do stupid things, and she will be captured when you are back Become Goddess instead of you. Do you know what the reward she wants? "

"Remuneration? What kind of compensation does she have to get the position of Goddess? "

Slap. I slapped Marilyn again. "You really have nothing to do!" are you an idiot? Your younger sister simply doesn't care about the location of Goddess. Besides, she is different from you, she is our spy, and she knows that Light God Palace is already an empty shell. Does the position of Goddess have any meaning in this situation? That position has only responsibility but no rights. People with a little brain will not want to sit in that position. Your younger sister wants to take on these responsibilities for you to offset our anger towards you. The only condition for her to trade with us is that once you have done something irreversible, you can't hurt you, and you must be handed over to her under house arrest intact. She is worrying about you and giving everything for you. You still suspect that she is robbing you of your position! At the beginning I really thought you were a pure silly girl! didn't expect you are more vicious than me! "

"I...I...! "

"You will only be Yuna's elder sister from now on, apart from this you are nothing. When you come out to see Titans this time, Yuna already knows that you are going to do something wrong. I didn't expect that I happened to be near your temple, and she found me and hinted me about you. As a precautionary arrangement, the protectors in these teams are all spies that your younger sister has replaced, in order to secretly escort you to us for house arrest. Although you are Goddess, your magic is powerful. With so many melee combatants, you should not think about running away. "I waved back when I finished speaking." Take her up. "

Marlyn was escorted into the car by four Paladins, and the Knights simply sat in the car and looked at her. I didn’t bother to talk about humanity and morality with her fellow who has brain issues. Just ride the night shadow with the rest of the Knights.

Marilyn is just a stronger angel, she is nothing without the right. Religion is a very magical thing. Gods don’t necessarily need power, they don’t really need to exist. Gods in reality don’t exist, but various religions are still booming. The game is nothing more than embodied the Spirit Tool of God. So Ma It’s not a big problem whether there is actually Lilian like this. If a sect needs to use his main god to fight, then he is not far from destruction.

We escorted Marilyn all the way to Tianyu City entered, and after a short walk, there was a sudden sound of horseshoes in the rear. The sound of the other party was very fast and there were a lot of them. In order to avoid accidents, I asked everyone to lean on the side of the road. This place is not far from the city and is already the main trunk. Yes, the road is very wide. It shouldn't be a blockage incident.

Because we have a carriage in our team, we can’t get up quickly, and the opponent quickly overtakes us. These people are all wearing Knights. Armor, riding high-level war horses, some of them are devil beast Knights. The chaotic equipment is probably the player team. The cavalry team of more than 300 people shuaa ran past us and did not pay attention to us. After all, the players Carriage is rarely used. If you see the carriage, you can be sure that it is an NPC team. So generally no one will pay attention to the team with passenger carriage, except of course the robbers.

We haven’t been after the first team of cavalry passed. When it came time to walk in the middle of the road, another group of cavalry rushed over. This time there were more people, about a thousand people, and some Knights also had mages behind them. Behind the second team, there was a third team. The fourth cavalry team then became an endless cavalry battallion, passing by us like a train. It looks like they are on the way, but there is only my Tianyu City ahead, except There is no other place over there. Did they go to Tianyu City? No! Tianyu City is not open to ordinary guild people, except for the guild players, there are only a few guild people who have permission Only through. I know all the signs of the permitted guilds. These people are obviously not from those guilds just now. What did they do in the past? Could it be that they didn’t go to war?

A Knight approached me Said: "Master Purple Moon, are we going to avoid it in the woods? Seeing this, they went to Tianyucheng. "

Even the NPC can see it, of course I wouldn't fail to see it. After thinking about it, it's still nodded: "You guys avoid the woods first, I'll see the situation first. Take Marilyn up to me, don't let her run away. "

"Yes. "NPCTemplar Knight saluted me, and then waved, the carriage team quickly turned into a narrow animal path.

As soon as I pulled the reins, Ye Ying immediately started running with her legs, a few steps already on her feet. The void went up to the top of the tree. Standing high and looking forward, I saw that Grandiose’s cavalry team was driving towards the direction of Tianyu City. However, I was relieved that the cavalry did not fight under the city wall, but went smoothly. I ran in through the open door. There were no fireworks in the city, and there shouldn't be a war. Then who should have ordered the passage of the city gate.

"Purple Moon? What are you doing on it? "A voice suddenly appeared below me.

"Ashford? "As soon as I lowered my head, I saw Ashford with a squad standing on the edge of the road below me.

First let Night Shadow fall to the ground, and then I curiously asked: "What are these cavalry? What's the matter? "

"Huh? do not you know? "Ashford is more surprised than I am.

"Anything I need to know? "

Axiu Fude said immediately: "Today the liaison officer of your guild suddenly ran to me and told me that a large number of cavalry soldiers need to be gathered, regardless of whether it is a player or an NPC. But you can’t use the mounts purchased from the system. If you are a player, you must carry a pet-type mount, and there is no limit to the number. As long as the level is over 600, everyone can get ten. Crystal coins. I sent three messages in a row in one morning to urge me, forcing me to spend money to hire people across the country for publicity to gather so many people. After a long time, you didn’t even know. Could it be your guild’s liaison who played with me? "

"It shouldn't be! "

"Don't do it! If you are really fooling me, you will be responsible for compensation. Those people only came when they heard about the money. Now that so many people were gathered, they suddenly said that they were playing tricks. Then they turned around and didn't take me apart? "

"I don't think it's playing you. It's probably Rose who made the decision. I just went up to see that the cavalry was entering the city. Tianyu City does not allow ordinary players to enter. Since they have entered, they must have been notified to let them go, so they will definitely not be playing tricks on you. "

"It's pretty much the same. "Axiu Fude finally relaxed. These cavalrymen were all hired by him, and we didn't show up. When the time comes, if we don't admit it, these Knights will definitely ask him to settle accounts." Ashford pointed to the front: "We enter Let's talk about the city? "

"Okay. "I whistled into the forest. "It's okay, come out." "

Seeing a battallion cavalry running out of Ashford with a carriage, I also found it strange. "What's in the car?" Why use carriage? "

"important figure. "

"important figure? Could it be...? "

"Don't guess. It's not what you think it is anyway. "

Ashford smirked. "I thought you were outside a golden house to keep one's mistress!" I heard that you Chinese men like to steal fishy after getting married. "

"Damn, why don't you hear about it and just ask for gossips?" Okay, I'll be serious with you. Didn't the people who came tell you what to call the cavalry? "

Axiu Fude shook his head. "Anyway, the liaison officer appointed by your guild asked me to call in cavalry after I ran in the morning. I thought I was going to call in within a few days. Who knew that I was asked to arrive on the same day. I didn't stop this morning and my leg broke! "

"che, if we really convened it, it would definitely pay for it. Moreover. "I glanced at the cavalry behind Ashford. "You really spare no effort to make extra money?" "

"hehe! I'm helping others and myself. If you want people and I want money, do you both benefit? "

Let’s talk about arriving in Tianyu City in a noisy way. When I first entered the city, I found that all the cavalrymen were running along the road towards the center of the city. There should be the location of the Transnational Transmission Formation. I looked at the city gate before. To the hanging banner, it read: "All the levied cavalry keep moving forward along the road, directly into the Transmission Formation, and someone over there responds. "The city is not much better than the outside. There are signs indicating roads everywhere.

We followed the cavalry into the transnational Transmission Formation, but before we chose the target, it was automatically passed out. The Transmission Formation was passed on. It is set up as a one-way fixed-point transmission. As long as someone goes up, it will automatically send people to the designated location. You are simply not allowed to choose the destination. When we came out, we found ourselves standing on a grassland. At the foot is a strange altar, but the area is It’s huge.

"Don’t stand still, just walk forward. Pay attention to the signs in the sky. "A huge voice echoed continuously over the altar, reminding everyone to make room. With such a large-scale cavalry influx at the same time, you can imagine how huge the number of people here is.

I As soon as I came out, I knew that the entrance was not only the one in Tianyu City, because there were many NPCs and players with the logo of the guild among the people who came out of the exit here, and there were even black cavalry in it. The people here should be from the world. Collected from all parts of the world.

Who gave this order? Why are so many cavalry from all over the world sent to this prairie? (To be continued, if you want to know what will happen, please log in WWW.CMFU.COM, more chapters, support authors, support genuine reading!)

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