"I don’t know exactly what it will come up with. I won’t tell you for now. I’ll talk about it when the results come out."

Rose nodded and was about to say something. , Suddenly frowned. "Someone asked me to log off, so please do your job first."

"En." The rose's silhouette disappeared as soon as I finished talking. It's really strange that I was called down again when I went online, and I don't know who it was. Turning around, I went to a few second-line leaders in the guild to explain the construction project. Before I could say a few words, the rose came after him. I looked at her in surprise: "What's the matter?"

Rose waved everyone to leave, and the others took me to a secluded corner and said, "It was Nuwa who called I'm offline."

"Nuwa? What happened again?"

"Remember the guy you met in the French hurricane tunnel last time?"

"You said that the Chinese youth who was on-hook to level up?"

Rose nodded: "The people who can invade the Longyuan network are not ordinary people. This guy keeps deceiving the game recognition system and even tampered with it. Part of the data. But after we discovered him last time, he even deleted his character account, and we couldn’t find any more clues for a while. Fortunately, Nuwa recorded the neurological signature of that guy. That guy just went online a few minutes ago. He re-opened an account and made drastic changes to the characters."

"Major changes? Do you mean tampering with data?"

"Correct." Rose said: "He used a very special thing to invade the Dragon's Edge biological network system. The strange thing is that he can't find his address."

"What does Nuwa need us to do? "

"Nuwa let us find this person's character in the game, and then haunt him. Nuwa needs him to be online to track his signal. Once he is offline, there is no way to take him! "

"The way to prevent others from going offline is to use the battle system to force the opponent to enter the battle state. Although the battle state cannot be transmitted or offline, since he can modify the data, he doesn't care about the characters at all. The problem of death, at worst, just build it again. What if he doesn't care about the character's forced offline? We can't jump from the game to his house and trouble him!"

"Of course. But Nuwa is not showing up. Just now Nuwa notified me that she will forcibly load the shell lock program on the game accounts of all our people with physical bodies, and forcibly lock the stream of consciousness of that guy in the system. If he dares to forcibly exit You will be burned into an idiot by your own game helmet. But because there are regulatory systems in various countries, Nuwa can’t do too much, so we must fight this guy so that the nerve lock program attached to us can work. ."

"Has that lock been added?"

"Not yet, but I know the place, we can get it in a while. Nerve lock will be in the game again The physical form appears, which can fool the game supervision system and be recognized as a game equipment of unknown function, instead of being recognized as a virus."

"Understood. Tell me the target location."< /p>

"I will go with you."

"Huh? Are you with you too?"< /p>

"This kind of thing can't let outsiders go, what should I do if I don't go there? The opponent is not an ordinary player, his character has been modified, and the attribute is very abnormal. But you can rest assured that because of the system statistical review function, his battle strength dare not change to world number one, and this number one is you, so his attribute is under you, just to capture the target and simply eliminate it. Similarly, in order to increase the success rate, I must be there to assist you. "

"OK! Are we going to find that nerve lock first? "

"Follow me. "

I summoned Ye Ying and turned it up, then lifted the rose up and placed it in front of me. "Help me show the way." "

Riding the night shadow first teleported back to Isengard, and then ran away from the city. The rose commanded me and quickly found a small shrine like the Earth Temple in the forest outside the city. One sword. Cut off the top of the shrine, and on the remaining half of the base, six pieces of ruby ​​the size of glass marbles appeared.

"This thing? "

Rose is still riding on the back of Ye Ying, she stretched out her hand and said: "Give it to me, that's it. "I picked up the beads and handed them to the rose. After getting the beads, the rose suddenly threw it into the sky. The red jade suddenly lit up in the air, and then they were connected to each other by some red lightning. The rose pointed at me: "seal up. "Six ruby ​​jade brushed around me, and then suddenly gathered it, stuck to the helmet with a ding sound, no matter how to pull it off. Rose smiled and asked: "Try to choose offline, see How does it look? "

I tried to select the offline function, but suddenly I heard Nuwa's voice in my ears. "Haha! Xiao Rong, this girl, did you experiment with you? How about it? Can't it be taken down? "

I'm nodded. "It's all glued to my helmet, and I can't even pull the helmet off!" But is that guy who chooses to go offline will hear your voice just like me? "

"Of course. This thing is equivalent to my Avatar, but it is used to deceive the regulatory system of other countries. If that guy is blocked, I will immediately let him know the consequences of going offline. "

"What if he doesn't believe it?" "

"There is no need for him to believe him. He can't go out anyway with this thing. Believing or not is the same. "

"What if someone pulls his helmet off in reality?" "

"Then he will immediately become a vegetative person. Unless he comes to me to receive brain repair surgery, he can only be a living dead. "

"Understood, you should get off my head first. "

"Okay. "The six red jade oh la la all fell down at once. I picked up the red jade and gave it to Rose, then turned on the horse. "Where are you going now?" "

On the wide streets of Paris, France, a black nightmare stepped on the flames and ran all the way without touching its hoofs. It was also chasing a group of soldiers from the city’s battallion. The French’s city management was obviously better than The Chinese are strict. Not only are fighting prohibited in the city, even the speed of the mount is limited, and the speed of the mount is limited. But I don’t plan to pay any money. Besides, I don’t have time to watch them because the goal is right in front of me.

< p>Nuwa’s positioning is really accurate. We just walked out of the Central Transmission Formation in Paris and ran into that guy head-on. I was surprised that this kid actually knew me. He was hanging up at first during the last fight. Later, although he went online, he just took a look. That way he can recognize me, it’s really nothing to say. This guy dilated his pupils as soon as he saw me, then turned his head and ran. Of course I was without the slightest hesitation He caught up.

"haha! You can't catch up with me! "That guy actually screamed while running proudly.

I dull my head and did not speak. The black space channel appeared next to me, and the dart shot out of the tunnel like lightning. The guy ran. As he ran, he suddenly fell out with a somersault. Because the speed was too fast, he turned over a dozen somersaults on the ground and rolled out before hitting the fountain in the middle of the square to stop. Because of the successful attack of the darts, he was finally caught I was drawn into the battle, and even the name was read out. This guy is called Shenke. It is estimated that he thinks he is the god of hackers, so he named such a name.

I don’t care if he is a god The guest is still a dead guest. Before he got up, he was already riding Ye Ying rushed up. Eternity has long become a long-armed saber, and I charge Ye Ying along the ground like a polo. Fuck. Before the attack, the goddess quickly rolled out, a red sword glow flashed by, and only heard a boom, the Goddess sculpture of life in the fountain in the square appeared neatly from the right shoulder to the left crotch. Then the upper half of the sculpture slid down and fell into the pool with a boom.

Before I had time to say anything to the gods, I heard a big throat from behind: "You dare If you destroy public property, immediately follow us to the City Appearance Management Office to lose money. "

I didn’t look back at all, and I can’t care about them now. I stepped hard, and I jumped out directly from the back of Night Shadow. The man has adjusted his posture in the air, with his right fist in front of him. He slammed down with a punch in a falling posture. The Shenke who just got up quickly rolled to the side and dangerously avoided my fist, but he miscalculated. I banged into the ground in a circle, and then kept this posture and turned my head. I smiled at him. I saw a red magic array suddenly lit up on the ground with my fist as the center, within a radius of two feet.

"Oops! "Shenke subconsciously said this, his body quickly jumped up, but it was too late. The red array flashed sharply, and the Shenke who had just jumped off the ground fell like a punch. Come down, holding head with both hands, as if a headache.

"hmph hmph! How does my shock array feel?" "

"You...! "Before I finished speaking, I felt something more on my head, and I found that there was an extra circle of balls on my head. "What did you put on my head?" "

Rose rides on Ye Ying's back and said to him: "Some bauble, I hope you like it." "

"How could I...! "In the middle of speaking, he suddenly screamed and fell to the ground. I saw the opportunity to go up and stabbed down.

Dangdang. Two swords reached in front of the gods to block my attack, but Neither of the two swords were eternal opponents, and they were cut off together. But they blocked a bit, and the sages below took the opportunity to get out. The headache just now was a symbol of Nuwa's activation, but it was not a function of the program itself, so There won’t be a second time. The pieces of jade given by Nuwa can only block him off the assembly line. We can rely on ourselves.

The people from the city management team just reacted from the shock of the weapon being cut off, and they were suddenly pushed by the sages behind, and the two of them fell to my side together. I was not in the mood to cushion them, and jumped up directly on the shoulders of the two people and jumped to the front of the Shenke. However, the Shenke who didn't expect suddenly turned and rushed towards Ye Ying. Does this kid want to grab me Isn’t his mount? Or is his goal a rose?

Unfortunately, Ye Ying is not a docile pony. He is a nightmare. Anyone who hears of it will have a headache. After the sage approached, it was indeed He wanted to attack Rose, but didn't expect Ye Ying to suddenly turn around and land on the front leg, then kicked and jumped back to his chest, which was a fixed-point back kick. As a result, he used a speed ten times faster than that of rushing past. Flew back upside down again. With a boom, the remaining half of the sculpture in the fountain is also dead!

I waved Eternal as I was about to rush up, suddenly a person rushed up behind me and hugged my waist. "Look where you run! "

"Don't mess around! "I was just about to throw him away, another guy rushed up and hugged my waist, followed by two more guys, one of them hugged my two hands. Before I had time to react, one of my legs was on the side. Another person hung up, and then another guy jumped up from behind and hugged my head. "All get out of my sight! "I struggled desperately from side to side.

"hmph! You sabotage official business, we won't let you go! "

"I have important things, just pay you money later! "

"The beauty of thinking. Our duty is to maintain the legal system. How do we manage the city's appearance if we are like you? "

Shenke suddenly stood up from the pool, looked around and found that I was hugged by a bunch of people, and immediately waved at me triumphantly. "You take your time to play wrestling. ! I won't play with you anymore! "Speaking, he turned around and ran.

I was anxious when I saw this guy running away. "Fuck me! "My hands were raised suddenly, and my body turned around. Oh la la, all the blades on the dragon suit bounced out, and those who hugged me immediately covered their wounds and were thrown out. There was a back suction from the side of the road. A cold voice.

"Hey, what kind of armor does that guy wear? "Passerby A asked.

Passerby B shook his head: "I don't know, but how come this guy is like Sword Dragon, his whole body is stabbed!" It's so cool! I have a set too! "

I took a deep breath, and then slowly spit out my mood. There was another oh la la, and all the blades of my body returned to their respective protective sheaths. Look at the one more than a hundred meters that has run out I turned my back to the sky and roared, and then my body began to grow taller with my throat, and soon turned into a werewolf form. The few people who were close to each other hurriedly backed away in fright. "Fuck, the werewolf transformed! With wings! What a rare bloodline! "

I pointed to the sage in front and said to Rose: "You chase from the sky, I walk from the ground." "After speaking, I rushed out. Ye Ying took the rose into the air and started tracking this guy from above.

Worgen transformation is the type with the highest average attribute in wild beast transformation, and The combination of the werewolves’ attributes is quite perfect, much better than just focusing on the transformation of a certain attribute. The most important thing is that the werewolves are very fast, except for the leopards and a few flying races, this is almost the highest speed. The gods in front It seems that the guest has greatly modified his own attributes, and the speed is much faster than that of ordinary players, but it is still not as good as the werewolf of me.

The guest has just turned two blocks and suddenly banged. With a sound, I fell directly in front of this guy. He didn’t expect that I would run in front of him. Before slowing down, I bumped my head into my arms. Without giving him any chance, I just bowed my head and took a bite. Go down. Although he is wearing armor, his werewolf-like teeth are not so good. He only raised the left and right barriers in a panic, and I bit his left arm in one bite.

He looked at I tried desperately to pull my hand out, but I didn't let it go. With a force on my mouth, only a squeak, his forearm armor was bitten down, and he screamed in pain. Nuwa's voice rang. "I forgot to tell you, my functions are not only the ones I mentioned before, but also the adjustment of your damage induction mode and violence level to the bloody level. Now feel it! ”

Nuwa’s supplement makes the gods like falling in a ice hole. No matter how real "Zero" is, it is still a game after all. It’s too bloody and not everyone can accept it. So, in order to adapt to the difference According to the player’s needs, the game has a realism setting, which is actually a setting for the level of pain and bloody screen display. The level arrangement of the two settings is the same, the lowest is weak, this level The cut will not bleed in the state, and the wound is deliberately made fake, it looks like a plastic person who has been cut, and the pain when you are injured is also very slight, at most it makes you feel injured, it is not pain at all Above the weak, there are the second weak, normal, standard, high, very high and bloody levels. The very high level is the fully realistic level. After injury, the pain will be the same as in reality, and the enemy will look like if it is cut. The real world is like blood splashing all over the intestines. The pain level I use is high, slightly lower than the real state. My own pain tolerance is very high, and if you increase it, you can be tempering. As for the bloody level, I use It’s a very high level, that is, a completely real level, which is a kind of adaptive search.

However, the Heavenly God visitor is very unlucky today. Nuwa forced him to adjust both settings to bloody. Level. This level is actually much stronger than the feelings in the real world. It is mainly aimed at some special players who have a strong psychological endurance and cannot find the excitement. At this level, the feeling of pain will be strengthened to a point of the real level. Five times, it can be said that any injury will become very painful. And the bloody display at this level is also exaggerated. The situation of blood and flesh flying when a person is injured will be deliberately exaggerated to show that the scene is absolutely bloody. According to Nuwa, this guy said. All I learned before was the general level of realism, but now I suddenly adjusted it to bloody, which is definitely enough for him.

The sore face of the Shenke who was bitten into an S-shaped arm by me was pale and almost didn't feel dizzy. In the past. But the pain may be too irritating. He unexpectedly burst out of power beyond the normal level and pulled his arm out at once. But what was pulled down was only the upper half of the arm, and the lower half was still in my mouth. ."Pooh. "I spat out half of my arm and wiped the corners of my mouth. "Your meat is stinky, it's terrible!" "

"You perverted! "

"If you have the courage to challenge us, you should know the consequences. "Rose's voice appeared behind him.

"hmph, do you think this can trap me?" I'm not so easy to catch. "He suddenly beckoned with one hand, and a black hole similar to Fenglong Space appeared beside him, and then a small animal that looked like a cat crawled out. He threw the kitten with one hand. When I came over, the cat flew a hundred long, and when it came to me, it was almost the size of a bear.

shua~ shua~ shua~. A bunch of overlapping red lights flashed past me. I gave way to the side, and the big cat that rushed fell to the ground and scattered into a pile of minced meat, but the sage is already not in there. I flicked the eternal sword quickly, oh la la, the sword stretched out like A whip-like blade. I swung it in the air and slammed it out. Bah. A statue on the side of the road suddenly hugged its head and squatted down. There was a neat cut in the building behind him. There was a bang, that second. layer The hut collapsed. I raised my right hand flat, and took back the form of the sword with an eternal sound.

"hmph! Do you think Camouflage Technique is useful for me?" "

The sculpture flashed and changed back to the appearance of a sacred guest. This guy is good at anything, but because he is afraid of being targeted, although he has strengthened himself, he dare not adjust the data to each The level of professional Peak characters, so although the overall strength is still good, the overall battle strength is not very strong. In addition, this guy lacks the most important attribute-control.

The game control of "Zero" is completely Relying on my own thinking, except for a few skills, most of the actions are controlled by myself, so there will be a situation where the strength of the same level players is very different. This is not just a high level, and you are not proficient in using basic attack methods and yourself. No matter how high the level is, it’s of little practical significance.

Just when I threatened this spiritual guest, pedestrians on the side of the road were talking about my sword. I just kept that sword forever. Many people have witnessed the scene of the cat and the house being twisted into pieces. This is the most prosperous city in France, and the number of online personnel is quite large. Many people have seen the eternal horrible cutting ability and the flexible elasticity. This way. Weapons are simply the strongest weapons. Who doesn’t want weapons that can be controlled at will?

I did not notice the abnormality of the people around, because the guy in front of me is not simple. Nuwa wants me to hold this anyway. Guy, although he has brought him the red jade as a seal, he must continue to attack him, otherwise, once he is out of combat, the seal will be invalid. What's more troublesome is that I have to be careful not to kill casually. Die him. After he is killed, the seal will resurrect with him, and keep fighting so that he can’t go offline. But I don’t know where he will resurrect, in case he is resurrected, I can’t catch him before the fighting is lifted. The seal will also be released. Therefore, I must keep staring at him and never stop. Read it!)

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