On the huge grassland where no one can be found, there are still cavalry rushing out continuously at this time, and the broadcast in the sky has not stopped. There are several huge balloons floating in front of us, with banners hanging under them. I took a look, and what was written on it was something indicating the path. The middle banner reads: "Air Cavalry, please turn back", the left banner reads: "Personnel above level 800, turn left", the right banner reads: "Personnel below level 800 Turn right."

According to the written instructions, the new cavalry immediately began to separate on three sides. But the strange thing is that some people are walking forward, and they don't seem to care about the words above their heads. After a closer look, I discovered that the players who moved forward were all teams of players from the guild. I immediately took Ashford and them into the crowd of my own guild. After we moved forward for a while, we really found a large gathering spot. At least a million people have gathered here. The terrifying team is huge, and you can't see the side at all. After careful confirmation, this one million cavalry phalanx is a super team composed entirely of NPCs and players from the guild, and it seems to be constantly increasing.

There are also eight cavalry formations on the left and right sides of the cavalry formation in this guild, almost all of which are about the same size. In other words, there are almost tens of millions of cavalry gathered here, so what exactly do such terrifying numbers do?

"Huh? President? Are you back?" A member suddenly stopped me.

"What's the matter? What is this doing?"

"Major event!" The player pointed to the front and said, "I still have a task, I can't explain it now. You should go ahead and ask Hong Yue Vice-President!"

"Oh, then you should be busy!"

After the member left, he immediately shouted for the cavalry to form a team quickly. There are a large number of players behind with a team of cavalry madly gathering into the team. Ashford pulled me and said: "Let’s go ahead, right?"

"Oh, okay."

Ashford scattered all the cavalry he brought. After I went out and asked them to join the cavalry as instructed, he himself followed me to the high level officer area. Hong Yue and the backbone of the guild are all here, and the number of people is really quite large. But what surprised me most was that not only the players in the guild, I actually saw Vena and Vader, and even Noreen appeared here.

"What the hell happened?" I nervously walked into the crowd and asked.

Ziyue jumped on me. "Brother."

"Aiya! Come down quickly. What happened?"

"Don't be nervous, it's a happy event." Eagle calmly said: "Our guild won the prize. "I won the prize?"

Hong Yue smiled and said: "It's a super prize."

"What the hell is going on? Say it! I want to die, am I?"

Ziyue smiled and hung on my back and said: "Just after you left the floating island this morning, there was a sound above Isengard. Communication, there are already ten guilds in the world whose Slaughter Value has reached 100,000 points, so the system has launched a super contest."

"Super contest? Who has more cavalry in the competition?"


"Aiya, of course not! Didn't you see that all of our new purchases are high level cavalry? If there are more people, we will not buy those cheaper low-level cavalry?"

< p>"Will you explain it to me clearly?"

"Let me do it!" The rose suddenly appeared behind me.

"You are back? How are you doing?" Eagle asked Rose.

Rose nodded with a smile said: "Is there anything I can do when I go out?"

"What are you talking about?"

Rose said: "Let me speak! We received this competition task after you left this morning, and nine other guilds have also received tasks like us. The tasks of these ten guilds are determined by lottery. As for the rewards of the tasks. It’s all the same, it’s all determined by drawing lots. So I let Jixiang Ruyi draw lots, and the result was a special prize."

"This task is the special prize?"

" No, the tasks and rewards are tied together, and the high reward tasks are difficult. Currently we have the most difficult task, which is the offensive side."

"Attack? Who to attack? The nine guilds Is it?"

"No." Rose explained: "The task was auspicious. As a result, he drew an offensive and defensive finals task, that is, ten guilds in teams of two to engage in a match. This is probably The game is the most advantageous way for us. Because our guild is the strongest, the difficulty of the task is reduced in the match. And we are fortunate to draw the worst of the ten guilds as our opponent. Do you think it’s right? Grand prize?"

"It's really good luck!"

Ziyue smiled and said: "Of course. Lucky and lucky are infinitely great. How many times you draw is a special prize."

"So what about the specific content of the mission? Is it a plain decisive battle?"

"Not exactly. The content of the mission is staged." Rose explained in detail: "The first part of the mission It’s a pursuit. Our target will set off one hour earlier than us, but we can’t assemble troops within this hour, because once the Transmission Formation is officially started, we will only be allowed to leave and not enter. The speed of assembling troops is a matter of course. One of the strengths of the guild, so this task is also taken into account. Everyone is notified at the same time, no one takes advantage. If you have to say luck, it means that the Europeans are more lucky. They are just right in this time period. It’s a time when there are a lot of people online, but today’s holiday is not a disadvantage to other countries."

"What will you do after you have assembled the troops?"

"The opponent will Get a task item, but because the task has not yet started, we don’t know what to grab for the time being. Anyway, there is such a target that needs to be grabbed. The other side’s task is to safely escort the target to the destination. Once the other side enters the city, the task is The nature will change immediately. We will change from chasing battles to siege battles. However, it is not the final task to win the city. The fundamental task is to grab the target."

"Then we won? You do it. With so many cavalry, the opponent was beaten up about halfway through, so how can I still use the second stage?"

"Theoretically, this is exactly what I did so much at my expense. ride The reason for the pawn is to solve the battle at the 1st stage and avoid entering the battle at the second stage. But this is hard to say. In case the thing that needs to be escorted is very small, and the other party happens to have some very fast flying creatures directly escorting things to the city, then we will definitely not be able to catch up. After all, they will set off an hour earlier than us. Maybe we haven’t. When they moved, their vanguard had already reached their destination. "

I thought for a while and said: "If we enter a siege battle, we won't be unable to win. It's just a waste of cavalry to attack the city, but victory shouldn't be a problem. "

Rose said: "I said before that the target entered the city, not that the opponent's soldiers entered the city. According to the rules of the game, once the opponent enters the city, they will get a supplement of five to one. That is to say, every five of them enter the city, the system will make up an NPC for them. Therefore, we must consume the opponent's number in advance and try not to let them. People enter the city. Also, there is a time limit for the entire game, and the time is not counted from the beginning of the game, but counted from the entry of the opponent's escort into the city. Once that thing enters the urban war, it counts down, and the time is only three hours. "

"You mean that as long as the target item enters the city three hours later, if we haven't snatched it back, then the game will be considered a failure, right? "

"Correct. "Rose said: "But this situation shouldn't happen. This time I asked all the combatants to have high-speed mounts, so even if they can't keep up with the opponent's item to enter the city, at least we can stop their troops. As long as there is no guard in the city, what is there to be afraid of in an empty city? "

"How simple is the task?" "

"Yes. However, this is only a knock-out competition in five tenths of a year, and the subsequent projects will have to draw lots. And this confrontation plug is only between us and the guild drawn by us. The mission methods of the remaining eight guilds may be different. They will be sent to different regions to compete. "

"Where are we now?" "I asked.

"This is a map dedicated to the game, not connected to the regular world! "

"So what is the task reward? "

"Specify the destination to copy once. "

"Huh? "I don't understand the meaning of roses.

Ziyue, who is still hanging on my back, said: "Just to make a copy of the thing you want. Then Ruyi pointed at Isinger with her fat paw at the time, and as a result, the task reward became a copy of Isinger. If the mission is successful, we will be able to place a fully replicated Isinger at the designated location of the mission on the official map. Except for the personnel and some special items that are not allowed to appear in the second copy without copying, even the materials in the warehouse will be The same one appears again. "

"Damn! This rewards me for liking. "

Rose smiled and said: "I took a break by the way. Because the game has not officially started, Isinger’s current state has not been recorded yet. I am asking everyone to move various materials to Isinger. Hold on. "

Ashford interrupted and said: "It's no surprise that you borrowed all the magic crystals from our guild, and after doing it for a long time, you copied it. Let me talk about it first, I want interest! "

"Didn't we negotiate with you a long time ago and give you 10% interest?" "

Axiu Fude said: "I knew I would be 50%!" What a miscalculation! "

"hahaha! Who told you not to investigate clearly first. "I said proudly: "By the way, let the fleet return to the port, and drive back the insect race castles by the way. Let's make a copy together. "

"It's up to you. We recalled everything we could rush and return. "

I asked: "How long does it take to start?" "

Rose looked at the time. "Thirty minutes. "

I'm nodded. "That's right. You at first promised to give these people ten crystal coins as long as they came to the scene. Ten crystal coins are probably not enough to fight? There are tens of millions of mercenaries here, how can we give so much money? When the time comes, all the money from the deputy's salary will give us another Isinger! "

"Are you worried about losing money with me?" "Rose said proudly: "That! listen. The current Isinger is actually composed of Isinger Phantom Twin Cities on the ground, Isinger’s Inner City located deep in the earth's crust, and Isinger’s Mobile Fortress in the clouds. The Twin Phantom Cities can actually be regarded as two cities. In this way, one copy is four. We have four more cities, the value of which is about six billion crystal coins. Do you think this is not enough for salary? in addition. Except for cities, the materials we temporarily moved in can almost replicate the value of 300 million crystal coins. and also. I just went out to contact the news agency. The Union News Network of the European Union took the entire video copyright of the guild in this competition at a price of 700 million crystal coins, which is enough to pay wages. "

The eagle cocked his hand beside him and said, "Seven hundred million?" Oh my god! You really can make money! "

"Small meaning. Rose said: "As long as we don't lose, we can make a good match." Even if it fails, it will not lose money. Anyway, news copyright is enough to pay for the expedition. Of course, it is better to win. Moreover, after the top five Battle of Supremacy may have rewards. "

"Yes, this battle must be fought well. The ten guilds selected by the system are probably the ten strongest guilds in the world. If we can get the first place, then we will at least have a shocking reputation, no matter who we fight in the future, we will be able to win the opponent first in the imposing manner. This is more important than money. "

Hong Yue said: "My opinion is that Purple Moon himself should go after the target. Your bird is the fastest flying creature in this guild, and the long spear can't keep up with him. If you are alone, you may be able to intercept the target before the opponent arrives. What's more, your familiars are scary. If the other party really only sends a few people to escort them, maybe they can let you grab the things directly, then we will save trouble, and we will directly win! "

"It's unlikely to be so lucky, right? "Hawk asked in disbelief.

Rose said, "Don't tell me, maybe it's really possible!" "

"As soon as that time comes, I will chase. "I thought about it and said again: "That's right. You transferred everyone here, what about our city? What if someone else takes advantage of this time to attack our city? "

"Don't worry. The system gives a super suppression function. During the battle, the city's defense is invincible, and the attack power of all its personnel and defensive equipment in the city will be strengthened by a hundred times. It can be said that during this period of time, it can be instantly dropped by seeing people. However, it is only within the sphere of influence of the guild, so this loophole cannot be used to attack other people's cities. "

"Then I can rest assured. "

After everyone's discussion, we started to use this time to reorganize our troops, and put players from our guild among the recruited players and NPC teams as commanders. This grassland is full of Cavalry, we divided them into multiple echelons according to everyone's speed characteristics, put the speed in the front, so as to ensure that they can catch up with the enemy as soon as possible, as long as they drag them out of the city, it is easy to handle.

A few minutes before the start, we finally completed the work of the whole team. I rode the night shadow in the air and felt that there were people underneath. This cavalry formation was invisible to the front, back, left, and right. I asked the person in charge of the inventory to know that this time I arrived. There are more than 17 million players, and the number of NPCs is more than 60 million. The super cavalry team composed of nearly 80 million cavalry, no wonder you can’t see the sides, thanks to this is a virtual prairie. There are really so many cavalry gathered on Earth. When they ran over, the grassland should be gone. They were all stepped into mud!

After completing the task of the whole team, Rose used the overall transaction method. Those players paid some employment fees. As for the latter part, they only paid a deposit first, and then set up a transaction contract in the system. As long as the task is over, they will naturally get the remaining part, and we don’t need to pay the money one by one.

tournament time came soon, and the system hint suddenly sounded above our heads. "Bounty Mission, the certificate of the Holy League, started. Attention, players of the Frost Rose League, in order to prove your strength, you must grab the Proof of the Holy League. What you see now is the proof of the Holy League. "

A translucent phantom suddenly appeared in the sky in front of us. It was placed so large that everyone could see it. However, I realized it when I noticed the part below it. In fact, this illusion hasn’t been enlarged much, because this thing is actually a sculpture. Underneath it is a large carriage, and now the horse next to the carriage is only four or five times the size of a normal horse, which means that the thing has only been enlarged four or five times. According to this ratio, the actual height of the sculpture in the illusion should be about forty meters high. It is definitely a big guy.

Rose next to me said: "Now don’t worry about them putting this The gadget is in town! "

"I think so too! "This thing is so big, even if it is wood, it must weigh more than 20 tons. If it is stone, it must be more than 100 tons. It's strange that the opponent can run fast with such a big guy!"

The sculptural shape shown by the phantom is very strange. Except for a square base, there is a circle of winding lines on it, like an abstract flame sculpture. I can’t see it anyway. What's the meaning of it. But in any case, the value of this thing is definitely not less than that of a city, and it is also bundled with our other rewards. Don't want other things if you don't take it down, so I argue No matter how we can't give up.

The system hint is still going on. "The Proof of the Holy League is one of the three-piece set, and its function is to suppress all auxiliary Divine Idol effects, and the scope of action is unlimited. Please try to prove that you are worthy of him! "

As the last sound ended, the translucent light curtain that had been rippling in front of us suddenly disappeared. It seems that the game has officially started. But we can’t move yet, because the light curtain is Disappeared, but the same light curtain was still behind it. After an hour, the light curtain disappeared before it was time for us to attack.

We stood behind the light curtain and looked forward, suddenly A big hole appeared in the sky, and then white light flashed. A large group of people appeared on the light curtain in front of us, but what attracted my attention was the abstract sculpture among them. That was the one we just saw. As evidence of the Holy League, the identity of this group of people is also very obvious, they are our opponents. But a little bit surprised, the opponent is actually a guild in an African country, and the players are almost all black.

Maybe they didn’t know beforehand that they would be teleported over by the group. They were also taken aback after they came out. They were dumbfounded when they noticed the cavalry standing behind them who couldn’t see the side. It took a few minutes for someone to react. After shouting, the opponent’s team started to form a team quickly. In fact, there are quite a few of them, and it is estimated that they have also hired a lot of helpers. The total strength is not much less than ours, but the number of cavalry is not much.

Although their team is He quickly started to move forward, but a black young man who looked like he was only a teenager rode a black lion and walked to the light curtain. There were two people behind this guy. It seemed that this little fellow was still a leader. He glanced at the situation here, and then fixed his gaze on me. The cavalry formation on our side was very neat, and I was standing in front with a group of people, and there was no one by my side. , Obviously I am the leader.

The young man driven the mount to the opposite side of me, and across the light curtain he drew his long knife, and then bounced it. Then he raised his head, He used his thumb to make a gesture of wiping the neck, and then he pointed at me again. The meaning was obvious, he was challenging me.

I didn’t speak, just raised my right hand and pointed at me. The left wrist meant to make him pay attention to the time. He immediately showed a look of dissatisfaction, but the people next to him said something in his ears, he gave the man a little angrily, and then said to me What’s wrong. I didn’t realize that the light curtain was actually soundproof until this time. I couldn’t hear what he said. He might have noticed, but he didn’t continue to compare paintings, but turned and left.

< p>There is no cavalry, and with such a big thing, the opponent's speed is really slow. The worst thing is that when the sculpture is in their hands, only a few horses and a special large carriage are attached. This horse The number is obviously not enough, simply can’t pull the car, and they have to use some large devil beasts. But even so, they can only slow down. Move forward slowly, with this thing, simply does not raise. If our guild acts as the defender, it is estimated that Rose will get Dragonfly Castle. Although that guy is not big in the insect race fortress, he still has no problem hanging three to four hundred tons.

Seeing the other person go away, we can only watch from here. Seeing that the time is almost running out, Rose uses sound amplification magic to say to the back: "Everyone is a temporary recruit. There may be big problems in cooperation, so don't accommodate each other. After the barrier is removed, you will run quickly. Run first, and the slow one is behind. Once you meet the enemy, just line up and rush directly up."

"Understand" "I know"... There was a large mess of answers from behind, no A guild person really can't do it!

When there is one minute, Rose reminds me that I can start. I let the night shadow float to in midair, and then re-emerge eternity and point to the sky. Raising the sword with one hand and slowly drawing a circle towards the sky, until the barrier in front of me suddenly disappeared, I simultaneously waved forward fiercely. Just listen to the chaotic noise of the cavalry beasts below, and all the cavalry start at the same time, and the earth begins to vibrate violently in an instant.

To put away the night shadow, I summoned out of Asuka and jumped on it. Pat the armor of Asuka. "Come on!"

Four flames burst out from behind the bird, and I just felt a huge pressure, and followed my body violently forward. Asuka unexpectedly used a supersonic assault directly from a static state, and the people below only saw a flash above their heads and I disappeared.

The speed of the guys in front is only about the same as the infantry, and they didn't run far in an hour. Asuka's supersonic assault was so fast that it almost immediately came behind them. I rode the Asuka directly over their heads to a certain distance in front of the team, and then I jumped off the Asuka. Put the space door on the ground, and then open the Fenglong space. "It's up to you."

Scott took the sword and drew a line under his feet: "Don't worry! Never let that thing jump over here."

The tank just got past Climbing out of the Phoenix Dragon Space, he immediately unfolded: "Look at me to blast off the carriage first, and I will see how they lift the thing."

"Stop." I hurriedly stopped the tank. . "You can go down the carriage and the sculptures are scattered, don't mess with me. Use half power to blow up the Vanguard Team in front of them, and get me out of those riding beasts."

"Understand ."

Taking advantage of the tank fire suppression opportunity, Skye quickly summoned the bell tone Knight and the evil spirit Knight. Anyway, there are nearly 10,000 people on my side. Although it can be said to be less than one-thousandth of the forces on the opposite side, I am not going to fight them decisively, as long as I block them for a few minutes. The cavalry is very fast and can catch up in ten minutes. Now I think it’s really important to have a good think tank. If Rose didn’t think of a large number of cavalry squadrons, this kind of battle would be really hard to handle!

I ended up here, and the person on the opposite side opened up a charging formation, obviously desperate. The victory or defeat of this battle depends on what I can't stop it! (To be continued, if you want to know what's going on, please visit WWW.CMFU.COM, there are more chapters, authors are supported, and genuine reading is supported!)

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