"Next." I threw a money bag backhand into the woman's hand behind it.

The woman instinctively caught the purse. "What are you doing?"

"Don't you just want me to pay for the damaged things? These should be enough."

"We don't...!"

"Don't explain to me, everyone is very busy, so let's not delay each other's time. Don't send it." After I looked towards the sacred guest on the ground, this kid was still there with twisting notes. The same as the eel coming ashore. "Hey, kid, don't bother, you can't get out."

"That's not necessarily." Suddenly white light flashed on the kid's wrists and ankles, and the blades of grass that entangled him immediately flew away. stand up. "Haha, goodbye to you! Hmm?" Before he got up, he realized that there was something wrapped around his waist.

The ground vibrated suddenly, and then the ground completely turned over. The huge branches of the rose vine emerged from the ground, and one of them was still connected to the waist of the Shenke. I smiled very proudly. "Since you know who I am, you should also know what I'm good at?"

"Asshole who draws on the power of others, what is there to show off?" Shenke seemed to be very disdainful of my behavior.

I shook the head with a smile: "Why are youngsters so rebellious now? Or maybe I'm old?"

"You are a trash before you get old, just rely on You can catch me too?" The white rays of light suddenly appeared beside the Shenke, and then all the branches of the rose vine were cut off. With the help of the branch when the pedal bounced off, the Shenke jumped out at an unimaginable speed.

Watching that guy fly to a height of half a day, I shook the head with a wry smile. "Tank!"

"I'm ready." The tank is so fast that it immediately expands into launch mode as soon as it exits the Fenglong space.

I roughly looked at Shenke’s flight position, and then pointed to his landing site in front of me. "Delay for three seconds and send it to him. Note that the formidable power shouldn't be too big. If it blows up, I have to go to the whole world to find him!"


End of explanation After that, I jumped onto Ye Ying and chased it. The tank opened fire only after we ran for a while, and immediately returned to Fenglong space after the launch. The Shenke guy was falling after flying far away. The guardian heard a loud noise behind him. Looking back, a purple ball of light was dangling towards him. Although the flying speed of the magic crystal shell is very slow, no matter how slow it is, it is also a shell, which is always faster than a human. At first, the Shenke felt that the cannonball seemed to be fired inaccurately, but after a while, it was discovered that the cannonball had actually moved towards his landing position. Although he wants to get out of the way, this guy can't fly, and he can't do anything while in the air.

There are two sides to everything. The strongest is the weakest. Good jumping ability seems to be an advantage, but once you jump up, it is your most vulnerable moment before landing. The Shenke landed on the front and back feet of the shell without any deviation, a loud explosion sound, and he flew forward and blew up a hungry dog.

"Bah......!" Shenke pulled his head out of the ground, spit out the mud and grass blades in his mouth, and saw a red glow flying over in just a moment. "Damn!" He rolled to the side, and the red light plowed the ground and flew over. Before he was relieved, a beam of light suddenly flew over. This time it was a white light, but it seemed more dangerous. Shenke quickly jumped up and flashed three steps out. The ground exploded after he jumped away, as if it had been hit by a cannonball. "Wow..." The sage didn't expect who just paid attention to the ground was suddenly hit hard behind him, and he flew out sideways.

The Shenke who landed again just wanted to get up, and suddenly felt heavier on his back. I stepped him back on the ground with one foot. "How do you feel? You are not my opponent at all!"

Rose jumped off the back of Ye Ying, and then walked to us to look at the sage on the ground. "Give you a chance, how about cooperating with us?"

"The beauty of thinking." Shenke suddenly lifted me out, although I didn't fall, he slammed behind Rose. , A small dagger was placed on Rose's neck. "Hahahaha! I just said that I can't beat you, how about it? Your women have come to me!" This guy actually wanted to rub Rose's cheek with his face after he finished speaking.

Rose felt his behavior, frowned. The Shenke suddenly felt that his wrist was caught. With a fierce force from Rose, the Shenke immediately grabbed the dagger because of the loose muscles. Following Rose, he squatted fiercely. As soon as his arm circled the person, he came to the back of the god guest, and the dagger on the ground flicked on the toe, and the dagger flew again, but it was in Rose's hand. Rose held the dagger against this guy's throat, sliding up and down evilly. "Who taught you to kidnap a lady? Don’t you know what a gentleman’s demeanor is?"

Rose is a special person trained by an authentic spy, and later learned Tai Chi and became a Dragon Clan. Strengthened. Dealing with a little doll who has not undergone any fighting training is this not just reaching over to snatch away the grain?

Shenke didn't figure out what was going on until the dagger was placed on his neck. Just now he was holding the dagger against someone else, and it was the other way around in less than a second. The contrast is too big!

"Are you game administrators?"

The words of the Shenke surprised me. "You don't know who we are?"

"Why should I know?"

"Then what did you see us running?" Rose asked.

"The last time he saw me hang up, I know him." Shenke pointed at me. "He just stared at me after the Transmission Formation, and his eyes were clearly directed at me. I thought you were going to blackmail me with this."

The rose changed her arm very concealedly. Position, put two fingers on this guy’s neck, and then continue to ask: "Do you really only know that we saw you hang up?"

"Of course, can this be fake?" God The guest said aggrievedly.

Slap. Rose turned him around and slapped him with a big slap, then turned the handle back again and put a dagger against his neck before he could react. "You are only twenty years old? You learned to lie at such a young age?"

"Who told you that I was only twenty years old?"

Rose suddenly realized: "Yes. , I almost forgot. Your body was modified by yourself, and this body shouldn’t be what it is. But has your appearance not changed much?"

"A real man can't be renamed If you don’t change your surname, let alone change your face? Since you are not an administrator and are not trying to blackmail me, who are you?"

I laughed. "Want to know? Think about what you did?"

"What did I do to me?" Rose turned him around again, slapped her hand again, but failed this time Fan arrived, and this guy caught it quickly. "I hate others slapped me in the face!" said the Shenke suddenly shaking Rose's hand. No matter how powerful Rose is, she is still a girl after all. The body outside the game can't provide power for the characters in the game, so her game character is still comparable to girl, whose strength cannot be compared with this guy, and she was thrown out at once. He saw the rose being thrown away and immediately wanted to counteract it, but he didn't know that the rose rolled on the ground and got up again. After he rushed forward, he slammed a punch, but Rose grabbed his arm and moved forward with his strength. The Shenke was completely unable to control his body and rushed forward because of the strength of his punches and the traction of Rose. When he rushed past Rose, Rose casually swiped his foot on his calf, and while holding his neck with his arm, the guy immediately flew up and flew out like a superman.

Slap. This guy came again with a hungry dog ​​and gnawed at the mud. Rose clapped her hands and walked over. "I advise you not to think that I am a mage and want to make a bad idea. I have learned to fight, and you are not an opponent."

"Tank." I opened the Phoenix Dragon space again.

"What's the matter?" When the tank came out and found the target very close, I didn't know what I wanted him to do.

"Step on him, be careful not to crush him to death."

The tank stepped on obediently. The Shenke originally wanted to run, but ended up getting a kick again. Picked it off. The tank used his forelimbs to directly put his attack on this guy. He struggled desperately underneath, but it seemed that he was carrying a mountain on his back, and the tank on it didn't move.

I walked over and kicked his bare head and arms. "Don't bother, the tank leg weighs at least two or three tons. It's still a bit of his force. If you put it all on you, you will have to spray manure on both ends now."

"I don't I will succumb."

"I didn't intend to make you succumb." I squatted down and patted his face. "Do you want to know who I am? Let me give you a hint. I know you are a very difficult to deal with hacker, but you have hacked into a network system that you simply shouldn't watch. Do you have an impression?"

Shenke, the kid Ha is really not ordinary arrogant, and immediately yelled loudly. "The Central Intelligence Agency, the British Intelligence Agency, and the Chinese Dragon Net, which one I haven't read? Don't you...?" This kid was finally impressed.

"Do you remember anything?"

"Are you from Longyuan?"

I smiled and patted his face. "Not stupid."

"Are you really from Longyuan?" This guy obviously didn't believe it.

"Do I have to lie to you?"

"haha! You really are from the Dragon Fate. Then what part of you are you? The espionage department? The research department? Or... Could it be the special team of Plan B?" He immediately affirmed when he saw our staring boss: "That's right, it seems that you are indeed a plan B member group." He asked very excitedly: "Then you are beast soldiers. Or synthetic lifeform? Or strengthen human? Or something else?"

Rose went up and gave him a kick. "How much did you read about Long Yuan?"

"Not much, just a little bit." This guy was very proud. "Putting it that way, are you really special forces? haha! I thought that Dragon Yuan’s database contains fantasy novels! It seems that the research reports are true! Are you really as strong as Superman? "

I said bitterly: "I don't know which one of us or Superman is better, but I know you are going to be useless."

"It doesn't matter, you can't find it. It’s mine."

"What do you think the thing we glued on your head is? Ornaments?"

"Dragon Fate's technical power is really great. But. No matter how strong it is, you are just a group of Earth people, and no matter how good the technology is, it is also Earth technology."

I and Rose looked at each other and instantly understood what each other meant. Rose bowed her head and asked: "You mean you don't use Earth technology, do you? That means you have alien relics in your hands, right?"

"Huh? You also know the relics. "

"There are more than one ruins, all of the world." I put my sword against his finger. "What did you find? Tell me!"

"Why should I tell you? Ah...ah..." His arrogant expression didn't last long, because I cut off one of his Finger. He is currently in the bloody mode, and his pain experience will be strengthened by 1.5 times. If his fingers are cut off, of course, he will feel painful hovered between life and death.

"Will you tell me now?" I smiled like a demon.

"I will never...ah...!" He lost another finger.

"There are eight more. How many roots do you want to say?" I still smiled when I threatened, like a waiter asking him what to order. But what I asked him to point now was his own finger.

"Two balls." Shenke finally succumbed. "I got two black metal balls, which are slightly larger than basketballs."

"Do you know what they are?" We actually know that it is a computer, but we want to know what the gods know do not know.

"It's a computer." Yousi replied politely: "I deciphered the connection program, it is indeed two computers."

Me and Rose gasped. . Isn't this kid too genius? Even the computer left by the aliens can decipher it.

I continued to ask: "How did you discover that there were two computers? And, how did you use them."

Shenke said with a trembling voice:" At first I didn’t know what it was, but because it was a metal shell and the shape was too regular, I thought it must be a man-made object. I accidentally hit a switch and three small holes were opened on it. I used Looking through a magnifying glass, I found that there seemed to be a lot of metal reeds in the hole, just like a circuit board bayonet. I thought it was a special electrical interface at the time. I transformed my home computer into a circuit test terminal, and then I made three self-made plugs that can be inserted into those holes. Then I checked the voltage response of these interfaces with a computer, and found that they are special circuit interfaces that operate according to certain coding rules. Then I hacked into the bank network, and then I got it for myself After comparing the money, I laundered the money and bought a lot of equipment back. Using these things, I successfully understood how the two balls work. They are actually a kind of super that integrates the memory and the internal data bus. The computing core can be used as the core processor of the computer. I spent a lot of money to buy some equipment to transform them into their peripherals, and then I built a dual-core high-level computer."

"You can invade Longyuan Network with a high-level computer?" I think it's a little weird.

Shenkedao: "The supercomputer only solves the hardware foundation. If you want to invade a super network like Longyuan Network, you need at least one such supercomputer, otherwise the scattered data of the network itself will be enough. My computer burned down! But it was the software in the two cores that really gave me the ability to enter the Dragon's Edge network. I began to think that they were just two super chips, but found that they actually have pre-installed software inside, and they are still The fully intelligent high-level auxiliary programs, although they are still relatively dull, are definitely real artificial intelligence. They are very good at invading the network system, and seem to be specially used for this. The previous castle-like network systems act in front of him It’s a fake, you can enter whatever you want."

Suddenly, Nuwa’s voice came from the red jade on the head of the sage: "No wonder the defense wall I set up was broken in just ten minutes. It’s the same kind, and it’s still two at a time!"

"Similar? Are you also a computer?" Shenke’s voice was still trembling, but this time it was not because of pain, but because of excitement.

Nuwa said: "Anyway, you are equivalent to a dead person. It's nothing to tell you. I am Nuwa, the main computer of Longyuan Base, a completely independent artificial intelligence system."

" So you are the same as those two balls?"

"No, I am much bigger than them."

I added: "Nuwa is a diameter of ten meters , A three-hundred-meter-high electronic tower, which is full of her computing components, and its computing power is quite powerful."

"God! God-like existence!" Shenke excitedly said: "If you let My friends on the website know that there are such computers on the world. They must jump up excitedly."

Rose interrupted him coldly: "You are impossible to tell them. Since Nuwa has free time to talk to you It means that you have found your place, and now our people are on their way to your den in reality." The sacred guest will respond as soon as he hears it, but Rose first said: "It's useless to go offline. On your head. Things will forcibly lock your thought signals. If you forcibly go offline, you will cut off your consciousness and body. Your body will become a vegetative person, and the Spiritual Body in the game will be lost because of the loss of external signals. The main server is erased as wrong data. From then on you don’t exist in this world."

"You want to kill me?"

"If you cooperate with our work, wait When the people outside arrive at your house, we will let you exit normally. They will bring you to the Longyuan Headquarters."

"You want me to be a researcher at the Longyuan Headquarters?"

"The beauty you think!" I knocked him. "You will only be caught back. As for the future processing, it depends on your performance. But you can't be a researcher anyway."

"You will not let me be a researcher and I will not cooperate." The sacred guest solemnly vowed us.

I shook my head and said: "That's your business, we don't care. Anyway, if you don't cooperate, we can read the data out of your mind. But it's just a little thing."< /p>

As we were talking, the red jade suddenly fell from the head of the Shenke. Before we were surprised, Nuwa's voice had appeared. "Don't worry, our people have found him." Nuwa's voice said to the gods again: "Now you can go offline. Follow our people, don't resist, your resistance will only cause trouble to yourself. Necessary harm."

"I don't..." Shenke's body suddenly twitched, and then stopped. It seems that someone outside has forcibly pulled off his helmet.

I picked up the red jade and asked: "What about this?"

Nuwa said: "You and Xiao Rong will take two, and two will be sent to the military god. There, just use it as a communication stone, so I don’t have to send someone to ring the bell to call you offline, so I can tell you directly about any problems."

"That’s right." Four pieces of ruby ​​were handed to Rose, and she was about to leave with the rose, when she suddenly found that there were people all around. But the performance of these people is a little surprising. There are about a few thousand people around us, but they are all very far away from us, and they should have not heard what we just said. If they were really close, I would have found out early.

Judging from the clothing, these people belong to the Light God Palace, but the badge seems to be different from before, which made us very confused. These people all stand in a circle with their backs to us, not as if they are surrounding us, but as if they are protecting us. Outside of these people, some people with very chaotic careers stick one's head around to look for inside, seeming to be curious players. We are protected by so many Knights in the center like this, it is strange to everyone, and it is normal to watch the excitement.

In addition to these two types of people, I also found a third type of people. There are only a few people in this part. They are all wearing white priest robes with red rims, and they wear a steeple-like priest hat on their heads, which is obviously a high level High Priest. People like them are not uncommon, but players will never wear the High Priest hat that symbolizes rights. That kind of tall hat is just a ceremony costume. It is better for players to find a hat with attributes. Moreover, there are so many dresses here, 100% of which are NPCs. Players rarely have them. Uniform clothing.

Seeing that I noticed them, one of the High Priest standing in the front immediately shouted to me: "Hello..."

Damn, it’s too far , Can't hear what is said. I took all the demon pets back into the Phoenix Dragon space, and then dealt with the corpses left by the sages on the ground forcibly offline, then turned and walked towards the group of people. Seeing us approaching, they immediately walked up to meet us, but the guards with their backs to us did not move. After getting closer, I realized that these people are Templar Knights among NPCs, and they are all elites among elites, because none of them are equipped with shields. Among Templar Knights, only the double-sword commando is not worthy of a shield. They are a group of religious lunatics, but they have to admit that their battle strength is also crazy.

"What did you just say? It's too far, I didn't hear it."

High Priest heard what I said immediately: "I told you that we are the new Light God Palace High Priest, Lord Goddess knows that you are here, send me to pick you up."

"Goddess? Are you talking about Filindil or Marilyn?" The European Light God Palace is now forcibly by us Divided into two parts, both sides said that they are authentic, but no one can suppress the other. Of course, the culprit of all this is still me.

After hearing what I said, the priest seemed unhappy, but still suppressed his anger. "Neither. The demonic girl of Felindir dares to call Goddess. It's too overestimate one's capabilities! Our Goddess is meeting with the Lord of Darkness in Germany. It is the younger sister of Goddess who has summoned you, Goddess of Dawn."

< p>"Goddess of Light's younger sister?" I thought for a long time before tapping my head. "Oh, I remember. It's the little girl Yuna who wants to see me, right?"

High Priest's face became more ugly, but she still didn't dare to rush. "His Royal Highness Goddess is very noble. Please use your title to call Goddess. Can you not call Goddess directly?"

No wonder this priest has such an ugly face. It turns out that it is because of the name. I smiled and patted his shoulder. "Don't mind! Isn't the name just for people? Yuna that girl's name is pretty good, it's a pity not to call it. Where is she now? Take me to see her."

Despite the anger, High Priest can still only suppress anger. Although I saw the muscles on his face began to twist, I just didn't shake him. You Goddess still cry in front of me and beg me for help. You priests are just servants of Goddess. What's so good about you?

Explain that Rose will go back first. I followed the priests to the temple alone. The direction we were walking was different from the position I remembered, so we asked the priest beside me. The priest immediately explained: "The real temple of the Lord of Light was blasted to white ground during the last Holy War, and the new temple is now located outside the city."

"Oh, so that's how it is. It seems that you are fighting really well!"

"For the legitimacy of God, we must launch the Holy War to defend the dignity of God." The priest said impassioned, as if this is such a great thing. Things. But I can't understand their feelings. We never fight for others. Even working for the country is actually because my own interests are actually integrated with the country, so helping the country is helping yourself.

After arriving at the temple, I was taken to the great hall by another group of priests. Although it is newly built, the area is not much smaller than the original one, and because of the small area, the design is more compact and practical. It is not as ugly as the empty yard of the previous large yard.

After entering the great hall, the priests took the initiative to retreat, this is not something they can enter. I walked in alone, and it was luxuriously decorated and very majestic. But I walked inside for a while and found that I was close to something, something would shine, obviously repelling my dark attribute. Even the tables and benches in this place can be regarded as Light God devices. After all, they are used by gods. It is literally understood that even the toilets used by gods should be called Divine Item toilets. What about these furniture?

"Are you here?" A crisp Goddess appeared at the small door in the corner of the room.

"Are you Yuna?" I was surprised to find that this little girl seems to be a lot more mature than the last time I saw it in Egypt. When I first saw her, I thought this girl was a little child, but now she seems to be a mature woman. This change is too obvious. It was not caused by one or two things. It seems that her pressure during this period is not much less than that of her elder sister.

"Can't you recognize it?" Yuna walked to the middle of the room and motioned for me to sit down, and then brought a drink to me. She sat down opposite me very elegantly. "I know you are very strange why I want to see you."

"Then you can explain it now."

"Let's put it this way!" Yuna thought for a while: "According to your words, I want to make a deal with you."

"Hold on." I hurriedly reached out to stop. "Don't tell me. Let me state first. If you want me to help you destroy another Light God Palace, don't mention it. I won't accept it."

"He has him in everything. The price is not necessarily money. Ordinary things can be bought with money, loyalty can be bought with kindness, love can be bought with the same payment, everything in this world, as long as there is a reasonable price, can be traded "

"I have no objection to this. But the price of helping you eliminate another Light God Palace is something you can't afford."

"If you don't say it, how do you know that we will bear it? Excuse me?"

My headache was patted forehead and said: "I won’t go in circles with you anymore, just point it out. For me, the stalemate between the two of you is my best interest, or you can continue. If the stalemate continues, or you disappear together, this is my best interest. If you want me to help you eliminate another temple, then you should also understand the price of the transaction."

My words have been said very much. Clear. The other Light God Palace doesn't exist anymore, this one has to disappear together, it's that simple.

Yona thought for a while and asked: "Is there no other possibility?"

"Other possibility?" I thought about it and said: "Maybe there is, but I'm not sure . In my personal opinion, you probably have nothing really worthy of me to do. Therefore, apart from you, I am basically not interested in your temple. But I know that you will not use the entire temple power. Exchange with me, so I won’t mention it at all."

"It seems that I think things are too simple!" Yuna is a little sad, her eyes are already shining, it seems Tears will come out at any time. "I thought... Forget it! But... what do you think of my strength?"

"Sorry, I haven't seen you before. I don't know what level you are."

< p>"My battle strength is about the same level as Goddess, maybe a little lower."

"Then I can only understand that you have the power of an alternate Goddess, so the words are quite strong. ."

"Then what if I use myself in exchange? Will you help us?"

"Use myself in exchange? Do you mean a mercenary? Or a maid? "

Yona is nodded shyly: "Whatever you want me to do, as long as you are willing to help us. It doesn't matter if you want to..."

"Sorry, It’s not that you are not strong enough, nor that you are not beautiful enough. But I really don’t need it. I have a lot of favorites, and the strength is your level. I don’t think this is a suitable deal."

Especially Na's tears finally came down. She sold herself at the expense of her dignity and was actually returned. This is indeed enough to hurt her self-esteem. But I won't agree to her for a while. If you don't be merciful, you can't be a good person if you do my job. Besides, for a woman like her, acting ability is a basic skill, and the ghost knows whether she is crying or not crying! Although this is indeed a thing that hurts self-esteem according to the usual practice, self-esteem is an important bargaining chip for diplomatic personnel, and if it is to increase the price, self-esteem can be thrown away. Yuna is obviously no exception. A month ago, she might have been very innocent, but today she is definitely not a silly girl.

I cried for a while and saw that I was still expressionless, Yuna also knew that I was not fooled. She closed her tears sadly, and she began to say to me again: "Even if it can't help us destroy another Light God Palace, you can at least lean towards us?"

"It's still Isn’t it enough? Your strength was not as good as Felendier’s side. Now you are not only crushing them and not looking up, but also proactively asking them for trouble. Is this an accident?"

"I understand You do all this for us, but we...!"

"I know. Any government is instinctively expandable, and the temple is no exception. But I also have my own interests, and I can’t do it for you. I just threw away my own guild. If you think it’s not enough, I’m really powerless. Besides.” I paused for a while, and waited for Yuna to concentrate before continuing: “I have to remind One sentence for you."

"Please say."

"The gun shot out. Beautiful Tree In The Forest, Wind Must Certainly Destroy It. Do you understand what I mean?"

" p>

Yona slumped on the sofa as if suddenly losing strength, even the cup in her hand fell off, but fortunately, there was no water in it.

I waited for her to catch her breath before continuing: "I know you can't accept it for a while, but I have to make you understand that we are not a charity. I think I can tell you this. I have done the best for you! Sorry, I have to go."

Yona didn't respond at all, sitting there motionless like a idiot. I shook the head got up and walked to the gate. After opening the door, I found a large circle of people outside, seeming to be eavesdropping. The sudden opening of the door shocked them, and they all flashed out far away. I turned around and said to Yuna who was still in a daze: "One more sentence. The world has no end, and life is limited. What belongs to you is yours. Don't force it if you shouldn't, otherwise even what should belong to you. They will also be lost together. Remember what I said!” I opened the door completely and walked out. The priest outside looked at Goddess, who was still looking at the door in a daze, and looked at me again. He didn't know whether to stop me or send me out.

I didn't have time to control them. I turned the teleportation ring immediately after I got out of the temple gate. The next second I was already in the French part of the Transmission Formation in Tianyu City. From here, use the intra-city teleportation to reach the range of Germany, and then use the domestic Transmission Formation part of Germany to reach the teleportation point of Dark God Palace. As a diplomat, I have high level permits in various places, and Dark God Palace is no exception. The Dark Palace Knights guarding outside after exiting the Transmission Formation were shocked, but after seeing the Dark Aura on my body, they immediately retreated to the side respectfully.

"I said how did I feel such a powerful Power of Darkness, it turns out that you are here!" Big Lich Moret appeared beside me. This guy is now a part-time researcher in our guild, but he still runs back and forth from time to time, and he wandered back today.

"I want to see Titans and give me a briefing."

"Dittens is talking with that girl of Light God Palace, I'm afraid...!"

"Will you still care about the rules?" This guy Morret, known as the scum of Dark God Palace, has always been a bullshit on rules, and no one cares about him.

"Okay, okay! I'll go here, you wait first."

After a few minutes, I got permission and was taken to the underground Dark Palace, and there was a The little devil came to take over as Guide and took me to the meeting place. The place of the secret meeting is very tightly guarded, and no one is allowed to approach it. The little devil sent me outside and let me in by myself. There was no third party inside.

I opened the door and walked in after the little devil left. "There are countless casualties of the believers of the light and the dark outside, didn't expect the boss of the two families to have tea and chat here, poor believer!"

"You bastard I dare to come here, I haven't asked you to settle the account last time!" Ditans is a little don't give face, he emptied his warehouse last time, he is still jealous!

"Hehe, don't be so stingy!" I sat next to Marilyn carefreely, and put my arm on her shoulder, acting very intimately. Marilyn blushed and wanted to resist, but I squeezed my hand on her shoulder

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