"At least full-scale war can be avoided." Nuwa's words made me a little disappointed.

I nodded and continued to ask: "What are the best and worst situations?"

"The best situation is that the national scope and the foreign nationals treat us There is compassion, and we will eventually live in peace with us until we safely emigrate. The worst case is complete failure. All mankind treats us as enemies and wants to separate from us."

Yeyue said: "We Dragon Clan Anyway, I don’t have a sense of belonging to human beings. If you are divided, you will be divided, and you are afraid that they will not succeed?"

"What are you talking about?" Ling said to Ye Yue: "Although you and I are complete Artificial creatures, but both the owner and Miss Rose have lived in this society as humans for a long time. It is normal to have attachments to humans. You have to consider their thoughts!"

"Sorry master, I took the liberty!" Ye Yue quickly apologized to us.

I waved my hand: "What you said is also an objective fact. Human beings are a complex group. He includes some bad people and some good people. If possible, I don’t want to be separated from humans, but now it seems that we Dragon If Clan wants to live, he has to be separated from humans."

Xiaochun comforted me: "Master, don’t be so sad! Separation is not necessarily a bad thing! If we are entangled with humans, both sides There is a huge gap in the biological characteristics, values, and technological level of the human beings, so it is difficult to ensure that they can coexist safely. Although we, Dragon Clan, have perfect self-discipline and will not proactively provoke human beings, the characteristic of human beings is the courage to try everything. We have tried things, so humans will definitely provoke us first. Our Dragon Clan genetic setting does not have aggressive characteristics, but we have a strong sense of self-defense. Once humans provoke us, the result will inevitably be war. Now we are Although we are still relatively weak, we will become stronger sooner or later. Such a war is likely to make mankind extinct. Therefore, separation is not necessarily a bad thing, leaving room for human development, we can also live very comfortably."

Nuwa’s voice agreed: "The little girl’s words are very reasonable, and my analysis is also based on this theory. According to the predicted results, the best way is to ensure temporary peace with humans. And at least it must be maintained until immigration officially begins. This universe is very big, and there is space that separates us from humans."

The rose walked to the front of the screen and said: "Tell us what should we do?"< /p>

"Pay attention to the picture. This is the simulation result. The first is to cover up our existence as much as possible and let us know as few people as possible."

"But we have participated in large-scale tasks many times , There are not many people who know that we exist?" Lucky asked.

Nuwa replied: "Covering is only to gain time for development. I know that cover-ups must not be covered, but the later the public knows, the safer we will be."

Anana said: "Why can't we do more charities like those philanthropists to increase our sense of identity?"

Nuwa replied very severely: "You better not have that kind of thinking. Humans are a race with a high degree of self-esteem. They have always been at the absolute peak on Earth. They can rescue endangered species with compassion, but they will never allow a race that completely surpasses them to coexist with them. This It’s a bit like the city people look down on the country people. Even if the country people do some good deeds, they still look down on them in the eyes of the city people. Moreover, once the country people show extraordinary things Competitiveness makes these urban people feel that their pressure to survive has increased because of the country folks, so they will immediately act very aggressively. This is actually an active defense mechanism of mankind, which is an instinctive reaction. It's a pity that human bodies are not evolving as fast as their technology, so modern humans often do some stupid things that are completely disproportionate to their intelligence. These are errors caused by ancient instincts, not human intelligence problems. The social civilization of mankind is formed by nature. In fact, most people still do things according to instinct. More than half of human beings do things according to habits first, and rarely do things after they think about it."

< p>Rose said: "That is to say, there are some inappropriate instincts in human genes, but human evolution is too slow. Are these instincts always counterproductive?"

"Correct. These instincts are It is very useful when humans are still apes, but as a highly intelligent creature, some of their instincts are no longer adapted to human needs, but the body that has barely evolved much still retains these instincts. This is the primordial factor of most of human faults. We Dragon Clan do not have these defects, but humans do. If we live together, one of them must adapt to the other. We are impossible to degenerate ourselves to the level of humans, and humans are also impossible to evolve into Dragon Clan. This is an irreconcilable contradiction."

Nuwa paused for a while and continued: "I just told you that the first is to conceal our existence, then the second part is to control. Use the power of Dragon Fate to Infiltration of human society. The state is actually a tool of governance. Humans can use it to rule their own people, and we can also use it to temporarily control part of human beings. The political entity of the state is organized according to human instincts and desires and social relations. , We do not have excessive desires, and our intelligence level exceeds that of human beings, so we have more complete control over politics. Before emigration, I think we can safely control most of the forces in our country. As for the power of the king, we must use the power of our own country to fight against them. A war can be started when necessary, and as it is now, even if we don’t intervene, humans themselves will soon start fighting. In addition, God always seems to have planned some arrangements for us a long time ago, and these are all things that can be used. As long as humans break out of war on their own, they cannot concentrate on attacking us. We are invincible in small-scale battles. "

"Differentiation collapses, isn't it? "Rose nodded and said: "With the power in our hands, this should be done. But our staff is still too few, I am worried...! "

"Don't worry about anything. "Nuwa said: "All qualified scientific and technological researchers in this base are gradually completing the Dragon Clan transformation, and soon all personnel in this base will be completely replaced by Dragon Clan personnel. The base biological cultivation center is currently working at full capacity, and it can add a thousand new partners to us every month. According to the general recommendation of God, it is best for us to have 15 to 20 million members before formal immigration, so as to ensure our safety. "

Yeyue asked: "One can only produce 1,000 people. Doesn't ten million have to produce 10,000 months?" What's the hurry? "

"We are not entirely human-based production. "Nuwa said: "Dragon Clan must of course include giant dragons, as well as various biological combat bodies. Several other bases also have the ability to produce new members, but the speed is a little slower. There are also some humans who are willing to join Dragon Clan to transform into Dragon Clan, so that our population growth rate is still very fast. "

"In this way, we should still have a lot of hope to wait until immigration begins. "I said.

Nuwa said: "It's almost these measures. It sounds like two steps, but it's actually quite complicated, but I will split the task and tell each of you separately, so that everyone knows who you are. What should I do. Oh, by the way, there is one last thing I forgot to show you. "

"What is it?" "

"The Chinese have always claimed to be descendants of the dragon. The main body of our Dragon Fate is Chinese. Although everyone has been transformed into Dragon Clan, they are still descendants of China after all. So they asked me to make this thing. "

The picture in front of us flashed, and a Five Clawed Golden Dragon coiled together appeared in the middle of the room. This guy was covered with golden scales except for his eyes. Although it is only a three-dimensional projection, the imposing manner of dominating the world is unabated.

"This is Divine Dragon? "

"Of course, what else could it be?" "Nuwa said: "The shape of this Divine Dragon was decided after I referred to a lot of information. Of course, I also made some artistic changes, how about it? Doesn't it look like an imposing manner? "

I nodded and said: "The imposing manner is good, but what do you want to make such a thing?" Although Divine Dragon is the fine divine elephant sign of the Chinese nation, the body structure of this thing does not meet the dynamic standard, and it is useless to make it! "

Rose also agrees with nodded. "Many Chinese people have the Divine Dragon complex, but Divine Dragon's body is too long and its four legs are too short for the body. It is very inconvenient to walk on the ground. . Moreover, the legendary god dragon claw is an eagle claw, which is simply not something for walking. But Divine Dragon has no wings. There is no magic in the real world. If you want to fly, it does not raise. It is feasible to get into the water, but the body of Divine Dragon is not very suitable for moving in the water. The head is too big and the resistance is very high. Easy access for dolphins. "

Nuwa said in a hurry: "What you said makes sense, but did I say it was used on Earth?" "

"Don't put Earth? Is it possible to put another planet? Isn’t that the same? Wait..." I suddenly remembered. "Do you mean space use? "

"The answer is correct, but there is no reward. My design is a biological weapon for space. "

As Nuwa said, we all have a scene of a giant Divine Dragon cruising in space. Let alone. The shape of Divine Dragon is not suitable for the Earth environment, but in the absence of Gravity There is really no appearance in Space that is more suitable than it. The snake-like body can produce enough curvature, with highly developed flexibility, even if it is drilled in the meteorite belt, it is no problem. The super long body can be. It is important to increase the volume without increasing the frontal area, because there are many meteorites flying randomly in space, and the lower cross-sectional area means lower collision probability. The short claws of Divine Dragon are not very useful on Earth. But in space, that’s the perfect arm drop. You can use this claw to fix large objects that need to be studied, or to dock with other spaceships, or it’s also good to use them to retract small spaceships. As for the dragon head, this large The head seems a bit in the way on Earth, but when it comes to space, it is a natural command center plus a weapon platform. It is simply perfect.

Nuwa looks like we all want to understand, and immediately said: "Originally It is also impossible to build a space Divine Dragon, because the propeller in the past required flames to be emitted from the tail section. Do you think? If you make a Divine Dragon and there is an extra fire vent behind your butt, what will it look like? Besides, the god dragon body is so long, it is difficult to completely transmit the power to the head by just spraying the flame from the tail section, causing the torso to bear too much weight and it is easy to break. But now we have a super-electromagnetic engine, this thing does not need an injection port, it can be installed directly inside the spaceship. My idea is to make a semi-biological and semi-mechanical Divine Dragon, starting from the beginning to the tail, and installing two super-electromagnetic thrusters every short distance. This means that the entire dragon body has power in every place and can be free. Turn and change the movement posture. In addition, the Divine Dragon is very in line with the requirements of the space shuttle, and that is the scale. "

"What happened to the scales?" "

"There is a lot of dangerous radiation in the universe, and stars like the sun are also very dangerous. They will make the sun-facing side of the spaceship increase in temperature. Therefore, the spaceship needs a protective layer, and the dragon's scales are the best choice for the protective layer. First of all, these scales can grow under control and can be repaired automatically if they are damaged. Secondly, the scale itself is a heat-insulating material, which can block the penetration of radiation and excessive heat energy. Finally, the scales themselves are also solar panels, they will provide part of the energy for Divine Dragon, saving energy consumption. "

"Do you plan to use this thing as a battleship?" "I asked Nuwa.

Nuwa denied what I said. "Not a battleship, but a mothership. Isn’t the base now transforming me into the core of a battleship? When the time comes, I will stay in this dragon's head and become his core, and in case this dragon fails, we can still get out. Of course, I think this situation probably won't happen. In addition, the body of this dragon is basically empty. Because it is a semi-mechanical creature, there are no internal organs. The internal space will be made into various independent compartments, which can be used to moor spacecraft or as personnel compartments and material warehouses. . From now on it will be the main base of our Dragon Clan. The 15 million people suggested by Divine Dragon may all live in this dragon. "

"God! How big are you going to make this guy? "

"It's not small anyway. "Nuwa said: "According to God's opinion, we will launch construction equipment from Earth into space, and then complete the construction of Divine Dragon in space, and then we will fly up to dock with Divine Dragon. I estimate that this dragon may be thousands of kilometers long, and it will be as big as the Azure Dragon you see in the game. "

"I think I can understand his size. "

"After all, this will be our living space in the future. In addition to human housing, there must be necessary supporting facilities, and the organism itself also needs to take up a lot of space, so it can't be made larger. Anyway, we still have several decades, enough time to complete this plan, but the security work is more troublesome. It is probably impossible to hide such a big thing, and we can only hide behind the moon and make it, anyway, not let ordinary people see it. "

"Very good. "I confirmed Nuwa's point of view. "This Divine Dragon is really a good design, and I beg you for our future strategy. The current task for Rose and I is to enter the game and continue to mess up the financial market, so that wars break out between various countries, the more chaotic the better. "

Nuwa said: "Understand, I will deal with the outside affairs with the gods, you go and complete this financial bomb first! "

After discussing with Nuwa, we did not go online immediately. Instead, we got together for a meal and discussed the future development. After the meal, we went to visit the Dragon Clan that had been manufactured. Member. This time there are more Dragon Clan personnel than last time. In addition to the 10,000 Dragon Clan warriors transformed by my evil spirit Knight, there are now many more tech workers. They were all based in the base. Researchers later transformed into Dragon Clan.

In fact, we say that humans will oppose us because of jealousy. If we really give the opportunity to transform into Dragon Clan, more than half of humans will and willingly accept it. The Dragon Clan feature, which is almost a side effect, that can always maintain youth and beauty is enough to defeat all women. The design process of Dragon Clan did not deliberately consider appearance, but our body functions are very perfect, and the natural appearance will be Follow to improve. Beauty is actually a manifestation of human health. Men like beautiful women, which is actually an instinct. Because in the primordial state, beautiful women are healthy women, so men will actively seek beauty out of reproductive instinct. Women. But this just shows how backward human instincts are. Human society continues to progress and human aesthetics has also changed. Health no longer represents beauty, and human instinct still allows men to pursue the opposite sex based on beauty. , The result is that the overall quality of mankind has not evolved, on the contrary, even the apes are inferior. Over the years, except for intelligence, everything about mankind is degenerating.

Although we also know that human beings are very willing to accept Dragon Clan transformation, but we can’t do that. The main reason is that many human concepts have been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Unless it is like-minded people like these technicians of Dragon Fate, we will never let others enter the Dragon Clan team. Over-developed The body is equipped with sick thoughts. Such talents are the most dangerous. Instead of mixing these people in the crowd and turning them into Dragon Clan, it is better to let them and the rest of the human beings survive on their own.

We talked to the newly completed Dragon Clan members for a while and then let them work on their own work. I also brought everyone back online. I hope Dragon Clan can have a good tomorrow!

As soon as I went online, I was surrounded by a group of people. Almost all the veterans of Frost were present, and they glared at me one by one, as if I had done something hurtful.

"You Why are you here? "I forced my grin with a smile.

Hong Yue grabbed my neck and pulled me in front of her, then shook his throat: "You haven't seen anyone this whole week. What are you doing? Even if you are an arm-flinging shopkeeper, at least let us know where you are, right? Do you really think this guild can run automatically? We still need the chairman to preside over some things! "

"Okay, well, I see. But doesn't Rose know where I am? Why didn't she tell you? "

Everyone turned their eyes, and Rose was standing in the Transmission Formation behind them. The new continent floating island where we are now is full of Transmission Formation, and Isengard is both It is a direct connection, and the transportation is very convenient. As soon as Rose came out of the array, she found a ticket of harboring malicious intentions, and quickly returned. "What are you doing looking at me like this?" "

"What are you doing?" Humph..." Hong Yue smiled and walked towards Rose.

I quickly jumped across to them and blocked them. "What's the matter? "

Eagle Road: "During this time the Americans have laid down several cities in Japan and are planning to sell them. We think the location is quite good, and the price is reasonable, so I want to buy it. As a result, Rose said that this kind of matter is too important and requires your consent to fund it. But she said that you don't know where you are going and can't contact you, so she can't answer whether we will give you money. "

Hong Yue added: "Now it seems that you have always been able to contact, but Rose sister does not intend to give money! Hum, don’t give me an explanation today, don’t blame me for using heavenly demon to scratch Dafa! "The last sentence was addressed to Rose. The threat was very strong, but I was breathing hard when I heard it. Hong Yue's tickling Dafa is a method of molesting among the girls, but the action is a little too hot. Not suitable for men to watch, otherwise you will die with a mad nosebleed.

Actually, after listening to Eagle’s explanation, I already know what’s going on. In terms of games alone, those cities should be very cost-effective. Yes, otherwise the Eagles would not want to buy it. But neither Rose nor I just play games for the sake of playing games. Our goal is to let "Zero" absorb more funds from various countries. If we give it back Americans buy the cities they have struck down, which is equivalent to causing the capital to flow back. Rose obviously means that they don’t want this to happen, but they can’t find a reason to refuse, so they have to say that it’s because they can’t communicate. When I arrived, I refused to pay. Her plan is that it is best to sell those cities before I come back, so that everyone will not be held accountable. But obviously it is not time for me to come back!

Hong Yue stretched out two magical hands and grabbed the rose: "Say, you want money? "(To be continued, if you want to know what's going on, please visit WWW.CMFU.COM, there are more chapters, authors are supported, and genuine reading is supported!)

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