"That's him." A man standing at the end of the street pointed at me and shouted: "Grab him." That guy was from the city management team, and he was followed by a A large group of people, like people from the trustee guild of this city, I recognize their emblem.

Shenke just released the stone statue, one jumped onto a house next to him, and then jumped into the distance again. But he couldn't jump up, and just flew in midair, suddenly a whip flew up from behind and wrapped his waist.

"Come down to me." With a woman's soft voice, the Shenke was forcibly pulled back.

This time I wanted to run again as soon as I landed. I rushed up and blocked him. The Shenke rushed forward without slowing down, and suddenly squatted down when he approached me. I thought he was going to take off, but both hands snapped out sharply, and then one shot up. didn't expect this guy squatted down but didn't jump up. Instead, he fell backward and slipped under me with inertia.

The woman who pulled him off with the whip shook the whip, the bang rang empty, and then shook it at me. Before the whip got close to my body, it was carried away by a white light. Dart was standing on the ground with his whip head in his mouth, and he just caught the whip.

I didn't have time to care about the woman. I quickly turned around, retracted both hands and claws oh la la, and then chased after the Shenke. As a result, I felt tight in my waist just after running two steps, and suddenly I put a heavy burden on my body, which forcibly slowed down my speed. Looking back again, I saw that the woman with the whip was flying in midair, and she seemed to be taken by me. She probably wanted to use a whip to hold me, didn't expect too much power, and actually took her to fly.

From the corner of my eye, I saw Rose running towards this side riding the night shadow. Rose just rushed past, and I pulled on the saddle and jumped on the back of Ye Ying, sitting behind the rose and restoring the human form. The Shenke ran very fast, and in just a few moments, it was almost at the city gate. The woman behind with a bunch of people chased us and followed quickly, but the distance was getting wider and wider.

Seeing that the Shenke guy is about to leave the city, the woman behind suddenly yelled: "Block him, don't let that guy go out."

Although Paris does not have a city wall, she leaves the city. The border areas of the country are guarded. Seeing the Shenke approaching, a group of cavalry immediately cut off his path. But what didn't expect was that the Shenke squatted suddenly when he ran, then jumped and flew over the head of the cavalry. The cavalry stared blankly at this guy flying over his head, and then remembered that there was still me behind. But as soon as they turned their heads, they found that Ye Ying was already more than five meters above the ground. The sacred kid can jump, we can fly, and the cavalry is not a problem at all.

"I pray: Spring of Life pulses for me, grow everything!" The rose in my arms initiates incantion, and the grass in front of me suddenly begins to grow wildly, and masses of grass blades stretch out like tentacles to wrap around. Lived at the feet of the gods. Although he struggled out, more grass got tangled up. In just ten seconds, this guy was pulled into a big font by a blade of grass and tied tightly to the ground.

"Look where you are going!"

A voice appeared behind me. "Don't even think about running away." (To be continued, if you want to know what's going on, please visit www.cmfu.com, there are more chapters, authors are supported, and genuine reading is supported!)

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