"Hong Yue!" I yelled to Hong Yue, who was about to kill the rose. "Rose is right. My idea is not to buy those cities."

Hong Yue hasn't objected to Yingxian protesting: "You know the locations of those cities, so how can you draw conclusions casually? But they are all good places, as long as you get your hand...!"

I reached out and stopped the eagle and continued. "It's not a question of position, but a plan for the future. Although the national war has begun, have you noticed? Really powerful powers have not actually participated in the war."

" It's normal!" Eagle said puzzledly: "Isn't it because everyone hasn't solved the internal fight, so you can't attack other countries?"

The guy the Eagle is a Knight, not only behaves like Knight, but also has intelligence. Like the head, it has no understanding of this kind of thing. In contrast, Hong Yue, who was once the president, is much smarter. "I don't think it's entirely a matter of infighting. There is also a question of time. Everyone is waiting."

"What are you waiting for?" Eagle asked suspiciously.

Rose quickly answered: "Wait for others to fight to death and death. Wait for all your funds to be in place. Wait for everything to be ready."

"You mean, if the Americans After getting the purchase cost of these cities, then they will complete the war preparations ahead of time?"

"Finally, I'm not stupid yet!" I patted the eagle on the shoulder, seemingly encouraging, but I drew a fist.

"Since this situation exists, we really can’t buy cities casually! But it’s a shame that those cities are kept like this!"

"Unfortunately It won't happen." Rose took out a scroll and threw one end at me. As soon as I caught it and straightened it out, the map on the scroll was displayed. Rose pointed to the location on the map and said: "I have seen the cities you mentioned. Strategic locations are indeed very important. But that is for the Japanese. It is actually meaningless for us to grab this kind of place. "

"Why?" Eagle was surprised: "These cities are all close to the sea, so you don't have to worry about being besieged. In addition, their positions are just nailed to several important cities in Japan. Forcing Japanese players to deploy a large number of troops to defend key cities, this can relieve the pressure on our normal battlefield. Why is such a good city useless?"

I explained to Rose: "First , We don’t have so many battleships stationed in these cities, but if we mobilize the ocean-going fleet, then this city will not only fail to play a good role, but it will crucify our own elite fleet here. Do you think this is a good deal? Second It costs a lot of money to buy a city. The Americans will not arm us with a city and then give it to us, so after we move in, we have to repair defensive facilities, which all cost money. In this way, the capital investment in these cities is quite terrifying. Yes. Do you think we have so much money to spoil? Third, even if the previous two are not considered, do you think we have enough strength to defend these cities? You were there when our guild established the pivot city twice , So many troops were beaten back once. In the second construction, we drove Isinger to the top of Fulcrum City and nailed it there to buy time for the construction of the city behind. You breathe a sigh of relief this time Buying so many cities, where do you want me to park Isinger? And if multiple cities are attacked at the same time during this process, which side do you say I will save?"

Eagle catch Turning his head, he said, "I really can't buy it if you say that!"

Hong Yue looked at me with a strange look, then glanced at the rose again, and then it seemed to have decided what was nodded. "Okay! If you hear that, it can be cancelled."

The eagle looked at Hong Yue, and then at the other backbones behind him. Everyone nodded, the eagle couldn't scream alone, and finally had no choice but to nodded. Rose and I made sure that everyone gave up the purchase plan and quickly encouraged everyone to go back and perform their duties, but after everyone left, Hong Yue stayed.

Rose looked at Hong Yue, pretending to be surprised and asked: "Why don't you go?"

Hong Yue hugged her hands and looked at me angrily And roses. "I know your husband and wife have many secrets, but what you did today is too much to know?"

Damn, this girl sees it! Hong Yue is a smart woman, if it weren't for me, she would be a strong woman alone. To be honest, I think Hong Yue is just a modern Wu Zetian, a mess.

Rose looked at me, exchanged opinions with my eyes, and then said to Hong Yue: "What do you want to know?"

Hong Yue shook his head: "I don't want to know What, I’m just angry that you treat everyone as outsiders. I’m really as simple as the eagles. I don’t want to understand. But I can understand, so I’m very angry."

I am helpless Said: "I said we have difficulties, would you believe it?"

"I believe it." Hong Yue's answer surprised us. "Forget it this time, if there is a similar situation again, if you can't say it, I hope you can tell me clearly that you can't say it, don't make excuses or deceive us."

I and Rose hurriedly erected three Fingers said: "We swear, we will not lie to everyone if there is a similar situation next time!"

Hong Yue nodded, then turned around and walked into Transmission Formation. Me and Rose are relaxed.

"Huh! This girl is getting better and better now!"

Rose nodded: "Hong Yue himself was born as a child of the rich family, and he has received elite education since childhood. Besides, she is so smart. Although she may not know our details, she knows that you are the heir of the dragon fate. If there are so many premises, she can guess that we have reasons outside the game and have to refuse the purchase offer. Normal."

"Be careful in the future!" I shook my head helplessly. "Right. What do you think of this floating island here?"

"An ancestor who spends money again!"

"Don't just think about spending money! Where are we? The investment is not ten times and one hundred times the return? The more you throw, the more you return!"

"I didn't say that I didn't support your investment! After the start of the Fulcrum City-State War, the income turned over Going up, it can be said to be a huge profit. I now know why those black-hearted entrepreneurs like to make a fortune! It is really a big cannon and gold is two thousand two! The speed you can't think of!"

I am nodded. "Then the construction project will be handed over to you. The main research room will be set up within two days. I have a few things I plan to experiment immediately."

"Do you have something to experiment?" To be continued, if you want to know what's going on, please visit www.cmfu.com, there are more chapters, authors are supported, and genuine reading is supported!)

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